News Scrapbook 1958-1961
17,. 1960
University to Stage Homecoming Fet& ?'1 ty of Sall Diego »Ul.(h kom<·coming cl!lebratlons lhl• to be h ht.ed Satu1day by a !oolball game between ti D's Ploneimt11Dd Cal Poly of Pomona. Homecoming actlvltlell al.Art Thuntday when MaL"cla Wut, homecoming- queen, procla!m11 l''riday u Blue and White Day. Stud~nt.l will be expected to wear blue _a,nd white, the I cominr queen and her four school'• co'for1, on that day. prin~ will be dinner iruests S den&.11 rom U1e College for o.t. le tor Men- • Miss llnt! f'nllege for Women Wet escorted by Jan will met'! at thl'l Lark Cafele1-i& Cb.aJ)mllll, oll<'ge for Men &li- on can,pus at ,l :30 p.m. ll'rid11y socl&ted •tudenl body pn,al,lent. and, foUo the Pep Baud. • prJn,.cqe11, Diane Hee.d, will pr t,Q e unlv<'r~ity's :M_,.gy Giilson Elli Taix, a.nd stadhim fl,,- a rally and Joan Karpinski, wlll be e,s,·ort~d bonfir . ,by College tor Men 11tudents After the rally 11ludenh will Bert Deghe1i, Dennis Hullora.n, decorate the campus auditor!- Dave Cox, and Mike Ferson. tor Saturda,y'• homecom• A. procl,nl!ltlon by Miss West lag dance, M well RR join IIY wllt offlc1ally sin.rt tht! foolhRll dancm!; and rPfre.'!hmenta. game. The quc-~n and he>r court A Mass w!ll he offered In The wtll be presented at halftime lmmaculala at noon 811.tur
Primed fot Clash Here Saturday
gamr. In More Hall. The queen will be rrowned at midnight and dancing will continue untll 1:4() a.m. --~-----~-
1i;it,y o! San Di~go keLball team con-
this w~ek
tinued pointing 4'
1960- 1 eiuson opener Wit} ./Jj\e Nj!.vy Phlb~ra- pac tea.m - ember 22. Coach Ken ~lie !Orl,'.ller USO star and .AJ.U all-American, i.~ conduct! g 118.lly rkout,, with l5 ar1olty ~di!laLC!$ at .Muni- cipal Grznnaailll!l 1n Balboa Park. 'ThP PiQI era posted a. t0-18 l'ecord last li8lson. Th" Pioneers have 21 game • and wo touma- iii~t11 scheduled for the 1960-61 Be8.llon. 1:1-named Ed Banm, a two-year letterman and Jim Fleming, a .one-year letterman,• at guards; sophomores Russ Cravens and Tony Caputo at forward : and Bill Schammel at center, as tentative starters. Ba rah I6-1) scored 120 points last season, and Fleming, USD's 1 leading scorer r, o u n t e d 436 points for a 15.6 points per game average. Cravens (6-2 ) was second In rebounds last season "-i lh 193 and fourth In ·ndh•idual scoring \\1th 243 point,;. Caputo •cored 155 pornts in 24 games last sea- ~n. Schammel, a 6-6 sophomore, i~ a transfer from Weber Junior College in Ulah. Schammel had a 17.3 po 1 nt-per-game averag~ in his •enior year at Camel- back High, Phoenix, Ariz. He was named all-Phoenix and all- Arizona high school t earns tor 1958-59 sea.sons. other top prospects include Bob Tritz (5-9) from P ius x. 1 hn Robbi.Iui (5-11) from Trinl- Jun or College, Art Wical , ) e O'Connor (6-4) from igh. San Bernardino Wical (6-4). d oe U SO.a con. c r I' acored Pepper- touchdown on a other a 26-yard run n ter. Quarter. ~n klcked the '.\ ootton, the run Ron acor d FROM PLAYER TO COACH LesJie to Preach What He Practiced By PAUL COUR year's team, which compiled a 10-18 record, form the nu- cleus of Leslie's first team. Ed Baran, two-year letter- man, ~nd Jim_ Fleming, a one-stnpcr, will open at g'¼ards, and sophomores Russ Cravens and'T9ny Caput~at the forwards. Fleming wi(s the c I u b ' s i1tl.ding scorer~t year with 436 points :ftlitap average of 15.6 points game. Bar- an, 6-1, scorca1oo. Cravens, 6-2, was seconaln rebounds with 193 and fourth in in- dividual scoring with 241 points. Caputo, 6-2, tossed in 155 points in 21 games. Other t o p prospects in- clude Bob Tritz. 5-9, f r o m Pius High; John Rpbbins, 5-11, from Trinidad JC; Art and Charley Wiral, 6-3 sopho- mores, and Dick Madsen. Leslie will employ a fast- break offense, mixincr it up with about four patte;'ns. "We'll press on defense most of the time," the rookie coach asserted. The Pioneers should learn a lot from Leslie. He can s t i 11 practice what he J)n>aches. It'll seem strange to him not to be out there on the court when U1e horn sounds for jump ball in USD's first i:-ame of th e season next Tuesday night at PhibTraPac. Twenty-on~ ariies a n d two tournam<>nts ar£> on the schedule w h l ch follows (ho m e gaml's playccl t Ken L'e s Ii e's basketball eligibility has run oul at Uni- ty of San Diego, but Pione<'rj couldn't bear to see the former AAU all- American leave, So, the y named him hl'ad basketball <"'Qa!/h this year. • If Leslie rubs off on his players, this fould -be a sue- , cessful sea~on on the cage court for the Pioneers. "We'll have pretty good balance between speed and .l!eight," the star of the Pio- neers during the' 1956-59 seasons admitted yesterday. Leslie played AAU basket- ball for 12 years before join- ing the Pioneers to qualify him as probably tile most seasoned college cager ever to lace on a gym shoe. The 5-9 former guard real- izes the importance of t h e l?ig man in today's g a me and that's why he's anxious for February to roll around. Dave Hinds, a 6-8 transfer from University of San Fran- cisco, won't be eligible to play with the Pioneers until then. He enro!Jed this fall. Hinds is a former Mi8Sion Bay High pivotman. . Until Hinds is eligible, the pivot spot probably will be sharc>d by Bill SchammC'I 6-G sophomore transfer frorr: W c> be r Junior College in Utah. and llrike O'Connors 6-d, from Aquinas High i,; San Ilernardino. '''}ur rl'turnees from last NG TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line HARRY H"CHE BCB ORTMAN BOB ANGUS fl~ENJNG RIBUNE a 60 • SAN Dl~GO Tl tu-,., . · 01 , 1,, l%U \.A tFO~NIA EARL KELLER CONSENSUS Senta Claro bv 9 --Cof Polv bv • UCL.A-- .. •
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