News Scrapbook 1958-1961

'/ Became a Catholic and Found Happiness'


to 11.1 ct u,., -,on last Fn·

da a.ft,moon by a ..., aco~ onr , uni camp Pendletcm. 1,o...-... .nowed only Ill< Juts aod NI the ,h.Ue ffl route first completr game of tM year (Ol' • USO tarte-r. Lavon Baker ,uppllfd u,, ,r.arg!n of ,1ctory with a tOO-foot home ll In .\11-.\nwri«·a

Leslie Hono

.Ken Lt. he ot the U'ni\'en:ity of

tgo rece1v~ honorable


- h 1••9 ,..._thollc College AU-American bukelball mention m t e .,.1 ...,. Ham stlec '"d /or CA.tholic Digest Magaz,.ne. The 10-man All-America squad conalsl.3 ot Alan Selden, and bo h f St John's ( !'\Y) · Tom Hawkin...~. Nolre ,Tor,y J.cln. t o . •---•-------- .Dame· Tom tnchery, St. • . IDame: Roy Leenlg, Holy Crou; rys 1Cahf.) Bob Ferr~. St: Ray Meyer, DePaul; Dudley ~·!! John £ga.n Providence. Moore La.Selle; Ken Norton, ChatlP)' Brown. SeattH!: Dfonnir Mtrnh~ttan, and Eddie O'Brien, ;soc>ne, R•JO.' tColo.); A! BuUe ' Seattle. . ... ·1a,-.ra and Bob McNe1II, St. Arthur DAiey of The New Jmeph. 21 (PA. I, York Time~ waa ('oordlnator o! nu, ls thf M ond annual the seltcllon committee. t,&m. 1el,ded for U\e Catholic • • • Di~est by a p&nel ot 10 leading rh,<11. Asidf' from abllity,

'I.he only r~ulremenl for selec• tJon ls lhat the player be com• pelmg tor a Catholic college. n,re were two repeaters Jn:,m the 1958 team-Hawkins, g.~ Jump- hoolt-r who l:ii the ;.g-ttatest Korer in Notre• Dame hlatory. an,f Boone, a 6·2 junior mm htlle Reg!..$ College in l>en\'er. A tot.Al of 51 collt!?'f'1' drew repre,entAtlon on thti All- AmenC'fL l'}U&d d honorable m,ntlon li1l Coache! plrl!c1r11 bAlloUng wt f' John Benning- ton. St. Lnttl T ille.Ckbum, Dayton &ob r · S,inta Clara: Taps ll er, Ni- \ga.ra; Johnny Jordan, Notre

COMPLETE FUNERALS from •250 INCLUDING: The ccaket. with haad..nqra•ed. name plat•. A pro- tecHve outHCOM. Aemo•al from. any local hoapital or realdence. Embalmin,; and drne1n9. Uae of all Funual Home facilihH and Jun.era! .czu1pment. Pr-ocuririq burial pennU ond othe[ nece • ICITy paper •, Sen-kH of a he•n..d. funeral d1r!KUN'" and aNlatont• , .PalJbearerL H-an e and one hmou • U\• lo oay loca:l cei:neteiy, BROOKLYN 20 SNY D !:flt A.VCNVa-uLet e l' 15~480 0 ao ae: v e:NTH AV~NU!:-MAln 2.esea Cln WIDTsuv1t[-CtfUtlt P'hon• Ink for tiltlrtst ht11tlll1111111\t

JOHN ESPOSITO MEMORIALS JJ'• Specialise in Jlonumenl1 for St. Chark, Ce:me:ruy use !tit 35 (Soutllern SUtt Pkwy.) ta reach C1met1ry and our dJsplay ind m1nufactur1na plant on Wei/wood AYI.• Pln1l1W11, L I, For free catalo1 call CHapel 9-%9Zl Inside Showroom for your comfort.. Free Car Senico from. Pinelawn or Farmingdale R.R. Station.

Msgr. Reagan announced the

Father Dustan Put, a Francis• inauauration of the program to can missionary, writes from Tai• hi! parishioners early in Janu-1--------------------------

New York Cily Di,plar a& 58-25 BROWH PLACE

r UOOK1YN fJI Allo • lk A~tolilt -. MA J.J,00 n.tlSHINCI 141,Ullortftim IHlm fi FL S-2800 OARDlH CITY fr11tli1 An. •I 1m SI, Pl ,-01U MA.NH.ASSET U71 NMtlltr~ kvl'"rl MA7,200t QUIINI VIUAGI 2:2MS Nllh,dt An11111 HO .1-4300 "

M11peth 78, N. Y. Work done in. all cemeterie, netal 13ittctors t wan 1n a very Jovial mood: ary and asked for men volun• "Hall, your Excellency," he says, teers to solicit each of the fami- "we pray you wUI have a very Ues In the parish. One hundred d the seventy-two men of the parish glorious Easter. You an respanded to his appeal and good people of Brooklyn deocrve were then trained to accomplish it, and I know you always will the plan of the program. at least a& far as I am concerned. Although the envelope system But don't fo~get us in was already jn use at St. Ce. your pra~ers a nd don t forget to cma·s. the men v.·ere successful send a llttle something along too iin bringinll' to the people the every once in a. v.•Wle to con• need for more generous and vince us tha.t we are not forgot- more widespread use of new en- ten. velopes which were introduced "We number nearly 4 oo mis• on Feb. 15. Results of the first sionaries out here in Ta.iwan. two Sundays .since introduction HEwtow• 9-1120 255-2latSTREET should be good !or me alter F. Abernathy. Jerome A. Mur• STerli•1 8 -0050 some 30 ye&rs 1n th e mission~ phy and Michael Krol. assistants S,n,ieu A,,.Jlable iR All Borm Alter all I am 63 years old. an at St. Cecilla's. all were active :;_.;___________ lwhat do you tbmk my superiors participants in the program. , S done? Sent me back agam Rev. Anthony Restrepo, chaplain Jere J Cron .In Inc Joseph P. Clavin ons and added " COUJ)e of molnsreteneawd of Greenpoint Hospital, who re-, pel • ' • - jobs. Somehow or 0th er sides at St. CecJli&'s rectory, also funeral Direclor, IHC. o! feeling persecuted, I ocem to assisted in the solicitation of the· _,,WSTON PARK ,.. WEIGAND BROS., INC. ,uNEIU.L BOME5 Edw k d 1~' 811.00llYN '1. BALDWIN GREENPOINT


Appropriate facilities for Catholic fa.mHies are m&intaioed at all Fairchild chapels, Fairrhild Sans1.. FUNERAL DI RRC TO RS Ou.·,,ed 4111a Ma,ug,d b1 Th, FIUrchiU F~mil1 Si• c, 1886 Fru\ f:. ratt1:blld, Prutdnl Frill L F • ircblld, Jr., \"ice•l'ruldnl


This year we had over guarantee the full!llment of 32,000 converts. I was thlnlti~ Msgr. Reagan's plans throughi-- ------------------------1 • •· Lookwood, 01,. of a rest and & r etired gr"tly increased weekly income.\,--------------------------. some Belgi&n c O n v en Revs. James P. Smyth. Joseph ' C WOO

lilsnfTZM.m 224-39 J,maica Ave '·


Queen, Village


HOilis 5-3210 2001 Modison Sm«

Bl!Atn11'1'L CHAPELS



be happier than ever.

. s parishioners.

-a.,, Coart St.

DT. llN




772Z 4th. An, "Maybe there are a few )ear

MSgr Reagan also announced

t~,,.,, 44 7th Aw. c,r-.r- a:~~ PL

VAndyke 1·3220

1 mars left in me and tnY legs will ,that a· "'roup o_! men who had,· !', SH. 5-1445 , -------------, interrupted their "'·ork to par•

Brook!-, N. Y.

,11 A~1!!~:! .... Brllllr,1 t. M, Y.

, -



r. 1 .. i, 111. : MAI • 4-11u-111t-11H-NH

5 _2240



ticip3ite in the program for in• creased weekly income had re- ~:.ih~to::e of.:.:~g~: grou.p fondly named "the art society" is headed by Father Abernethy and may be found working diligently each night o f Student at St. Rita's School Wins Essay Contest J ack Par,si has been named winner-cf the Americanism ~Y contest sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Michael's Post, catholic War Veterans. East New York. The youngster. who resides at 891 Liberty Pl.. is a. 'student a t St. Rita's School. Second and third place win· ners r especUvely are James DrtlI'Y of 38> Fountain. Ave., also ,laration of Independence. 1----:-:-::=:::::i prevents GRAVI SINKING I L~J..,'°,.1_e,_1s_c_~--.:K-:-lT~~ ~l!R11'L VAULT ,f,.i y,,,, I buil'u" # _._. the week 1n the schoo


Allt CONDllltNID

John J. Gallagher Sons Harry F. Blair Sons

JOSEPH G. DUFFY, Inc. FUNERAL HO:IIES To ,...u th• ll'IIIIIOrlH Of the ll'II I lftt I sovrce of COfflfort ind lnsptr1t111 fl our dtdi~ted Plll"POH- M00Effll AIII: CONDITIONED CKAP£LI 9th Stred an4 4th Ana • 1 7703 1i/th Ave•H HYaci•th 9-1700 Lawrence U. ROUSE FUNERAL HOMES LI 11-3%97 CA 1-ll31 I\. AIMJI• P•....I Wntt1II f aa..., HMt H•-. 1... l t l •tt l114• • IWI, Slll l" • rt A.VIII.. It. Allill111. L. I., N.Y. W1.11t11JI. L I~ N. Y. HALLETT t, HALLETT, Inc. FwlH"&J DlNeton Bl.nee llSt THE HALLETT HOMESTEAD Nort.b•m BlTd • lf,7 81. P'l,, 1--00U ::h&Nl• a v&llabll ll:J .. 11 11.elrhborboad1 ltlopfto•e: SUnut 5-0225 Clair S. Bartholomew & Son FUNERAL HOMf ,-------------,

Fun.r.l Director,

Fsneral Director,

ru11N~l • d,

N1wly f•IIY



25 Aberdeen St., Brooklyn, N. Y.


(11m,~ t. 1,-.11 ILlld hoa1s• Completely Air•Conditioned CeffN(ut UM.UN • AU Tru~UIII • Chip! F•ititln ull SenitM AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE HENRY McCADDIN & SON I NCOI PO I ATED T lf-,./ Dir«lor$ .Surd 1"4 AMrew J. McCo«itfie, ,..._ 24 Seventh Ave., l'klyn ST9-2222 N.F.U) I •~e,• a "' Inc •

G '-omor• 5-2020



-, CONIT l!U..VI> Aff., IS - au,,m1n,,., •-m•

1350 Northern Bl•d., Manh.,,et, I. I. •• MAnha•~1"'t 7-16Hi SCHAEFER'S FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 68 YEARS '••rth A..., cor, 42•• St. GEdney 5-3381 tR\ JOSEPH V. SESSA

FULLERTON FUNERAL HOME, INC, 9711 Fl • tl,od1 Jm., Broaki,,, Cloverdale 7-2515 131 Merrick RH4, B,ltlwl• BAidwin 3~1460 M MATTHEWS .4Nl'I L, M.4TTBE1"S Lieo"'•• Jlorlici

YOUR WISEST CHOICE HIGHEST QUALITY In Materlal, Workmanship and Design BONDED for yollf protection AT NO EXTRA COST by the A,-r,erican Fidelity Co. INSIST ON THIS LABEL

Fuural Homes


Of St. Rita's, and Theresa. H an• 1714 101" St. ' nawacker of 406 Elton St.• who WHtlh•v111 l l, N.Y. attends s t. Michael's SChool. "' ,_,,., The essaY topic was The Dec-

75 N.M-,,lti: A"'• • Murie Ir, H,Y.


' l



Brooklyn :U , Hew York


• I 21M P'nrmer

. ~H7t

Sn, .

DIGNIFIED FUNERALS DAY 01 NIGHT CALL: M lchigan 1-1300 ,UHIIJ,IS IJOM 1 250 LEO F. KEARNS lfflRI C:Mtl:J'J MD "',i:-1™" fHtrtl 1r1C., ,ur1u,u HOMES l L1" 11 i 11-,f. l fCIIIIIIID IIIUJ10l•l - a+,.,,,,.u:IU•l0 itOCU,,IJ' I u,o,&1«, 6L-4.l ft11•~•·•~.;;, · H ,tlONI r.HK,1' 1•15 R~ll.1~11


.. ..

JOYCE BROS. FUNERAL HOME C¼ie11 Av1il11>l1 In All CommunltlU, 111-i, U• d" 11,1.-cor. 20111 PIIH I t, AIIIIIII, L, I, T l. LAur1Jtafl t-3050



MORAN ~~!,~~_,


1L 9-6300 161--H Nertban .,._leH.J"•

FL. 9-1122 10-!5 150ill 8i. Wbl1e.to11._

Ju,lin ,,.


. M, T,

X. Y.

121 SIXTH ()pt>o

FM•",J Dimtor

PIRO FUNERAL HOME O • r- ff.,. C,.•l"l ,..u,. 1,.,..., ad l'AMDIUR,1' Affl ""' 9-1135 sraad1: Park ••• C.rH•• A••·

Catholic Cemeteries ..... --·

302 Bedford Avenue Bellmore, L I., N. Y.

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