News Scrapbook 1958-1961
only one error waa committed In three games, the Piol'leera had eeven eri-ors Saturday.
SAN DIEGO, CALIFOIINIA I Tuesday, Aprll H, 1959 - ---
Pioneer:s Gunning For Miramar Win
b6 EVENING TR/8 ,, • ________ 1
prll 18, 19:..5..:9.1.-.-------------.
Chestnut, Irapuato ·Clash
Miramar Naval Air Station has good reason to expect an old-fashioned arhbush when It.II baseball team meets the Unlverslty pf San Diego this Tuesday, April 21, at Mike Morrow Field. The Pioneers have, for four weeks, awa!tM the rematch with Miramar. The two clubs first met on March 19 at Mir- amar and battled nine Inn- ings to a 2-2 Ue. USD had won two straight games be- fore that and followed the tie with five straight wins, USD is currently 9-6-1. Freshman John Rebelo turned in his finest pitching performance ot the neason last S at u rd a y afternoon against the stubborn Camp Pendleton Marines, but lost 6..4. Rebelo allowed only four hits, including a single an a double by Baker in inning extended the USO lead to 4•1 as Rebelo entered the top of the ninth. But three quick errors, two hits, and a sacrifice fly in the last Inning gave the Marines the come-from-behind win. In contrast to their brilliant de• fensive play du1ing the Sim Francisco road trip when the eighth on Subs as Teacher v 1 11 h 1\0<1 37 new name !Hi Merk and qual fylni: r tn •d t ByPAULCOUR- Bob JllcCutcheon, former University or. San Diego foot• ball coach and athletic di• rector, Is a substitute physi- cal education teacher at Lincoln High this spring. Mccutcheon ls filling In while Don Smith, athletic d 1 r e c or and basketball coach, helps out In the front o!fice with administrative duties. The Illness o1 prin- cipal Dr. Earl A n d r e en brought about the shift in personnel. Mccutcheon, let out by USD tollowing the football season, has been mentioned as a candidate Mr several college coachings jobs. But for now It's teacher Mc- cutcheon. Tab for future stardom: Larry Greenwood, brother of former Hoover High all- around a t h I e t e Norris Greenwood and a n l n t h grader at Woodrow Wilson Junior High. Young Green- wood high-jumped 6-~• last week in a district play- ground meet. That equals the best high jump turned In by a City Prep Leaguer this· spring. Only the 6-2 jump by Grossmont's Je Halterman Is better In county. Greenwood's jump would rank among the 15 best in Southern California, Larry's an outstanding basketball prospect. too. He's on!? big reason Lincoln track coach Dick Coxe and hoop mentor Don Smith are anxious to see next school year roll around. Green- wood lives in the Lincoln district and will graduate to the Hornets in June. Notes on ex-pr 1 Tom Shaules, the county's all-time basketball scoring champion o! a year ago, led the Northwest Basketball League 1n scoring with 280 points for an average of 23.3 points per game as a mem- ber o! the Seattle University Papooses. The ex-St. Augus- tine 5-foot-8 guard, who has earned the nickname o! "Shotgun", Is expected to make a strong bid next year !or a varsity berth with the Chieftains, who spawned such All-Americans as Elgin Baylor and Johnny O'Brien. Alden Kimbrough, \\/ho p 1 aye d on Oregon's 1958 Rose Bowl team, Is slated to return to the Webfoots this fall alter the spring semester at San Diego Jun- ior College where he's get- ting his grades up..•. Ros- coe Cook, a former team- mate of Kimbrough at San Diego High, has returned to Oregon after coming to San Diego for spring \'acation. As a prepper Cook ran a :09.4 hundred (with wind) and is expected to help the talent• laden D u ck sprint corps this spring.... Bill Ernest, ex-Helix High foot• ball and track star, has en• listed In the l\larlnes and ls taking boot training at Ma- rine Corps Recruit Depot. The :09.7 sprinter played football at Glendale Junior College last fall and proba- bly will turn out for the Depot eleven. There were a couple of red-faced milers at the El Cajon-Chula Vista dual meet the other day. The over- anxious distance men pro- duced a false start but wound up out o! the money. ••. On the heels of the sit- ups feat by Helix's Bill Wil- son comes another bv Bob Blehler, a 10th grader at Crawford, who recorded a total of 1,425. Biehler started one period and didn't i,in. !sh until well into the next. •• , Point Lorna's M ke Dolphin pitched a no-hit, o- run. game in junior ar Itv play recently. He walked mo o\·er the ev s against Crawford. THE SAN DIEGOUNI ON Wed., April n, 1959 ( --~~SI\N PIEC.0, CAI.IFOANIA Keys P 10-5 Pioneer Triumph In- as San Oui!lrldrr Bob Kr}·rs col- lrctrd a doublE> and two ~in. gl.<>s 1o pace Univrrsity of San D1rgo to II J0-5 vii-tory over .\Hramar Nnval Air Station on the winner's diamond Y<'Ster- da · Terry Loi enz and D i e k Shea divldPd th e pltelung c•horr. for thP p i O n e P r ~- t'J'o'mor 301 010 002- , 7 2 J k 112 000 llX-10 6 2 (,O 0 ~n~°Bunac~~- Hook Ins; Loren,, Shea THE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 19.59 Gt·idders Serit11111age Pioneers, Marines Tangle 4th·Time • The University of San Diego wil! offer an aUractlve 11lhle• tic calendar this weekend with action planned in varsity b>iseball and football. Baseball Coach Mike Morrow is expected to ste l't F'reshman pitC'her Terry Lore11:, when lhe Pioneers lrR\'Pl Nor h to O eun- side Frtday night to meet the ave emerge w one , c,ory, Camp Pendleton won H~ two games, 3-0 and 6-1; USO, wilh Lorenz on the mound, defeated the Marines 4•2 e~rl!er l h i s season. In two games last week the Pioneers scored 18 runs and banged 22 hits but could be victorious In but one game. Last Tuesday the P i o n e e r s fought to an 8-8 10-Jnning tie with the San Diego N a val Training Center. Dick Shea re• lieved Lorenz in the second ln- nint and turned in his finest pitching performance of the year in holding the sailor3 to two hits and one in eight innings, Last Saturday after no on USD met and defeated the newly organized San D I e g o DAV All-Stars, 10-3. Pitchers John Rebelo and Tim Wilbur combined in the abbreviated seven-inning contest to allow but five hits. Wilbur received credit for the win and added three base hits to the USD attack. Coach Paul Platz has sched- uled a full scrimmage Saturday afternoon at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot tor 34 varsity football players to complete the week's athletic activity. USD's varsity squad, victorious in eight o! its 10 1958 football games, will enler its final week of Spring practice next Mon- day. All drills next week will be pointed to the second annual Blue-White game e held Saturday afternoon May 2, at MCRD. Fourteen playE!Jlill e been hampered by injun!!II and ail- ments ranging from the mumps to the flu, but Coach Platz re- ported today that all 34 should be ready for ihe Blue-White intra.squad game. THE SAN DIEGO UNIO b6 ® Fri.." April '?!, 19.59 SAN DIEGO, CA IFORNIA USD Nine Visits CamPen onight TI1e U11,1versity o! San Di• ego baseball team travels to Oceanside tonight to meet e Camp Pendleton Marines. The gam is c quled to start at 8 o' Joe!(. Coaeh Mike, 1,5: rrow Is ex- pected to !tl!f't es h m an pitcher . Lorenz against the Leathernecks. .. . THE SAN DIEGO UNION G4 Sun., .\prll 19, 3iA.N DIEGO~ CAI.If-, Pioneers Win, 10-3 Hal . · ronch and Tim Wil- bur collected three hits each to pace the University o! San Dieo-o baseball team to a lD-3 vict;,ry O\'er DAV a . em1- pro team, at • lemo IF icld. USO 400 330 G--1 It 11 1 DAV ' 201 0-- J S 1 Rebeio, fbur 3l arid Uuncon; snal'I• non, Sorovic- MCRO Edges SDJC; NTC, USD in Tie Naval Training Center and University of San Diego bat- tled to a 8-8 tie at NTC yes- terday and Marine Corps Re- cruit Depot edged San Diego Junior College, 12-11, la st night In another slugfest on the MCRD diamond, !'\'TC erupted !or s e v e n runs In the first Inning, but, USD pecked away until it fi. nally tied the count in the ninth. The game was called because of darkness. MCRD also had a seven- run Inning, but the Knights couldn't quite catch up de- spite two homers by John Harmon. Scores· USO ..... ........ ,-. ne 111 ._. 11 • NTC .. , .. 100 "' 100 ._. , 1 '--•• sr..o m 0<1d Cox, Swavn,, C•m-1 (' ) Olld VI,..,, SOJC .. 302 •oo 200-11 7 I MCRO • ,.,1t IIX-11 11 I c11°~~n,A~':., 0 ~l~OW.11,~i71:/>(.&~rlg~~ Whllworlh. __________ __, New Pioneer Formation in lni ial Test Coach Paul Platz' new slot- '!' formation get Its acid test Saturday as thP University or !)an Diego Pioneers !inlsh prini football drills with 1hl'ir ('ond annual Blue- Whit intra quad game at M,11'ine Corps Recruit Depot. Plat.-;, who replaced Bob McCutcheon as Pioneer head- man, In. tailed the pro-type or- fen e at the tart of the 19- day spring e Ion. Thi' Blue SCJUlld, a 22-0 wln- nrr ,last year'B inaugural Bln•.w•ni• game, will be c· by as lstant l ! n e F a Murphy and the Whit gquad by llne coach M rty Lewi • w!th Plat.-; SU· J1 rvl Ing pin~ ffl SAfi,DIEGO UNION Sat., April ~5. 1939 © s-.N DIEGO, CALIFORNIA a CamPen Whips Pio11 er Nine, 5-1 P PEN ETON Jim 19 a 5-1 baseball victory e University ot S a n last night on the Ma- diamorni. : ! ~~et:io 0 ~~dP~e~n,~~n1 Sttrlln1, Van Voor- ~!~11eton ..... '"::,,:U Z:
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