City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G Feedback should be provided to the employee on a routine basis when the supervisor wants to encourage something the employee did and/or to discourage unacceptable performance or behavior. The supervisor or manager should explain to the employee how the employee’s performance and/or behavior did or did not meet the expectations of the City and/or department. When improvement is needed, the supervisor or manager should reiterate the expectations and what action(s) the employee needs to take immediately to meet the expectations. The departmental representative (P&C Representative, supervisor, manager, etc.) • Do not possess firearms or lethal weapons while on the job unless required by your position; • Drive and operate City vehicles and equipment responsibly, diligently and follow established City/departmental operation procedures and motor vehicle laws; and • Report any City motor vehicle/equipment collision and/or accident timely while on the job. D. Attendance • Maintain satisfactory attendance and arrive to work at the correct time and place; • Use leave privileges in a proper, justified and reasonable way; and • Seek approval for absences from work per your departmental procedures to avoid unauthorized absences. F. Stewardship • Use all City property responsibly and diligently to include financial resources; • Use City owned equipment and vehicle resources appropriately. “Equipment” includes, but is not limited to electronic devices, i.e., telephones, computers, radios, etc. Note: The City can and may employ the use of a Global Positioning System (GPS) or similar technology to ensure that City owned equipment and vehicle resources are secure and being used appropriately; and • Pay any debts owed to the City of Greensboro. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 Disciplinary Process in Progressive Order The City supports the use of progressive discipline whenever possible and expects supervisors and managers to use the process as outlined in this policy on a fair and consistent basis. However, in some cases because of the circumstances surrounding the behavior and/or performance, departments may skip steps in the process or dismiss the employee immediately. Departments should contact the P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to the department for guidance before taking any of the steps in this policy. 6.2 Feedback

H - Employee Success Partnership


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