Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


d. Term . Ministry staff members serve three year terms which may be renewed indefinitely. The relationship may be terminated on written notice. The Council, upon a simple majority of those present and voting, may dismiss a minister for any reason. 2. Program and support staff. Other staff members shall be hired as necessary by the Council to carry out the church’s ministry, with job descriptions reviewed by the Council annually. The relationship may be terminated upon two weeks written notice. The Council, upon a simple majority of those present and voting may dismiss a staff member for any reason. 1. Nominating committee. The members of the nominating committee shall be appointed yearly by the Council. The nominating com mittee shall be composed of no more than ten members, including the leader of the Pastoral Team (senior pastor), two Council members, and other mature members within the congregation. The nominating committee shall present the names of Council candidates to the congregation for approval. 2. Annual business meeting. The Annual Business Meeting shall occur prior to the start of AF’s fiscal year. The purpose of this Business meeting of the congregation shall be to elect Council and/or Pastoral Team members, ratify the new year’s goals and budget, confirm membership role transactions, and conduct other business as deter mined by the Elders Council. At least fifty percent of the members of AF shall be required to conduct business at the Annual Business Meeting, with at least a simple majority necessary to pass any proposal, unless otherwise determined by the Council. 3. Special business meetings. The Council may call a special business meeting of the congregation as needed. At least ten days written notice, or an announcement at the worship services on two successive weekends, shall be required for any special business meeting. The Council must call a business meeting upon receiving a written petition signed by at least 30% of the voting membership with a specific statement of the business intended. Proper notice must be given and no other business shall be transacted at that time. For all congregational meetings, a quorum shall consist of 50% of the total voting membership of the church. Bylaw 6 – Organizational Matters

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