News Scrapbook 1958-1961

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5AN•DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ~day, Nov, 18, 1960 y


P oclamatio Homecomin

SPORTS •• • \:Jeneral


Has ge For Game Comparative scores don't give too much Insight Into to- .morrow night's football game between Universlty of San Di- go and Cal Poly of Pomona at Westgate Park. On the one hand, l1SD has fhe edge. The Pioneer~ beat Marin<' Corps Recruit Depot, 21-20, while Poly lost to the Leathernecks, 27,12. Whipped Whlttlr.r On the othe;r hand, the Bron- cos rate a clearcut edge, They whipped Whittl,er, 3:i-14, Which downf!d 1.JSD, 20-6, and crushed p,,pperdinr, 44,14, The Pio• IJe<'l'S :;QU<'l'ZCd out n 20-13 de- rision ovPr the latter. San 1-'rnnclsco Stat,• wnllopl'd hoth cluhs - USD, :15-0, and Poly, 2D·0. aL f'oly ddPnted the Pio• nerr '2•12, Jost season, This sra~on'1t re-cords favor the Bron, os. Th<>y have a 5-2 mark lo :-ian l:>i<•go· s 4-4. 1 llut the Plon,·<•rs have a way of ri if ;to Dlii • 1 If~ demol1sttet<-d f ;VICRD. Cnn<'h vleh is from 1hl' nl I rhool or !oo11>.tll 11 nl 1, ii 8 a way ,.ot bringing his boyi, up. The P18neers may have an• otlH'r bl1 •f!ort coming \IP to- morrow ntght. Spirits are hlth tor homecoming. ·~ Straight Wins bas won c-R. One of s over USD's ,w,.ek oe, Arizona Slate at I• lagstj;!tf 18•14, The Broncos ha,•e a solid ground attack, l1•d w Gary Burnitt, who 'has rnrrti!.tl for 576 yards, and top aerliil offense ~pearhc-nded by George Swnde, who has passed tor 745 yards, The Bron. the pass- Ing o! Jan an• and the ' nntng of J , Jim De• a n't Is a n Loeschnlg ost, f

BiggestJBest Saved ForL QB Club TI1e Quarterb meet for the fi day noon at lnn, ,and the b~ Y/llS saved for ~It ln addition to a peakera' . rosf Pr of Dr. Malcolm A. Lo..,e, Each o! lhe prrp grid rac-es prP•ld<'nt o! San Diego State Is going right down tu the wlrP College: the Ve Rev. John, tonight for decision. Only Uni• Ah!'rne, principal of St• .Aug- vei:.,lty High Is "In" as South• usline High, and Dick Gri l'rn L('ngue kingpin. lkllx and haha, member of the :BQard Eseondldo have clinched tirs of Education, the gue~t U for tl!i- Metro division cham, also \\ 1IJ Include a record num- plonshlps, but l!l'liX c-ould he ber o! <"Oa~hc tied by Mount !II1gu I or All of the &.rea's high srhool Grossmonl, and F:l Capitan football champions will be.rep- still has hopes of deadlock- rr~ent d by thPir mentors, ing Escondido.

Th<' Western Lrague crown rould wind up on the head of Point Loma, La J o!Ja or K<>ar- ny; San Diego High and Lin- coln play :tonight for the Eastern Lehg-uc, 'title; Vf ta, San DiPgulto, Oc('ansicl<>, Co- ronado and Mar Vl~ta all F.tlll ar in 1 he Avocado I nnlng, Buskptball c o a c h e s sre G<'org-e (Ziggy) Ziegenfuss, 'an Diogo State Colleg<>; l .t. Don Jon s, Marlor Corps- ltC-'• crult Depot; Bob Kloppen- burg, Cal Western; Ken Lt' . li<', I nivcrsity of San Diego, and Iii! Crosthwaite, San DJr. go Junior Collc>gP, ~-----

•HE SAN DIEGO, UNION .' Sat., Nov. 19, 1960 ® a I9t SA':! DIEGO, CALIFORNIA


USD To Host Tough Foe Al Zuniga, who sat out last week's game, and Wally J o o s, bothered by in ured ribs, are expected to lree ac- tion with the University of San Diego tomorrow night when the Pioneer~ 'b a t t I e tough Cal Poly of Pomona at Westgate Park. Zuniga, howevPr, w i 11 not be able to play on defense. his will hurt coach :M I k e Pecarovich's force because Zuniga is one th~ . ioneers' best linebackers. A study of the , •ationa Collegiate Athletic Associa- tion statistics for small col- leges, though, would indicate that the Pioneers must have a· many players as possible in the secondary. Cal Poly has two excellent quarterbacks who t h r o w strikes with regularity. Be- cause of this, the Pomona gridders are listed t h i r d natlonaJly in team passing with a total of 1,395 yards. ' The invaders have aver- aged 199.3 yards and t w o touchdowns by air per game. Frist string signal caller Grorge Swade has e o m- pleted 43 of 103 passes f o r 886 yards and E>ight touch• downs while 'Understudy Jerry Canada has · a 26 for 61 per- formance wlth 414 yards and four tallies. Swade can keep rhe oppos- ing clubs honest, too. In 36 carries . thL~ year he has picked Up 112 yards.

\1 Hoping to aton<' for l a s ti -..ear's 42- 11,.a ·ug, coach i-.Iike Pecal'O..,· 's University ol San Diego footb•llers fig- ure to shoot tl ,e works tonight . against dangerous Cal P o I y of Pomona l5•2l at W~tgatel. Park. I KickoH for llSJ) ' s fifth an· 1 nual homecoming contest will be at 8 o'clock. Pecarovich remarked t·w o weeks ago that should dub haYe an even record go- ing into 1his game he woutd\ Jet out all stops and try a 1 few trick maneuvers. • The Pioneer_, needlf.SS to say, will ha lit Ii!. aE thC>ir best agaim;tc- &-A@.- Pomonans, who r'a~ 1 t1fii!ff na.t,onally among sma -cqfJeges m pass- ing. Should USD quarterhack Jan Cllanman have one of his best nights the ball• game could develop into quite an aerial match. Chapman has completed 61 or 120 passes for 768 :rards while Cal Poly's ,and oJ George Swade and Jerry fanada ha\'e connected on 69 of 1S4 thrown. The Pioneers will be at full strength but, unfortunately, guards Al Zuniga and Wally Joo~ will .sP.e only limited ac• tion due to'jnjuries. Pecarovie), ,,.m have 11 i ~• regular first string backfield jn running ordl'I'. This u n Lt will includ,e Chapman, h al f. backs Joe LoPscbnig and Joe Gray and fullback Jim De- santis. DeSanlis, Ilk<' his fullba k opponent , on g h I, is hls team's leadi grl)llnd gam· , er. DcSantis h n ttcd 50~ yards in 112 carries w h i l e Pomonan Gary Burnett has gained 576 yards in 78 trips. Besides Swade and Burnett the Pomona club will h av e halfbacks Bobby Anderson (Contmuecl on a-19, Col. ll

ag regation eeded roncos The Pomonans measured SD, 42-12 llll t sea on.

/1erculean Effort Is As Pioneers c I

' .


rli-. JOf' J;oc c-hn g, Jot.' Gra>· d Jim DC' ·an 1s present formidable ground at- k fo tht8:'ln Diegans.


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