News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Fri., Nov. 4, 1000 $Ml DIEGO, CALIFO NIA
Pioneers leave Tonight for Gator Clash 'Thlrty.111ree football play. HS from th!' lllll\'l'l'. ity ol San Dl~:::o I ave hy air to- night for Sau l~runclseo wh!'re 1hl'l will oppos,:, San Fran• cisco St.lie tomorrow afl<"r• nob I~ l'C'SC'lVn Offen• sh·,, gu,1r9 ~nd middln llnr• ha,•kcr Oil kf.-1,1 , \\·Ill Ile th~ rmly J'fo11 or ,a1hily nwmber who will hi! uruibl<' to 111:tk<' th<' trip. Hughes has be~n ill 1'111 we"k, l Iran\\ hi!, th,. 1'101 ers }HI\(' WOl'l!l'd Olll lightly f Cl l' tllr important ,·ontcst n n d conclude th<'ir drills nt Mn• 1·!nc Corps Ilccruit Depot this morning. SA. rn TARTJml-l Althoui:h st 11 I 1·N•ovcr. Ing from lnjur!c-.• guards Al Zuniga 1111d Wally Joo~ nrr, cx- pcct,•d to sr,i• a<'tlon agal11s1 ti" GatorJ;. lt wa.~ 'found that Joos su ta lned a broken n.. ,·racked rih from the MCRD c·ont<'st. Ifo ri;~dvcu th<' In• ;1uril's in the fir ·t J}~ of the rnntesl and still plf-} ,•d th;, rl'st or 1he game at tl1c fir~t ~lring ldt guard poi;t. Coach Mike 1'<1,<'11.J;QVJC'h an• nounr"d th(l snmj! 11tarling 1 club that fa('1•d M< _ This include~ :llll{<' M t and ,Jim Gabriel a l' , Wayne l~Otll'l!ll(' l!n
. . . . . . ired by W·n Ove MCRD, P oneers Take on Gators • • •
November 4, f 96D Stores Ian O,~go 21, Ian Diego Ma. '1f!v! 0 14, Notto O•mo 7 Holy Crou 20, Marquette O Xavier (0.) S, Cincinnati 0 Villanova 14, Rutgera 12 W1ch1ta 7 1 O.ayton 6 St. Bened1ct'1 33, Omaha 13 M.,,.m, (Fla,) ,o, Bolton COi• log.o 7
San Diego U. Stuns Marines SA."J DIEGO - San Diego U'1 football Pioneers, Jtlll t>lated over their stunning 21-20 up- set over the San Diego Ma- rines Saturday, enplane from Lindbergh Field here Nov. 4 for their Saturday_ night date with top-rated San Francisco St.lie (6-1). ''It's like jumping from the frying pan into the fire," said head coach Mike Pearovic-h. U D's clnderella perform- ance Saturday unquestion. ably was the ,:realest In the school's five.year football history. Pre-game newspaper odds ranged from 28 to 56 points farnring the Leather• necks, the nation's No, 1 service l<'am and winner of 21 straight gamu. San Francisco Slate, wmner of four oon ecutive Far West• em Conference 1ltle And last year's only undefeated and untied West Coa.,n team, now has captured six straight after dropping its opener to Hum- boldt State IS.21. San Diego stands 3-3 or the .1ea on,
Full<'r, who has ~corrd 13 tou<'hdowns, has pkkl'Ci up S73 yards in 72 can ic~ tor 1111 8.3 avcrag<> while Simpson It as gained ,,03 yards In 88 t1•ip8 \ for a six \"ard a,rerage. .San F1'.anrisco, with a 6·1 r<'cord. will be celebrating its 68tl1 annual homrcoming. Thc l P ioneers have won th r" c- straight, cHning their re cord at 3.3_
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNl4 l ritla) , • o,. 4 , l'
Pi neers To Jump In o 'Fire'
San Francisco
•State outs Pio
ers, 35-0 SPec:iol ro Thi San Dina Union
SAN FRA.t'l'CISCO, NOV'. 5 -Univcrs1ty of Sart Diego's football team had its fill of Fullei:- here today as power- ful Sa n Francisco .State wal- 0 loped the Pioneers, 35-0. Charles Fuller, the Gatoi:-s' star fullback, scored t h r e e * .. • STATISTICS \JSD SFS First downs ., 16 Rushing yardage 90 311 Possing yardage ts 61 Pa,ses . . . . . . . .•. . 4-12 4.~J5 Poss~s intercepted by 1 3 i ·1osf ······ ····'·· ,.u. b S·J ·1 Yards pcnaUred .. . t~ 121 "' • * touchdowns t o set a school record for TDs in one s son, and gained 199 yards in 18 carries for an a vcrage of 11 yards per lug . His longest run was a 55- yard spr int which set up a touchdown by Willy Simpson in the third quarter. He also turned in a brilliant 34-yard d s West• Fuller's toucl1downs came on runs of J5 and 13 yards and a pass from Ron Sweet, good , for 25 yards. , USD D O O 0- 0 SFS 0 14 H 7-35 Son Francisco scorlng-Fuller l! run (l<.icK fai:ed), fuller 25 poss from Sweet (Fuller run), Fuller 13 run (Brestom kick), SimP~on o run
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