News Scrapbook 1958-1961
er Pepperdine's Line b7 ",Wn'.11 havt> io punch at Pf'carovich i;aJd this ls an 1hl'U' lm<' and ~hortr.n up our important i_ame. "Ir we win Jlassl'.. i'. "';, lnl<'nd 10 b ea t this, it will give us a 4.4 s,,a. Peppe1 dmP, roach, Mlk<' PP- son mark and w, can afiord carovirh told his Umv£>rsity or lo gamble In our last t w 0 San D\rgo !ootballl'r · this g11ml's," hr said. l wrck as thry Jlr!'par!'d for to- 1 • n,orrow nli;ht'~ haHII' at 1 j J D will l<'avr tqmorrow glP.wood's :i-ntl el F' 1 J 11 • a!ternoor1. by bus !vr lui:l<'- " n 1 " ' • wood, takmg a 4D-mal\. quad. I think we haVr> a bt>lll't'j p i I t·r ''Th l In~." Pecarovich ackn~1 ecarov c·i sa -+' ey't·c> Pdgl'd, "and we'll tr to• H"'PpJ)f'tdlnr.J ot hetter J>all ,,.,..akr the .... , . Y . ,clu.b 1.han the rf'conl w~uld in- ,.. opeinngs, UthP1. dicall' wl e we'll have to takr to 1ht> · alr With Short pa S<' w Jfo S<')P.cled thtt 'toJJowlng can't go Jon'" 011 th<'~ · · e start<'r?: Mike McOevitt and •. . ,,, ' . Jim (,abnc>l al Pnds, wv~ . I believe WI' 11 ha VP. to Bourgue and Gray Elli at .1hro;' !Jar,. and _hooks an rt tackles, Wally Joos a ke hnp, that experwnr,• w I l J G u r r o I a at guard i m ll'll:'' . 0'1.t'ary at center Jan Chap. 111<' P1onP.ers bump<'d head man at guarte~'('k, J O " Tuesday and Wednesday and Loeschnig and Joe Gray at rld<'n ed against I'<'ppe1dine halves and Jim D~n is at Jilay · )'I! terday. tullhack 'J'wo USD playe1~ will llt' ul ·
WEEKEND PIGSKIN MENU TO. ·1Gnr Local San 0 HD JC at LA. Harbor, I. Escondido al~ VIiia, I. Granite HIits ot ..., Mlou-el, t El Colon "SWN!watlr, I, HIiitop at Heltx, I. ,rown III H.-,ard. f::rte at Svracu Col "'€1'J".,l"p~~II. R:IJ!gffs at ~wart_ Perin Sto'tt of Holy Crou. V r1lnla at Novy. Prlncetan at Yale. D91ro I ct Viti-.
able to go nt full SP<'L wh1I" %uniga, with a broken Im nd, will play only on dl'- 1r-u " 'rrouh)<' is, Zuniga is orn• of U.SD's standout I i n ,,. ba<'k<'1 .. ,
Fi~rr,._rnr,m w. El CODltan, G llesole .Sr. AttsaiutUM VL Llnca&n, 8afboo Sta• d1um, 8. Clo remont vs. Keamv. Hoover, 7:30. Polnl Lomo al La Jolla! I. Sf~\d~ ~:rc?.'r fl), I. Coronai:ta 'If$. Carlsbad, Oceonsld~, I. rJUDAY Local Crawford VI. Sari Diego, Balboa Stad- ium, l. Elsewhere 11-Rlchmond al' Furman, J( Fr~no 'S1aft at s. J . Stott, )1:-\Ji=>I 01' Geo. Washlniiilfon, x-Wlctuta at Oral!' ...... A'HiRD 1' Local MC RD "· S D. Slafo, Arlee 8ow,' 2. u.c•. Riiver.. vs. Cal WesTetrt, Pt. Loma tfloh, 2
Y:,1.r~~ "Z.'Jt~~: Ohio 510ft 01 IOWII Purdue ot Mlnriesoto.
~~t;,,c~: ~,~r(oi:o\ loNa State at kon. .S.:ore. Co orado crt Kansas Mien. State ot Norttiwestern Okta. Sfaf • ot Nebraska. South Alabama. al Goon o Tech. 1 Georola tir AutKrrn. SO. Ccro a at C emson. Duke crt Woke Forest X- (Ohio) ct ll.lnllldcY. 1'. lone of F lorlda. HOlfl1an ar Fkwlda StatL )<-,Miss. State at LliU • Maryland at No. Cqr91lno. ~-Notre Dome 1t 111,0ml [Fla.). TiMne5see- at Mtsslsslt>pf. Wm. & Mary ct Vanderbllf. · Southwest
USDDIP-11; •0c.anskM • VglJey JC, a. Sorrto Borboro JC al fl'olimar, I. Ramano High \fS., Army•Navy, Octai1- 1loe, J. Pacific Coast Co llomla al W ,h n;!on. wni \11,iilnla Gt Ormon. Ore State ct Slct\ford. Wa h S1ote at tdo™>. x lltOh Sl Fhher I -elS-On Phil w...:154~L:::,.- w::i54 i:::f, Collier W-1'9 L-1J M~~D.ill.L_ M~~o"'•,:67:.,J,___ h,.;_;~="---/rM:::;Ci.,PRa'ictoa:'-"-""-'"'--[.. ~c;_==~- by 13 by U by 1' USO USO USO by 7 bv 6 by 10 Cal Western ~C~al""'"'N-"'1_•_<_n__, Riverside u~r: ~u~~~~-!6'----J~~"'----l7ui~~~~6:'-----l-,,i~:'-----ll=.!-a"'----l....;;"-'<----i.,.,.,;:,...;:..___ -l=~--- 13"----1-B-ae:y!.lor..!...---l-.!!!..J....:__ _, ~B~:~:-:.~---i-,.-'c,,-~---l•e-a"'b:!.ror.! B:;r: by 10 bv 7 by 6 bv 7 wasl'llnQton wasnlneton Wa5hlngton 1~.,,_by.,_,20,,____ 1,....,.:"-,,!----l-:-'b"'y_lce•~---l~.-'b""y_lc,Sc...,.,___ 1 ~-""-"'-=---l Oregon St. Oregon SL wa,hinvron by 20 ','--'-,,,....--1 orio"Ol'l-s-,-- Oregon St. ,o~: Wisconsln 1 "' 111~::, o:! ;t. _b_•~13~---, bv 6 l -:.----l,c-"''-"----l-,~~,:---•l.,==::----1-cK.-':"'~-'6'-.---·i~K,..!:'.!::..:;!!...---•l, by 7 by 6 Texas by3 TCU LSU Rice Tex.a.!. by6 byl LSU Rice LSU RIce bY8 by6 by! I bY7 DY7 bY2 Bears Colts :..,...---·lc-:-"'l..!.----l ,L-!i:"'~c.,:!.3____1,L-!l~"'Yc.."'3--- -L""r~""V-,8::.....___ I-'"-'--- ·l-,.-Po"'bc"'•"'!"-rs---·i-;.p"':c:cv.,.:==,.:---1 Pa"'b!'-.-':~"-.-"-- 1 -=-"-~-- bV 8 bV17 bV\2 Browns bv 7 Gionb bv 1 Eoglrs bv 7 Patriots bY 10 Texans bv 7 Colts Eagles bv 5 Patriots bv I Texans bv J oner$ bv I 8111, bY I Lost We&k: Raiden bV 7 Lent Wffk: "PS_,..,....""-'"'",._~ ,_.;... :.;~;;_-;:.....:,.;;;.;...,;.;,;,.,,_;.,,.;;,;:;:.:;:=.._....;....;.:;.:.;:::...,_.:.,.,:..:.:;,.;;::,_..,:...:~.,..;=-...1...!;~~!...- ~!'.f:;.::='!,..,_~~•.,. ~<,.: l c.. W-11 L-11 Pct..m .1aa~':.;t~;.-- 1. r_-"._,;.=..;:;::...._~..:...:
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