News Scrapbook 1958-1961


EVENING TR/81,JNE rA'tw:i~~o~lr.1":o SPORTS ... Gqeral Cal Poly's • Ho mmg Foe for USD University of San DJego

THE SAN DIEGO· UNION )Ion., ov. 1(..,1960 © .,.,,.'OIECMI, CALl~OIINIA b7 j

oly (Pomona)~

USD', Next FQe UnivPtslt}' or San ])l~go'slChapm:in, h 'roothall teum, urning Jn t ,ift- 1 firRI of his cyiQ slart, may n(•ed two play~ J.1tPr. a ~lo"

r, scoreif thl' tourhdown


will climax its 1\omccoming rogram this week with a ootball game again t C a 1 Poly of Pomona Saturday night at Westgate Park. The Pioneers returned to the victory column Saturday lght when they turned back Pepperdine, 20-13, at Ingle- wood. Quarterback Jan Chapman, hero of the 21-20 win over MCRO recently, again stood out, scoring twice and passing for another touch- down. End Mike llr C D e V l t t snagged a pass from Chap. man on the opening play of he game, covering 78 yards in all tor a school record, and Chapman went over from the one two plays later. Chapman hl,t Jim Gabriel with a 34-yard scoring toss In the second period and Jan dove over 1rom tl11,• two in the final period to fatten the Pion ers' adYantage. U D made 124 yards rush- 1ng, with Jim DC.Santis pick- ing up 51 yards.

facing a

P<'pp,•rdln<' was

• aturday




n!flht when It go H 1tgainst 1hird ~tralght opponent from · Cal Pol\ (Pomona l In Wvst- :,;an Oi••go Ln coach Mike gate Park • • • USO POP ThP Pomon 11$ C'Xf P\1


. Wri,1,, Nov. 16, 1060 © $AN DIEGO, CALIIIOINIA 1 -Pio-ne-ers' foe Boasts 5-Game Viet ry String Unlv.-l'Bft1' of San Di<'go now e <'n for 1h sraso, w th a 4-4 r1 co1id, engai<'s tou"h Cal Poly of Pomona In tlth Pioneer~• homrcomlng tu ll' at We tgate Park Saturday night. The Pomonans, how ever, will be hooting for their sixth straight Vklory. Again t four comparable op- p011cnts, tlw Cal Poly club! has an edg • I• Cal Poly defeatPd Whittit•r, . 33-14, and Pcpperdin,•, 41-14.1 and dropped decisions to Ma rine Corps Recruit Dl'pot, '27- 12. :i.nd San Franc, ·co State, 20-0, USD defoated MCRD, 21-20, and Pepperdine, 20-13, and lost to Whittier, 20-6, and San Francisco State, 35-0.

Marines Will Keep Marching, Jacobsen Assures QB Club Re- !Ir t tart Ince lJnlver lty o! n Die o rapped th r

w 'v played I' year against g gam Pa defen~e h;i., en our weaknc ." Bob xton, ! In for head oach Mike Pecaro- v I h, said l'SD "came along a lot !aster th3n we cXpl'ctcd." "With a 4-4 record ar.d two games to go," ob• served Sexton, "we may get out with a w nning sea- son. We didn't expect this (Continued U-6, Col. 5)

21-game v.lnnlng str ak O'I a on point dC'c,s.on O t. 29. •·ou boys w re r ally r •ady," sa,d co h Pai I Govcrnal!. who e ztc stopped th MCRD grou'l<.I tt ck but yl ld d five touch dov.n on pa · In the la t 30'• m nutc,i ot play. "'This w s th hard t, tough rt b nd or d I n lve Iootball

e\ erythtng

thc hard way.

by Gross- they may

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( F'rlday),


".\ lot of brc:ik~ have 1:onc ns:atn t th m " ~aid

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John ton.

San Diego lndep•ndent, l!iursdcry, Nov. 17, 1960

Page 6


USD To SeekHomecoming Victory Over Rugged (al Poly Gridders '1 ra 1n four of thl'ir &-t th R"ame~. the Pi~ !ec1 of tl1e _l nh·ersit.,,: of 11n 1ego will a j){ to nak l heir H ·elebrati A hap p '\ onE' • hen t host powerft1l 11.l Pol of Pomona at 8 m. !3aturdar in Westgate a e 1s1t1ng Btoncos, hot on


e wlnnlni at eak, lost Diego Mannes, 27- an Francisco Stat•, t two n,a lcba a.~on Since then he onarur ha,·e come arOL>od r; • ·evada, 20-8; Whit: ''"· ~of.; Pepperdine, 44-H· ,acum S atP, 19-J8· and tJzon,,. ~taft 18-14 The P1one wrre •q ekhed '' "'•n !F,.,.n co. 85- ,, two ••lo, ai:o an(l outs u ed Pep- 1·d1nP. 20-1:J, last week Pr.manly a paa•ing club. Cal ~nly ""Ill romp up w th one <>C th• top M'1ia: arti•La ; the l!ou lilA.nd In qua.rtPrbaclc Georire SwadP. C • d u. The Broncn eii,ial caller fn thumb. Th P1one~ra , xpec'ed to n <>n quarterba Jan C'llap. ~M' pu•lnit and kick ng abll- ftv to ev•n the att!lrk . Le1tding Our,({ .t11.lnPr Jim DeSMtl• and al!back1 Joe Gr• y and Joe toe.rhn1g Will acrry the n1Sh- f lnK load for th~ l""als. ;,: ••IUIOII. and hU

sw:~rise win 0\ er J Jarin~ Co1 ps R?cruit. Depot c>a1l1er. Clu:pman leads Pioneers against Cal Pb! o~PomollA m USD's Home<•oming Game Sa!ul'da~ night al., We. tga1e Pal'lc-En.'ning Tribunp Stafr Photo by AI Sund .

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