News Scrapbook 1958-1961
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OUTDOORS ith Tom Carmic
O Boats Ready For Races t " EVENINGTRIBUNE'S 1958 GRIDIRON LOG UCLA f: P'ElttAl \IALLEY' JC PttstMtift 16 7 4, ' ! c- l Recllclnlh Ff'0:51'1 J4$cta&ortioro o~ ..., N I :., PolO VPf'Ot N ~• PoklffiOr .. ,,.. ' 0, t 14 FillriOCI 1 - " • 0 ...,.., ·~ t--At Col OI N N Ill IG• •~-=.eo u • ! .. 6' SI \\ere Jl:UTGER5 7 ': lT ~/" J,B~ .. 2 COLUMllA "ake 'l : :~... • 't ,-Cf 1 ' " e At first angle 't::!or. barracuda, borto In _i::f~f~"f."e o J\--ot euHakt 1-Ca,-ne- I 1t::t tl-ot Rvtv•n but "i elp ba N Marlntts minute ) ello\\ta ppearing off our t,rn a'>d e ei, bod) abo , d began hooking into them il the anglers had itlle ble h ndling tbe 27 1~ 21 SAN DIEGO J.C. l02 l2t NEW 1: ~::,,MeJ~er!&"-' .Ml!XICO " ····· ' • l " CORNELL t' %'4fas~~'.c ioMo Maruca I .3 J t2 i=. 13 CO! 1' ti :r~: " " •• 1 1" - • ·l! " ll UTAH STA.Tl! 16 Hon,crd 2 1 tsPITTSIURGH STEELERS t3 n ri: ... e~ KO ll l: £~~nd 0 2 J ;f 0 S"aCuMI 2 YOlf' 2 2 1=:r~~~.a N 1- .. BloO: A~eles • •• O ~;::at• g Jt:: ~r"" lt1t •-kf Jf:::: tT 14 ~~sa~Jli 1 : 100 there ) and bonito. ,:«.t:1:. ~1 21 Montana ON 2t_c 0 . t Brl•hotn Youn9 Olorado Mate --Air Fo,c,e Academy :ll S I N I N Ill great lo::;s of ,>·ello :-.; • fortunately the kelp , " hea\ y below us !.h out o! 10 fish "ere E,e1y now and th n a tear a fish troru the but the nurob•r ta :,;mall compnrcd to hookNI • 0 .:..-'~I 53 angler would be ..,_ York O 26~1 ~OUM. N 2 wo~l"'9l0tl t--crl Phi odelPh10 N ;•~N'1'h YOf'll C :-cl ~~lcovC:\o,eo~ s N JS N 8-- 61 N· N 27 Al Utoh SAN Dl!GO STATE 21 .S Barbaro O S~nlo 7 NORTH CAROLINA 20 u Noi-•h C.orol no sro•• Jl '? ,1 II • 1J JS L~'B::o, St. lll • g ,!~~1~~ 1~::.: i } ' VANDERBILT • >,:r;:~~es,. ARIZONA STA.Tl i:i~"oJ~twnio 12 M1ssour1. V-~ O Alabama I ~~J:1 j~V l I 8 . ,, Hu..-J j 1' C.OP • MCRO 0 N -" M ,. ff f.t 7• JO HELIX -- 2 2 f_.1~ 0 \~n~~:;! 34 N 1-()t V •7 N lS,-(ll Nolrt Domt 17 N 22 -Duke "°' 10 ljM I? 1 ,Ptil_L 0 • Nl~l~I- N 22-COP ,nAD,_!.L 100PHIA EAGLES • 21 t-4oover 1, Chula Vista 1 El Colon 81 • I EscOM1do N Ml. Mlpvel 1' WHt Te•OI 6 Koron-Sml'nO"IS- 20 Son Jow State 0 2S-cf ()etrOil N 1-Naw Medco A&.M N 1--Tuo!. ..,_f'Stern I 27 N-ew ¥Ork J Pilla.burgh 2, Son Francisco 0 2~-ot Green Bay lJ \I s tho e 6 21 --37 1 At''k~a 0 m1 t.- A.t Kentucl<.Y, SAN DIEGO UNIVERSITY st • t•li 2' ~CTr 1 i~~t~t~"" · 0 : :N> M1>1dco u 6 j? N 54 11 NM~, 0 ~e ~1~:'e- " iiJF~[?ff;:'· - .. E -Oi:ien }1- ?;'ro~'f~t~Ter ?4o If 31 it~~~,~·.... ii-o'a~~~ Whal seemed odd to us \\as the un ually largf' slzr of tl1e- ba 1cuda Th~ a\erage fish ranged around ~<'H'n pounds and then"' were some thnt \\Ould h \'e gone 10 or better. Somo or thr bass 1aken welghe,d at least right pounds ;md our largC'St yC'llowtml wa about 23 pounds in WC"i&ht. 'l'hrrr·~ ,rood C'l'01tk<'r fi,h Ing in the Shelter Jsland Yacht Basin according to ~I arvin Helwig. Ile!\\ lg sa) s hr has bcc-n fishing thl"rl~ off and on all this summer and has been taking bo1h spotfln and yello\\Jln croak- C'r as w!'Jl as !ipOlted ba ., and flounder. According to him the flounder bile best on the falling tide and dams seem to be the best bait for the fish he ha been catching. 1.'he l'alns that ha, f" bet•n s\\·eeping across the north over the weekend coulc.l mran a great difference in our duck hunting in th~ near futu ·e While ducks ·J " lS "' 14 II ,, 2' 12 " •• 12 11 dres HOLTVILLI N JO-at New York 7 Clevelal"td D 1 ,--01 washing1on VILLANOVA 28 WPS! ChHlf'r SI. 13 N :'1-ldot,o SI 13 N 21-Montona SI. ARKANSAS 7 Wake Fore!.t 6 WIiiiam & Mary o 2~1 ou;;e fi 0 Colea,"o Imperial 6 Browley 2, ¥ 1,u•na Jovvees 6 Calexico N 6--ol Blythe N 13--01 CollPOlrla 1l Crawloro O Hellx 1 SI. .Augusl!n• 2S Kearny 0 2 • --PI. lama l~'t~~i~"o 8J1=t~ 0 E~l;Yenfro 61 HOOVER • ,0 . 'l ... 30 1' 0 a 8ovlOI' lullO ,, 2 1 VMI. "' ... C - ,1~1 rN.'f('iltlOn supen or at El capitan R,.. en·o1r, had nn lntere!)t• ing experience last \\'rdnes- day Late In the afternoon his wife heard an unu uni noh,e on the hill slope to the south of thr dam and upon lrn l"'stlgation t hey spott<'d a large bobcat on the ,·cry top ol a 13-foot telephone olc. Using tele opic sights al n distanc f nbout 200 yards, ~n lta killed the ,•al. \\."hen he w("nt on•r to look for it he sa,, anoLher lar~e hobcat dragging the body ol the first one down tho slope of the hill. lie im- medlately shot and killed the second l.'at and "hPn h~ went down to get them he found that the t\\ o cats rvldently had been fight- ing, !or alter he had hot the !irst the ccond had just about to,n the first to plcccs. ~IL ka, 11 g~f:gn 72 7 Tex0.1 Cl\tl$11on t R ce • 'feias 0 25----MlUiUIPPI N 1-ol Tuos AM N 1--Hard1n•Simmon1 ... lS-Soulh@rn Mtll',Od :ii N 22- 102 • 0 68 O tile 7 SAN IIIR.A.HCISCO STATE ~lr?,:~':isJ~r Southern -130 I • Long Wtilern o 1 v 11 1on 33 O 9 Wa e Forest 2t::ictvrrc°hn;1o. 4, N I-Al Dayton. N 15-At Army a ....... 7 BPOCh N lS----Cltmsan ;1 KANSAS STATE .. ••· ro'i~d": GREEN BAY PACKERS ~ucrd~~?~I • 1~ N 22-- O~NVER 91 JI '4 13 Utoh Slale .......... :m, U 'o"',coqo Btan 201, 1r 34 13 ~: 111 Nevada O 25-- 7S 1 1' Okloh--a St, e roif NORTHWESTERN t '1 Nf'Oro'lka :::::.:. 1~ J 2~rcf~1ahomo ••• 20 N 1-Kan'I.OS ..... ,o,' 2 r,. N n Quantico Moru,c,. -- II a.~!h'T'n°:,~n •• Phllodelphla t!~ 2~1~1::r~eors }g~ :~~i!ca 3~_j~f=r~:.,,1g_nT~es,. .... ... ~.•.on State Mria_,,;r 32 :~oorr~:te. u::ihono " 73 0 26 71 N 1- ·: ll ..... 27 •• • - I • I 8 J~' 1 N 1-.. 2~r1?:~ ARMY AS South Corolma '6 Penn Stole l.t NOfre Dome 35 VtfDil'IIO 0 2>--01 P11t$b1119h ~r1,,~~ N lS-Vlt1aria1ta N 29-NOYY ,,. V.M.1. Fresno St. 74 N 22 i~ ,t1J~klf:'o~o State ?2-ol Michigan Stole !01~:?~o •l Forte Academy JI " ,'.s tt ~rffo~~ St, SAN JOS& STATE 69 n~~,:r~~ 11r'e...r!~~eiil"I IS 2~-oi r@lrwt -o on ' 11 •••• 12 Richmond ', ii'.!6?f'on 6 Cal Pofy l{~yng ~t_:,u~frY~ols KENTUCKY 11 ~ay N 14--Uncoln, Bolbooc Siad. N 21-Son Diego " KEARNY 2 ~l~sl~eggoy 25 8 ,, Crowford. Balboa Stod, Jl-- • N t,,( roncisco &. Mary ::: ••• 1R 1f .. o SI Howai 91 20 o 25-At Davidson. ~t:h~~~lnlo. JOI 71 7 ' Arlrono St. • 2l::~,e~~~~a 71 55 O 11' 1: AA~;~~i:iJit- D J.t Gr~;:.ic:o~O BEARS 2; ,0 SI ' • 10 18 l!ldl~~J"RE DAME I • Southern Methodist .. •• 6 o Avb-•rn . .. :::: p .... ! 21 GM. £:Jln~l!ri t Air Force ACod, 38 Baltimore N 15- At The Cltad@l. 6 N S-ot COP J •• 32 7 Loulsiona St. 16 11 : H. so ~J~t{{i~,~~:;clsco· ,, ;; At Vlr;lnlo Tech. ft!in~,~:. 25;rirdu• :~}~Wl~ih,!',ote 1 :~ 0 1 I i 2 2 {:tJ~=1~ 101 • J,~ha8v1~°" Col 7 1 N 22-Tennessee } YIR.GINIA TICH SANTA BAQBARA h -ol Novy 6 7 N 1t~'oiftt~%tno 12 N 16- . O 28 West Texus St. 2; 11 W~[1f1o~ur[ 1 ~ory :~JJq/~les~ 1 virtnlo ~:::: ~k 25 Son O!e;o St. j 2}i1~:Jm~,~;0 g~r 11i;'r~~ .(al Poly 2\ Slate ~J U ~t~l ~i~hern Collfornlo 77 l~ r; 0 L~~GF,.':i~tr~~ Ufi!! ,. ~g~rom~~ 0 s1~',°e 1' •. llhburgh " 1.t ~i g 1 ~-=oe,;grio Caras 2;: a SI, 43 a " C?ir~lp~e ll 131 Ii X,t.t!r,a 12 Boylor DETROIT LIONS 1 'I"' i:~1g ~~ 0 r'~ra 2f::pt,;g~r:l~I: ,•,1 ' ,~t ·:::..... ····,;.,. 7, .......... H Aolllmore 32 , N 21 lS u 51 O J ,,e~.9c fi!fe11n~~res ~, ,, N 27 VMI. 83 O 25--ol Whittler ~-~rn~aed7g;~~ra N 14-Californla Tech 11-ol Fresno Stolt aAYLDR ,. Bolllmore 11 ll ?O • k ll SOUTH CAROLINA 15 .\ I N 1$-ol L.A. Stole f l .: 1I N 1-Go. T~th .. ~~~~r:.l~mmons o1 Los .Angelu :~: csr~.~•.~•,clico O 26 11 Clem•Von1•.GINIA 63 W>a1:i°F":fre\\· ···:::: 12 / G 6 N 22-Pomona LOS ANOELES STATE 1s Oukl" ••.••• 1 N 22-- J ' e-orQta -71 J 73~t'i~m~g~allna 26 Tu:os Tech 4 .. _ 23 ~. Mexico 8 c:°cromynto St. ?~ P~~o:r~I~@ o Son Dfl"go Stnte N 1-af Me,!to Poly ····•· • 11 O 2ir-Fre~M Sto•.- .......... I N 15--Long Beach a••·••· lJ .52 • . 7 ..... , •... 6 AM ~tii~c!;gnJ!:,~~ 6 1' N. Carolina Slate ll AVirglno Tech O 2 Clt Vanderbilt. N 1 VMI 91 11 • -i6 2~rxf:1101 Christion l>-2 !,"sa.!,then'I MethocSl1t 35 N 27 Green Bay D 7 New York nt Morylond l N NN OCEANSIDE JC SJ . • FLORIDA STAT£ NN ,•,-Fv"i,••ml,',"o Ii Santa Borbnro· .::::•. 2n 11 Eostern Arltono .. ,.. 7 20 Hancock 1 73 22 TeMeun Te-ch "' ·•':'.'. ,. I ••• • 3 •• • 28 . . 31 ..... -... • 32 FGu 0 th c "° ,_mr•~-h 70 11 N 29-Rlc;e 3 N 7, N ~, N Corolino St o: N il w·aice Forest j 13 Citrus oroC ,s or ' 1 - ,t0 N SOS Fro5h Palo Verd~ ,1 33 27 Wake. Forest 13 GeoriM arol no N 1 5--At -South N 2,-Mor'l'lond. 67 12 1 ~ 0 STON COLLE.GI! o 2.5-ot lm~r,ol valle'I' i·i~~~b~ Barbara N u--at Al"llf'IOPt Val\l!'Y I .. •. 0 21 Virginia Tech ... , .•• .. 0 1 .• ··;;~;; i,',, 2 2 ~~~~neuee N 7 at Miami (Flo) ,1 f~'i'on1on ~: vr,~g~~~ ,1 MorQuette 6J SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1 100 59 ?,' ~7 EST 'I ?l Or~r.i SI. ! 1,.0UISIANA STAT!! 11\t J, Mo"/l~:1~ FOR · 1 13 Vin, nia 1°1"('.., lS 2, Flor dtt _tall' 1J N Cnrollr'la SI. 7 Vlltanovq , 14 •. hlch,lnonll 1~ otN !/~~mn • .. i;_c_O_L_LE_G_E_G_R_ID_S_T_A_N_D_IN_G_S_ N 22-- 0 25-M•om, (F\o.) N 1-COP N S::Oelroil IS-!,••c'"i,"m",.... aro na J9 20 or 6 125 • l'I Orc~on MAR VISTA OHIO STATE Southern Methodist O ~?a~r-,~n;i~l~sl '2 13J 13 Beoutriont 14 San Dlr 7 21 2 folliawioh St 1-~, ~,~~f;.rd· wo~h[Mlon N •n nt IICl 4. N 29-Notre Dame l2 Kenluckv .. 1 • 0 2 ..._Fll)rldo , , 1,,, N 1 -M1~~1ssippl I FLORID.-, U, NN 0 7· "I 18] N 112 Woshlnalon 3• Tulane 1 Miss. Store • J 2i~1eat11~iano 21 UCLA . 22:-... 0 O ~Al N Corollno. At c':!emsan. ~t-£/{corollno N v" 111111011 lndionn 19 ,9 6-HOIY Crou g N 8-0uke ,2 2 ·~/s~oonr,~western b~l ¥JIJ~:IPPI s,:····· 6 102 BOSTON UNIVERSITY Sf. Northweitern Ohio State J: k= I i: t! 360 59 C::t"")IITHICDN METHODIST U 91 1t:,u~::i 22 _ towa S.t Wisconsin Purdue 7 Illinois : 6 Michigan o MiChlgon '. 3 • Indiana 'Mlnne101a 132 ... r:~~ :,.;;achUS4lh WASHINGTON Jose St. 20 Ohio Sfflll' ?) 1~ 13 N 22 -Mlchlgon MARQUETTI! 11 w'"i",,''!..,0o10 kola SI.. a • r:~y~nlo 14 Sor, l9 2• Ml'lnl!50la 7 103 r--•ntrl!! Dame ""~~our! 48 1' Ii .;;, N 29-Mlaml { c OKLAHOMA STATE Norlh Texas Stole ..... O 5(1 ran J="fvl:~~~~Mory ,. 1 Ba 5100 C.ol. 1 connecl!tut 0 n-01 Holy 7 Ohio Slate 12 Stonlord o UCLA N 1- Orrgon O 2S 7 Rlr~ .... •O Jl Denver -41 Penn Stolt 13 Boslon ColleGe 2f O 2't-Col1•,,e of Pacific 20: N 1-0I Detroit 25' N 1--ot Te"Xas Christian I 61 1A O 2°'-Gl!!orqlo Tech 121 N 1-nt Tel<<'~ Tl'xn, A&M "' Arkansas 2.t N II N 1 ~ NN N l t N 2 f:
·•• ll 121 FRESNO STATE • 3 WJr-hlta lli Tufsa 7 Houslon 7 ~lghom Young .0. Marl11es nlo Barbaro 6 Cl! Oregon St. •. • 0 i 2 ~1r'i~te"°l~ademY 22 106 EVENING TRIBUNE ~1 USD Reviews Sport Situation (C"ontln uPd from Page B 5 ) Cl b !sh out fl: rn . - u question as to when a, ex With the Pione~/seathr.ecnonltract d e c Is ion on McCutcheon's th pect to have a ~g In with U , I • eave status might be forthcomi The next three or four Ila -s" b e ing for his Father S ai . " ng, e Rt. Rev. 11 ,t-J:~1i~~~1~1~n Col. N 22-- 71 ;;=,~rb~rChrisliori ;~,n~~~agron N 29-at Ari1ona Stole 2e!itL0~; Angeles SI. 1-- O IRIGHAM YOUNG 69 1 • · 65 29 Fresno Stolt ft I 1 t:_KK 00 ~~.•~,, stole ~i 105 ,I " 17 ,, 111 STf\HFORD _, 1: 39 1~P~nBli~ • · • l2 N ?2--Son Fron St State .:;:: .. ,'~ S7 ,. SI. BALTIMORE COLTS y,,,~h. N '29 Oklahoma Ii MARYLAND i, rg;fg~o 24 GrPM Bay ~o Detroit O 21i Wo~il"lQton N ?-Gre@ri Bnv N 9 -of New Yorlc N 16 N n--Los Ani;;ieru N JO.-Son Froncl&eo D 7-- I COP WASHINGTON STATI! " 6' 7 Rkr o Woke Fore•I North Corollna SI o Cl!!'mson J' ~r I N 1'-01 Miami (FlorldoJ • A~t~:~no ~?u:av~oroHno ~2-ol Vlr;lnlQ 21 3-' 111 · · 6 N 2?-COP ........ 40 Slont:ird 21 Narthwt"~lern .. 1• 6 Norlh Te ..-, 0 2.>--0t Monlano N 1-- ll NnrthYwe~lrrn ....,.,sh'"Qfon . Ot -' 1 • ,., 19 3A I 47 w~,t vrn;,lnio 12 16 1 • California ,, 1, o O Air Fnrr-e 6 Or@1on l l• 27 .. , 2 10 Tf'l(OS A&M • g 1 6 2 ~ -~~,~:~;,~ Col. 6 Fkmd:us,~:H . . d~e~~°n Dot~.lrn ..... 11 ..:::::. j;. Wostun9ton I .J ,~=O'rf,:,.e .. N 22-wvomm9 2 . Cal. o~1 at Chlcoqo Bears 2;--:~f(-;ri~r~~~te N s-,1 1.-,wo Stale n ......,~l•sauri 111 63 f>/ 1..::01 (OP Ill 22" Wo1hlngton N B Ortl'JM St • at Collforn·o N 22 J\ N O 2 IROWN _ c::iuna -o ••·· ··· ..:::.. ..... , 22 Columbia ig:rmouth 20 Pennsyvonlo 1M SYffat·u,e 69 g ~t=~r'o~;;:~omo Slate 89 35 iI 31 ovidson lemsan 2J=:t N 2t-ol ?O 21 Fr~~g~~Yonship ,, Bo!lon Col~e 1' MCRD GEO. WASHtHGTON m i~ ~C?!:r~5~?o'ri1 U 143 22 Ricr,;;,,Td VIRGINIA : 1g 2; p1oyott qoml" city 01 Eoslern Conference chom• plans, JflOJf scnoor .... ARMY-NAVY ACADEMY rn nome F~i~r'\~~e 60 i1 o n m,.. I O Wa!,hll'QICll"l Stole .. • ,-.oma 6 2'> c_,..,fl',,.rn Collfnr11la • 2~At C'111frirnll) ,t:~~.,~{~~~n;ton 14 Oklrihoma lndlona ,. Q. 5_-"n\,~:.,ri,~,,shtate '7 11 1 u 2~ 27 ~etrolt N 15--al Harvard N 27-Colvate 12 I J J'I .... r 1 ,..,, n n ~tw~·:t _ 26 . 19 IN •. 1S .. 31, e,,~,on 6 RYc~,!1__. ,o O 24-Wlllkl;;; & Morv N 1-ot Weit Virginia 6 N 7 -fll fia~,011 U I-of l-F l~,!,,b~~~!'inJ-, Heh Vfrgln·a .;; N FORNIA !~ nl 28 N 1-Geo. WO!.h. 130 u::::g~mp ¼~t°''wlchlto ,j LA. 70 COPCALI ll ~1~. ii:~: bre~ N 15--ol Washln91Dl'l ~~"cout. . lultieron l~l""wiriiam & Marv TEMPLI! 37 "' 22--ol Or;..;i,., ~to!• \j 111 1: 1' N 2'---at Citadel Mil. Acod, z.~~.;~::r; 2 ~r~~~:~;1 11.. 111 .. ~1;,...,,, ~L: ~~:~f;~rg ;~ N 22-Syrocuse 6---ot Miami (Florida) 0 0 w~:CA:s'ln(FLORIDA) S5 J! GEORGIA 2J 2t) 130 5 ~ ~()~~ir~ 0 ~a1)i~~~ ,~ er~;~m~rt\\G)~~;roO lJJ WICHITA Ill 3S :: 1~!~~o~t~~,t~•. ··: ,, ,; lE~~~~trorinO , 1 Flo,k!o Slolo ..•••..... •• ::::· Stet• •, .• 20 N 7--..Son Miguel i· .• :~ ~"-Romano 1 1, A'}wlino Green n 1 7 K"''15"1S 1~ U,S~~fng, "I O ll-Vandcrbilt N 7-Florlda Stote -,s ll r. " Stale : ' 1'f 8 • ........... ,~ O 2S---Kentvc:lo:.y s ,tiL!'. g N 12--Clladtl O N 29--Georvlo Ttc.h 1~t>y~O a N 12:-Stonlord 6 l11 BLYTM! ~i ~~~;',i 0n1o~onct,. 0 6 Gorde!lCI Serro 82 2 ~hor~i~triroPhY 3t=f.o~ r.JP~~: 8os,c; N 7-Hollvll!p l~~~,~~rdi"•Simmoris ~::~~~~h 0 ~xas St. ~1=~tr:iio Washington 91 1, 2j 32 11 ' 2t"!~~;;~n··· E,:r1r~~a lOJ CAL F'OLY n A11h11r~ENNESSEI! '.1 ~,i~S. S!OI
'-of 1uri~~;..,.,on Stole ,.___,t Slri'lford "I 11,1 D 6-0re9on Sf :25 ColoroOo 55 L.A. S1ote R N H-1 Dr\'1kt 1.----- 69 rt I' 1:1 . 2:I~~i~~OT:h. 55 : 22---0r~on '1l'I South:~c~~ft;!~nlo •.. 19 ,", MN01;_hv!aan Stol•.••.·.·.·.·.• lt 71 GEORGIA TECH ·4 ~i ........ ~tJH~~ho 123 N 1-Norlh Corofmo ?7 N p_ r..,..,•• .,,......,,..o ~~~~l!:;;;t~Pi ?CJ N 19-at Vanderbilt 2 PALOMAR JC ,. IJ ,. , 3 ....::: .... :. o Kentucky 11 Fk"lrido Stale • o 2.)--Lorig Beoch SI. t:r.,~1i~~Ut,t. 1A I!: f~~Q Pil'rc.- • 55 I 14-Ca!exlco ~: : 1i tr~~~~A~c: MARY flee::'~d~"r~sh ......... tllli1:!~~~n 19' l~fl'~i:OQQa!~baro IN 1-llllrols N 1.S-lndiano 6 6 VMI lit l)r,11·u•cts Fr,,•h ~n1, 2~~~~ 1~+°.,e 6';,~~~~a " 1-,t p,. 111 v~"ri@ A......(,~ OtPO'\,;r1.. ,,,., N 15-lmperial Valley ,.... N 0 25---ot !;oufhern Methodist 1' Cooth~l'fuAWLEY 12 Ch1•la Vista 'l'2 Molfvtlle 25 Cal@xlco • ' 1l N. Carolina St. O 24-01 r.eo. W\'1•hlnglon ..t9 JO 34 11 i~ 26 H 1-- 14S TEXAS N 22-Gt Ohio Stal• CAL WESTERN . 8 N 1-ol BMton u. 2P N q _.nnvld•M (";f""!MiO ,, T·•l,,,,e - 70 ...•. •· •···· SO N 29-at Georgia a Redlands ~,~:~m~· .. S3 ~7 ]~,1~:"c,'1.'•'•1•i•,,~,,·1~, si""" JO 32 c~!~~gA~. STATf! .. 12 99 .....••...• 12 HAR.DIN·51MMON$ If ~*~'~ano State··:::::~~' ,3~;1:is.:::::::::::~ 1: 12 Michigan ~~e~tic':;~!il~~~a ... 1~ ~~;'.;'.,SorJ:=h. ·::;·:· 112 : ~~=la~·•~~:~.::::::: 34 ;i E ....... ,. 14 Arkon~11s 4, PEfJ"'itYLVANIA 1 _:::: ••••···•••·•· ············ 18 Riverside 1 • --EI Centro i : MiomiWISCONSIH 2t:~~1!:e1~r ;;::;;x6i'l&\~. ;? J 22 CALEXICO 90 ,"',• ••• : ~~;1rd~~ella 20 ~l 2t'.:~~ ~lsfg;~~ h~; ~~:f~~ate 154 1: t)~Wr~0:la'~.... ::::::: ~1 N 1s--c1oremont ·.·.·.·.•... • ~l CINCINNATI r~ri .. -::::::::::: ~. • •••.....••• 6 <.~ogJ~iDl~,,"o'u;"",10' 20 Ohio Stole N ~t N;chiqnn St SS 15 :1 1\1 L~ • 1-1,,,..,ard ,~~r~;':; 0 2r_:;1c~!~°o! wutern 8-ot N,", !b.'.{:~\c!~TJtate ;' '-' H 1! .:::::. 2: 38114~i!f1~~sto I 1L~,o~rr;~;;~tern ~~::~;~,:c._'_.A&M "27-Corl"lell A6 ,"1 d N ,_1--0.,• .~11,vcentra .N,1-4-- I 1~ N n-Mlnnuolo "1" d ,. t6 1,' PENN STATE - <7 14 Xavier . 12 COP . 7 ""Van 2 • 110 HA.RVARD J 3 •· ·•····- • • ",, WYOMING '~ ~~~~~~io.-.1a ....... 1~ ~2~i, ~aylor. 2" N 1 Ark""''"S ('I Armv 11 N i:"At O-\U · IN 29-At Te"Xns. .:::··:::::: 0 N H---At ~lcp. fl 2L-<::vroc,.se 1-F•Jrn,.m "4 - An :u ·.. ·· ····... ..••.•. 20 I ..... ' . , . , ........ •• · 21 ••. .•. ... . . • . . O N 1 0 3 Buffot1> 14 Cornell 20 Lehigh . 26 Columbia I 63 0 2.S--01\Jah~TSI. s 1-<>Tl I O ex.a ,t:~i n St. l~ 14 Knn•c,~ ,~ nenver flrC'(IOn 21 21 f-.'.Ol"ltano ette N 25 Av10l~R~,s,.e.~nh is O J 2~t DJ~~~~ide ··• O Jl--0t Mor Vista N 7-Coro'lCldo N 1-'-ot Follbrook ••, • 01 N a.... owo Bch. o J Capistrano 6 6 v· t 21-M! m1r1~l 0 N 15--Mkhijlan Store N 22-ot W1.scorisin -1 O 2it--Oartmouth . 6.4 N 1-PeMsylvO!ll(I N 8--ot Princeton 13 . " Sf. Tonife COLISEUM l Sth &: E Street Tag Team Match 86 17 7 Colorcdo St l O 2s---New .".\exico t=:~l 0u~oh st O N 1~1 Air Force ,, _ 1 We•t Vl,glo,o 55 _ _ • u TEXAS CHRISTIAN ,~o'" rri-,ss ,N 17-at Pitt<.burgh " lt N lS-Brown CLEMSON D Iowa 42 Konsos MISSISSIPPI _ ......•... IS N 22 -Yal• 20 Virr,ini;:, - 27 17 M1mPhis State ......• 0 17 1\~ ~~i;:i~khexas):·::::: ¢!~~~ 5 ~}c~.ec_~·... ,.. 63 ........ 21 ···•·:·::: g t 124 ,-.o. c.orolino ~•ci~!~:.1 11 48 2, 1 l2 13::.~. ········· 8 N 22-of Brigham Yoong PF.PPERDINE 51 , HOLY CROSS ! b ~;: 0 greoo Slot• .... 1 t ~ 4 i.:l~ 5 39 . ",, 85 .,,cw"1,"vLA VISTA YALE i~~d1~simmons--::. .-· ~: . ·::::::::: n 1~ r~~J~;:h 1' Dartmouth O 2it--l\oslon U. N 1-Dav1on N 8--ot Colgote 22 1 '-"-M'o~!.~,•ttS,tate D 6--01 Boston College -.u SAN DI EGUITO 2t°J•a::· N 1-0t Ga. Tech N 15---of N.C. Stote N 22-Bo~on Col. N 29-Furman " " 22 N ~Morqnette. 3~ N lir-TeYM. 12 N ??-Al ~iCP. N 29-Ai SMU. 'i LM Anqefes Stote 10 1•1~tttre~ 6 Redl1Jnds n 2L.(""IJ! Poly "'omor... N 1-nt Long •e,,r.h Stole N 1.5--U Son Diego _ 19 JJ •·•••··•, •.. I a 25---at Arkansas I 12 Calexico 21 Mor Vislo 21 Carl.sbcd . O 2-4-Fallbrook: ···· •·· l~ 19 El C 18 Corinectlcul 29 Brown 0 Colnn,bia 32 0 25-Co!gofe N 1-ot Louisiana Stole N a-Houston N 15---at TeMessee N 29-Mlsslsslppl Stal• 12 Helixen ro · ·· ·.:::: . .".: 14 O 1S--Son Diego O 31-'5weetwafer IN 7-Et Colon. GllleSPie Fld. N 1-4-Grossmont, Aztec Fld. ... ••.. •• •• ' I ··•···•· •• 11,3 20 Ml. Ml9Utl -, 1 Carnell "·•·.... 2 j:_""t:io~~s~oHI {Manhattan) N 14--0ceonslde N 21--ot Coronado " ST. AUGUSTINE 6 Ml. Corm@! .40' 20 Crowford 6 JI Hoover . . .• 7 20 Pl. Loma .. . . . . . 6 1 0 31-Lo Jollo, BolbOO Sfad. 0 31-Sori Oi;eo, Balboa N 7-KearnY, Hoovee ~t:~~J~Y~. \~t,Jc, 0 s{~? ., SN ~ HM N 1-narlmoulh TEXAS TECH M . l.t 108 Winners to Take All the Money COLGATE ...... 1A 1r;: Texos A&M. 18 38 1 t=_~;/!,",~t~v.iama MISSISSIPPI STATE J8 . ::::::::: 0 @ · ······ 13 ~~n'A~~see 28 - ~1-Escandldo fPxo~exos St... ::::: 1? N 22-ot Harvard 27 UCLPAITTSBU·•··G··"······· 1~ 1: HOUSTON •, cr~~rs ::.:.. :::.::::. 21 7 Bucknell "· ·••.. ·.. ··.. O J9 78 SI - 26 2o O TCU 7 Bovlor · 6 St t hi 7 28 M J.'11.M T@-,,:os 66 .44 17 Holv Cro:iS •·····•· ,.~ "FL CORONADO emp 5 ::::::;;; 13 ............. .COi 3.4 Ciricinnati ,. W'-'"lta . ........ 13 Princeton O 2 s-o 1 Yale I o 38 Arkansas State ..•..• , 0113 Min,,ewta ,0 O Laguna Beach 1 • Oce-1nside 0 Esco'ldfdo 24• -Mor Visto Jl-(1! Carlsbad 8 ..~ ,...... 22 O 31-At Tulane. •.. .. . .. I N ~Arlzorio. N 1"--Af Tulsa. N ??-.Arlconso<.. B Mlc!"ligon oi;tnte 15 Virginia 0 2..__Armv ,_.,, c:;vroe,,,e N 1 e,otN",,l?!'~.e "' 27-Perin s't~te 0 25-Alaboma N 8--ot Auburn N 15-Loulsiano Slate N 29- ..... 13 " REGGIE SIKI ••d 1"'' eoslern Division • •• ..... 1 A t B 1 O Oklohama State ••· ··· 7 N 1~1 Ke111ucky Woi./~ss N lS-- N 1-Tul~C'! CLEVELAND BROWNS 27 l2 28 ~:::g: 8-at Mi~~,s~Jop; Ill ~v~~id~·) N 27 ~Ytt,~"r~~es ~-Al Houston. rown SANDOR SZABO -vs.- FRITZ VON GOERING and KAYO MURPHY Prlc:es R;nqsid• Ringside Reserved Ringside U • resened Ge n. 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Miguel ........... . 8 24--EI Coion " G,ossm ot .......... :zg w:~hlnglon s1.·:::::::: 8 6 Oregon s.tote ..•.... 20 O 25-ot Arizona N 1-ot Snn Jose St. te1.,ntvania 0 go e 2 t:i'r~nell o L J O O O 85i=.~fil°(~~; 11 D 7-at PhHadelohla D 1-4---0t New York O 31 T~xos Tech N 7=Alobamo. N 15-At Vanderbilt. · ····· · ···• 1!fa~ ··· N .. N I-Calor0do N 15-0lf.lohorna N IS- N 22 77 N 8-Harvc,rd N }~' f~~~~lto N U-Hellx 80 VISTA 20 Hemet ,i [g~~b;Jrf~g.s 32 Follbrook ..... o 24-Colexrca a 31--Son Oieguilo N 7-- 74 ltjM~~~lciv~a~~olla 1 ! 1 ::7 c~~:qJOc~~d~l~.~~.s " : 21--LSU. i~'o~~~Uth ~3 22-Kansas - 1~'ta~o~m: 26 : 27 - - 27 AMERICA'S LARGEST SELLER 2, Philadelphia 21 Woshingtan 2 2r-.:/1g .. : 1 3 N 9-Boltimore U TULSA 6l 103 ! 0 MONTANA ' 9 1 SI 36 ..•..... 14 52 COLORADO STATE O Hardin-Simmons. ,.. PU RDUE 20 O Utah llllNOIS O; EL CAJON 21 Droke 6 Chicago Cords ........ 23! ....... ::: 14 •-•., ... • 0 1 • UCLA 13 Duke o 27 Arkansas. o 3..t Arizona 28 Nebraska :.:::::::::: 11 18 1, Wyoming ... d ........... 19 O Fontana 32 Brigham Young 6 Air Force AcodemY . . . . . . .. . . State""···::: 3 J i: 1~~~~~nd .......... .t4 24 Rice 16 New Mexico 1~ Bfghe~lale ... O 25-Brighom Young: ~=fJ~~~odo Stole . ... , .. ... 15 36 i; J :::··::: 2 ~ ... ~~Ti~ ndrd o : 1: 8~6i~oma SI. ··:··· 7 1 ¼~ l~ ·::::: ~,~~a~r~ 11 • 2~°t'tn~h State. O 2J-....(Jt SYweefwater O JI-Grossman! GillesPle s Id\~~w:]:tt11~!£\~iH. N 16--ot Pittsburgh N 23-Wosh!n;ton :·'.:······" C~: O 2~At N. Texas St. 1 ,0 25--0t Noire Dome ~l}i~~fo State ~t=f~di~~~hweSfern o 2.i-Mic'ilgon Stole ~; t~~~Yion ~t::J:r~~~rlern N I-Montono g .. lnv1nt1ble Delul(e 2i'1S t ,:------- ------ 9 lmpenol 6< Cigo,illo 5/20< ~?~Jit~~Otl. • 1t:gto~ew Mexico ,,, t ~l~i b 0~~:~ 0 ~~[~:~:ri~hia !t~~r,/Kh. to 6 , lox Office Open ;~~~,ai~n 5 '81~a 13 12 1Ai 17 -« 61 " 1.-C4 37 0
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