News Scrapbook 1958-1961


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Pioneers Face Waves After Losing 35-0 Nod


~-(EA'THERNECK SUBS EARN HONQR · MCRD To Start 2ncfTeom Y'S. Aztecs H Coach Hans Jarobsen,lsquad game. In order to pro-·best th<'Y'V" hnd in the pwil remarks .about s,an :le- of thf' Marine Corps Recruit vide incentive, r announced thrc<' yrars." go •/ Aztec coach Paul Govl'rna- the HPason, ,I,. 27-28 uel In team R g at 11 st San Diego would start against 1he Az. Ii matchrd that <'Ompllmrnt lhr mud with Pe ne. State J,ere Saturday night it tees. Much to my dismay, 11 with a ch <' " r for Mar!rH' .. whos\1 won't hC' an Insult to the Az- ended up 27-12 for the Eccond,hacks Al Ilnll rmd Billy Mnr- WC' r,Iayrcl n ood ns t er 5 Rath,•1· It will be Ja- unit" tin. !> awing n compe.rlson pl'rsonnC'! wns no a 11 1 · • • • , • 1 ~1 · · " I , said '""-..:..-.,. 0 w<'< cob,en refu,mg to re11ege on JacobsPn also rev e al "d with } res110 s !Ja P .v ess<'l ours, 11 • • keep a promise. th a r he has made f iv " 1who ll'0-0 rout of the our Tll'<'-gaml' plan . 111 The J\1arinr c~ac,1 PxplainPd ehang<'S in thc> first unit A z t c r sl. Gov,,rnali s a Id, tlw l1r1ll as l0J1g as 0 11 \~;p his stran e predicament slr1ce the .:-.tarlrws Jost a ~ur- "Hall and Martin arP beHc!' Jto 1,<'<'_P d1:hln~. an<~ :1111 Ray at "e terday's wc>ckly lun<'h· prising :11-20 dc-dsion to the nll arou11Cl bnd,s than. J\!r • !hr lhlll ,t w ,1 Y fr< eon· meeting of tl1c> Un Io 11- UnivPr,,Ity of Sun Di<>go on se1-. Wc•'ll . lla, •• a d1fflcult w:;'.'nn. . . , , r 't 11 tlw Tribunl' QuarlPrhack Club at Ol't. 29. "We> •expect to come time ,·nt<-h111g tho , l\\0. 0111· fhe sroH I Govrrnall was br!d Jn his (Contlnuecl on I,.,

E'IEN/NG TRIBUNE SAN DIBGO, CALIFORNIA f! .\111:1., ·o\, 7, 1960 b-

.MCRD Subs tf ace Aztecs (£Yntlnued) ence to our l)hyslcal educa- lon majors." Govcrnali h special praise for back cl<. Morrh1. "He gave an ott.s nl!ing per, , formi.nce,'' said the coarl), "both on offense and fens.-." . In a qutstlon ;and an. r sc>,;bion, Gove1ii~I was ask<'d if h<' bellcvei;, the1;\ztecs have ltcpt pacie with tlfl' ,growth. o othc>r schools In fhl!lr con- fenince. After a pau,;e, he re• pliNI: . "In football, no. The rf pf th school, ye~.'' ~l)rgr Schutte gave high 11rks to his Sal'\ D!1>go Junior ge team to:,: holding l«•rsfh:Jd 1 o a 6-0 decision !'rt a rainstorm. "It rain~d ' continuously 'from five in the morning throLtgh the first half," sald Schutte. "We de- ' cided to start 11 iuys with the th<'Y wer1'n't blg enough." Turning serious, he added: "I felt our kids did o real good lob. I was proud of the way they hung in ther"" Mike Pecarovich, reportin on USD's 35-0 dc!eat by an i~'i-ancisco State said the PionPers were the victims of a 50-milc- wind. ''It was caused by three of their backs oing past us," hc> quipped. "San Francisco ~tate had a hlurh 1 , better t ~m. but we'r11 look- ing for ard to P.1/11~,rdlnc>. • Thl'y're ·n our class." , 1 biggest fC'C't, but obviously

i lE SAN DIEGO UHIOM TUl'S., Nov. ll, rnr.o 0 b7 $AN Dll'GO, CALIFORNIA •




:us D s k R b ee s

EFEREE CONFESSES Clarkson's Over Whistl I



THE SAN DIEGO UNION !~:d;;,:~- :· ,~RN,P

bs '

e ou n

ew Stop

Again Pepperdine Th" University of San Di- has he<'n hohbling and i:t!II r e;::o l' n , anx ou to im- Wally Joos is 'nursing so JTt'e, record aft<'r a dLs- sore rib.·. t" Francs o la t week, travel to ddll<: on Inglewood Saturday to oppose nl'l'rs " rimmli.g (1 y lnc}sl Jtg. Th, l'io tl',:rlay "WP've 1wouted PPpp<'rchnl' aturday alt- t'losP!y .. _ ju. t as hard as ernoon, 35-0. whic-h <'ndl'd a we did Marine Corps R,,cruit thrP game victory str<'ak. Dc•pol," PPearovlcl1 , a i d. hawing prog- "But. Saturday's gam,, till ress ach time out, has a 1-7 depends upon th<> throwing reco d whlle USD has a 3 1 ability of quartPrback J an season reading. \ Chapman," <'O State, 22-6, Nl:'vada, 25-8, shaking the mud from i t s Los Angel s Stat\", 27-6, Whit- cleats aUP1· dropping a 27-20 tier, 28-0, Santa Clara, 35-28 rain-drenched ball gam<' to and Cal Poly o! Pomona, ,14. San Diego Stat<> In A,. t e c 14. Its only victory was over Bowl last Saturday night Pecarov ch pC'rdinc considPrably, and pe ~aid the Pioneers should bl' of special !mportan,·e to till' at full strength 1,,r this al- Wavr,· quart1•rb11ck R II y thoug11 ,.• d • Hke McDl' Jtt Wl'cr.n. c1sco • tate last P<>pper(llnc, P<•pperdlne has lost to Chi- Pcpperdme, mranwhilP, I" Cal Western, 10-8. Coach M I k e A dry field will help Pep- prot mal f mance In S a n PN•arovic-jl ordered hc•avy Pepperdlnc C.ollP and plan body c·ont11r-t ar:ain am- tomorrow, ac<'ot·ding to linr The Pione bushed by powerful an J<'ran- coaC"h Bob Sexton. . ,

Govl'rnali. " cause I don't \\tHlt to stlck my foot •n It. The .Ianne ha•e a very fme foothall tl'am. A1 Hall and Bllly Martin are two back. whom [ consider bet• ter all around than tesser (Fresno ate's Dale 1es- ser). We'l! have a very dif• flcult time containing those (\'VO,, "State•~ interior line Is the strongest it's been in three years," commented Jacob- ;;en. "I'm looking forward to a mighty fine game " In splashing to a 27-20 win Saturday llight, Governali , said the Aztec were playing "a football team who ·e per- sonnl'I was 11ot as good as ours' ·we won more> easily than t e d would mdicate," he d cd 'Whf'n it was 20-6. I let IIIJ phy ical-educatJon maJors lay for experience Kl'n I yuard of Gros,,. mont High described the sit- uation a "real tough" in the Metro League. •'The te ms are so close," he said, "that y OU n er k11ow what's going to ha,P• p~. If we can win the next two, we have a good chance to represent the area in the playoffs " If Lincoln High makes the playoffs coach Shan Denis- ton aid the Hornets can thank their speed and luck "We' E' had a lo oJ · • Juries 'but the fill ins ha,(" stepped in and done a good Job for us." Ail of the coaches are look- Ing forn ard to tough games Saturday but all were. hope• ful. It's easy to be optimis- tic on Monday.

R ROR (J t'I ~I


no" ( LAltK~O•. \ulr,m Ii,. 1·ea!"llon nation th at he h d bee


Long Beach to

\ islt Long

Brat·h C whi It walloped S·,nt, Monica. ;:,1-24•• atur day [ went up to congratJlate th boys.'' he said "parti u- larly ihe largest and fastest· one /• George · chutte told ot San Dt go Juruor Colleg •s damp- ening expcnence at Bakers- field, where It was wet

TentatiYe Starters

TM...a ln 8erle111 Pioneers t Cl sh With Pepperdine The Unlveraity o! San Diego travels to J;.qa ~ea Satur- day night and contlnue~ a. ihree-year rlva.lry, ~W,,,.,t'epperdine ' College at Inglewood Sentinel I1eld. Klckof! ii tr. l!.lll· The Pioneer! anxious to improve on their Jllsmal perfor- ma.nce In San F~nclsco lMt weekend, ie!ld 2-1 In their aerie~ With Pepperdlne. The Waves up • et the Pioneers, 19-6, last \gave the outstanding running aeaaon. TIM Pioneers won bot.h performance the Plonep-11 had the 19:!7 ••opener, 27-0, a nd iseen this season. the 1958~---• 45• 13 · Fuller aco~ed S~claco's The 'Were ambus,hed first 20 poiilts MT lllJ.lchdltW!l by powarfrl 9Mn Francmo runs of 15, 25, an~lll l'F • State fib"4' afternoon He ran for the <9:o~nrt and lost lffilf. 'tire l~ss e nd ed conversion. Fuller'• 1a.1Dilll 199 USD's three-game Wln streak. yards on 18 ~- San Franc~~ctory su<::ces•· , . fully ended the·aator homecom· Little Americ~n Ing week di extende~ th eir Fuller, a little al]•Americ'an W1n atreak to fl>ur slra.ight. last season, bro\ce S$n Francis- Show, Progress co'9 individual si-oring record of Pepperdine College hat a 1-7 16 touchdowns with hi11 effort record. The Waves have 11. The Gators hah two games re- young, scrappy team and jma!nlng. ' sh owed contlnuing progre,s The Pioneers ex,hanged mis- with each game. The Waves takes with the Gators in the travelled to San Dlegg. State fil't'lt quarter and were in con- College last Saturday night., 9:1d tent¼on thl'.OUghout most of the 1 lost a thriller, 20-27, In ram• first half. The Gators showed I soaked Aztec BowL superior line atrength, and blaz- 1 Pepperdlne ha.I l9!t Ch~co Ing backfield speed, outrushlng 1 S1;.ate College, 6-22; JUVera,ty the Pioneers 313 yards to 90. of Nevada, 8-211; Loa Angeles The first quarter, despite df>ep 1 State, 6-27: Whittler College, penetrations by both teams, 0-28; S mta. Clara., 28-35 8 .nd wu BCoreless, Cal Poly (Pomona.), H-H. The Fuller 8 cored on a. 15-yard Wa.ve1 defeated Cal Western right end sweep end scamptred, Universlt.1, ;,.fl, tor the!; only 25 ,ya,l"da, qn A. ,cr,en pass-play win. d from quarte~ac~ ;Rpn Sweet In- i'J'! si..i., aecon j the aeoond quarter. rated • ma.II college Jp tM wee t , San Francisco cl'U.lhed the extended Its aeuop reco rd to disheartened Pioneer • in the fi. 7-1 by defea!Jng the Pioneers. nal two period.II. 0,.1.or fulll;>ack Gator ha1tl:lack Charller Fuller Willle Simpson acored op. touch-

u. of ~•n Dier• M. McOt>,itt 18~ w Bourque 198 wa.Uv JOOE. 18f, Um o·u-anr .221 !. Gurrola 183 O Elliott 217

Peppudin, Collei• \ G L&shlry 160 R. Polston 185 o·BrlPn 185 D . Stafford Ul5 I ,.lfll.t15on Hl5 L. 20!':i 1 Drnny Aria 11:; Ra.,: Wrenn 110 ~~~.OC'Sp1lnn 11 68 00 a. WooL)On 189 wtllo D.


lm O


J_ Chap~,_180 QB to,:i;ctm1("'190 Joe Gr • Y 1 IO J, Desantis Si J

1"960 Football Statistics

s Jacob "



nut DE"pot

1 Governali of 'an " " Co!J£'ge g,,, apped p me t a a to rndmg thl'ir teams into bat- I tn Aztec Bowl Saturday afternoon 'Tll peak ,lmet]y," aid

!3 21 ' 79 630 39 ]589 41.8 I 62 540 10 ' 17 8 t •1 i11



Al. Cmp. Jni. Prt. Tl. Td


Chw,rn11n Murph)', 'ft. all


6 A 86 598 6





19 0


down runs of 12 and five yards and reeerve !ullback Bob Bur• nelt sc::ored the final tovcbdown on & !Ive-yard ala.nt I tt guard.

1'0, l:dl, ATS, 1'tlQli. Blocke4

Chapma.n . .Ja.n qb Oallrlel. Jim t


1~-.1 40.8 38 38.0




Scoring ·an, 0 • 3 I 1 I l _____.T

fATI 0 2

0 2 I t A 2 I

t.tie ,-. 36-0. Thill Saturday night the Ploll(eera travel &o Loa An,;rl'"' to m...,t Peppenlln11 College at Inglewood High lkbool. (U D boto by John D. P.,.,k.)

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