City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Appendix Document: Developing a Workplan Effective Date: 07-01-2007 Revisions: 0 Pages: 1 Policies Referenced: L-1

Developing a Workplan

I. Several major objectives (usually no more than 8 - 10), stating what the employee is to accomplish, should be listed on the work plan. The objectives should be clear, concise, measurable and achievable within the year for which the plan is being written. The objectives may include any or all of the following: A. New projects or programs to be undertaken or changes, revisions to be made in existing programs, B. Routine tasks which represent a major work output or considerable time (10% of the job or more), and/or C. Personal professional development objectives. II. After establishing the objectives, the supervisor and employee develop and list the standards which will be used to measure specifically how well that objective is met. These standards or performance measures may include any one or all of the following: A. Time Schedules: Deadlines for completion of the objective or the frequency rate. B. Quantity: How much will be accomplished. C. Quality: How well the objective will be accomplished. D. Resources: How much will it cost, as well as major physical resources or cooperation necessary, for the objective to be accomplished. III. After setting objectives and standards, the supervisor and employee should set priorities for each of the objectives. These priorities may be a simple numerical listing in order of importance, or the priorities may be weighted using a base of 10 or 100.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G



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