City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Full-time employees will receive eight hours of POL. Part-time employees will receive a prorated allotment of POL depending on the amount of hours worked upon adoption of this policy. 5.1 Benefit eligible employees will receive one allotment per calendar year, which will remain unchanged from January 1st throughout the entire calendar year. 5.2 Allotment Table Type of Position Allotted Hours Per Calendar Year Full Time (40 hours/week) 8 Part Time (30 hours/week) 6 Part Time (25 hours/week) 5 Part Time (20 hours/week) 4 5.3 POL is not eligible for use with FMLA leave. 5.4 Employees are allowed to use POL during their probationary period. 5.5 POL may be used in conjunction with other leave and holidays, except FMLA. 5.6 All leave hours must be taken during one work shift. Some full time employees work alternative schedules requiring them to work more than eight hours per scheduled work day. If the employee takes POL on a workday where an employee would normally work more than eight hours, the employee is required to make up the difference with paid time off (PTO). For example, assume the employee normally works four, ten hour work days. If the POL is taken on the employee’s normally scheduled work day, the employee will receive eight hours of POL pay and will be required to use two hours of PTO to make up the difference to total a ten hour work day. 5.7 POL will not rollover from one calendar year to the next. Leave not taken by the end of the calendar year will be forfeited. 5.8 POL will not be paid out upon separation. Employees who terminate and are rehired during the same calendar year will not receive any additional hours upon rehire. If the employee did not used POL prior to terminating their leave will be reinstated. 5.9 POL cannot be donated to other employees. 5.10 POL is not retroactive from the effective date of this policy. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 Exempt and non-exempt employees may request POL by submitting a request through the City’s timekeeping system. The supervisor will receive the POL request in the City’s timekeeping system. 6.2 Departments should, to the greatest extent possible, allow employees to use the leave at the

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

F - Leaves of Absence


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