News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Pioneers Gun For Eclge in 'Victory Year'
al9 USO Gridders End Drills Jan Chapman, thl' quarter- bark who guld<'d the Pioneers to an 8-2 re<"ord last season, will ll'ad the Blue forcPs tod11y whrn t hPv oppose a, Whl P I<' t arn I m , a squad ! lb, JI 1,.ime at Mar Inc Corp RPcrult DPpot which concludes the University of San Diego's s1_1rlng "football campafg-n. Kickoff 1, scheduled for 10 a.m. Joining Chapman ln the 'l3lue backflPld wlll be Bob Keyes and Joe Gray at half• h11,·ks 1111d Tom Gatrs at tun. ba,·k. nua11,, 0'C o n n o r, who pa. -~,.d for 17-t yard· last .,,a. son as thl' No. 2 slgn;il c·nllPr, will ,:uitle thr W h It e <"]Ub whll" Bill Bourque and Jim :'\1Prlt•ns will hP at s anti C'huck Williams at f &lut Team POS. ~ov:,t'i'ijo)(JCJO) t~ l lion 1205) LG Y~:'"{l}rJ (205) R~ Trlly ( I) RT Wolklt" 015/ Rf ~~~;io(,,!)75) ~H Gray (1851 RH GOI I (190 FB USD Gndders Play l omorrow ·cv,..ntPP t! rm n will sta,·t Saturday morning in thP llni• vc1sity of San DiPgo•~ erond annual Bluc-Whltr intr11 quad f not h a I I gatn<' ut Marine Coq, R, cruit Dcpol"s Hall F I <> I d. l'lckol! i. ·et for ]0 a IT' lrgians 'rlw Blur squ.1d, a 22-0 vie• tor in last yc· r's conlt•st, will he ,·oached by a slstant hnr roach 'rank Murphy. 'fhP WhitP team will be handled by line coa ·h 1arty L<>wis. Both tea rn~ will opera tr. !rorn thl! Jl<'W lot-'l' forma- tion. a popula oU nse In• tall d b o h Paul PlalF.. form th :;quads IIU<'!PUS for lhe lW<) Th«'dulcd to '!ht \\Ill <.'lim,t I~ day of < p r I n g drill for th!' col•
m r
L 5
ll'OINIA J.Jtae u• Error Contributes To USO Victory Four runs in the ninth in• nm1t allowed Unhersity of San Diego's ba baller to no~P out ~Ilramar • avai Air S ation, 5-3 ye terday on the sailors' diamond. Three of thP tame came on an Infield error after two Y.Pre out co e: 1110 .• . IOI IN 004--J 6 I Ml.....,. llt 001 11~J 7 J S ,n f. R~ ~•1,)0:d ~rn~rJ KJ•·n--
In with batll nd with
USD Gridders Set For Spring Clash Seventeen I e t term en will supervlae the acUvtt!es fJf both Corm the nucleus tor the two teems, and the two varsity t ma • cheduled to 11tart at 10 coaching aW!s will be strength- a.m. In the UnJverslty ot San ened by end coach Merle Reed, Diego's 11econd annual Blue- tant line coach John Mul- Whlte Intra.squad football game ligan, and head trainer Bob the popular The Blue squad, ,a .22-0 win- new offenae Installed by Coach ner, In last year's Inaugural] Platz at the • tart ot this year's Btu -White game, will be 19-dsy Spring practice. During coached by llllSlstnnt llne coach th 19!17 and 1958 n•, the Hand. at San Dlego :.Iarine Corps Both teams will run from the Re nllt Depots Hall Field. lot-T formation, the White Unlvendty of coached by Line &ted from the Spllt-T. Coach Marty Ten lettermen, including Bfx H d Conch Paul Platz will two-year lettermen will start. Diego oper- BqUad will Frank u r p n y;
Th'D DRILLS-Quarterback Du an e O'Connor, left, hands of.f to halfback Joe Gray as they and their University
of San Diego teammat s limber up for tomorrow's annual Blue-White intra- squad scrimmage. r~----=-----....::_____ ...;;c_______.....,..,.___
17 Lettermen In Pioneers' Prep Finale Seventeen lettermen form the nuclellll for the two ms !!<:heduled to start tomorrow morning ln the University ol San Diego's second annual Blue-White in asquad foot ball game at _ 1... rine Corps Recruit Depot's Hall Fie . Assistant line coach Frank 1urphy will b directi the Blue squad the O a.m kickoft while Yhite am will be led by line C O a C h Mary Lewis. Both teams slot-T format! · lied by ne 1 Platz when k over the team at the start of the 19-day spring practice. During the 1957 and '58 sea- sons under Bob JcCutcheon the Pioneers operated from the split-T formation. The 17 lettermen taking part include: ends Ray Yoast, Joe Loeschnfg, C. G. Walker and Wayne Bourque; tackles Charlie Franklin, Rick • •o. vack and J. T. Trily; guards Jay Elson and Bill Patten; center Jack Garofano; and backs Jan Chapman, Bob Keyes, Joe Gray, Tom Gates Duane O'Connor, Bill Bourqu~ and Chuck Williams. USD's athletic department announced this week t h a t eight games have been sched- uled for this fall and that two additional tilts are under con- sideration. On the line are: ,1 ~Jr l~':na.r•ca,. ,r~~:•~.,;,~ !1ty~',1.M~~t. V.les!f'"ca1toi~ :t J 11 P~ mono: Qct. 10 Colorado Western State £011~~h~ 1 : ;u 0 ~arl~ ~r: rd k': :!~ 1 \~eo:m: Nov. 1A M0'1tona State - -------
Blues Repeat Wi~n In Spring Grid Tilt Wbli. t4am la t Satur- day afternoon in the second annual Unlveniit • of San Diego lntrallquad game at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot's Hall Field. Blue team quarterback Dave Cox, blended the running of Tom Gates and Joe Gray, passed for one touchdown and lmpre iVely helped the Blue team surpa s its 22-0 victory over the White team in sea.son's first Spr~g game. The game climaxed 19 days of Spring practice. H Ooileh Paul Plabl was pleased wt the performances of both teams and aingled out the efforts of phomorea Gates, Joe Loeschnlg, Walt Joos, Gray, and Tom Frank, and senlons Cox and Ray YoMt. The Blue team scored early In the first period when Gates plunged over the tour on a handoff from Cox. Galea carried 18 ttmea and gained 80 yards. Cox opened the three touchdown fourth quarter with a ~6 yard touchdown pass-run to Gray. Cox completed on~ other pa.1111, a 15 yard bullet to Gray, in five attemplll. Fullback Gates took a fourth down pitchout and pa.~sed eight yards to 215-pound end Ray Yoa.,t for the third Blue score. Gates completed a perfect day pas~ing with an 11 yard completion minutes l&ter. Center Jim O'Leary, a 230-pound junior, intercepted a Jan Chapman-thrown pass and ran 25 yards to score the fin&l Blue touchdown. Each touchdown cowited seven points. The Blue team had nine first downa-Bht 1'1J9hing and three paaalng. The White team was held to three first downs-one paa11lng and two ru11hlng. Despite sporadic pass blocking by the White line, quarter- k Chapman connected on four of seven passes for 65 yards and had two others Intercepted. The Unlver11ity of Sa.n Diego opens Its 1959 sea.son Sep- tember 12 In a night game with Oregan Tech in Balboa Stadium. and center .=_____ .,,__________________ runrun attack led the Blue team to a O victory over
r Nine
Seeks Bid For Tourney · With an eye turned toward a po Ible naUonat ma.II college toum m nt bid, th" Unlver11lty o an Diego varsity baseball team will gunning tor vic- tor! In IIll final three a mes. Coach Mike Morrow will end Terry Lor n:a this (Thursday) afternoon again t camp Irwin The Ptonee ·re record and could lie considered tor a national playoff bid with victorlN over <;:amp Irwin; Diego artnea, and Cal Poly (Pomo record would lnclud victorle • ov r auch col- l ea a • al Poly (Pomona), 13-4, the Unlven11ty of S&n ncl!CO 7-2, th• University ot Calltomla, 0-3, Cal Tech, 1•7, and Westmont College, 4-3 Pitcher Dick Shea received cr~t for the USO 5-3 Victory ov r Miramar • aval At tlon I t Thurllday afternoon U D has previously defeated .,uramar, 10-5. Laa Saturday a t t e r n oon, playln without the aervlce of ratcher Dave
MAY 7,1959
rt Ider Bob action In the
SD "Bl 1e-White
football game, the Pl r Duncan, Dave reru: all collected I d the attack. Barbara Jim ll'lorl
4 COLLEGES TO GIVE COURSES IN s~~VALlplans -rlU£S -.Fi •n munlty.
led Westmont, 4-•-.'l!•·•F'
vival In secondary schools and give -survival information and to the adults of the com- Mr. Hoegh said that "numer- ous colleges and universities al- , ay ready ham under way basic
a 1 TM New
2 Four colleges and unlversl- cour es in rad1ologlcal defense, Ues arc s artlng college cre Sponsored by College of Lake Charles La.; North Texas State Coll!'ge of Denton, Texas; the University of San Diego (Cahf ) College for fen, and the Ulllversily of D !aware, N wark, Del. The cours d I Wlth natural dfsast l"S and potential a tomle ttacks. Wayn<' N. Cu ic, president of IcNeE'S St.ate Coll ge, .said hts college hoped to prepare pros- pccti e te chcrs to teach sur- USD BOOSTERS CLUB
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