News Scrapbook 1958-1961
den Four Aztecs Make First Team: USD, Cal-Western Place 3 on Mythical 11 By Bob KJng Cal W tem guard, Loyal lng 202 pounds lllld 11. ba.ckfleld karu;as, Chapman ~d tor MQO , u o end c. o. w tker 11.veraglng 170 pounds, 717 yarda on 49 of 1 pass at- tempts. nd DI go t te ba k Dick Four een1on,, four juniors, one llO homo re BJJd two freshmen Only fl ve of his aerjals were Alorrh topped th f lectlons In P th h d 1 1 11 h Intercepted and six "''"•es were made e c 11.nne c re e w t c ,.,...,.. n Diego ln AII-S iHE SAN DIEGO UNION G2 (D Sun., Uel', 4, 1960 ...,;;;..:::,__SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA lwestmo USD, 73-54 SpecioJ To The San Dit-90 Union REDLA."IDS . Westmont College hand!'d the t.:nivi>rsi- ty of San Diego Its th Ir d <:traight setback, 73-54, in the edlands Im·ltatlonal basket- hall tournami>nt here yester. day. The Santa B a r b a r a n s jumped off to a Mrnmand- ing lead In the first half and were never headed. Ron !\luldcr sparkrd the winners with 11 point . Jim Fleming hit 17 for the losers \\ilh Rus Cra, ens and Ed Baran each contribuling 11 The &In Dii>gans, ousted after the Jo s to Westmont, will meet :\!CRD Tuesday ni~ht in San Diego. Wt>lmont (73) USO C54J GFPT Muldtr 5 5 1 1$ CaPuto Bochenan 2 J 2 7Cravens A.n-derson 5 O 1 10Shammell Bo•ter 5 O o 10 Flem ng Hal I 2 l .cearon Be-st 2 o 2 "'O'Connor Turl'\t-r I o 2 2Trltz McAdoms .c 2 0 JO RObblns McCreerv 1 2 2 A Mot.aon Grttn 3l07 o1~n1 5 1 2 1' 0 I 4 1 5 7 2 17 4 J I U 1 0 I 7 n i 0 3 I 3 THE SAN DIEGO UIION I a20 (i) Sat., o.. r . 8, J!l6f1 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA -~ -- USD Beaten Again,74-53 SP.eciaf To Tl'le Son Dle,o Union REDLANDS, D e c. 2 Clairemont • Mudd College handed the Univ<'rsity ot San Diego its second defr•at ln the R<>dland~ Invitational Das. ketball Tournament today, 74, 53. Dave Buss and Larry Ford li>d the winners, coring 21 and 17 points, re,pectlvely. , Ru s s e I I Cra\·1,n (121 and Mike O'Connol' 111 l paced USD CSD tralkd at halftime 40. :.>.'i. Thi· Pio:ieers play We t- Mt t C' I R<' .')?terday o~'.PTC·M GFP T Cooolo 4 ' 2 I~ H ""' J : I 9 ravens 5 S 1,. B 7 3 jl ~1g~~: 11 i d Hi rd ok f ? i Boron O OO OO~'f';;o 2 0 9 Wlc;;c 1 0 3 2 R:1i8e'WOv 1 :2 fa J 1 1 ~:'ir1 j ~ci'3if-o:1wski i 8 i J t~ E
1958 and thia Bell.Son wu named Governall consldera hJm to the Acad mla All-American mquad. W&lker caught 19 pa,isea coached." for ll48 yards thl1 1ea1on and , Illa three• year total 1et a new the ban 72 IChool record or 1,06-l yanl1. AJ. caught 28 p.,..e 11 for 262 yards; though his main torte WI\! pMa scored 31 poin ts on four TD's, receiving, the 21-yea.r-old wing- four conversions and a field man WM outaandlng on de- goal; lnterc pted three passes; tossed for one score and was tense. one of the lead.t ng tacklers on Neal Petties (SDJC) •.• Neal the team. Rumor has It that the WM out,tandlng on both of- pro's Y.111 sign him following hl.s fense and deten11e. Offensively graduation next school year. he ....-., the leadlng receiver on Al MadlMn (CW) , .. The the team and wu third In total smallest man on The Independ- polnta with 30, Defensively, Pet- ent's flret team, the 19-year- tles domln11.led the game With old Madison from Yuma, Ari- hl9 11terllng play. In ot two zona, dlsregarded hl9 size ( 5-7 gameJi, the former San Diego HI0) lllld age and made his op- High at&r Intercepted four pas- ponent,, look up to him by hi1 aes to thwart opponent,, outiitandlng offensive and de fen1lve ablllty. TM'kle• The freshman aensatlon le, Bill f'rank (SDJC) , •• Prob- his Westerner teammatee 11 ably the toughest tackle ever to punt l'eturns, kickoff returns come out ot the two-year lnstl-1 and PUS Interceptions; score< tutlon, the rugged ex-marine two touchdown.11; completed fiv1 had four yean o! aerviee ball of 14 passes !or 84 yards; before fflterlng college. Easlly caught six passes for 108 yards the top tackle among collegl and placed second In team de- In thl11 ar~a, Fr&nk was selecteg teruilve statistics. for hla all-11.round aggressive- Second Teem ne11s both on offenae and de- fensii. Enda ... Pat Briggs (CW) and Al Silva (SDSC). Dick Hammea (SDSC) •• , Dick, deaplu, a knee injury Tackles . • • Joe Steuben early In Ute setuon, wu • (CW) and Don George (SDSCJ standout performer In a rugged A.ztee l l n •· The 20-year-old Guards • • . Leroy Dotson (SDSC) and Wayne Bourque (USO) I mOllt naturnl athlete I have ever Hts eeaaon ataUsties read like these of an entire team: carried ror 313 yan'!s; "the Motherly Tatal1 Holtllm • o o 2 o 2t U 1' motels score: Westmont JS, USD 20. 1, 1, lJ 54 / former St. Augustine High cep- ter Is a junior and will return for another iieuon. tan Nelson Center • • , THE SAN DIEGO UNION 64 Fri., Del', 2, 1960 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Chapman Tops 1 lproneers, 66-53, SPtClal TO Th• Son 01190 Union 1' REOLA DS, Dec. 1-Chap. man College of Orange 1 e d most of the way here last night to pin a 66-53 defeat on the University of San Diego basketball team in a first round game in the Redlands University Invitational tour• nament, USD's Russ Cravens led all scorers with 18 points with teammate Jim Fleming hit- ting 12. Joe Larson's 16 was high for Chapman, The Pioneers trailed only 31-25 at intermission but slipped steadily behind in the second half as Chapman dominated the boards, USD will meet Claremont- Mudd tomorrow at 4:30 p,m, in a consolation round game with the victor facing the winner of the Westmont-San Fernando State game Satur- day at 4 p,rn. 2 3 18 Lar5on Shommell 1 O J 2 H'derson 6 O 4 12 Hibbard 3 0 0 6 Trumbo A. Wlcol O O 2 0 Cotwrlohl 2 3 02 7 O'Connor o 5 O S Rlverg • 5 13 Tritz 2 O 1 • R~r~rss J f 1J si TotafJ 25 " It U Holftlme Chapman 3,1., USO l5 cla~~!. tr~ 0 fi:m~~sr:Bo~l~T:i~WicJr 2, O'Connor 1; Chapman-Green 2, Lor- i~ncJho.1:1:~f~~,?v~a ~~bbard 3, Trumbo 3 :l 32 • 5 2 12 J O 2 6 USO (Sl) Caputo Cravens Fleming Baron Chooman CU) G FPT 1 2 1 GFPT 1 1 1 3 7 2 2 16 Green I (SDJC) Backe ••• Ron ColmM (CW), Guards f Loy&! J.foor" (CW) • , , The Jim King (SDSC), Joe Gray 24 year old junior from Coo~- (USO) and Ed B u ch an an idg", A"'- - '·Sl!ie.>t.e.:L (SDJCI th6 &U•Call!ornl& Junior Colleg,, l team while at Palo Verde JC. Loyal wu a co-CAptaln on thi.s year's Westerner club a n d played linebacker on defense, from which poaition he atopped many of the opponents' quick f opening 1>Jay1. Ranked third on 11, defenelve point • ystem, the 205 pound guard ill his team's candldau, for Little 11.U-Amerl- can honors. Wayne Whitby ($DSC) .•. Considered th e number one guard on his squad In pre-sea- Mn write-ups, the 200-pound senior Jived up to ~xpectatlons, Fast and aggressive. Whitby proved outstanding on offense and defenae. Center Jack Garofano (USD) •.• I Considered tile Pioneers' top In- terior lineman, tha three-year veteran caplAlned this fall'• eleven, Fast and ahl!ty for his 205 pounds, the 23 year old sen- ior has been rated the greatest linebacker in the University's history. Garofono halls from Loa Angeles. Baek• aenior as. In his three years \\1th tlle ,Azteca, the Duke mas- tennllljled the offensive drives from bla quarterback 1pot. In hls first year with the Monte- zum11ns J oe a ttained an confer- ence ho and ha • n't let up since. This on the little ~lcld general completed 63 of 132 pass attempts for 700 yards and 6 TD' •. Duke also d twice and punted·33 tlm tor a 39.9 y ) . . ' 41'11 -at the Al- ool, tJIJI junlnr • erved noUce that any ng pa.&11 records wiU be broken by the t ime he grad- uates. A former all-state signal caller 11.t Arkaruia., City High jn Joe Di.tke (SDSC) .• . Words cannot "' EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA a 53 '}' Thurs., Dec. 1, 1960 Test Awaits USO Univer sity of San Diego's promising, young basketball team draws a big t<'st ln the first round of the University ot Redlands tournament to- night. The Pion0Prs go up against Ch a pm an College, which has six lettermen rC'- turning fror.1 i'.s 19:9-G0 NCAA Collegl' Division Pa<'ific Coast ehamplonship team. Coad1 I{en L<',ii<'S Pioneers ' beat Phibpac, 63•44, in their first start last week. Probable • I starters : CHAPMAN Hibbonl 16•n N. Gr- (6-2) B. Trumbo 16-:n N. Rlv~rQ (5-10) J. Klass (6-0l -tAirrJ:;~·J~~lF:tia"oob--11 EVENING TRIBUNE SPORTS ... Bowling USD Quintet Bows, 66-53 I Special lo EVENING TRI BUNII REDLANDS - Fni\ ersity of San Diego's P ioneers, me: {* lost ~nltltd 'Uimtlt 3 I .• ov. 28, 19d0 ·••ttV Claremont Mudd today 10 th1 consolation 1ound of t~e Red, I ds llnivf'rsity Inv1tational an , Th r. ba. k<'tball tournami>~t- Pione<'rs bow<'d to .Chapman College. 66-3:-1, last 111ght. ,,- Chapman held only a 31•~.J halftime lead, but took coin- lete control of the bai:k- ~oards in the se<:ond half to iwin handily. Russ C,·awns led tlw Jos<'l"S wi th 18 poin~s. followed by J un Fl<'ming with 12. Summary: •• cul USO (l3) G F p T G F P T §opu\a t ½ ,#Wf~ g , ,~ ~r1J~ 1 t J MC Phibpac THE SAN DIEGO UNION a42 ©SAJb""9, O USO To Oppose Chapman Quintet ! Special to The Son DJego Union ¥.EDLA::---o:::, ;,,;oY. 30 The will oe Ora ge County Stat<.> •• lver;;lty o! Sa 11 Dl<.>go' · against \\'estmont Coll<'gC' at p mising younii: baskPtball- 3 p.m,, San Fernando Sta <' meet pow ul Chapman College against Redlands a ge toml)how night in -1:30 p.m. and Claremont, too d &elion o! the Uni- :\ludd Col!Pg<> against Pasa- lands im ita. Boo Curtright and Darrell Pastrell last night sparked :Marine Corps Reeruit ?epot to a runawi,y 98-69 ,,ctory owr Phibpac at Point Loma. Curtrioht potted 21 points and Pa;trell contributed 19, Phlbµac's Tom Pelton gar- n<'red high point honors 1or the r.wning with 23. !IICRD, 5.0, meets l'niwr- sity o( San Diego al S p.m. Tuesday at Point Loma. i ~ 1 5 ! 13 t 6 i s~i~'eu FlemlM 2°"/,?taat, 1 ~;n~nnor O O I 1 d,ma College at 7 p.m. Tipoff is scheduled for S:30I i I J~to 3 l lffie~~vht pairings o'clock. 15 J 11 U i¼ Robblr,s TotoJcitthrne ChaPmon 31, U!D . 19 53 Tol91s
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