News Scrapbook 1958-1961
~ztecs, Pi
• • • •
• •
eers Start Sea
t away 3;) pounds to Pion<>er John Mulli1,an, but he is more fortunate than som<' o! his ma1<'S in 1hP middle of thP line. Ja<'k Garofono has a 44.-pound advantage over Puma l'<'nt,,r JorgP Pena, onr more pound than thl' mar gin guard Norm Magenot holds ov<'l· SPrgio Arnabar. Th<' only ~urprisf' in 11,., lin<'up announced by Mc- Cutt>hcon was his selection of Jan Chapman 1o handle tl1e signal ealilng role for the Pionrers. Duane O'Connor had appeared to be No. 1 in (ht> bat tlr for the quarterback job, but he l'ame up with a sot'!' arm. Chapman, the more exrwr!cnc·<'rl of tht> two with two y,•,11·:; oi Junior <'oll<•ge ball and two of ~c.1·vicc play, ,s th<' lwt tPr· pass<'r, but O'Connor is llw best all -around quar1,•rh<1C'k, Taki11g Chapman s handolfs will hr a big, tough trio \\1th a fair amount ol speed, halfbiu·ks Bob Keyes 086J (('on1, Oil Pa.i;-e b·S. Col. :JJ
Jly BOU 0R'Hl •.
ing too many mistakes. Of course, they could jell in a hul"fy as they did two years ago. I hope so," In 1956, Governali's first year at U1e helm, the Aztecs came of age quickly and. to the surprise of one and all, went into the sixth game of the season with a lhree- win, two-ti!• record. Last fall they never did get un- tracked as they lost seven of nine, including their last six. U they can knock off the Gauchos, the Aztecs could rqual or ~rpass their fast start of '56. Their next three foes don't quite mea~ure up to Santa Barbara, which return~ to the ~an Diego schedule after a one-year lap e. Thi' Gauchos haw 17 lettermrn from the 1957 squad that compiled a 6·2 record. And the players were 111 sudl good condition when they reported, according to coach Ed (Cont. on P1tgP b-3, Col. 3) Aztecs face Gaucho 'JJ In 1958 Bow
By IUEL ZIKES University of San Diego's Pioneers rate a two. to threr- touchdown favorite tonight as they open their "make or break" .ea~on in Balboa Stadium at 8 against Univet·si1y of Mexico. The heavier, more experienced Pion1>Prs are exp,•ctPd to wear down the Mexican racehorse.~ about the middle of the third quarter to win in a brN'ze. However, the Pioneers are aware of the ~ltuatlon and coach Bob McCutcheon has been fighting what hr rails a "eomplacency problem" and has had a tough time getting his lad "up" for the opener. ComplacPncy problPm or not, the USD "horse " up tront should make a shambles of the Puma 1111" bcfor the game ha progressed far. Mexican gua,td Frrnando Carplnteyrn will be giving
ome unan . wered questions he'~ going Into the r:ontest ahout Sant Barbara i. con•
about the ganlf' " ntn B rba1a an1
,11d Go1 ernali "We we haven t couted
h,1cl on ly thu•e v.eek o 11ork,'' he added, fl a 1tl \\e're not read} yPt. The kids are mak.
"at d I'm
USO Plays First Game (< onttnuf'CI
from Pagt> b- t) ancl Tom Gates (194), and full· (Contlnu<'d from Page b-l) back Avalon Wright 091). I that they held scrim• Keyes, a !ormer jumor col• mages right off the bat. Cod/ege A~-Amerlcan, and Wright, has conducted li\'e full , 90-min.are Pioneer lettermen, while ute, head.knocking s!'ssions in?ates was one of .~e stars on prepararion for rhis match. he good Ha'\\·auan Ma.rlne The Yeteran Santa Barbarat~am o! la~t year. Probable I . Ill 209 ltneups; me w go pounds per Mexico ,.. ,. man to the Aztecs' 197 aver. Z,~~;:.",,• 1 ~\W age, Gaucho hacks Wlll out. Corointovro 072) L 2 weigh the Bordertowners, 196 ~~~bcir 16 Hm R G to 171. ,1
Close losses Give USD Foe 1-4 GridMark By ,J0IDiNY )IcD0NALO Colorado Western State Col- lege, a team which has lost three heart-breakers many wePkS , will serve as the niveisity of San Olego's experl• , and excellent I i n e h.n°" gotten oft to their 'I\ orst ta In year'.'! The .Mountaine r \\on their ~ea. on opener against East , ' ew .Mexico University, 16-6, in as pp Pnt in BalbC>;1. d am S turctay night. The Coloradoans, con- i4ere<1 to have an
position rxcept end. Braxton Pinkins, a three-year regular, will be lit one flank but his running mate is uncE'rtain. Mike T a r I t o n, who had clinched a first-string berth after making the shift from halfback, incurred a groin in• jury this week and may have to sit out tonight's festivitles. If so, ihe starting call will go to letterman Bob Shank or Bill Cotten, another converted Other probable starlrrs are tackles Jerry Ohlln and Jim Hull, guards Jim Romig and Ray Glaze, center Dennis Ma- gee, quarterback Joe Duke, halfbacks Ceell .McGehee and Jim King and fullback Ken halfback.
r~icw n1y a
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Close losses Hurt USO Foe
THt UN DIEGO UNIOII aB sun., pt. 7, 1938 IAN 01100, CAu,oaMtA USD Expects 900 Sfudents To Enroll More than 900 11tudent~ are eicpvcted to enroll ln the three hr nchea o! the Unlver 1ty of ~11n Diego, about 100 more than attended classes a year a o. Th• university, ln Alcala Park, ror the !irst time this ye· r will hAve a new mllllon. doll r Jlbrnry with a capacity of 2!50,000 volumes. The Ji. brary will op n Sept. 15. SAn Diego College for Wo• m n, the fir t academic 1,1nlt on thll campu•, will begin !ts aeventh year of cla ea Wed- .ne dl\y with an t,xpected 450 atudents, compared with 350 1 st year, 3811 'IO Jt;NROLJ, Evening and day enrollment at th College tor Men la ex- p cted to total 380 when clas. Pll 11tart Sept. 15 Students for the Jirst time "'ill occupy on- eampu• dormltorle•. 40 o! which will be completed this winter Th• university's school of law. the new" t unit, began cla~•e, Monday with 95 atll• dents. The enrollment com- p res with 8.5 a year ago. Graduate program. in Eng- l( h and education, along with prepar tion !or ~econdary traching; credential~. will be oUer d thl• year for lhe first time at the College !or Wo- men. '0liR! t; New course in the college Include an advanced course In lectronic:i, cla. ses in com- merclal art and water color and advanced instruction In Italian and Lutin. At the College for Men, 20 eounes will be offered tor the 1ir~t time. They include public relatloTl.!l, corporation finance, journall m, higher mathema- llcll, ,.ducatlon and ehurch history.
the Rocky Mountain Confer• and have since lost try Colo• ence behind Idaho State, do State Colleg_e. 25-6. 1~a- ho State, 7-0. , ew , 1ex1co The problem which seems A&M, 27-24, and Adam State to confront coach Pete Ped- of Colorado last week 21.12
er on ls a shortage o! man• power in the backfield. Renault DeSalle, a senior ciuarterback from Penmylva. nla, and ha.llbeck Don Miller head Colorado's spllt-T at• tack. Lest year Miller was one of the top runners WI th 643 net yards In rushing. The San Diegans are ex- pected to be minus the serv- ices of outstanding halfback Vic Gausepohl and end Dale Cobb. Gausepohl reinjured his knee and Cobb has a sepa- rated shoulder.
Last year,
the Colorado
Westerners were second < Continued on b-4. Col. 1)
ers tonight as he starts for Cniverslty of San Diego 111 the PioncC'i-s' 1958 football inaugural in Balboa Stadium at 8.
Regents ake Regents Take No Action No Actioni on On USD Football Coac Grid Coach (Continued front Page B-3) ~gfc1~a~~t '~~~~!etsslnG 9 jg
DppcnenU USD
Yardage 1al'lld runnln1 • ;~:~:: ~=r:~ ·........ ro Yards gglned from pasHs • 238 Pas!es hod lntercepttd _. _ 10 Total vafds, runnlrui, passlnt f30 •t2 Jength of PUn~1·::::· h=• ~~~!4,enciltiu : • 2.S~ Fumbln lost ......... ,.. • 12 l~~:~ti~~: •· ··:::::::::::~ 1-~ .Avero911 Pit" play • . • . •• .. .. • ~/~!t 1o~is First downs :~;:~gt •:::::::. -'t.c First Gowns ,tnaUltt ...... s 6.2 i:J~, • . ... .•. .• ,•.•
fl • 70
:J~;t ~Jt:l
All indication point to Bob McCuteheon's finishing o u t the season as varsity ! o o t- ball coach at University of San Diego, but anything could happen after that point. T h e Board of R e g e n t s studied tile "atllletic program as it exists" as part or yester. day's meeting at USD and, accordmg to :'.\lsgr. J oh n Storm, president of the C o 1- lege for Men. " There is no immewate action to be taken. The board has considered the matter and will keep it under advisement." Meanwhile, McCutcheon's charges were going through their training paces. prepar- ing for Saturday night's game against Colorado W e s t e r n State College in Balboa Stadi- um. USD's Pioneers played their best game of the year in blanking Lewis and C I a r k last Saturday, 33-0, and they can't afford to have a let- down a g a i n s t the M o u n - taineers, even though the ; have only a 1-4 record. The Mountaineers h a v e ( Cont. on Pag-e IJ.7, Col. 1)
lost their last th ree games by a spread or only 10 points. T he 11:ountaineer.s have a big. experienced Hn e, but ai·e
... • T,
d3:;:s '~~:~
•.. :.~. 4(,
J . 7
RUSHI NO ~1:;m•Gause~ohl, HBT): Tom Gote,, HB • • BOD Keyes, HB . Avalon Wright, FB . 21 Con GIimore, FB • 11 Jan Chai:imon, QB Duane O'Connor, QB :n Al KIY\, HS Joe Grar, Ha Dove Cox, FB Ron Folvo, HB Bill Bourque, Ql!!I .• 1-4 , , Jon Chapmon, qb Bourque.ab. Duane O'Connor,qb 15 No, ~-erl• i~1i,~ E •~: : : Tom Gctn, HB •. •,. -4 Joe Grov, HB _.••.• 2 8g~• Fl ::: Bob Kty-. HB ..• 2 Wayne aounue E •. 1 Ray Yoast, E l PUNTING Home No. Jon Chapmon. QI . U 8111 Bouroue, QII 2 ?rU:: i~~• QI~ Nom• SCOltf,• vie Geu••..,,~ Ha. I i~ ~:~s. 11 ~ 11 ·.::·: l ~omG·c:.:!~e~a E_. ::: l Larrv Tessarv, E •.• D Merle Reed, e .. .. . 1 8111 1,1, Nam, , .• ,. ,1 ..... J • •• 1 Nam, ,
~Yi ~:; Al]() 33 130 129 3.90 2
~enanles . ::::: ,~
len9th ·of i,Unh ···:· J~ , ~~~~edpena1ties· · 2si
, .so 4.40
• 44 302 288
93 '5 9'4 7S 15 10 24 25 J
93 ,.s 3.BO 57 1.50 o 1.00 Q J .70 a 10 3.JO 0 -3.00 O 0..60 a ,.20 O 0 a t 15 3 , 25
"hurting'' in the backfield, ac- ~i~~~o'w~~•• 1 1 cording to Colorado \Vestern ,X~~:~~o~;r p10·.,; ··-··-·--~:: 7 1., coach Pete Pederson. Nome RUS1~NBGYG Net Avo. Td Vic Gausepohl, USD 's sec- ¥~';,, Gti,s::oh~-B ~B ~1 m i1; H& or:d-leading ground gain e r, FB ~1 ii~ rn will miss the contest after re- Don GIimore, FB 11 ,s 65 3.80 o 1 · · h' k th f ' ti. Jan Chapman, QB 22 94 s, 2-50 o nJurmg 1s nee e 1rst me jouane O'Connor, QB 9 75 9 1.00 o he carried the ball in 1 a s tJ~/~~oy~ 8 Ha . . . 1 jg li rn g week's game. Vic is~•t eX• •~flye8 ;~iq 0 :_ 6 Qa·•: 1 1 2~ i g pected to see much action the Ron Falvo, HB , 25 25 •.20 o remainder of the season. PASSING . • Name Att Com Int Pct Yds Td Ready to go agarn will be Jan Chaomcn, ob 39 18 2 46 1 173 21 shifty Bob Keyes who rolled E~~n.8°8:iii.,~tcb l! !l:t 1t~ gl up 209 yards in 17 carries last RE'CElvt NG week, scoring three to u c h- t~\11! Reed E N;, Yfs" Tf ~~:·n: ~~5.;:,/roc1~~:rr~e~~~ J~l•,";/J!:il/:: 1 fl g erage for 44 imes wltl\ the gg~• G~f~~,.~ FB :.. 1 8 ball this fall. Facts and' fig- t~n~•~~~,.~!. e": t 2 i g ures : RcY Yoast; E . . 1 12 11 Yordoge gained running O~PO,~nts Posses ottemP1ed SO Passes cam0leted 20 Yards galned from passes 238 PUNTING Nome No~ Jon Chapmon, QB u, BUI Bourque,. QB . 2 Duane O'Connor, QB . .. .... .. ..
THHH DIEGO UNION i'rL, Oct. 2-l, 1938 $AN Di.GO, CALIFORNIA Colorado Attacks On 66 ()
P'A~SJ Nc!?m Inf P-ct Yds Td
39 11 2
""6.1 3 1 ~1.•
60 o
n round
:z ~-6 10-t O Yds, 55 '7 73 Jl 22 21 22 ' 12 Yd1. S53 ., 5 .. 39.S 325 5.r l'at Total l'ls I run) 1' 0 • 0 2, 0 • O 12 • • 0 Tf, 1 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 ,.
Colorado Western State, the squad and cads the t,all which faces the University of most of the time. San Diego tomorrow n_ight .at R icheson, a 6-f Balboa Stadium, is prnnar1ly . a ground-gaining team, ac- senior .from Las cording to statistics revealed Colo., 11 the 1a yesterday. for a pass when ~wn. The Gunnison, Colo., club caught six of the le:fell ,c has gained 944 ne1j_,_ya~d11 in pletions o! 21 e.ttem~ in five games a nd onty Cdllected games. 148 through the air. The Mountaineers 1 One thing can be said about strongest on pass defen the Mountaineers' featured opposition haa been ball carriers-they're cons\11t. 13 completions In ent. and has had six Left half Don Miller has for a total gain of gained 375 yards for 4.6 yards yards. pet· carry, right ha lt Dick Mc- ;...._______ _____,
Yds. 553 ,s 5
Av1. 39.5 32,5 l.O
Pal Tolol Pis l(run)U . ' 0 2, 0 6 0 )2 • • 0 '
(Team l>IOC • l SCORING • Nomt Tds Vic GauseQOhl, HB Joe, Gray, HS • • Bob Keves.. HB C. G. Wo!ker, E Tom Gotes, HS Larry Te~sory, E Merle Reed, E 2 1 Al 1 2 o 1 Kive1·gan has picked up 264 for a 4.8 average and fullback Glen Richeson has 161 yards and a 4.4 average. Mille r, a 5•11, 167-p o u n d senior from Burlington, Colo., who has scored five of the Mountaineers' nine t o u c h. downs, is the fastest back on M11gr. John Storm, college presldl'nt. said the Jail semes- tPr ..., II mark the tiCth scho- utlc trrm Ince th college op nect M rch 15, 19M, with 30 tud nts, THRER ~roRF: IDl:!'J 'l'hr In tructora have been added to the school or law faculty, Howard Dattan dean annnunced. They are' Paui PP.trr on, Who also tau II' ht at the .school this 11ummer James Mulvaney and Hugh FriPrlman. The university library will b u~ d by atudcnt~ In the Irn- mucuiall' II art Major Semin- ary, the College for Men and th" Jehooi of law. Two other campu1 atruc- turf's are under construction. Thi,y are t h • university rhap I, the Immaculate and the Hall o! SclPnce, exp~cted to h • completed in 1960. -- S." Diogo U, Clark 0 Notr-e Dame I , ....,,_.,. . -
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