City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

used by the City’s contracted laboratories and the admissibility of their results in court, the results of the confirmation test following the initial screening test and the certification by the MRO will be considered by the City to be final. B. Pre-Placement Promotion/Demotion/Transfer Drug Testing 1. When an employee is selected for promotion, transfer or demotion and if the employee is moving from a non-safety sensitive position to a safety sensitive position (see Rules Section above), the hiring official will notify Medical Services to schedule a drug test. If an employee refuses to take the drug test after being scheduled, the hiring official will notify the employee’s current supervisor who will initiate termination proceedings. See Policy H-1, Discipline & Expectations (page 285) . 2. City Medical Services will conduct the split-specimen drug test and will notify the hiring official of the results. The employee may not be placed in the position until the City’s MRO has reviewed and approved the results and City Medical Services has notified the hiring official of a negative test result. 3. If the results of the tests are negative, the hiring official will notify the applicant and proceed with the placement process. 4. If the results of the test are positive, the hiring official will notify the employee’s current supervisor who will initiate termination proceedings. See Policy H-1, Discipline & Expectations (page 285) . 5. Should the employee wish to have the original sample retested, the employee may do so at the employee’s expense. An additional test involving a new sample will not be conducted. If the employee chooses to have the sample retested, he will be placed on Administrative Leave but will not be dismissed until the results of the additional test are reviewed by the City’s MRO.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G



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