News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Coook. Reed Named To Start For USD By .JQJINN ~I DO ALD Coach Bob McCutcheon yes- Merle '.It terday announced two lineupithe club's le ding to bolster his of- starting at right end in place fense ~omo1:row night "".hen of Ray Yoast. Here, again, tl>a Umvers1ty o! San Diego Yoast ls the best de!ensive Pio..eers battle tough Idaho player but Mccutcheon ap- State College at Balboa Stadi. parently is seeking more re- um. ceivers for an aerial game. Ken Cook, a 215-pounder\ C. G. Walker has been as- who has been alternating at signed his regular left end the pirnt po.-t most of the post for the second straight season, will . tan at cent<'r wPek. Prior to the Pepper- in pl a r. e of veteran Ja<'k dine cont e t, Walk r had Garofono. In la t week's bPen on thP bench for sever- game against Pepi,erdme un• al week. with a leg lnju1·y. der free ub~tltution rule. , The Pioneer are expt>CtPd Cook was on tl1e offensive to open with thelr customary unit and Garofono pla~·ed on star1fng backfield o! quarter- thP. defensive club. ba ck Jan Chapman, hall- W o Is actually receiVer, changes
THI! SOUTHI~ ·eaoss. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 19.59 Sa•nr'Jil.,Y
~lgltf Clash Pioneers Tackle Idaho S ate In Bid for Fifth Straight Win C h Rr,b McCutcheon'a 'brilliantly a11:aln Colorado Unlve.ndly o! S n Diego p 10 • State In hla first atarltng as- h t t d th l lgnment, I r.heduled to 8lRrt ,r. P n tx en e r "' n SaturdRy night, 11tr to !Ive meR thl~ Sat- Th~ Idaho Stnte lln1- IA an- urday n ght hy b atln11: highly .-bored by tour seaAoned veter- ans. Tackle Bert Owens (20~1. cenlf>r Bob Steinmetz (200), Bob Regan U D quarterback Jan Chap- man completed 13 ot 15 passes attPmpted for 217 yards and two touchdowns. Halfback Tom Gates scored three times lo hike his touchdown total to t1>n. USO _ _ .... 12 6 14 13-45 P~pperdme 7 6 O 0-13
:: r, 111 -~ 8
0 "
l"rt •
nd guards Ed Peterson (198) and Delane Pankratz /202) are
USD Scoring: Gates 3 (ll,2,1- yard runs), Keyes (2-yard run), Ree d 11:S-yard pass- Chap- man), Walker (13-yard pas Chapman), Chapman 11-yard aneak). Conversions-Falvo 2, Gates. Pepperdlne Scoring, Echols (52-yard pasa-Crmer), Wrenn (4-yard run). ConYenion - Hammett.
Wlll b~ mlkuldo again Saturday night cnUln the act on for S!lJ\ Di 11:o·a KGD [1360), Id ho tate'a football te&m
tarting backfield Pugmire,
lettrrmen. The
lone senior
the leadlng scorer. A!ter Saturday night's game, !d&ho Slate w,U close their aeaeon with a game at the University o! Hawaii on • ·ov. 29, lAat Friday night, the Unl- vusity of San Diego turned out to bt unwelcome i:ueatR at Pepperdine College's homecom- ing party defeating lhe Wu·es, 4 •13, In a 1<1nd-s,-ept game In Loa Angeles The Pioneers gained 610 y&rd• to 178 by Pep- p rdlne, and h~lrl the Waves to H yarda on the ground. club's
(Continued on
The o th er chanae finds
Cqok, Reed USD Starters (ConllnuC"d) bacl con istent bread • and - hul- ler performer with 1-;o yar,ls in 31 Nrries for an a,·erage of 4 2 i,ards a trip. IDAHO DUE TODAY • IeanwhilC', the 2i-man Ida- ho State team planned to stay at Las Yegas la t night and are due in !':an Diego Mmetime around 6 p.m. to- day. The Bcmgals. who srill have one more game wit the Uni• ver ity or Ha" ail on their schedule, have announced the same tarting club the ~~n1 against Colorado State Col- lege two weeks ago. Jim l{oette-r and ll Hen- der ·on will be at end•, Bert Owens and Jim Thomasson at tackles, Ed Peterson and DeLane Pankratz at guards, Bob Steinmetz at center, Chuck Kilkuski at quarter- back, Joe Sarratore and Ron Pugmire at hah·es and Keitl1 Berry at tullback. Peterson, Steinmetz, Pank- ratl and •Pugmire were all starters on la t rear's un- beaten squad. Thi. year's club has a 4-3 record.
tnunUtn Conference ch&mpl- nMhlp Ith !lV I gue victo- r!•• nd tinl,hert th• ye.u wllh a 9-0
g me hu IL
Ben ofsHead Be
f Nex
mon the lop colleg• teams m the Rocky 'Mo11nt In area a,:ain his y r, IdahQ !:; e had be-n s I ct by aeveral national irld magazln II to repeat this I ason ilh p rfect record I C !olloWefl an expected pat- t rn by d !eatlng Eutem W shtngton, 30-0, Colorado Western,, 7-0. and Adams !'I ate, 26-0, In Its t'!rst three g mes. Then, In an unexpected· reversal, the Rengal• were up- ~t by Montan St ti-, 17-6; Coto,ado Coll ge, 8-7, am! Colo- racto .1,n ~. 23-1 • kend Id ho State en· Joyed an open d..te arter r,- turn1ng tn the winning slde the prevlolll! wePk, topplnir Cnlorado State, 14-6. coach Caccia s t• fill won Rocky M ynt In Conference ti les in 1 152. 11!53 195/s, &nd 1957. ll w
Idaho Stale Collt>ge's "At>n. gals, who are t>xpPcted to ar- (Co 11t. _from Page b·3) rive In San Diego this eve- on the ln,1urrd list are end ning aftPr stopping last night Ray Konczos and Johnny Ven- in Las Vega~ will have try nd ! ack Dick Roddy. booked a lot of mile'~ b<>fore tonczos f.ef',di'lf bN;t end, they see snnw bound PocatPllo ias a [J.,w, ~lie Ven. again. try anit a ife'\h obblcd ThP Bengals, who play Un!-/byl(•g II\ · VPrsity o! San Diego's Pio- Ni-I! Hend~1 son, a \~ n rer n<'ers tomorrow night in Dal, to lllc 14uo <'hoof froffi 1East- boa ladi m, will s 1 i k rrn A~na JC, and one of around San Di<'go until nPxt 1 111 ," \!rs in tbe West Tucsda~·. 1hPn head for Los wilh ro average. prob- Angeit>s and a 1rip 10 llono- ably wl 11'1t over Konczos' lulu for a Nov, 29 grid dale flanker posmon. with Univt>rs1tv of IJawa ii . Othl'r Idaho vlctorie11, in ad- Idaho StatP is suff~i-lng dllion to the one over Colorado from two kinds of break lhP Stat , WPre against Eastern bone-type from injuries 'and, Washington, 30-0; Colorado the pockl'tbook-type from last W e s t e r n, 7-0, and Adams night's stop in Vegas. IIState, 26-0. The Bengals were Quarterbark Gary Tomlin- beaten by Montana State Col- son injured a shoulder a the lege, 17-6; Colorado College, Bengals w<'re beating Colora- 8-7, and Colorado Mines, 23-14. do State I\ o w@eks ai:-o 1 4 •6 USD i,r 6-1 for the season They were lcllc last wc<'k'. · and one victory in its next Other BPngal tlrsl string<'rs t~o games would assure the (Co 11 t. on l'an-u b- 7 C'ol I J P;onec>rs their best season in ,.v • · · history. ,
l\ludd. •\\ htt1 r at P:~d ~n,h
Anzona St.
L J , crne
t Cal Io) (Po- .\nzona.
n Jna).
Air Force al
e v Mexico.
•Idaho • at '
I' Diego.
l OP .it • Jn Diego St. P CIFIC CO,\ST
:'ti D\\ESl'
tem•a• 11'1 1C.1
• ·orth,\
Y le al Harvmri. l 1 qu tte at Ho! · C1 ,c, Dar mouth at Princeton. Cc umbia a• Rutgers. Denot night game.
1111., So\'.~~. J!l~I! ® b7 SAN Dll!GO, Cl • otre Darr eat IJ\ Kan a ·t. at THE AN DIEGO UNION . t1chigan t Kansa TODA,Y IN SPORTS l FOOTBALL College of Paclfft vs. Sein Oleso Stcte or Azlec Bowl, a ,:in,. Idaho Slate vs, USO ct Balboa Sta• dl~,n! ~-~dl~ton ot MCRO, :2 p.m. Trono t-1Ton at Ramona HIQh, a 0.m. U Sl(ETBALL Son 011"1;0 Alt Stars vs. MCRD at Pf I L.oma Qvm, 7 P.m. Hoover vs. GrD!!smont; San Dfego vs. He!lx ot GrossmorH Hlt:ih, 7 p.m. HORSE RAC uri FOOTBALL SCORES FAR WE'-T Dartmouth 21. Princeton 12. College of Pacific 68, San/ Rutgers 61, .Columbi11. 0. Diego State 7. Boston U. 36, Connecticut 22. U. G! S Idaho Holy Cross 14, 'Marquette o. State 0. QuantiL'O Ma1iine 19, V!Ua- Oregon Or n State O. nova 13. Washing o State 18, Wash- Buffalo 38, Buekeiro. !ngton 14. 'Ot:TJI California 16. Stanford 15, Louisiana State 62, Tulane o. Southt>rn California 15, Auburn 21,. \ 1 \il\1.(e Forest 7. UCLA 15 (tic•). Alaham:i H, Mi>mphis St. 0. ,nDWEi-.T South Carolina 12, North. Iowa 31 • Otl'e Dame 21 Carnlina Sta1!' 7. Florirl 1 THE SAN DIEGO UIION USDHos s D O STA TE PLA hold an 8-5-3 edge in the series . . Pat O'Brien, who Starred 1tl the 194-0 movie based on Knute Rockne's life, will participate 1rt a special tribute to the lm- mort 1 coa h on "You: Asked For It' Sunday, • 'ov. 30, from 7 to 7.30 p.m. on Channel 7. Pat, an old Marquette quar- terback, knew Rock well and later became a close friend of Mrs. Bonrue Rockne and her family, He'll narrate the show emphasizing Rockne's person- ality and human qualities. The program will include brief in- terviews with famous • ·otre Dame football men who played for Rock. • • to ,,.,atc,h when umbers Pioneers RiskVi Streak Her • '01re Dam.- to derail Ro e Bo\q·bound Iov.a, the Big Ten champion, on nationwide TV tom,....,.,,.,,__. Ill! at 11 15 a m.,,,-.1111a11d ta G~rge Izo (31, ~eel. tack (23), • ·1 k PJ tro ante 49), Capt. .Al E:,uyer (60J and Monte Stickles ( ). Iowa•~ mo,t dan erous TD threJ.tll are Qb. Randy Duncan t25 J and \\ ilhe "Fleet Flier" I-'leming (15), You may a!I 11eJJ concentrate on the ,;;,as,lng combo, 3 to 80, Izo to .Stlckll' , becau. e Iowa ,1 ru. Tim is the best l®kln~ Notre Damp aerial duet sine; All-American Erne Nevers ,,., pitching o mer Layden In the 1()25 Ro L e. • • tries Purdue 15, Indiana J 5 1t1") • Illinois 27, 1'/orthwe~tPrn 20. Wi:con~in 27. 'lfinne ·ot
Syracuse L.i, \\. Virginia 12, Duke 7. Xorth ~rolina 6. Kentud,y 6, Teim<'SH'P 2. Mrtryland 41, Virginia G, ~Ol"THWEST Texa Christian 21, Rice JO. (Continued 011 b·7, CoL 7) By ,TOJINNY :ucDONALD Bobby Keyes, a 185-pound speedster, broke up a score- Jess tie with an electrif; 92-yard kickoff return · to / t ouch off the University of San Diego's 24-0 victory over tough Idaho State in fog-en- g1:11fed Balboa Stadium 1 a s t mgllt. Keyes, Tom Gates and Ava- lon Wright were the main in- struments of destruction as Id ah o State found its elf blanked for the first time since October, 1956 when Omaha University beR t the Bf'ngls 6-0. ' It was the fifth straight tri- umph for the hard-hilling Pio- neers and gave tlJem a 7-1 i5eason recont with 011e game onttnued on b-5, col. 4) • Ierle Reed and C. and halfback Tom Gate . Gate,. the cub's high ·cor- er, and Bob Ke)·es, the top grnund gamer will pa e the Pioneers ground off e n s e. Rounding> our t e b tarting club ll be A :&lon 'Vtrig!Jt at fullback, a l"Ol1 I run- (Continued on a,19,0II. 3) '. Walker s til• , 111:. No epperalne 13 orth Caro- 1?a.m1 l4f li,11•11, ~l•t~ 32, Holy Cron 0 ~entucky 20, C r,cinnat1 (0.) & .X1\11er t!,. M,irQuette 0 Miami I 0,) 34, Oay\on 0 Army 26, VIiianova o 801ton Coll ege 18, Boston U. 13 It!! seeking Jrm will b thlrrl \I 1n ov!'r No re 0 mr But thP- Fighting Irish tralgh '
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