1983 Alcalá
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS The International Student Organization was organized in the Fall of 1982. The purpose of the club is to serve as a medium of cultural exchange between the international stu dents and the surrounding community. The club has also un dertaken the task of meeting some general needs of the Foreign Students. Presently, the club is comprised of 60 members from Asia, Africa, North America, SouthAmerica andEurope. FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Miky Hanoaba, Isabel Hon, Adriana Rodriguez, Maggie Dan, PaulineLee, Cynthia Chin, Monie Captan. SECOND ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Heran Park, AndreaKuo, MercedesAlbers, GerardaBalagtas, Maria Guan, Lorraine Lee, Ana Guan, Carla Hoffman, Guo Lai Khoo. BACK ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Patricia Miyamoto, Edward Yolo, Robert Ampig, Dominik Lane, Bart Spanjersbert, Hector
The final vestiges of a bygone era are reborn within the spirits of this motleygroup. Theycall themselvesThe Mallet Association, and their chief purpose is the promotion of the oh- so-genteel sport of croquet. Too long branded as a sport for grandmothers and tiny tots, croquet has lately gained recogni tion and respect across the country. The founders, Angela Tarantino, Vince Kasperick, Georgina Arcaro, and Chris Gual- tieri were inspired by charter member Rosary Arcaro's initial flash ofbrilliance. Since its conception, the club has taken off, staging competition every Sunday with a round-robin of games. Each Sunday match culminates with an all-winners and an all-losers game. Yet the most important aspec of this club is to provide anarena for good fellowship, sportsmanship, and clean fun. Arcaro, 2nd ROW L-R: KrissyLong, RoseCernick, Peter McGuine,Tim Durnin, Diane LaHay.3rd ROW L-R: EmilySchell, KathleenRyan, Sister Tim, Virginia Stehly. 4th ROW L-R: GuyWebb, JoeMalarky, TomEhman, VinceKasperick. NOT PICTURED: Chris Gualtieri. I.C.C. Representative: Obviously at another meeting. MECHA 1st ROW L-R: KevinMadok, BillBarnsley, Carol Damon, Angela Tarantino, Gina The Movimento Estudiantil Chicano de Atzlan is an organi zation of concerned students dedicated to the betterment of all Chicanos. MECHA strives for unity and understanding among Chicano students at all levels: social, cultural, political and educational. USD MECHAsponsors and actively participates in on and offcampus fundraisers, political ral ies, conferences and dances. Affiliation with San Diego MECHA CENTRAL allows USD MECHA to broaden it's horizon and develop a greater awareness of the SanDiego community through par ticipation in local, state and nation-wide conferences. 1st ROWL to R: Yareli Arizmendi, Janina Flores, Guadelupe Montero. 2ndROW L to R: Robert Carrillo, AlvaroNoguera, Guo Lai Khoo, LourdesEsquer, Viki Johnston, Rod Valdivia. Not Pictured: Gilda Camacho, Maria Diaz, Carlos Gonzalez, Maggie Dan, MariaRico, Chayo Moreno, PatriciaJaime.
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