Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


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n Diego Besse!

the past S!Z ye rs. fas, -wa, chanted in S The final trfbu e at the CathoUc / nardine'• Church for the re n.v rs1ty of America to Its noted the •oul of fr,. Studer, Rector, who d.ed unexpectedly May she rest in peace! T-u ay night a few h~urs after his r turn to Washington from the "\ 'e t, \ as led by the Cardinal- who filed Into the Shrine f Archb shop of Philadelphia under requiem rites. But ft also whom he labored as priest; the dlsclo,ed verbally fn the repre ntath•e fn the United States offJcJa!Jy In the presence of of HJs Hol ness Pope Plus XII bers of Congress at the HJs Excel ency the Most Rev: loquenUy In the nowers .Aln eto G10,•ann1 CJcognanJ, Apos- the White House that were p to!Jc Delegate; the Ordlnary ot in the Shrine's sanctuary, the Archdiocese ot Washington; vocally by the Very Rr,v, Ign l3 other members of the Hier- Smith, O.P., Dean of the u archy and Officials of the Un!- sit B Schoo] of Philoso \'ersity. - -- · - ·1 L ,,._ f t ·utuo1d1p .iarr>a.r o, .iuo.zrr• Juig n 8 ate in the •au ' " · • 'lt Shrine ot the Immaculate ConJ; / s,doqsra: aq1 a.101aq ;r,iuir \'erslty, Where he had so oft ·Ptl.l!f £pt![ .lluno,r aql JO lf:>113: ·w·d OS off1c1atcd at nat1onally.fmporta oo: g ;-e uonen~u.12 a2ano::> 1e.zpaq1 eccle.slastlcal functions, the la •tl;) aql SU.'\!. Allp aql JO UOJPUnJ High tfon on the campus of the U 1 puu du:, .raq UJ :J)l{J,\ 'saien ,-.

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At Highway Accident On \X'ednesday, June 10, immediately following th e Closing Exercises at Our _Lady of Peace Academy the Bishop I f S Diego by the Inland e tt atn fulfill Confirmation and Rou e O 1 R·ver Graduation engagemmts n . I Ex_ side and San Bernardino. His • stopped at Elsinore .to ' th gratification the vaned 1 and much needed impr?veme~ts n ti St Francis Parish umt at E~:inor~, where the Re~. Father Rudolph Fortier Is Pas~or, e.nd R J ·eph Boucher Assistant. ev. o~ ' . Shortly after leaving Elsmore at 9:30 (about one-halt way be- tween Perris and Elsinore) after ct· g a bend on the highway, roun m k t ~~ec!:.:h~rr:\::eal:~~nt~:°r::tr; we.s necessary for the Bisho~ and his chauffeur to give first aid to the injured people and then to take ticular spot was very dark. Sum- • I g Dr Westfall and the State Th Police from Elsinore to the scene of the accident, the injured occu- N e\ ts of the wrecked cars were l1e1· pen h' removed to the Bishop's car w ic Iler was converted into an ambula_nce. X. As soon as His Excellency received who permission from the Doctor ~n as the State Police the sufferm, l!J4• people were removed to a doctor office In Perris. It turned out th all the parties involved w~r Catholics and resi~ents of the ~10- cese of San Diego. Soldiers passmg . were o. great help in looking after lip t· n the situa 10n. the mon n I no e w1 I f the situation to prevent :ccidents because 'the par- ~::t:e: th:

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To Er-.oct Monument To C h l• A h&• h at OJC re JS op BOGOTA, Colombia, .June I.- The Legislature of Antioquia, in an official tribute to thp memol'y of the recently deceased Arch- bishop of Medellin, the Most Rev. Tiberio Salazar y Herrero, pre- sents him as "a luminous example and future genern- tions," and provides for the erec- tion of a bronze bust at Granada, his birthplace. It e.lso voted to endow a chemistry laboratory at the Bolivariana Catholic Univer- sity in Medellin to be known as the "Monsignor Salazar Hall," and to equip e. "Monsignor Salazar Room" in the library of the Nor- J I f''- to present

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eld at 2:30 p.m.


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Commencement, h



(Continued from Page 1) an Diego, former pastor of this urch, who presided in that raceful and adept manner that characteristic of him. The pro- ram had two parts, one patriotic nd the other religious-U1e two lements that go hand in hand in ,atholic life. First came the pre- entatlon of an American flag and fine flag.pole given by the Ra- on F. Moreno Post and its Wo- en's Auxiliary of the U.S. Vet- rans of Foreign Wars. His Excel- encr, the l\Iost Reverend Chal'!es . Buddy, D.D., blessed the flag •hich was then raised by the Col- or Guard, the ·ounding of "Taps" by a bugler from Camp Callan, succeeded by the singing of the National An- them by all those present, ac- companied by the St. Augustine High School Band. Next, Father lfusell of Camp Callan made a most lnterest,ing and patriotic Memorial Day address. The second part of the program began with the blessing of the There followed

• ' jllAU.'{ Jo P!u.rq P10.:1 arr.r, ·sau.r.rnur puu Juniu a.tat.\ moq.\1. .:1uorue 'pam.i11uo:i a.ra.\1. uam -0_1\ pue uam oo;:: £1a111m1xo.tddy ·01tam Ut!S Jo -'H::> aqi Jo s11npll Ol pa.1a1s!ururp11 s11.\i uonettUJJUO;) ,

on Monday, clabora e P usually arg t

June 15, was a .

affair An un- t· g class re- the hands ·

of the immense importance of re. Iigion in the life of a soldier and therefore how much he and his fellow officers valued the work the Church has done and is doing for the men in his camp. He was followed by Dr. I. L. Burnas, President of the La .Jolla Chamber of Commerce, who brought greet- ings from our non-Catholic fel- low citizens who appreciate much the addition to the beauty of La .Jolla which our attractive parish buildings have brought and who rejoice, as we do over the mutual goodwill that has existed be- tween us. All were gl/11' when finally thej leader, in the none too easy task now happily finished, the one who



e gradua m


C elved its diplomas from

o! our Bishop.

the pro-



ff Excellency off ed

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ft of St. Augus- said In part: ized credits e

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mal School of Antioquia.

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_,...,b~·Ai>"'iio'Tntm('nt • IH9-20 l'ir.t Xntional Hank Bldg-. ==.:::...=..=_:.:..::...=..::...=..=_--' __________ ...;C_ l'honp Franklin 6060 San Dit'go, Calif.




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Father Clarkin, stepped forward to speak. In a :1'9w words straight from his own l1eart he moved the hearts of all present. He first spoke feelingly of the goodness of our non-Catholic friends: the first two checks rec_eiv~. for.J.h,. ~ec-



them this afternoon they w1tne::: d that there is no co fllct d science because •

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Squabs Se.a Foods Special ti ea Fancy Poultry



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the two move along In pa th 1 lines and both have God or _er author. :Materialists hava nothm! to offer the graduete b ause th I aterialist is narrowed down to m th nly world the outer edge of e 0 . It is not a belief which he kno~s. ·t ives flatters the pride o! 111/!Jl: I g . , ·ther a respectable orlgm him ne1honorable ending. It leaves nor an f man to take his standards rom El Ian anywhere between the tad- ofe and the philosopher. It leave~ ~im to sink or swim In the end less combmahons 0 . . f chemical The man with no re- change~. like a plane without a llglon 1s pilot. The man with a . false r:- . . . r he manner w o hg1on IS h tar and fol- ignores e or , lows the tar in his mind's eye.'

Prescription Specialist R-3136 DREXEL DRUG CO. 3733 El Cajon Blvd. (Next to Bekins) Films Developed and Printed 25c. Free Enlargemant Ernest Piwald, Prop. Free Delivery


·Military Vic Confirms Men At March Field vVhlle In Riverside on Thursday, June .12th, the Most Rev. Bishop Buddy confirmed two groups of soldiers from March Field i~ St. Francis de Saks Church at River- side. Rev. John Wood, C.S.V., Rev. Walter Sullivan, C.S.P., arranged for the ceremonies which were followed by Solemn Benediction. During his 1-ecent tour of the northern part of the diocese, the Bishop, as military vicar, visited March Field and Camp Haan, both camps near Riverside. At March .Field and Camp Haan, Officer, Colonel Davldson and Mr~. Davidson held a reception at their


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Phone F, 23U lUiUer's Sea Food

eeler's Son Married


In Ep· opal Chapel Francis M Harry Beeler, Jr., f D n n ,Irs. F. M. Beeler, son o ' El' f San Diego, and Miss l\Iary iz- ~beth Kernel, aaughter o~ Dr. a?d III • Karl , ernel, of lnd1anapohs, IS, , s t d \' d. ' 'II be married a ur a. , In ian11, , · t June 20th, in the Bishops pr1va e h el. llfr. B !er a tended Rose c ap . · Terre Polytechnic 1 tut m . Haute, Indiana, ~nd the ~urt1;s• W1·ight School of Aeronautical E~- . 'ng Glendale, Calif., and IS gmeeri , . t mploYed as an engmeer a now e · 1 is a Aireresearch. Miss Kerne d t f c•t Mary of the Woods gra ua e o o • C II St :Mary-of-thec\\'oods, o ege, • • Indiana. Parents of both ~arties and immediate fam!lies wtl! . be

1047 7th St.

Sao Dlea-o ---- Paint, Wallpaper Sale T ONGLIFE PAINT for exterior use, covers tn one .~n: for this climate, hard wear- $ 2 .z5 / practice of bit-th con rolors 1 per gal. - - ' .,., .. .. . me] that makes.)f;,tclvur pPeside, r Judges of the con st Will be:


Very Rev. Wilbur Kirk, 0.S.A., Rev. David P. McAstocker, s. J., and Rev. .James R. Keane, O.S.M. .Junior finalists are: Misses Eva Skurla, Pauline P ena, Verlaine Bush, Nora Paredes, Rosemarie Ortiz, and Agatha Sick. Sopha. more finalists are: Doris Bc,ugh- ton, Gloria Hickey, and Theresa Davis. All sisters and priests in f ed tlona1 wor k in San Diego ar, invHe .

in honor of the Bishop, at officers and both Catholic n-Catholic Chaplains as-

present at the Nuptial Mass. Attendants w II Joan Beeler, si~ter of the and Somers Blackman.

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