News Scrapbook 1958-1961
EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line November 22 I COP S.O~~tate USO I V5. Idaho SI. vs. use .- ~Oome v,. Iowa Washington ~. vs. Wa,h. SI Orcg~r• V$, Ore. St. Stanlor«°•- cauf~ni. TCU vs. Ric.•.-:.,-. l.SU \'5, MEL I GEORGE I HARRY EARL BOB l'AUL. BOB I GENE HACHe klLLl!lt ORTMAN COUit •REGSTON IlkES HERRICK ANGUI I COP COP COP COP COP COP COP COP bY ~0 by 20 bo 21 ____!'1'.}_0__ by 30 bY 35 by 31 by 21 I USO Idaho St. USO USO USO by 7 USO USO USO bY S by 6 bo 14 bY 12 by I by 10 bY 3 -- I UCLA use use use USC UCLA use USG by 6 by 6 by 1 bY 7 bY 6 bY 6 bY 3 - by _3__ 1 Notre Dam, fowo lOWC Notre Dam• Iowa IO'wO Iowa ' Notre Dom• by 5 by• by 1 by 6 by 13 by 7 by 6 --~ Wasta St. Wash. St. Wa5h. $1. Wash. St. wash. s1. Wa5h. St. Woth. St. Wosh. St. by 7 by 7 by I bo 3 by 6 by 7 by 7 by 6 ' . On. St. ti.~;" Qr,. SI. Ore st. Oro. SI. Oro. 51. Or•. St. by Z bv 1 bY 2 by 1 by• bY 2 Oregon --- bY 2 Collfwnla I ~~forn1a California Californlo California Coflforn•a Californkl by 12 _ br_5__ ___ b_r 1_0__ __ b_v_lO__ by 6 by 12 bv 5 Stanford ___ by 1 •·-- I I R~• -- TCU ,tcz ~ice TCU TCU TCU bY 2 by l by 1 by 1 by 2 by 3 TCU I , by 6 -- uu l.SU LSU LSU LSU
COP by 28 .... __ USO use by S ..... ,
gals Shed Sno
Woah. St.
by 6
I for Sunsh·ne brought out that th tough • oU u~lvely th tackle Idaho crew I tne on pla:,, hC't" r en In I let Thl'y hardly pa at all, but when they do the opposition knows It. Beni:a I quarterback Chuck Kllkuskie, a fr hm n who Ilk to run, threw only Utr •e pa. .-s In ldaho's victory over Col- orado tate two Wef'ks ago. He completed rwo of the three, both of them for touch• down . f'orm r Comptori b11ck Joe S;,rratorr, ,t 161 pound a scathack type Is the le 11tng round galnrr !or the Bengals, picking up 4'33 yards In 67 carries !or a 6 5-yard p r ,·arry average Fullback Kl'ith Berry, like arratore, Ir 11hmlln, h . a 5.2 yarcl pi-r carry 1.ven,ge, Jugging th ball 70 times lo, 367 yni-ct .
Or• St. bY 2
bo t TCU
l.SU by 6
l.SU by 11
LSU by 8
bY 12
by 10
by 13 -- ---,
bv 1'
bY 12
LSU ~· 6
Tulone Flo. SI VS FIOrido Volt ko~~Clrd Bov1or .. SMU l(onsas
Flo SI. bY l
Fla. St. bY l
Florido by 6
l"IDrlClo tw. ,45~,d !l.Jj.~ I# 13 :~,I 2 I 0111<1 St. bY IJ N,"(;~tr•
Floridai by 5
Florido bY U
l'"lor1do ___by 7
Florida bY 4 Harvoii by I
bY_ 6__
Yotc by 6
HarV"ord by U
Harvard __c_v_1__
Yett by 6 sMb by l ~--,, IW1 Ohio St, i,y 6
by 6 SMU by 6
by I SMU bY 10
bv 7 SMU by II
SMU b'r' 10
$MU by 9
!aylor bY 1
Baylor by 4 Kon~o• by 5 Ohio St. bv 13 lll!noi1 bV 1 COP
l(oosa, by 1 Ohio Sf, bv 20 by 6 COP to Ohio St. N'Wesiern
Missouri by 1 Ohio SI. bY 7
Ml!sourl by 7
M11n:;ourt by 4 Ohio St.
Missouri bY 12 Ohio st.
by _7__
Mi;~,t Mlchi9all ... Ohio St. N'Western V5, llllnols
Ohio Stato ~o__
Ohio Sf. by II
bY 6
bv 6
llllnols bv 2
llllno1a bY 6
Ullnols bY 5
N'W~t,.,n \_:; _1 by 6 --COP--
bY 6 COP LSU fo 11.... -0 .133
--us,-- ---,oP--
Callfornio Harvard to
to USO
to LSU
to LSU
l.SU 10-5-0 667
Pi91kin Parley
l I
10-S-O _.,,,
10-5-0 .667
7-8-0 .467 79•<8-5
10-S-O 667 12- • S-5 646
12-3'0 IOO
Lo"lt WHk ?ctge
73-SH m
17-40-5 • as
season Pctge,
Idaho State Drills Indoors for Pioneers By ,JOH~XY )kOO, ·.\LD
Ida Drills Indoors (Continued) outset of the sea~on but his
CLOSING QB MEETING SET J<"inaJ Monday Quarter. ac-k Club luncheon mec-t- lng ot th<> sc-ason Will be held a_t noon tomorrow at San.Diego Club, Wi1h Jack ~Iurphy, sport editor of he San Dlego Union as toastmaster. • ! On the coacJ1es' Panel tor the meeting, open to he public and sponsored by the Aztec Club will b Paul Governali, San Di: ego State; Robert fB u l I) Trom~tter, Marine Corps Recruit Depot; Bob l\fc- SCutchcon, University ot a n D 1 e go; Ge o r "'e ~chutte, San Diego Junior ollege; Al Lewis C 1 Western; Tom pa~ k a Sweetwater High; Cha~!:; Po~a, San Diego High assistant, and Babe Caccia Whose Idaho State tearr:. met USD here last night.
Idaho State may be drill- ball-handling In their I a st !rig a~ainst tl>e Vr,versity of game against Colorado State San Di~o's formation b u t Co 11 e g e apparently has not under game conditions bv earned him the No. I signal. any meitn -. · calling job. The Bengals. who meet the USO coach Bob McCut. Pioneers I B, lbl)".t S t a. cheon admitted that It might d i u m a ttrda nlrr .. . be tough to get his ball club ,..,. '"'a\e .. " f I b<'en drJ, en Indoor a Po up or t 1e game but he c a t e 11 o slnC'e Monaay b; has informed the squad that heavy o, Jlurries and·th~ Idaho State should be as merrury ha~ been reported rough as ;\fontana Slate. USO far below the freezing mark. 10 :: t, 0 .:':ontana Stat~. 31-6. Bl'ngal C'oach Babe Caccia . 11 \'.~ 1 e b~n rollmg pretty said he feels u.. D has im- ,,e • :l!cCut eon said. "But pronid <'Onside1·ably s i 11 e c f.daho S!a'.e has a big, strong losing to ;\Iontana State m me and !me runners. I don't Oetober. Idaho worked hard !t" 0 w much about their pass- on pas· defense Tue.sdav and mg at~ck." yesterday and will board a A VJC!ory Saturday would bus this morning for t h e assure USD o! its best 1 o o t. lengthy trip. The Bengals are ball season In three c a m-' exper-1ed to arrive in s a n P _a I g n s. Last year t hi Diego bv tomorrow noon Pioneers finished with a G· · · record. USD still has a tou ldaho State expects to have game with th u · ·t a health'' d h • e mvers1 y , , squa w en It meet, Montana l\"ov 27 USD. Chief ball carriers will • • · ·
be Joe Sarratore. a fa s t- running halfback, and Keith Berry, a 195-pound fullback. Sarralore ha~ carried 67 times for 433 yards and a 6.5 ried 70 times for 367 yards and 5.2. average while Berry has car-1 The other hiil ack is ex- pected to he senior Ron Pug. mire while Chuck •· kuskiel will get the call at quarter- bacl<, Kilkuskie, a fr e. sh- man, only con mered as "another squadman" t the/ (('onti11ued on a-14, Col. 3)
night in Balboa Stadium. They are, from the left, halfback Ronald Pugmire, fullback Dick Roddy and halfback Joe Sarratore, the team's leading s<:orer.
Las -Half Pioneer Surge Rips Beng . Continued) left to play on Thanksgiving pass was lntercepted by USD night against the University Bob Keyes on the Pioneer 30 . s1ands were able to see much Chapman was unable to fmd of the action, however, when the range with his passes but fog settled heavily over ~he his kicking kept Idaho State stadium field as the second in the hole. quarter got underway. Only In the first period he booted on Keyes .92-:,:ard d!lsh down l66 yards to the Bengal 2. the w~st s1delmes did the fog However, the Idaho club moved lift_bnefly· . out with punches at the mid- Keye,;; also. scored the final dle of the line until it was touchdown on a 32-yard dash forced to punt from the USD * * • 49. During this 47-yard spurt, nn,sTics Pugmire collected -11 yards First downs IDA. ST. 14 °5.~ and Roddy picked up 12 in i::m 1,~~ ?~ succession. -:~;::: had intercepted '·1; ,._,; The Pioneers be~an to get ;~~;::. io~r ._... .. . . ,..ol ms; ~~~:i;~d !;;h~ ;e~f1:d ;t:!~~ * ., • were able to see them be. around right end in tl1e fourth cause of the heavy blanket of period. following Ron E'alvo's fog. Highlights of thi.s periorl two-yard scoi-ing punch in 1helwas Tom Gates' and Joe same stanza. Gray's punt returns. Keyes, however, wa~ the Gates ran one back 22 yards third b.est ground gainer tor jand Gray returne- one 37 the Pioneers. He picked up 52 yard». yards in seven carries while Again , Chapman kept Idaho Gates collected in 14 trips State deep in its territory near and Wright had 68 in 12 car- tpe end of the half with a 48 l ries. yard punt which fell dead on Key interceptions by a pair \the 1. of freshmen, Joe Gray and The Pionee1·s grabbed an 8-0 Torn Mathis, were instrumen-1 lead quickly in the third period tal in stopping Idaho marches. when Bob Keyes darted down Umrer c I e a r conditions, I the sidelines for 92 yards on Idaho State ran the ball well I the kickoff return. Tom Gates in the first quarter w hi 1 e ran the ball over for two moi:e tl1e story was just the reverse poin ts. as the fog settled down OVl!t' Idaho State had the b a l l the field in the second period. most of th.I! t)lird period and U was. a sc_oreless 1irst h_alt drove 50 yards to the USD 18. wtlh the runmng of backs Dick Pugmire and JM Sa.rratore Rodd~, ¥e.1th _Berry and Ron kept the drive going witl1 good Pugmire llt?hhght1:1g the Ben- gainers. gal attack m thl' first stanza. The Pioneers drove 45 yards Even s_o, Idaho Stat~ was able in nine plays for their second to get mto USD territory once touchdown after Gray's run- -and that was on the 49. back of the interception. Beny had a 15-:,.arder that '"""° 510,. _ • • 0 ._ • sparked Idaho I State's first uso · :.. :· o • 11,-24 thrust of ')6 yards but qua1·- USD-K,v•• 92, kickoff r.iurn IGotes , .., • . run) . Falvo l, Plunge. (Folvo, run). 1crbark Chuck K1lkuskie's It~~=~•~'. eno run. Got.., 100.. from of Montana. Pioneer quarterback J an Few of the 3,500 fans in the
The San Diego Union's Gridiron Selections
Harry w:l: ·
-Jack wJ;: '.\Iurph~- L-101
Warren \\'il' Oa,e Gallup wjjj L-114 'lonahan WilUam~ Consensus (,\\It.~ w:i~ 1 w:l~~ COP L-101 L-1os L.10, L·'1 COP --- COP___ COP____ COP COP USO wn bv 7 hV -~ USO,_---- Co~~-cr~ use____ -,---=-bY'-c=-6--- wcsn. s,. Ore;OO~ bY5 h• Northw"'i-stern...- Tciwo --- Wch. S,.-- by 2 QY ,t by 3 WU hg ldoho s,-- Idaho SI. -~ -~ USO USO USO by 7 . bv , by 5 by l by 2 I Ca~~o;nio Co~J~"fi_a__ Co~~o,~ CGJ~ol~ ;nia I u,~ --- UCLA Ca~~o,nia GRID MENU Tonight Crowford vs. ~:fu~ B 11:30) Friday PREP Mt Miguel vs. El Caion.-..., Allee Colrsbod•Follbrook at O~idF(S; i?:ro 0 ~1g~~~ Vis'igrrr1~d• '"· SOJC at LA. ~~ri;,E?s, foo~:ii~f~s;tola°nt f~~o &orbora. Sahrrda CO? ot San o'f~LS,~e (I ar'uc~th• 5tolo at Stanford ot California. ~ 0 hi~r;~eaf 1 R~~lo~~~y (I' (8). S~n Diego at Hoover (IJ. Lincoln vs., St. AU!Wstfne Keorny of Yuma CB) Point Loma at Lo JOiia Escondido of Chula Vis! • Grossf!iont at Helix. use use --- use use bv 20 by 7 by7 -3 by 3 Wash. st. brec;on St. bvl -• by 6 by 3 by 2 Wast-. ~s-i.-- wosh. St. Orf!;;;, 5-,-- Ore~o,, St. 1 N0!h sr. by7 wosl'1ingtori _ b_Y4 Orego~ St. wasn. St bvl _, by.( Ore:ion St. IOr~on St. . hJ ~I b-,6 t~nrth·.OJettern 111:n~1,--- TT1itl01-,--- f\lnrthwesfern !UTOO~ N"lrfh ves1ern llli-ois by I by 6 by & Bv 6, bv 6, by 7 by 7 N-,tre Oclme io'No lo~,o --- lo•o--- lo,,.,o by 3 s-,.-- Wch•·~s,-.-- 1\-\'c!l. st. by 13 by 1 hy 2 by 2 K~tt·'"'s st.- II/. cti. <;.t. ~J\:c:1. St. v:c,fr:on bY7 .Y.ICh. hv l b'f12 hv? bY7 bY8 bY7 Ohio St, by 1 Oh'o -- OhiO s-,.-- "J .os-..-- o,;·o ~t Ohio ~t by T, bY , t,y 13 by l
by l4 by I .Visco "t"l-,n-- wiicc'"'1~ W ·ic:-... sin W'v:Msin - iN coruin W~,on,ln t,,y 2'1 Wisconslo by 12 .,, by /J tly 6 by U 0 rel e by 3 by 8 p •rd.-- P rd.,-- P rdue -- --- A•11') 1 rn___ A ur,-- A bvr!l -- Aut)V,.n___ A1 1 burn by O hv J P •rd·.--- P··rd e--- ?urd-ui ___ by 11 b, 12 -g bY l:J ID by IJ by 20 by 8 by 1 b-,5 bv 7 by 12 by 10 by A11bur:1___ Auburn-- ID. bv 12 by 7 ~7 by 1 by - Kansas___ Mi!SOti-,!-- KOflios -- Miss.o"ri M1u0' ,., Misso• ri Missouri h2 b-,< ~1 N:-C:0,-nifnci-'N Corounc:;-- N ·ca.,ol~ N.C-or~ N. Carolina ~CcirofihO'- OuXe by 1 __ ___E! 5 __ by 3 .by 7 _ __ Qlflahema-- Oklahoma-- O1tlo!')oma Oklahoma 0iclatiomo 0" 0~lohomo Princeton by 20 0klohorno Princeton by l~ bv 45 By U B, I bv 20 bv Jn by 28 by 8 Princeton ___ Pr1nc~•on-- Princero_n__ Princeton--Oortm~ ?rlncefon I by 12 by 10 hv 1 _, by I h7 bY 3 h• bY I ~6 by 2 ~2 "'rc"u;-;--"--- "5_"t"~•-,--- --- TCU --- TCU- - R'--~--- rc-u TCU Rice ~6 • ac;,~or___ S~ .--- -,--- 13 Si'~~ 3 St~ S Pomona at Occidentcil Col Tech at Claremont S.F State at Fresno s CamPen at MCRD (2). Sunday Los Angelt~s at a~&iore. ~on Fronc1sco of Green Bay. 1<.e Kl"--tuck_Y__ Ktntvc~ Ke1h~ Keil ·,kv Ke1h 1 cky tyckv TPnn~~!ee Kentucky __!>Y_~-- hy 6 by 7 "'v 7 h , 7 bY l by l bV 1 -- [cu____ l.SU --- LSU LSU L'U ---- LSU LSU tv10 R,;13 bv13 tw12 bv7 bY7 bv6 Houston-- Hr Ltr'_n___ Ho 11ton___ Miami M m, -- H,,,. .. t.,n "'Ho·J'loton___ Mlom· By 1 bV 6 l'Jv J h'II by 7 by 7 by 2 f)v 1 H,,,Y"',d bv 21 Haivor_d__ H"'rvt1rd HnrV"'rd !i--l'"vr;,rd· H.. rv.:-rd C em~on bv 1 h5 H:::irvord Cle:,uon ,~9 __ h~Y_6___ bv 2 hl i,y 12 bv 6 h6 ~v ·. ftpm"ori-- cieinso_n__ Clem•On___ .... tem~o~--- c:em•on ~, ~6 l Colts Coit,---- Rnm-,--- Rom-,--- Colt~ Colts Rr,m• by l bv S by 6 +w 1 by 3 by l '- hy~J___ on,--- Beari --- Beers Lion5 ___ LIOl"ls ___ Be-:irs Beors. bv 1 8row11s _by 3 RedSklns bY 3 Browns bv 7 by 12 l'IY 3 bv 7 by 3 Browns bv 7 by 1 ov 1 I Browns___ Browns BrOWn-,--- Brown-,-- by_S___ =b~Y_B___ bv ,4 G!onh--- 1 c1or-i1s___ Gionh___ Giana b-,6 b-,3 WI Giants Gionts hl ~7 h7 ffl Cords -6 hi w, ~5 <=-b'f-5___ Sl,.~lers___ 5tee•rr) -- Steelers Stet ert 5t,elers Steelers Steelers Packen i':lio b-,, b'fl h8 w, W6 Wl hl ffJ PQcker,-- 1 Pockrr, -- Pocl I Last Wtek: ,2:Uo Lat.t w•~: '·'.!» j LOlt Wffk-,-l• Wetle: Last Week~J last Week: Lau W11k: i•:~l 2~~1 llj~ •1:~1
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