News Scrapbook 1958-1961
r THE UN DIE O OIIDN b14 Mon., Od. -.'.·~ N DlliGO, ~__..=..-_ Pioneer Squad Backs Coach With lefter
EVENING TRIBUNE GEN GREGSTON ve Inca Trlbuu lhecutlve Sports Editor • Shakespeare Sow It Coming • The 'Overthrows' Are Many • His Description Fits Boll
l " --- -
1 HoME GAME sAruRDAY Coloradoans For USDcleven xt
b2 @ Sun.. Sept. Ill, 19511 SAN bllOO, CALi,ORNIA
Pio Mex·
The status of University 1 The University or San Di- \State College, 25-6; Id ah of San Dlero football coach lego, wil!ch showed signs of State, 7.0; New Mexico A&M, Bob McCutcheon remained vast Improvement in beatlng l27•24. and Adams State, Colo., unchanged yesterday de- Lewis ana Clark last Satur• 21·12. spite a sign campaign In his day, will begin workouts to• INDIVIDUAL RUSHING b half by the student body day for Colorado We st e r n Lewis e. CLARK ca YO YL Not AY9. Mccutcheon was carried will meet the Mountatneers of Ac•r· hb from the field alter USD's Gunnison, 3.1-.0 victory over Lewis and night in Balboa Stadium. Colo., Saturday:~~• C:Otes. hb the coach was awarded the he In good shape following the C~opman, ob t O 1 d mem- C 1 a r k. The oi:ity excepllon Grev, hb hers of his squad Wednes- was h~lfback Vic G,ausepohl ~f~~.~ 0 01 ···::::•• 1 2 day that he would be Jeav. who cmju~ed his knee In the~~.~?. hb .: :.:·: ••••• .•• , Clark College Saturday and The San Diegans appear to 3. 1 0 · t L i d ° Connor, qb ~~'i!.'. 0 r~ fb •• ::::::: ; •.... • 27 * 0 , ,:B iU game ball. · vic ory over e w s 1~ o ,; ,o$ o McCutcheon 20 o g o 1 and a letter trom the team State College. which as • ed him o! Its 1 00 r1~ I 'I' he Pioneers, who now ~~~~·.,h~b ···:::::::· , 4 J i ff t.i il/~b ·:: :::::: 1 : 1 3 iJ J:1 t1 per cent support. have a 3-1 ~eason record, •~c\'t'!~''hbqb :::::: :::· J ~l 1 21 •··•··· 4 \ 11 ? ri ,ii 1:J .. •·c, YO YL '"'AY9. hb . •• :·: 1 't g 21 U ..... '• 19 :, !,\ ~H ········ ....... . u o o •l 3.3
The University or San Diego's "new.look" grid machln sputtered and wheezed a bit last night but managed to come oft the Balboa Stadium field with a 20-6 victory over the quick Univenlu, of Mexico Pumas b.,.fore 7,000 tans. USO found tl\at, although It outweighed the Invaders from Pxiro City, the roing was to be rough, lndP.,.d.
• • •
Th e
,,-, do-•• ITATtSTtcil,x.u,,s ,. _ Yord• rv,hl.. •• 111 •• ~~::;~,.. 10, Yord • .... 11,.., Pam, lntort••'"" by .• • .. •• '" ,· ,. ·:::. /,~ • ·: ·.::::: 1ot
everal otten~es, work·
ing from th!' balanc-Prl a n d unbalancPd line, from th e w1n~ed-T, 11tralght T and a and Pntertain ihe fan • Al~o. on many occasion11; ihP lJS D . ,iurprlsP
4 ••:n~• ,..,.: t
·ti 1 U J ai 1. ~--------------------------,~ in g) p wing to
, i -----i-------------------~-- line !ound itself being out• plays. KeyPs FOOTBALL SCOR£$
the school The team second pcr10d.
0 B bb
•. .•..
1 2 o 1•.1 JPClntTO.,.ctYd• f J i '14.! PA ,c tllt'TDsl'cl Yd•
eye~ ,ma Y
ro e Haller.
submitted the following let- Its feelings in the matter. tcr, Thursday, expres~ing
loo e to establish four school ~~fa','l O l·akst I Satuhrday.1 He uso ro e mat s n rus mg, ong- Chooman. ab e st run, for points a nd num- rbecokrd•
•••• ::.:... ioc:,:.:~• = .:. • k ntat, INDtvtou! a~c~ 1~ 1 LEWIS & CLARK :m:,."" .. · ·:..:·:.::. l •.,,
The Pioneers jumped out to
College 7.
FAR WEST 'i Santa ,Barbara 25, San Di-
:t:AST A seven-yard pass from a 14-0 lead at halftime but Boston College 48. Scranton 0, sophomore quarterback Jan It was no easy task against Chapman to end C. G. Walk• a scrappy, colortul Mexico MIDWEST
, o 1 ~/. ! 0 3 °o o ·o
Oct. 16, 1958
5 o ego ,Stat, O.
Dear Coach:
:C,- 1
erslty of Mexi-
Thi! lsn't a letter from beTrho! t5-ou9 ch1 ~~wns d h lfb
USO 20, U
er, halfback Boy Keyes slant crew. from the one and freshman
Vanderbilt 12, Missouri 8. Iowa State 33, Drake O., Cincinnati 14, Dayton 0. Nebrask:11- 14, Penn State 7. Kan. State 17, Wyoming ~4. TPx. Christian 42, Kansas O. Texas 13, GPorgla 8. OUTHWEST
N• Y"t TO• co 6.
any part ol your lll58 team.
USO drove 53 yards ln nine
Arizona Arizcqa COP 2'.
i:roup of P!cked up 209 yard~ m 1 7 car-
It's not !rom a
NoY- • A.. Hodl 1f...,
an ave~ag{h of ~·g 2 uso
Joe Gray'a 68-yard runback plays In the !irst pl"riod wlth t a pass !nt-erceptlen In the Chapman capping the march ! Top ground gainer for th e made a bl ng catch in the Plonl'er wa1 freshman Tom end zone. last seven seconds accairiwd tth a ·°'llll~t'ard pass to f th USO I d c w a l k er or e scor ng. en . •
players trom the majorit.y ne\ foi- of tl'te team, rather -
a 20.
Its yar.. s per carr,. gainers were his
0 8 Pirtsburpfl UCLA 6. Washlnl!!flll•III•- 40
from the TEAM.
•••• r • c
romp of 89 yards and another Gilmor~. fb first score R...i. • b' h t tb
• .
1 ° ord 6 1
And the TEA!\ wants you t k w how It fff"
· 4 111
se up
w ic
• •·••••••
Gores, hb
,z.., Jo e 6
"'e of 50 yards.
,N.oiiriiiui.L ~UNT~Ne
Wa~hington 14 ::: :::.::.:·:. ~ m JU l Oregon 27, Idah Ne Yd, TDs
Total •
k V I
h lfb
' _..
team w 111 LEWIS & CLARK
u The Colorado o come to town with a 1 . 5 re- ~il'.r.- oursel\'es cord. It has beaten Eastern vso
1· 5
15, Texa~ Gatl/'s who l'arriE'd 12 times
a manly 11port and
ab. ••:
._ ball over
for 56 yards while halfba<"k Gauseopohl Avalon Wright "ards in nine carrle • andl
astern 0. A&M 14.
Redland 41, Cal
Na Yd• Avo
play men.
a o
collected 49 trom the thrl'I! for two con- (Contlnued on b-2, CoL •l)
12 A k
8 H 1
8 Oceanside J~qr CollegP o 18, Eastern Arizona Junior
r an.
ay or
·ct !New Mex.ico, 16·6, and lost In chaomon. ob successive weeks to Colorado f~f.'l~""'• ab
99 49.S ,J s.J
••••••• • • 2 · ··· · · ·
( -0nttn11Pd on b-2, Col. 3)
th s pri e resent the
pride: and it that makes u
appelaUon-''Clldtter.'' On Septemller rT we en- tl'red the sec half of a 1ootball i:am l)Olnts be- hind the ninth 'reked am.all rollPge In the 11atlon. and didn't quit until the game ended. Just because you appear (n be behind now, we are not i:oing to quit on you. WP.'re a team .,.. but we would be nothlnr without direction. You, coach, are that direction and without you we wouldn't be a team. Th~re isn't a player on the team that Isn't proud to be representing the University o! San Diego, proud to be playing foot ball, proud ol our phy~ical condition and our coachln"'. You may haVe your crit- cs but some ol them are uslng you as a scape goat and are actually crillclslng \I~. rt is just crl'W:ilim, we'll take our share 11s men. Meanwhile, coach. contrary to what ever you mav have heard from other eou·rces, THE FACT IS TIIAT WE ARE BEHIND YOU 100 PER CENT AND ARE PROUD TO SAY 'fliAT WE ARE PART OF THE U 'IVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO TEAM COACHED BY BOB McCUTCHEON. Our only .llope l'I Ihat you be•OIIIIU}JUS. eapectfully, by If members and 1reshmen
n hi', tr.n out of sra- \~I rrdorp j.., nritlwr
San Dle~o Union Stt1tt Photo nk last night in Bal- boa Stadium. The· Pioneers won se~ opener, _20- _ 6_.___
There isn't a Univer1,ity of Mexico player in sight as Avalon :Vright of USO heads for a long ga,u1i ii,ro;md
am for lhl' Az- supply such thrills
Pioneers Conquer j Mexico In Opener
< DU.\': Th
atmosphere turned h • kCutc·heon before it did for
as he
may have had
FACE MEXICO PUMAS USD Kicks '58 Card Tonig t By ,JOHN:-.Y )fcDOXALD The niversity of San Diego embark,; on Its most ambitious football campaign tonight with a dash of international flayer s It t'!-ckles the scrappy and fast t:n,versity of Mexico uma.- in Balboa Stadium. • • • Following colorful pre-game Mw,icv u~.t UPS u,c estlvltie:. kickoff is sched- i"atJ~,!.D Hf1l t~ ~ 0 °J~i( Htl\ ~led at 8 0 ' clock. Caro•t•vro on, LG Mulligan (207! Actu a lly, the Pioneers will ~~;r,J;'1/1m R~ Gai~~~ cm be bidding for their ! i f t h i.~~~~' 0 cNW ~J Fr\"!:(~ im! trRight ictory 0\ er a two- e:r!':',~~i, < 1 sa 1 E~ Cl>o:~~~ mi year period under the guid- •oodouez 1139! RH wG,9 10 rehs 1 1 1 1!,l a nee oi head co<1ch Bob Mc- DeLaG·ma P6Ji FB• * c ,. Cut cheon. U ·o closed with a rusn last season, winning four but coach Roberto Mendez is straight. confident his multiple . type Mccutcheon·~ 1958 edition is offense can confuse the Amer- tronger in the line and has ican boys enough for a vie- snappy first string back- tory tonight. il'ld. 'I'he questions which The ::\fexican, will be head• ay be partially answered to• ed by small but quick Victor night are: whrthcr the new ,V!'le,; and Luis RodRtYe-z in quarterbacks Jan Chapman the backfield. Velez, '.!Yllo is and Duane o·connor (·an fill only 5-10 and 1-13 pounds, the vacancy left by Vern Val- gained 488 yards for an a,·er- dez and \\hether reserve age 5.42 yards per earn· last backlr ome lnto tile!r own? season and completed ·35 of T 1s the second meet.lrjJ j'.6!) pa in iJ1 six touch- or th l\,o choo1s. CSD hav- downs mg wqn la.,t i;eason 27-13, at Rodn&UC'Z, Sllylller yet at Me co ity. The PLOneers will 5.7 and l::l9. gAined 252 yards b favored ar lq (or ,1.2 )ards per cal'J; l\[!' iro en r ontc Ho,\e\ er. , 1e,xico operates ,~1th one los . The Pumas rrom a rapid . fin• offense dropped a '.l..,.s d,-.cision to Los and tn,rny tunes catches the Arg.-lr- Stale ,ast .'aturday (Continued on a•l9, Col. l)
USD Kicks-Off 1958 Season (Continued) dc!ensi\·e club nappin~ As soon as the Pumas are set in position the ball is snapped and away they go. )Iexico will op.-rate !rom balanced a n d unbalanced lines. use the w i n g e d· T. straight•'I', single and dou- ble wing formations to mix up the enemy.
TIii' e, oil\ iouslv, Brf' 11crilo11s timrs for both 1·•h and r prrt. Thn • ,,a, a cartoon some lrar 11go in 11 hil·h the anf'ient o( H~11111 wa depi,·t
The ne.w omers ltarting club will Bill Patten, a Diego High and Recruit ,Oepo quarterbaek Arkansas J. C.. Tom Gates, who
'(a .•...,...,,..,.,,-.
y4d with the Hawaiian :llarincs 1 a s t
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