1983 Alcalá
MISSION CLUB The Mission Club is an active service club designed to assist missionaries and underpriveledged people worldwide. Last year the club sent school supplies to Kenya andbaby supplies to Somalia.The club also made frequent trips to orphanages in Tijuana, where it supplied a Christmas dinner and Easter bas kets to the children there. This year, the Mission Club contin ued sending supplies Kenya, as well as providing the orphans with a Thanksgiving dinner. 1st ROW L-R: Cecelia White, Ann Dolsen, Russ Board. 2nd ROW L-R: Annette Kitagawa, Dr. Dugan, Raul Cabral, 3rd ROW L-R: Jayne Waggoner, Elsa Englund. 4th ROW L-R: Katie Kearney, Jesus Bautista, Susan Grable, AnnWaggoner.
The Model United Nations is a club designed to simulate the United Nations at the university level. M.U.N, has the inten tion of making International Relations andPolitical Science majors awareof the innerworkings ofthe U.N. and to teach them debating, research, and diplomatic skills. Anational con ference is held annually, at which each university represents a specific country in the General Assembly and other U.N. com mittees. 1st Row L-R: Greg Bart, Joseph Uphoff, D'arcy Denos, Colleen Boyce, 2nd Row L-R: Bill Hart, Pat Bea, Russ Board, Jane Carlson, Tatiana Jimenez, CoriCole, Lisa Stovall, Dr. Oddo, advisor. NO PIC: Mark Ginella, Teresa Stremlau, Madeline Burke, JesusBautista. NURSING CLUB The Nurses' Associationfosters channels of communication between Registered Nurse students and faculty. Additionally, the Associationprovides students with a vehicle forinforma tion, education, representation, and support. The Association promotes health awareness and social interaction for students, faculty, and guests. 1st Row L-R: Darnell Malloy, AnnieRussell, CindyFischer, Robin Jones,Rosalind Russell, Heidi Smith, Joan Bold, Dian Doyle, Kathy Angus, Bonnie Skeling, Fran Oliveri, Bonnie Hahn, Jeanine Grondin, Rhonda Martin, Chris Valdez, Su zanne Khambara. 2nd Row L-R: Vicki Browne, JackiePearl- mutter, Connie Begg, Maureen Stoen, Lynne Hingson, Mi chelle LaPlant, CindyHamlin, ChrisCook, Rose White. 3rd Row L-R: Sandra Bibb, Terri Wurdeman, Gayla W de, Barbra Olinzok, MargaretTozier, SherriLarson, Kathy Malchiodi.
PftfUpYHaMiSchool of Nursing Muriel Marsh Hahn Pavilion
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