News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Collegiat~ Clubs Top \ Navy Foes 1
SAN 91 • !)0, CALI, Frltla , April 3,
Aztecs Shell Recruits, 10-6 San Diego State College'slflrst to account for the Az- Aztecs exploded tor ~Ix runs tees' big Inning_. The A1.tecs In the fifth inning to take a!wm play Cal Poly Friday and 9-0 lead ye-sterday, then bratlF res no Stat, Saturday In oH two late-inning uprisings CCAA games here.
leton; MCRD Wins
u,t De• enjoyed
two big Innings yesterday to San Diego Jumor Colle"'e conquer University ot San and larine Corps Re<'ruit De- Diego, 9-7, at Beeson Field, pot recorded baseball victo• The Marines tallied tour more in the seventh for the The Knights blanked Campjbuslness part ot their score. Pendleton 4-0, at CamPen be- A three-run horn catch- the six-hit pitching of er Bob Whltwo hted Don Smallwood. The ;\larines thP big seventh. parlaved two four-run innings The Marines . Camp Pendleton mto a 9-7 dechon over Um- Field tomorrow st 1 l\1CRD. Bob Whitworth hit a Mi~~•lo cod Ouocan1 1 fm~. ,i~a1 /~ three-ru homer !or the win- 161 aod wnltworin. ners. Scoies: , Sa" DIH0 JC • IOO 4't ....... S l Comp Pendleton DOI • .... , 5 Smallwood and A_, ~II' Yaorhls. T~ommas,n 16) and tliicw = :~ :;=~ ,T ! R•velo and OUfttQftl Smlll'\, fhomOU (61 and Whilwort=::;h::_.~-- ---- ries vesterday. run~ In the fourth and !our • • . hind . • . ver. ity of San D I I' g o at uso . m 1t1 11'1-7 ,
to post a 10-6 baseball vie- tory ovt>r Marine Corps Re- clash; cruit Depot on the MCRD di- go wal
Jn an O ther ~erv!ce-college
lty or San Dle- PhlbTrnPac 20-
5, on Mlke~'forrow Field. '
Bob Imlay hit a three-run
and Hugo Soto
three A z t e es smashed homers for the Pio- throw to neers, Soto also doubling am.I knocking in four runs. USD's next oi;t_;ionent Is Camp Pen- dleton Saturday on the Mor- row diamond.
homer and
scored on a wild
Miramar rapped USS Han- cock, 10-1, with Jim IIC'rn. strlldng out 17 batters for the winners. San Dlero Junior College wu scheduled to meet El Ca- mino .JC In a Mc!ropol!tan Conference game today on MCRD'1 Bel'son Field, The Knights TOmped over Palo- mar JC YI! terday, 15-5, at San Marcos. Len Arevalo ~parked a stx- run Knight rally In the firth Inning with a triple. The Knights hnve a 12-4 season re'cord. Score: Son Oltto SI. .. DOS MO 1-1111 2 MCRD . "I , 000 000 2-, , 2 Adams. Rondo oh (Ai, Leigh (6~ Lu~ky !Jl , Blscottl (I) and Rul"'"• loml!'.'jl 7 : Barrlnvh)n, Mlll•r (3 , Hal ell (5), homonon (ll ond Whitworth PhibTNIPOC ,. ,,. 000 002 J- S C 3 USO .• "/ .. 605 126 x-20 11 1 Kelly, = LJ; Gagnon (3) and Hen,. i:x"<'lj>. , ren, "> ond Duncan,
Pendleton '9' 1· s Pioneers P 1, ton in the rmth inn,'1g to come from hC'hird and dC'- feat l'ni\·e1sit\' o! · I' Di- ego' Pier.Pers. fi-4 YP~trrda) on Mike l\lorrow diamond in Balboa Park Fr d J\Iadi on·s i-,o • run homer ,, as the big blow of the inning. Three Pione('r er- ror:, a single and a double also help a · along. SIK>rtsto Florenza Jed the- Pio ee tlle nttark with thr f r time up Though beaten s p1t- e her. L-year-old o :, Re- belo, was lmprP.~shr, ) ield- ino on!\' four t,it triklrg o\rt eight n1 . i ng t ,, o \\alks. Errors or>) 1s !earl"'• m·tcs seven In all rwned hi chance: fO: \ I c- tor1· '!be P1on.-er face • ·a1 al '!rainin,: ('ent<'r on the • :TC diamond Tue day altl'rnoon. Camp Pendleton 001 000 OOS-4 • ' U of San OiH0 JOO 060 010o--' 9 7 rif~~~IPSA~~o e~J 31 bu~~~~~KIOR( 9 ~:~f on, Pend eton n nth inn·ng, one on. ,cc·ed li\"I' rur
THE SAN DIEGO UNION T~:,. 011.J'r1,1.:J::,,.o a2 I
ty of Ban D1- Nletortous In Ja,,t 11 games,
Will be looking for their second win of the season against Camp Pendleton at 2:15 p.m. this Sat• urday, April 11, at Mike Mor- row Field. Seven-game EMier vacation r~sulta: March 26-USD, 8; Alameda Ne.val Air Station, f. Pitcher Pick Shea picked up his first win of the IIRllCll..llflg nine complete inning oa Baker led the hitting attack th a single, double, and triple In five times at bat for three RBl's. March :1!7-USD, 7; Univer- sity of San Franrl'l('o, 2. Terry Lorenz went seven Innings be- fore giving way to another freshman, John Rebelo. Their combined effortR held USF to thr•e hits. ljt,lgo Soto. Ron Crise, and ~elo col• lectert three hits. Bob Keyes and Jim Fiorenza had two hits each, Rebelo drove across three runs, Fiorenza two. rso, 111 Unlvrr- Callfomta. S. Rebelo pltelted nine brilliant Innings for the win. Center-fielder Keyes poled a 415-foot home run and a single for t.wo RBI's and tirst-ba.-em11n Baker had two hits. Mar<'h 31-TJSD, ~; Corona,Jo Navy, 8. Lorenz went nine in- nlngR for the win. KeyeR and Baker again lP b-8 z ·Plans Offensive Switch EVENING Pl 31 Report For Start of USD Preps They have a new type of elub on the lar,ne Corps Re- cruit Depot gol! driving range these alternoon,-the football club from Unlver--ity of San Die~o. which o p P n e d its apring training se,sion there yesterday. Coach Paul Platz, elevated Into the head job alter . erv-1 Ing as backfield tutor under Bob Mccutcheon the last two years, greeted 19 lettermen and 12 others, most of whom had squad experiences la t fall. Pro-Type Offen e Set 'Tm going to 11\\itch over to the lot-T,"' said Platz, a , eteran of college, seri.-ice and professional rank·. "With 0L1r material, tair passers and Conditioning drills and ori- entation on the new offense will till the blll for the Pio- neers for their next 18 day. of drills. They will wind up their spring sessions May 2 with the annual Blue-White in- trasquad game. Co , Keyes .'li,~in&" good runners behind an quate line, I think the ;p sional-type o!fPnse will wor real good with us." ' G Pioneer Dtitls C ed For Tomorrow 1'h rine orp Rern1\t D pOt. Each d y o[ practice \\ ill be"m at 2·30. met n lett('rmen are ex- ct d to be nmon ome 33 player rep rt!ng to nrw he;id co eh Paul Platz. the 195-pound wa the Plo- grounrl gainer t ot rl'tum- d that he fullback Jo of A, alon '111\·e1 ll)" ot ~·an DI- go \\ 11! open Its prlng foot- ball dr,lt tomorrow at ta- que, Jay Elao Bob Hughea, Magenot, BW ...:.iack Garofo Quarterbacka Thirty-on~ football hopefuls turned out for the first spring footbal! practice of the University of San Diego on the Marine Corps Recruit Depot golf driving ranl!"e Monday. Greeting the 31 gridders was Coach Paul Platz, who will be dlrceting the Pioneers on the gridiron for the first time next fall. Platz was named head 1,;•------------ coach after servmg as backfield mentor under Bob Mccutcheon college, aervice and professional !or the IMt two years. foot.ball, !!aid. "With our mate- rial, fair passer11 and good run- Reporting for lhe firat ..-k· aers behind an adequate line I out. were 10 lettermen afta,..; Uitnk the professional-type ~f- others, most of whom W filllae w111 work real good with squad experience last season, ~." The Pioneers will swing Into Conditioning drills and lea• a new offensive next fall. sons in the new offense will "I'm going to swltch over to occupy the Pioneers during the the slot-T," Plaz, a veteran ot remalning days of the 20-day THE SAN DIEGO UIION Wed., April 8, 19:S9 bS SAN OlEGO, CALIFORNIA\ sessio-,. They will wind up the spring workouts May 2 with the annual Blue-White intra- squad game. Quarterback Dave Cox and Bob Keyes, former junior col- lege All-American halfback, did not report for the opening drills. They are performing with the baseball t~a.m. The squad: Enda-C, G. Walker, Dale Cobb, Tom Frank, Joe Loeech- nlg, Ed Blalr. Tackles-B!ll Clarke, Charlie Franklin, Bob Mairhel, Rick Novack, Jim O'Leary, J. T. Trtly, .Jerry llhrcus. Guards-Wayne our- NG TRIBUNE C&l.1.0INl.if a 21 prll 6, l .19 • Hugo Soto and Bob Keyps paced an 18-hit barrage with home runs ye terday as the Univrrslty of San D I e g o swamped Ph:pTraPac, 20-5, • at :\ti\(e !orrow Field. The eer p ·e Pendleton Sa for on- •
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