News Scrapbook 1958-1961

l!lon., Mar. n, 19119 O b7 ~AN Dll!CO, CALIFORNIA



AZTECS OPEN GRID DRILLS TOMORROW: 45 GIVEN GEAR Forty.:five San Diego ~te football· c c_hecked out gell1" preparatory to oi,e w.,. Qf t1ce tomorrow a1terno0tr. Head coach Paul Ctvernali between 3:30 and 5:30, Monday p1·ac- allotted .20 days. Offense will be s ed. Governall sald most of last year's linemen and some ot the backs will be on hand for the sprlng workouts. ~ong backs are expected are Dlck Morris and Jim King f1rst•strlng men last fall. ' Quarterback Joa Duke will miss the spring drills be- cause of employment. Assistlng Governall will be coaches Bill Schutte and Frank Vitale. Vitale has received an offer to become line coach at Amherst College, but Is undecided whether to leave State. 40 Expected For Spring Football Drills At USD The Universlty of San Df. load at the hal!back posts," thl1 year's 6, it was announced yester- squad will be first and second ~~rt:.y new head coach Paul strlng .tullbacks Avalon Wrlght . and Don Gilmore, first string Platz said he itxpect, 40 tackle John Mulllgan center pla~ers out for practice Ken Cook, end Merrill Reed which concludes with an in- and hal!backs Al Kish a n d tra-squad contest, May 2. Tom Mathis. All but Math!~ Twenty lettermen are expect- had completed their eliglbll- ~d to be among those r,-port- !ty. ' m~. , USO has seven g.. me1 We 11 work primarily on scheduled for the tall and Is lundamen~als and attempt to seeking three more. The Plon- flnd a suitable offense other eers will open at San Lu 1 1 1 than the split T," said Platz, Obispo against Cal Poly Sept a former Little All American 10. They'll travel to s Ii v e ; at St. Mar:(s, Tex., College. City to meet New Mexico Wes- Plalz said he will be look, ter, Sept. 26; go to Pomona ~g f e backs ends. against Cal Poly, Oct. 3. be _e stocke4 inte- at Gunnison, .Colo., against r1?.r I e:n. Colorado Western, Oct. 10· We .tortunate last oppose Pepperdlne Colleg~ I season to _fo alon~ as well as here, Oct. 17, face Marine we did with Vic Ca se- Corps Recruit Depot here lpohl, Tom Gates, BIH Key<>s Oct. 24, and play Montan~ and Joe Gray carrymg the State hera, Nov. 21. , ego football squad will open he said. Its 21-day spring drills Aprll Missing from



The University of San will open its fourth season or intercollegiate football Monday, April 6, when Head Coach Paul Platz, his coaching staff and 34 varslty players assemble for spring drills. Coa~h Platz, In his first year as the. USD h('ad man after •el"Ving a.a hea rl backfield coach" , during the 1957 and 1958 sea- been employed in 1·ecent years soM will find 21 lette1men re- by the Los Angeles Rams and turning from the highly sue- the University of Iowa, 1959 cessfol 1958 team that won Rose Bowl champions. eight of its 10 gamPs. Platz will be assisted by Spring practice sessions will Marty Lewis. who returns as continue for 19 days and con- line coach Bob Hand, veteran . trainer and ~e\'eral l.JSD gradu,. elude Satu,. d ay, May 2 , ;" 1_ th ate student assistants.. the second annual Blue:\\ hite Ex ected to be in uniform intrasquad game. Negotiations A . 1P 6 • ·th th S Di. pr, ,.re. are under way w, e ~n. • Ji:nds---O. G. Walker, Ray ego Marine Corps Recnnt Del- Yoast, Dale Cobb, Tom Frank, p_ot for the use o! a practice Joe Leeschnig, and Ed Bair. st te. Tacklea-B,11 Clarke, Charlie Platz Is a veteran of World franklin, Bob Malchel, Rick \Var II and earned a mastera •·ovack, Jim o·Lee.ry, J. T. degree at Cal Poly (San Lu!s Trlly, and Jerry Ma re u s. Obispo) in 1950, He won little Guards-'- Wayne Bourque, Jay All-American and All-State Elson, Mike Gurrola, Bob honors as a halfback at St. Hughes, Walt Joos, Norm Ma- lllary·s College of Texas and genot, Bill Patten, and Barry later played with the PittF- Vinyards. Centers Jack .Garo- burgh Steelers and Washington fono and Joe Varley. Redskins in professional foot- Quarterbacks-Jan Chapman, ball. Duane o·connor, Bill Bourque, Coach Plat.-. has announced and Dave Cox. Halfbacks-Joe plans to Install. the Slot-T Gray, Bob Keyes, Vic Ga.u-se- formation and will concentrate pohl, Chuck \Vi111ams, and Jim on orienta ling veterans to the Mertens. Fullbacks - To m new ofrense. The Slot-T has Gates and Marty Young. Pioneers Invade North for 3 Games Coach Mike Jo.Joi-row will call I game of the season and held upon senior Dick Shea to stop Cal Poly scoreless for seve11 Alameda ;:,,;aval Air Station and !nnings aner yielding one run . • . . . m the first lnnmg. Second wm the Umversity of San D1- baseman Hugo Soto continued eg-o s fourth consecutive game hig blistering hittini;: attack today 1Th11rsday) In San Fran- with four hits in five trips to cisco. hlke his average to .407. Lor- The Pioneers opeped the sell.- ~::nec;~~c,~dfo:r 1~7;!\:~ou~ eon with it • a t es, RBI's, and Rebelo collected a but have since defeated San Di- pair of singles to boost his ego :Naval Training Center, 7-1, average to .410. Camp Pendleton, 4.-2, tied USO meets the San Diego Miramar :Naval Air Station, 2-2 Amphibioue Base :.'lfarch 31 (called after nine innings be- I go ::\1anne Co,·ps cause of darkness), and defeat- t April :? and clos- ed Cal Poly (Pomona), 13'-4. r vacation series This Friday the Pioneers a double-header meet the University o f San Tech in Pasadena. Francisco and c 1 o s e their

ION ® Sllll,, )Jar. 29, 19:;9 S,.N OIEGO, CALIFORNIA


Special ta Th• San 01110 Union BERKELEY, March 28 - John Rebelo went the route, scattering nine hits. to pitch University of San Diego lo a 5-3 victory over University of California here today. Lavon Baker put the Pion- eers out front 2·0 in the fourth inning with a single that de- livered two runs. ln the fol- lowing inri,ing, the Pioneers' Bob Keyes hit a two-run hom- er to give his side a 4-1 lead. Tim Leyden, USD player injured Friday when struck accidentally by a team-mate's bat, was reported out of dan- ger in St. Mary's Hospital in San Ftfpciseo today. Leyden underwent an operatip a fractured skull Friday -night. U50 .. 000 no Hl"-5 1 1 Rebel0 and ounca ; Settle, Rus.sell Cal • ooo 101 010-3 f ll (..(), Benz:odini (6) ond Brenreccl·;.____

northern road trip at the Uni- versity of California in Berke- ley Saturday, Coach :.'lfonow tentatively has scheduled fresh- man Terry Lorenz to pitch against USF and John Rebelo, another freshman, to hurl against powerful California. La t Thursday the Pioneers battled Miramar • •a val Air Station to a 2-2 'tie. Against Cal Poly (Pomona) last Satur- day, the Pioneers pounded out 17 hits and playe-1 errorless ball for the 13-4 win. Rebelo pitched his strongest


Pion e After in-in-Row I

• or r its

0nd vic-

fourth strn1g

tory hl're thl~ afternoon In a 1, sic a am t the Al!1meda val Au· Station. • rhe Pion N"1; will take. on t nlver y of · n anc1sco tor.1orro1 ar•l l~e out ~heir rtlt tour agamst Unwer- y O fornla at Berkeley Saturd


USO, PhibTraPac Play University of San Diego's ba~e1JaQ team was to play PhtbTraPac today Oil the Mike Morrow diamond.



Colleg·ans· Wins Biscotti Sparks Rally As Aztecs Top Chapman Sa rol cge nines were thr2e-for-three in the win yesterday. San fate College's Azte~·overcame an early !i-1 Chapman College lead 1o post a 10-6 decision on the Aztec diamond. Cal Western pOunded out 19 hits in a 1 19-11 triumph over Cal Tee-Ir on the Point Loma field.

SAN DIE,;.0, CALIFORNIA l l.\1011-,. Uareb. .30, l/159 l' SAN DIEGO AREA SPORTS BRIEFS Sanderlin Annexes Ink Tennis Title David anderlln, 1 Friday the~ will trav. all billed for noon, send Chula I Bernstein, 21•15, 15-21., 21-17, Cajon defeated Bill Bond, 16, el to ·Fresno .for a go with Vista to La Mesa, Escondido and Marinos from Fred Ad- of La Jolla, 10-8, yes,erday at the Fresno Stat,- Bulldogs, to Highland and Balboa to ams, 17-21, 21•17, 21-13. Morley Field to w1n the sen- who beat them last week in Palomar. Doubles competition was ior high boys' division of the the finals of the Marine Corps W Hill f S D" J scheduled to get underway to. 25th Harper Ink M,-morial R e c r u it Depot invitational . Cesll O d aMn ttelgPo ttun• day on the same courts. t . t t t s t d Sa D" 1or O ege an ar e e 1es 6·30 • m -Dru Stolnbock ond Som Solo. enms ournamen . mee . a ur ay n ie_go of San Diego Track and Field mon vs: Alex Tromoa, and Herb Bern- Their finals' match had will play a double~eade_r wi th Association were double-win- ! 1 t 1 1,J;tliurl/:J;./i;;~•i.g"~o~i:'i?nHrs'l'. 1ck been postponed by rain after\Cal Poly at San Lms Ob_1spo. ners Saturday in all-comers' le~ ~-,.msidMJ~;~~eJ"oci:'e~"ds,{~~n i;i'i they had split two sets the Last Saturday the Aztecs meet at San Diego State Col- George. Moth and Al Gerber vs. ~om d I . · staggered to a 29 l'i decision Ortnda,n ond Bob Townsend (CJ. j Sunday before, San er m wm- . • Jege. ning the first, 6-4, and Bond over We st mont m a comedy H.ill won the 400-meter run' · taking the second, 6-2 of errors at SDSC. in :49.6 and the 800 in 1:59.6. Saturday in Santa Monica, Arrarte may have jum~d Petties took the 110-m e t e r 1 Bond was beaten by Dennis linto the B group jai a!ai lead dash in :11.9 and the broad Ralston of Bakersfield, 7-5, at the Fronton Palace in Ti• jump with 21 feet, 9½ inches. 6-3, in the interscholastic juana last night with a trio He was second in the 200 me. singles division of the Dudley of victories. He was trying to ters. Cup tourney. However, he overcome a t)'(ree-point lead . . teamed with fellow La Jollan by Alberdi to win the B University ol San Di ego Bentley Hill 1or a 6-1, 6·2 win group's share of the $250 baseballers _were_ home from a


'II 90, CAL.....NIA


,1arch 27, 1959

IBaker Drives In ,USO

University of San Diego's traveling Pioneers downed University of San Fran- cisco in the bay aeea, 7-2. The Pioneers' win was a costly one with Tim Layden hospitalized with a fractured cheek bone. Layden was hit by a heavy pr a ct i c e bat swung by teammate Tim Wil- bur and underwent surgery. Thi' injury was not consid• erect serious. John Rebello paced USD with two sini,::les and a double. Tom Bi i, who went in to pitch for he Aztecs in the second inning, provided the big bat. He doubled in the fourth inning aurl scored on Jerry l,\,)att·~ triple II tri- pled in thP llfth lo sp five•rU'l 1·al!_ . Boh I double arcounted tor ee run~.

over Ralston and John Price purse going to the leaders at,successlul mvaf10n of the San of Bakersfield in thl" doubles. !the end of the first quarter, 1 Fr~nclsco uea today-a tour KarE'Jl Hantze beat Kathy which_ ended_last night. . wh1ch wo\lnd up Saturday _m Chabot 3-6 6-4 6-3 in an all- Until statistics are fmally a 5-3 _conq_uest, of ers1ty S D . • •• 1 : • 'd compiled late today the re- of Cahforma at Berk . an 1ego g1r s wm up. . • . suit ,of the tight B group race ;Joe dobbins and Jim ari- The pace picked up yester- wont be known. Alberd1, how- nos joined the champl~hip day m u,i,:w-'!!il annual Yellow• ever, won one ~ame, ))laced roster in Pacific So1it,bp,est tail Derby as a small band\ twice and was third once. I AAU Handball play in tri- of Easter ani;lers bagged 272 Ron O'Connor fi,red & 70 umphs in the. Class A. ;Id D of the g m 1sh. Opening-day and teammate Kevin Fleming divisions, respective!:, tur- catch Sa~. with nearly a 72 to pace the San Diego day at the Downtown MCA. 1,000 fisher trying their State golf team to a 30-24 vie- Jobbins won from Herb luck, wa ltory over the University of Fred a of Los An- Colorado Saturday on the Mu. geles tied 1 -old Doug- nicipal course. Dale Douglass las Pahl of San ego for first'matched O'Connor's effort- place with a 23, ound, 2-ounce for the losers.

Col Tech Cal Wrstern

Welc • Bio Pm-,r Keotlns,, (0U1r0n

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