News Scrapbook 1958-1961


17,. 1960

University to Stage Homecoming Fet& ?'1 ty of Sall Diego »Ul.(h kom<·coming cl!lebratlons lhl• to be h ht.ed Satu1day by a !oolball game between ti D's Ploneimt11Dd Cal Poly of Pomona. Homecoming actlvltlell al.Art Thuntday when MaL"cla Wut, homecoming- queen, procla!m11 l''riday u Blue and White Day. Stud~nt.l will be expected to wear blue _a,nd white, the I cominr queen and her four school'• co'for1, on that day. prin~ will be dinner iruests S den&.11 rom U1e College for o.t. le tor Men- • Miss llnt! f'nllege for Women Wet escorted by Jan will met'! at thl'l Lark Cafele1-i& Cb.aJ)mllll, oll<'ge for Men &li- on can,pus at ,l :30 p.m. ll'rid11y socl&ted •tudenl body pn,al,lent. and, foUo the Pep Baud. • prJn,.cqe11, Diane Hee.d, will pr t,Q e unlv<'r~ity's :M_,.gy Giilson Elli Taix, a.nd stadhim fl,,- a rally and Joan Karpinski, wlll be e,s,·ort~d bonfir . ,by College tor Men 11tudents After the rally 11ludenh will Bert Deghe1i, Dennis Hullora.n, decorate the campus auditor!- Dave Cox, and Mike Ferson. tor Saturda,y'• homecom• A. procl,nl!ltlon by Miss West lag dance, M well RR join IIY wllt offlc1ally sin.rt tht! foolhRll dancm!; and rPfre.'!hmenta. game. The quc-~n and he>r court A Mass w!ll he offered In The wtll be presented at halftime lmmaculala at noon 811.tur home- Mell. '--~ .-------~~.~ Th@ ho111ecoming dance will begin immediately after the

Primed fot Clash Here Saturday

gamr. In More Hall. The queen will be rrowned at midnight and dancing will continue untll 1:4() a.m. --~-----~-

1i;it,y o! San Di~go keLball team con-

this w~ek

tinued pointing 4'

1960- 1 eiuson opener Wit} ./Jj\e Nj!.vy Phlb~ra- pac tea.m - ember 22. Coach Ken ~lie !Orl,'.ller USO star and .AJ.U all-American, i.~ conduct! g 118.lly rkout,, with l5 ar1olty ~di!laLC!$ at .Muni- cipal Grznnaailll!l 1n Balboa Park. 'ThP PiQI era posted a. t0-18 l'ecord last li8lson. Th" Pioneers have 21 game • and wo touma- iii~t11 scheduled for the 1960-61 Be8.llon. 1:1-named Ed Banm, a two-year letterman and Jim Fleming, a .one-year letterman,• at guards; sophomores Russ Cravens and Tony Caputo at forward : and Bill Schammel at center, as tentative starters. Ba rah I6-1) scored 120 points last season, and Fleming, USD's 1 leading scorer r, o u n t e d 436 points for a 15.6 points per game average. Cravens (6-2 ) was second In rebounds last season "-i lh 193 and fourth In ·ndh•idual scoring \\1th 243 point,;. Caputo •cored 155 pornts in 24 games last sea- ~n. Schammel, a 6-6 sophomore, i~ a transfer from Weber Junior College in Ulah. Schammel had a 17.3 po 1 nt-per-game averag~ in his •enior year at Camel- back High, Phoenix, Ariz. He was named all-Phoenix and all- Arizona high school t earns tor 1958-59 sea.sons. other top prospects include Bob Tritz (5-9) from P ius x. 1 hn Robbi.Iui (5-11) from Trinl- Jun or College, Art Wical , ) e O'Connor (6-4) from igh. San Bernardino Wical (6-4).

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I' acored Pepper- touchdown on a other a 26-yard run n ter. Quarter. ~n klcked the '.\ ootton, the

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FROM PLAYER TO COACH LesJie to Preach What He Practiced By PAUL COUR

year's team, which compiled a 10-18 record, form the nu- cleus of Leslie's first team. Ed Baran, two-year letter- man, ~nd Jim_ Fleming, a one-stnpcr, will open at g'¼ards, and sophomores Russ Cravens and'T9ny Caput~at the forwards. Fleming wi(s the c I u b ' s i1tl.ding scorer~t year with 436 points :ftlitap average of 15.6 points game. Bar- an, 6-1, scorca1oo. Cravens, 6-2, was seconaln rebounds with 193 and fourth in in- dividual scoring with 241 points. Caputo, 6-2, tossed in 155 points in 21 games. Other t o p prospects in- clude Bob Tritz. 5-9, f r o m Pius High; John Rpbbins, 5-11, from Trinidad JC; Art and Charley Wiral, 6-3 sopho- mores, and Dick Madsen. Leslie will employ a fast- break offense, mixincr it up with about four patte;'ns. "We'll press on defense most of the time," the rookie coach asserted. The Pioneers should learn a lot from Leslie. He can s t i 11 practice what he J)n>aches. It'll seem strange to him not to be out there on the court when U1e horn sounds for jump ball in USD's first i:-ame of th e season next Tuesday night at PhibTraPac. Twenty-on~ ariies a n d two tournam<>nts ar£> on the schedule w h l ch follows (ho m e gaml's playccl t

Ken L'e s Ii e's basketball eligibility has run oul at Uni- ty of San Diego, but Pione<'rj couldn't bear to see the former AAU all- American leave, So, the y named him hl'ad basketball <"'Qa!/h this year. • If Leslie rubs off on his players, this fould -be a sue- , cessful sea~on on the cage court for the Pioneers. "We'll have pretty good balance between speed and .l!eight," the star of the Pio- neers during the' 1956-59 seasons admitted yesterday. Leslie played AAU basket- ball for 12 years before join- ing the Pioneers to qualify him as probably tile most seasoned college cager ever to lace on a gym shoe. The 5-9 former guard real- izes the importance of t h e l?ig man in today's g a me and that's why he's anxious for February to roll around. Dave Hinds, a 6-8 transfer from University of San Fran- cisco, won't be eligible to play with the Pioneers until then. He enro!Jed this fall. Hinds is a former Mi8Sion Bay High pivotman. . Until Hinds is eligible, the pivot spot probably will be sharc>d by Bill SchammC'I 6-G sophomore transfer frorr: W c> be r Junior College in Utah. and llrike O'Connors 6-d, from Aquinas High i,; San Ilernardino. '''}ur rl'turnees from last




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SAN Dl~GO Tl tu-,., . · 01 , 1,, l%U \.A tFO~NIA


CONSENSUS Senta Claro bv 9

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