News Scrapbook 1958-1961
herjaeks Ta~kle u.
Sa11 Di go Tonigl1t
-12 Victory Over Klamath Fal ·s Pioneer Air Game To Test 'Green Chain' · ' p • And W J • Bumboldi Slate's wlnningesi football lt>am In history, findiu,i orton s aSSIIl!! as tuigton, that the going gets rougher with each succeeding weeke nd , puts u. u s I rr'Le ,,,,.mes Jl-ga,ne vklory htrinl( on (ht' line at A(b('C Stadium here tonight PAT G . L vrac1tse n .l II, .I. 1 wh('fl lhe Lumberjaeks go against iht' University of San Diego Ives Oggers .,, Pioneers in a l'Olleg,• lnicrseclional contest. T J T t A capacity crowd or upwards of ------------ u W . 0 p I oug t es s SPORTS 5000 is l'Xpl'drd to be on hand at his home Thursday when he l)set In Vel -. e 1• cans : for the l.umhPrja,·ks' Sl'co111l ;IJJ· wab found buff,•ring from high Associated Press ports Write-r Syracuse and Washington go oraranc,• at their homl' away te1ni1eratures, missing the week'~ from hon1e, rdur11l11g triumrlwnt fina l workouts.
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against rugged ~al, and Xorlhwestern faces Joll'a c::: m the headline "ames of a Satur• 1
to open a th rl'r.gnml' home Slar1 d .
Humboldt State goes
By D.-\1' ~lcGREW
[ the D
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C'oad1 J lrharges his game a slight favorite but scout- in 1·011siderahly ing reports indicate that the Lum- yestc>rday hcrJ'acks' famed "Green Chain" "'"'" ll'Ol'd w:1s rCt'l'ivO'd lltat full• is going lo have lo muster all of hnrk J<:d Whitt• hnd ht1fferPd Ill, the defense iL can to halt the llr more than a slomat'h disorder Pioneers' attack. hlghf'r s11irll~ Phil w<>rr Sarboe l r, l e and
HUM BOLDT TIMES O ur-lay, d Ft B I in s I • - Th• d V • t ee .z-1ng 11-- ·'- ] rs nva e • 1e T ·ge I ct
ll t dnwn the pl ys rii (' lifornl I 1 t night. K· It , ,
. Time Correspondent.
KJ .. \\1ATH
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Eureka Highs Loggers, decided d
f Al.l.S, Ore. -
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lJ•I'! upset HCIOr) O\Cr the Klamath Falls High Pelicans in O l I k'
ran 1 Jg1·: d'
JO hi; n prep lnlersertionnl football game ht h I k '-' I c en mg naliona ) racuse, ' s u tt ing ---------- FIRST QUARTER - Fortuna ll.1 h Hu inform tion. Senior qu"rterbac•k Eddit> .'lior• II 1th th IC champion and second-ranked m h t h wtth th Quarlerhuc-k Jan Clrnpman, and will suil up for !he ganw. While wns ('Ollfinrd lo his 11,•d 1ias~cr o{ IC 01--y a oil lo ,,. the Associated Press o '.'"" K•math Falls wins ross, e1ec1s _which cei,e, del• nd •ng Noclh goal, Lawry kicks to KF 2,. Lowis to, 1. McClu,o at right •uard lar s. Janes over left ~u•rd ropp,n~ down on KF 72 Jones over c I Off . " fnc off the aerial <'<11111' tun * * , the caliber of Whit, ' p attack an lle:t~h I D I 7 5 V t"'! loses •· Hunsakorl •·ades Lawrenl·e, Kan., for a bal- tor i. lsl lie 1;1th improved K:>.•1sa.s, rated :r K 0~1No. 5 - T C game I~ to be na:ion- . . t · 1 h · · loll oua,d fo~n . , lier'• Gary Campbell who an , •• locally lasL Thanksgiving Jlny, maste,,minds a San Diego f)l'(ll(•d O ' -~rought the l.oggers their second sweeo, . 0( aers . rt~ r th d . Kmser' holl c-clennmg of his Hus- • . ll (' season a ~r f \HR O • The Ana[a llii;h Tig,•r, will he out lo make \ 'Jigrrs their third straiuht vit'lim In an inte 1-. ,] • r()w I • Ill the turning up 0 1two Hig I-'our l:onfrren(·~ lilts in 7 Buceltolz Ovt~ FOHT 13H,\GG - WC'Ck reirnlt cl 1 . I h , b fl k ~d~,.,~ csi 011 "des. E oenaiozed l, ottlally telev15ed startmg al l:4.o p. lbt Fort Bra"g l11dh as no, cpl een in the per~ons of Roland Went- 3 u en~e w uc 1 cru1ct C} . h C .A 1] l1 1 • r :tltrrlll r•em · ,., E . C tack!• c uro ovor to, 6 i.,11 c, '1le by. h . 'orton's "'~ momrnl eam~ late r,X :.!!d~~," :1 ~u::...~.~nsg~; rvc \JntII mu:.l-wcck and ust nig t m lhe fourth period when he lofted oieie. Mcciure rams 1,11 guard for 3 1 away from opponcnls' end ZOOPI k ;eciional clash here today at 1he Grt'l'II Memorial Sl;idium, s(artinl-( .. , m\\' ~:· over __ A: 't :sl 3 I ,--------- . Ttmberwohes a1e much rmprov- Q . ' < • •' nd Dole Both wrr r, yet this season. ran · ~t 2 p,m. 1 s · o, as mgton 11 ' s vc1· ' d ,_ recovered by Redman ondjmg agamsl powerful Nan which \ . t h fumble KF , •. th, 1" The LL1rnberjacks will have lo kt'C" ,111 eye on swift half'-ack Jo• , performance . t as rompe - • I . "" a pan . ( henl'y for the ~gl~ton. Bati's oass lnlerceple,j by Bvci,- Jon';; !i,.,~9·g~!~~'nlor'o1 EH3u7," • rca a · d to end \ IC · or L,nan a Jl,ISS m qor ro Willi , pl I\ < lrl l op,nc1 w1lh Liu• s "For cx·1mp e lhd<'dll i•idorws o,·er Eureka ,dk ~inchc , ~as Mn ,,ts t"ohopemng game. ol rasv I by g,,med ovrr 100 Y irds m the t}ing toul'hdo"o lh.-11 calmlv boot- 0 " '' c a 1·c a Herb 'll'l . I • at 1s T e game n a,e, s impressive v ( IP) _ NQrm C:ray who had an 85-yard touch, LOS ,\ , rc;i,-1 FS ' ' ' , • lhgh and the Fortuna lhgh llu~k- .. s, off oonallud KF rncomo 1• 1~- ed the nil important extra point oass h If • ' ' " • \\'Ill be g1vmg away owr f . I - (II C F "des. Honsakor • P•,s to Ballard 1or 1s Seattle McClu,e cvor cenler ,... 1. ISi down . lluchnolr loses 2 on E l6 8 . . Larker dro"e rn thr<'<' runs Frid'lY down gallop rolled back againsl •n- nrghl but lost ground in his Nn- N1•w Jlfox1co Weslern last week. · ' . · . h on er..n<·e Pay, . our L ig * ,es '" · k' . · '"' i~g on l11, second Irv. . d 20 pounds lo l at giant D1mrn1ck. ' . th :iiorthwestcrn. No. 6, and Iowa , • 41 0 slart<'r. Other ~'or! Bra · , ~n oggers, e , . . . . Mc-I I I l•c•I• for d 1e11 h McClure Ms Lule m l c sccon quarter . or- . , 1· I t·. 1- C, an is a so D S 1· 111 · ·k J' , gg_. l.,<>anu<' b·1ltin" tiunnl s J o. 8, clash m a struggle of Big downmg the Fortunans, 34.;_ i1u;•1 fodowr 1. McClure •t r,ghl tackle to, • n on E u. 8ue1tho1, al 1e11 Ten gi.?.nt at Evanston, Ill. North- ' lo the r.' mdale ~air-ton IJ(,gan a sturllmg aerial at ig, • 1m r-lurn. ' 11 c ude <'nds ,John Bmnbndg<' ;inti . · , . . ' ," , ll • · Ri' h . 1 !'1llsburgh s Dirk Groat :1.s Lo ures lo be a scoring threat as !ht .JJ . wl ~s , .. ·kl 4 d I ::11eam1hde, l•orl Bragg got off lier hel Be· 1 ed f tack mth a 12-yard pass to Gene ~u•,d tor 2. Buch~o1, sweeo, 1e11 •nd tori h t drop out t ere or a oo -s~e. tarting 1t 10 am., an ll Wl th 1r lunch~s and make U ptc- r ght f k 1 • • · r 111 < . ,;estern 1s s tg t y a,·or I h I • I 1 ·. to a sow start, dropping a 14-i \layhew 12051 and Bob Richards \n elcs defcat<'d the Ch i ca g O 200-pound blaster has gootl speed . . . ked ~r lbon co and t, en pitched another Ltw,s al !ell guard Hunsaker 1or 'f h 1 to go along with his good size. ISSI Sippi_ gels an. decision lo the Loggers after s C· <2LO) tunetf•P_ beSoforeh going after ing a Jong first quarter drive die ai·d \•\,Ph•·te a.nd uards Bub G1·a, aud Hie!;, Cubs, 7-5, back to Albomco for 4~ tr~h;· ,~:.f:w,~r°'; Err· 3. suchholz ., t op-ran tting in ome views of one of yord, to the Peltcans' one-yard ~d... kL~w,s ram, r,g11f"~!,:/':' 1~, 0 :'. ohhehr lncomp/cte. Hunsai Larker W<'lll !Jitk•ss in fwo offi- "CC c'.i,tni• 1 ar , •f 1t whd I< d Wayne Bourque, a three-yeur d d !i k· 'f E ti ut eastern Con- 1ls . . nuns•.,. PH$ lncomp/ele oass f) , - (. " . . J f t"i·t,n, foJ' cwl trips to the plate but balled I l ure. a one-yar ,.,ho 1• oe an Kat·d•t,·orii 1 e . me. 1 f l astc. - 'I owing ,-, ·' I uc; Oil rom Jamestown, N.Y., e l<'rman . . d E tak.. over on downs on own 7 HOP- [erence schedule rneetmg Mem- hai·ing a tieing touchd . . -, , • , . " g . I fl . an I M . k G Ith llC'<' runs on two sacrifice lends the blocking in coach Mike lies an
time following a knt-r m I ic J,' o,;n pas, 1he fir~L . • his State Ole Miss has w eoi ge I uz,o P unge Io•, al ••11 tac,,,. ro, 2. Hopper at left ac u the injury hm }he end zone .al on its .' 1 . · ,t righr ~rsl two ·games'. land, o,\'cr lo m.ike 1t 6-6_ after Klama'h ~~~k'"..' 0 ~u!·rt;~o':',,°d':"' 10m 6 I Fort Bragg will start a defen- "cnt hitless earlier m one lr1p olallc
I I e barne l'Jl C lif . . So the EUllEKA •· KLAMATH ~ALLS a Ball oun~.';,c~1>1~~~:,Rr!~u~""" 10 Eu- . i. KF 1,t down on Eu- rek• n McClu,o lo,, McClurt toe a t rail h,d drawn hr·t blood mid- I tu. rnt 3 1 ,;o s ar s, Stal• Ifombol r a,·<>r 200 :igain;;t Milw,111kce, now i · hilling Meanwhile t wmOeh~ l he Tirnbcrwolv0s sive line ,;hich averag However, °'t"'a:elss Th B k ra1 on a four-yard way m lh . . d k I 'l24' •122- . . k f h I o up with counter• with quarterback J<'rc•d a , a1111 ,ar er woun 'Ttiert:iack JO a~ile Drck .. Hetty but r •• i, Ken ttun- Hunsack or somew al ol an oounds iac came h by I pun e , " ,.,o. qu. tor 2 Stat '' · • , I . 9 a\'e em UC eyes 0 e Cvcil • halfback • e and Whitmire lh ups t a,t "eek ,n their second Louma a 275-pound tncklc is the -· ,>, h S k t d f .· t r· d rom c am su er h 8VE' grn ua e I I ' L fh It 2 , 0 •• . , . h . d . \IC ory O\'er di 1'1 , o.~ Ange> es u·st Stcplwns. e JJg OU was owning t e Willows lftg11 .standout. outmg, d u- ~lethodist I t I 1erc es1gnc power p an s lo two-cy long sacrifice Pelicans scored ./~~g~t !I d" 1 ,"t gua,d •ood sha 11 ,, 11hysi• ba Arca a j· in and While - '-ulk of the Lurnbei·- ha\'e k Honkers. ]3-7. Thev had one long touchdown run c:1l]ed back. • l'II t .· · v Ill' · c ') Stephens - period wh . .,o. , mee s s 1 -\\'ea· fl n . · httll' buzz r · mo1s t y · . th" SCl'cnth that pul the c:irri·ect Lha cally OliYeira ,,ivs. He added h> Y m be out Sunday to roc1r over \lh t appear . . be the clmrhmg er to, • •nd " . I I 6 • Th f · • , I irg1111a. the South, r es ln h lfb h n: ~crs 1 1l eDo,gers jacks' Dltack iri the two games lo 1 ~n d:M while Whitmire has taken 10 the Jir only as much as he's had wr 1c• r·on. •;,. sel'enlh-ranked !:, Clcmson, looking toward another ing how rough the opposite leant ing backfield with some reserves, ~\dded 1 _ a_no 1 t?er 1 rn I lhc n ack Dave 1 n yards ou 1 ter K amath Fa! h d h d provide~ 1 lest o 1·oa II en own qu 1rttr mill.' ov,J[ touc re\,':~w~c~- St1pp1ch score h<1ndlmg and outright speed. end lo, 2: Th0m010n for no gain. No,- h Ion pass mcomorore. Ball ounb to suo- · y t e pich on KF 23. reiurns l. Jones for 1_ter belting Wake Fore ·t l\Ic- Jo;::, %"~hi~li•!' ,~~" 6 _ ~~~saker Dun,, plays Virginia Tech. The Dodd; in Korlhwestern California." 1 e a , . 28 _7 say,;, • Arcata 1s on a reverse J .. , T , s on_g oacri ice ------ Smith'• I fl . 1· lo. y, o a the to 1ke he> might the best team d1cated h d a mare ec 72 yar s e h l d I d b ra1il ee Set Ho111e Run 1 1 6-5 Victor)' However, lonighl's game figur•.•s The. Dodgc>rs, a.s expeeled, sel little experimenting before fullb~ck Larry nmnmg of On the other hand, Arcata's Tigers' showdown next week wi1h a ,">/al1onal League season attend- lo be a wide open aliair iE Lhe ••es fair colch. oattle each other at Gainesville Eureka 42. Hop,,., Clure and halfback Greg Jones. ht 14 20- h , , a I{' h ancc record wl1e D I N 1· Norton J d' h · t h · ' Edd' OJ' tackle left al opper Pioneers' Chapman can cornplet~ rong_ , or e . n . e 1g t ll11 ,n Just 38 seconds, lhe Lo~- p""t incomorm. Norron pass ,0 Albonl- Fla., where Ce>ach Bobby Dodd's . 1e grr had «·-knotted it ,.,th Sor- ;;:,. 0 ' 10 12 ;.,i:,;~ic~~~' 0: 3,Kj,i •~ 0!~r•~ ~rg,a Tech team meets Flor- mg a stiff test for )115 Tigers who Warriors. _i1·e1ra says. e is expect- t c co· ea 111g . the Iota! foi 1960 lo 2,218,936. l\f1I- any where near the .JOO percent- Bob Garz,'c is Ted D1mm1ck's w~ 11 kcc hrld the record al 2,215.- age ha boasle son haven't suffered a defeat since quarterbacked by his I and 10ue1tdown. Nor• ida ton lakinl!: to the air again to hit KF, 1 Muzio tor Ions lry KLAMATH FALLS •· EUREKA , 6' 10 ' 00 '"' no good. Time 2· 29 dj401 "'' in J<)"7 ·• •. · 0 ~I df oug. u or k D l f lib u I f is now slated d d 38 7 b 'th Allhough While a ey were poun e _ : ac ·. y pow- re 1c d d · h ' (Bobby Jr. Both are undefeated in Ch a 13-yar er an • lhen aney w,t l,os Angl'fcs has 2 more g:nme.s to be 011 hand, Dave Lillleton was 01 ~~is.~;, pla•:<'• 111 Oreg"n can play quartcrb~ck lhgh s erful Mt ~on~~ri';!; two ~ames. :,,;,.,. York Ya11kees .et one teamed up with Chaney for a 64- ru~n~tf.' 0 ':,:~ks 30 _ - l Ol'K The ~h.impion t,11 named to the starling !'Ole at full, ea back Thursday mght, Littleton • • IIH• Coliseum. meets Mis.,i·,ippi championship team in their first uJ Joe Sarboe while Lowell Schultz1lo play 111 m rican l.1•.i~u, h1,me run re1·urd and tied anothrr Friday night ynrd pass-run pla_,, for the e C I • , t u is go • 0 I . d ff l Tt . , d '~'COIi • ll . d D· . an_ . . . '!' returns 24. Offsides pena1rv against Eu• reka nulli
_ . . . I· . o a ,,. o_ . . _1 c ~-- ... ave "11101 a1e . In- Slate and Alabama takes on \'an-,game, 1e that 1ter. row ..,,th three nmth-1nn1ng run The hosts _w1_ll be at almost full I 1h1l" 11l11111111( thr1r 13th 1n II '"' t the llu 1011 R,·d Sox 6-j_ ,n ntal mnfl 1,_ n~rk,e .Jim Golden, up was the number one a year ago l11s as the club's leading ground gain- rookie . a~amst . string halfbac~s._ ,~hlll•os Xorton's first tr)· for the point ~~,;;~•e~~ HowcYe1·, Olil'e1ra will start ~1s h om SL Paul nnd makm~ lntercepled by Norlon _______ . ,_____ strength, rn1osmg the ,en·ices of euchh01, pass rcond , ,enlh by a Yank pmch hitter alter was no good but a Klamath stout defensil'e t_ackle Paul Lack number one unit and afternpl lo ll;~Jor league debut. Rookie Billy ,•r unlil he was laid low by ey, a 218-pound Junior, who brok•' build whate1:er lead he can ~- \\ 1ll1nm.s lrrple
la, ,, 0 Cou~htry gave this Y ar That tied the ~\L m~rk Falls' oflsides penalty gave him ~r,:nf;:·1;, 0 "•'., an 195-1), the- srcond ('han<'e and he ki<-ked ~:s\:~c-:~~:(e. Nonon far (19~3, \ nkrt lb, winning f\11( altrr held by lhc Yank~ 1 KLAMATH FALLS · Cleveland I - D rolt it true an <19581 . h d I d 11 . ·T I _1 11 I • P · K a b J,1{llcton has been slow Ill com- our 1 "~ fly. Sarti ICC ltutmg. ·r Honkers. g .Jround Eurek• the Pelicans "eren't However d U 958 l. . II k last yeat•'s form to 300 000 2 JOl IOI ZI Sarboe 1s tied for first in the Chicago The coasts1ders will open with at~-• t:U rollins: up the long, out of it ~-et and they marched ~•~•• 011 92 e t streak by a major league club back with the ensuing kickoff 50 pson lost> I • •ince they M.00 13 in 195-l, came yards to the Log er four-yard line :~:.. 1 \ • .; The Yonks Y Gonyd u h h hmh r ,n t b \ · h lO F B' D' k A] I , ., p ut I is may be his nighl. Ci1artl Bill Love IS another who ompson to own 38. MUZIO for- 5. Thom- ngr es o J r;,ce w1 our. scor111 1g ton <6 l J at quar- 1c rangy on er 00 t t I t .,~-a h O y k , llobl.,ic, Wn,;hl 13/r:i-m y. ,_: lerback, ~wift Gary Fernandl'Z pornt, aml halfb?ck Phill Gu.,l:l\- and Demus Dun,smg al the hall- son 1s a on ,t,irtmg ·~ third with a touchdown Golden, Drysdale 'R 1 a11d c,.mrll1, has h<'en moved i11(0 « • , I I' th tor 3, Muzio tak left 1ackle fo, 2. KF Mur,o th t· g l the ninth when b f in ,l rrom behind \l, r c I d t, ey l!lO. Gonder! .hot. ' hr kin ,- h ' r• l l ,.. . . k ovor left tackle . D' . " . . . al em, on ,me rnn OU e ore . ' . _ . 19 w th fir t ln ti- (0- spol, 1-0l, L-WJJg I. S.-\'.li FR..\.:'CJSCO, APi _ Sam back _and rugged 180-pound hnc and 10 cxlta points. 0 rM;: Jones won his lBth game with ajsmashmg fullback Herb Engle. foutih with 12 pomts. , 1mrn1c Y~O <<'11 JJ. McClure at left tackle is Hooper topped the Logger oowns on own ball p.ickcrs with ,.; yards in five ~,~,;- ,;ronf' J':.:,,!••~, the Bobby R1charcl.:;on and pmch h1l• wa major " Love will replace Pel(' Carpmo. g~~;d S, , _ l __ __ ter Gil McDouglad smgled. .~ } sl,11-t some at oc poml<"u . ., lo Ile deserv,es Home r•ms-Ch,ca •o, Taylor (3), D,rnm1ck lops Brg Four rush• Engle gained over 90 yard, three-hitter Friday ni"ht as San I) I • 11. 11 I n on KF i.r down d f Both scored on srn~le, by Hee- . .· tor Lopei an . . ,, S· ·b LI . •5. . 11 . 1 am1 1 I . ------~· h'l G t , Lo. A ,, 1 • C· ·d ··th , 37 . . 11 I d' • k· ,. . n.,e ,s, Personal 110 a· Jon•• at 1elt guard average. d H -yar . . or an <>. us year, games tar , ya1 s w I e 2 J. to Francisco beat Sl. Loms 2-l and against Euie a, lor 1s. all but el·uni·nat~" the Card• from notch power and some good open son isp aymg top- ,ng w 1 11 aga;nst KF. moves ball back foul · k d , . d an Bot s ·11 66 and he will allemale wi1h 180 and Al Fiakes al the --~""'·" ~ti,,g ofl'e11e1·ve g U a 1· ,I 0 . ' , . dt . is lied for second, hal[backJ- 10 Phillips yard loss. Hunsaker P 1 '°"- o, Eureka ro •sseo1 uhn• 1 35 L. _Hunds••!~ 0 ur 6~. 3 pfic e lhupp 1 . an h '" "" e ,cans w O ewos e or 7-6 V ·1( · to I")" , • 0 • • • • C } ore 'L,} a JOll • • • ,event • Fleckenslem B,11 byla shot at second place in tlie . ·a- field running ab11Jly. catch 13, Isl down. behmd :'lhlwaukee must win their w • ' two games at Candlestick A d n lt10nal Leao-ue for loss 0 - The Cardmals, now l110 games fair t I punts h -11· th d b 25. ) 11'" SarbM n'1nlh 'loo e adrn'1[e hi! ·1d w e G ~L • ,-.. L t• :,(' S SE. TTLE (AP) - h. nl as u1,, on s '. , C • e us mg Thompson. A reverse to flaoper for Sl, , Y ',\ere OU p aye urea e even. k' 1 L O H r ,, • g Bob c on KF ,ecovers own 2, r ·e1 I ,. 1 l~X• tst down No,ton d b II E • fumble a r-OUn erv O t , d h d] d' , 1, S· .'b g"'"ers ~v -----------------------~ aoo attempted lo run down Maris, t ca s 0 Starring on defense for the Log- of s Mu,;o o~e, conter tor 1. Norton's 1 . e ··~·· , ... eoo- l at J,111 k1ckul[ . . ISC use m oe a so Ill h dl ., Rn I ·O to KF . II lo Albornco OS d pas, !\ k l '1 k L dk I " 11 e Re - Norton's pass 1nten:epted by Lewis on 5, 25. Buchholz at center last The phy gave Duke \laas lasl gers v.,ere ll' l e u e, l JC e Bob Schlo- l"a_ I JV G1·1· d D011hle BI·11 ' 'orion and Albon1·co E d rerurno 10 own man . • . ' i,eld "Oal attempts, . ,·11 h , h B ·h'I k 2. p for left guard right end. 2. McClure n . • ., ., , of [J\C Yank pitcher·, a 4-1 rccor l to, . I 1·1 , me.ica , •I a\e ra1es '-l ie I e ar 11 C Litt eton, Manue Vasqu,/. "gcd the defeat on Tom Lance Lawry suffered an 211klr Shpp1ch II Pll[LAllf.LPIII \ Ph, d lphi-• Ph,1110 0 qual'lel'back, received a pre;;1den- IV t1al cilat,on Friday fo,·_ achieving ~ 1 ;.,I' alhlel1c greatness despite a phy• I . , . . · d Ro Ri •· II h · s aie ·11 ld fUmbr. recover-,to lose their final two to Pittsburgh JO as ouar1er ends. to gain a tie for second. . Hunsaker punts lo 35, on the opening kickoff and ed by Thomoson on _. Jl i-lcin v. 10.15 • in tn b~:ls eyno 8 wi ie EuReK#oJiu~LA0~';.TR~E~ALLs , m, • d the l'ntrre ::ame after that '· II t r re! F'r1day night tv. hchmd blow II Jones won 15 of his 18 game Norton pass.. 10 Chan•y , 3. tsl ank,' top" rt Dilrnar. ad to lcle:it three-run t,;v-nm 10, I a' l sat out Vasquez, who ;;~1 sical handicap. Schloredt's bl' d d t . BJ RICH CEDERBERG Times Correspondent incom- at Candlestick. ;1. No,too .,, KF Pr:; 'if I Ea,t,k'a r at 15·'.nnd m the runnm p•ss 1th incmnah 16 i~ nearly week's game wi th a bi'ldsed rih cage will return to act 1011. He . h eye h'ldh o left ~iilli~~ Loser Ray Sadecki gave up eight ~t:e"ro'- KF ,_ ovor on downs on own h't k d b th . r· 11th th rn l . l Th G' ts ___,..,..,,..,__ ~---'f--__.-'!1119!!fW YWhitey Ford and Bob Turley as Klalntib h rnnllig par e • 1 b I d y m mis ap o ue o a c I FER~DALE _ A defensive and upset.minded Ferndale Iltgh Ill eJr 1rs run got 1an e 1s. . . pmch hitter Tony Curry's double • rt-:;:;;;'!J,. ' and one • '-' t e rno~t accm:a1e a e_
was f:f{~,1_!'~':}~.~~k•r at rl~hl end for 9, Allen for when Willie Kirkland singled, Sa- \Vildeai team hosts a Eureka High Logger sophomo1·e eleven in a with a firecracker. wee"k•sf,rs\}orl~amSeer·,,'st,a~ae,~e ,unp nfrt;~et lripk:. an I Robby Delgreco d b of the pomt-afler-te>uchdown k1ck- 'l (' Th · lked JaMs a, m;odl• for 1. 1st down on Eu- down on own •I. McClu,< fo, 6 - d tor 1 at dghl 1s1 down on Eureka 37. Hunoaker for 9, Mcc1u,e at 1.n guard for ,. McClure rifice fly. at lett guard 10r 5, s1iooich tor 6, 1s1 the f ec I wa · k" roka •1. NcCJu,e , y c c1 a ion was prescnle Jim Davenport and non-league meeting here today at Ferndale High Field, starting at Pmch hltt r Clay Dnlrympl hit fotir , s in run Undersecretary of lhc Navy Fred ers, He will be remembered Hi ___ ____ _ ___ king of two years ago. th F . W t . C [ ..· t e ar es em on erence spun ___________ _ lackle. Bob Schmidt and Jones hit a sac ,, . I · i p.m. , cd h . Bobby Shantz, Ryne Du• I c 14th 1;1lh a si_ngle {ram np.c · The Chr1 n last week with Del Norte Hlgh's A. Banlz. c . . b tt d f a e The unpredic!ahle W,ldcats, p b . 1 th I or re icver ren and rookie Hal Stowe \\e~e urry horl . . \lb1ch He said he will be lackin" his }'lRQJ,ABLE S1'ARTJNG LJNE{JP o , apooses. 1 . y Or- , a tnp e our n Jon )cl.~II"'~~') down on Eureka 23. 16-!II nnd douhled next. lost tbe first game .• who tfonsake, up m1ddl• lando Ce"""" another infield lo, s. .. 3 McClure for 2, d t d down th right field line. Sln • · !-A'ua, '-- Isl down on Eureka 13. McClure top three regular tackles who are Oo l O O n It 001 000 llJ-6 11 ... O wm au l.~LIWI~....-,-., o]e by Kirkland and DavetTport's ihey were suppose 1. lackle r;ght at t 0:1 on B I.,.-~ 9 2 tor l · • 'll b d I the second game that they 1 ,. Stipp;ch O Jone, al 6ghl tackle Jor m Ph I . • 8 p.1n. - Albee Stad1uu1 HUMBOLDT STATE I '.1/ew York 00 001 002 000 112-ff l2 110 OlO 001 000 03 7 1 e gomg aga111s r , I 0111ghL • --=====--::::..."'""~- on Y 14 an WI • and TD. double brought in the winning run. "Oil yard, for ,everse takes !;,':;.~ · 11 exlra Jones gave up the Cardinal run were suppose to lose, are favored lbe Ferndale jay~ees. He will also in the first when leadoff batter over the younger Loggers today. be mnms start111g quarterback for ,;3/9,ioo~.unsaker oass l\[onbouquclte B,ewer (9), Stal- I IJ - f SAN DIEGO U 12, EUREKA , to Euro•a 11. KLAMATH_ FALLS Hancock k,cks off and 'brnn: Ditrnar, towe 8 , ""d BPrr". Blanch"r
ltll li, Brid;es lard 0 Tool • B O n;in · O .- 11 b h d M k M I d 'lb . . 11 re- 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE No. , .5 · 11 __ \zcue, Balley Shantz (5), Duren 7 , an Pen 1 13 I he ehn Y w o "'id e Pay- No. t e 14-year-o s. Playe r J 1m Bark~r Pos. LER LTR Player h- ug e, ac \VJ Ul ban turned by Thompson to own 23. Nonon 1 Don Landrum walke ( l ,"5) w L Pct Ga '.I , Short \l,'l,"S Hr UJJrdt, ~•arr 11 1 M k M D G (185) ') " P,11,bu,gh Brewer Milwaukee 5 ,_ Lnuis C ev1t I y . " =• " .,12 • 5 " .5" 93 St ' I • aa 86 67 59' (200) L - l'eserve ae- 5 o b H \~-~faa, 14 11 18 B,II Kuhlman ( ]'"'') 6-~1 11)1!.l Coker. W-Shorl ID Howe,·er, varsity 6 s di' ,_,o ' )' l . ·1· . h tryl Norlon offosdes good but KF no ior 1 :! 3,1 36 . LGR Al Frakes ( 180) Parker P(.Jlluck RTL Vest Flanagan REL Drew Roberts . R,,..,L Pnte Cori)·1170 ,,_. '1\} 10-J~t. t l Jones struck out 8 an L-P na " ~; 85 fl I). ), good. Time 3,oi. 00 ;nt :~!~~~!ca ( 2 (),..,) lb ] 11 ( 1 S r,3 "14 7.0 40 ·11 EUREKA 13, KLAMATH FALL! Norton kicks off lo ~F 2,, to own "6 by Jones. Shies 10, 6. p,ch ,., 8. KF Isl down on Eureka ,2. return.ed Cinc,nnah Pn:f:J:rpo,a Cl'I '.\cw \'ork, Kuhek t I J Al z 1rn .m •• Cincmn;1[, Hobin-I Home run, - run - ') eory ( 1,:-,5\ (217) , ti . ) , t lJ . , ·. lt) . (ll> G 1d (215) . . , : . ie earns osse;;. ·r h'. . 388 :m a ance Wilb st,p- ofhc1al times at bat, droppm" to I_Cream City ,ars1ty 1,h1le the 14- r er . 1 ""., ( : 1 c~t'•:•· 17 Gray Elliot pra~lica,hly 1 J,m C.obr1el un,go dal F h ·11 . b . OJ , I' (2-'ll) l 7 75 ls u. says 1• e ace le _em Hunso_k BLE , 'TAR.TING LINEUP M~~!;;!, P~i.~~s\~,-~;,1'.~E~n,- ~!!! :~~~~~::::: (190) ~:!! :~ (2i 5 ,.Jay,·ees in a 12 noon prehrnrna.ry encedh hneh w h I_cldh ::::ler Dick Groat of Pittsburgh. . .-\ crowd of ll,110 watched the match. l e ·13 J r 17n) Q Fred Wh,.tmrre ( 1-70) Ch cats m t e Wi male es ISi down on Eureka 2l, lard for 13, Personal burgh, Fri•nd 111-121. SI. Louis, s;mmons ()-'II, at San Fran- c,sco. Mnicchat 1S·•l- Chicago, Ell,worth • 7-131 at Los Ange• •••· Orlega (Ml, Nighl. ) opmon u, 42 Joe Gray (190) on hold e'oht d part ent ca . . . . 1s1 Eureka, against foul 7 LHR RHL In addition, Wilbur will ha,e w 10 (182) f'rank Aeillo n rn e vards, 151 dawn on Eu,eka a. Hunsok., ,fmal night game of the year at Ft·1·1ulalc Today - 2 P JU. ( l 90) . k ·arsity players who its end, the Loggers should have ., 1 > L h . . , E end Candle.stick left pass lnco~p;el•. Hunsaker at st,pp,ch at right tackle for 2. Cecil Stephens ( 170\ ,ue oes, n1g h d . me a for SIX ' Ed Wh' 1. (200 37 J, (195) F DrS c ance. . did nol make the trip to Klamath a goo I. Eu,eka takes Cinc,nnafi, Maloney 11-S), al Philad•I• McClure at «nter for (&-1') or Mahaffey (6-l). ove, on downs on own phia, Conley . ,te ants m ''I think we have e\'ery bit a~ - AB R HRb• ST, LOUIS ,. EUREKA JV FERNDALE UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO ROSTER h b kf. Id o D Falls, Ore. yesterday. Norton up middle tor 2 as 3ame ends. Laun~rum, cl --<>--- . l 1 as l ey (b'ern- JC ac good a Player D O 0 Cunmngham, rf wh;te, 1b .. .. .. .. Boyer, 3b . N Player Pos. LER L TR LGR RGL RTL REL LHR RHL C Q 4 71 D. O'Connor, 72 Blake, e 73 Selleck, t 74 Bourque, g 75 Long. I 76 llunyady, l 77 Ellioll, L 73 Widmer, I RI Gabriel, e 82 P. O'Connor, e a:i Bodle, 0 114 McDevitl. e RS Suozzo, r 42 Gray, hb 43 Becker, hb 44 Borza, hb 45 Tessat'Y, e 51 Marasl1iello, c 52 Smilhlon, c 53 Boli11ger, c 54 O'Leary, g f,2 Zuniga, gv fi:J Davis, g IH Gurrola, g li!i Hughes. I HI\ Kugler, g li7 Pendray, g fi8 Allius, g ,55 Gross, c 57 Sperry, c 61 Frakes, g 62 Moore, g 63 Vines, g 64 W. Love, g ' 66 Herrera, g 67 Corpino, g 71 flanagan, I ..L.luthlman, l 74 N <'holR. I i!'i Grn(l ing, 1 HUMBOLDT ROSTER 53 Kelley, c 73 CuJTy, t 1;1 Joos, g 11 Murphy, qb .d 0. 11 20 29 30 26 25 31 14 3 o 1 o Ferndale lost its opener 32-7 to d 1 1 d .. h EUREKA u, KL"-MATH FALLS 12 AMERICAN LEAGUE ( 140) e Sal . a e Mike McKinzie I 160l Tom Maarehou~ 11701 Tom Johnson ( 1651 Tim Jone~ 1155) Allen Lubin I 160l Dave Swanson ( 175 ) G~rdon Croxton r 160' J,m Sundfor5 I140) Stc•e Wholund r ISSl Gred Weed 0, . 0 1 0 0 ,4 3 i1layer 12 Lanza. qb He'll start the big 0 0 Hoopa after defensmg the War- KF Morvn, 11 Dennis DeCarli (1701 w L Per Ga · E ~f::! !~ ::~ :!~ ~! J~!~.~~'• ; g g g ri?rs lo a scoreless first half. The on the learn roster, 17;pound lull- 13 Chapman, qb 1 o c o ,V1ldcats scored early last week back Rich Steinberg along w,th 14 Dolan, hb g g ~nd held on with a stout defensive speedy halfbacks Steve Whalundll5 Martinez, e )1 ;~';;~s 0 ;;;.,\ng Fi,., Downs Passing ~~:J. ~~~~•;::~\::'; Ya,ds Lost Rushing Net Yds G~ined Rushing Yards Ga;ned Passong Net Yd,. Gained Passing ~~:::~:: Recovered By Number ot Punts I~~:;:~: ~0nr~:.i;~: Number of Pena1t;es i!:~~dt~~ts Penallies :~ :~ ( 159) Bob Brown ::~i;g:;c ~~~~!~.°nd -r;:~~i?ton 1 ! 1 b" 2 A-Musial s Dennis McIntosh (160! Jock Shoha ( 1771 Jerry Gonsalves (160) Doug Johnson ( 135) Jim Sousa ( 1301 Jerry Wallings ( 145) Jerry Hansen (150) Roy Rocha (1851 2 :!:~ ;i lU 3I .,2 8 30 _-___ ....__ ;,;,,~h~s /b__·_·_ ·_ 7~ 23 49 23~ 21 Loeschnig hb d J' J I I O lllS Ad au 1 m 5 6 -Sawarski, c ......... 1 o o Olsbow to edge South Fork 7-0 for 57 ,s 8o51on , r· ' k ains. ' D b t e ll 68 .57 '. J th C'b O O O b . o oil e1r t l t Sadeckl, P C---C,owe Mill•T'o•r•ALS 233 63 26396 e U S Smee ---------------122 ac SOil, C ll"St WIJ1 over Kansas Citv .. 22 • m 273 " · 123 Heminger, hb 124 Borq11e, q 1 I .'. 1,, 1 ms_on, :ll s 1 1. tnm~.hl fb \\''JI· \\ lJ 11 oo 1957. ol - .. lloN •, TODAY'S PROBABLE PITCHER5 Bcsrcn. Monbouquel/e 04-111, ., N•w Totai Net Yds Gained . Ballimo,e. Estrada 01-111, ar w.. o- Passe, rnrerceoled By P.. ses Attemo1ed Passes Completed Guard Rich Brazil, one of lhe AB R H Rbi low_ers of strength on the Wildcat A M • · • QB 'l.5 3 o o o, this aftemoon's game with a knee ) gl_he twisted in practice this week.lSpectacnlar il2 • o () o 3 0 1 0 defensive unit, is sidelined for s 1am1 1• 21 York, Turley (9-3J, 11 10 .4 1 SAN ~RANC1sco A~:1~i,i~o, 2b 3 Mays, ct 3 :_-;l~;p!~:~, :~ 1 ~·.! ~~'!'~~~:~,;--;~ Schmidt, c 1~ samT~~'::'~s 1 1 p 0 1 1 18 15 1501 J,m Adams ington, Kralic;k Cl·S). Cleveland, Sl1gman CO?u Baumann (13-61. F Rich Steinberg (175) ,w"' ., u·, ~:F. nosn:rt l•al!id,, I 2 2 ~hi- (J-lll••, a Ill.JS. l ~:1 .. .... ·'. 1t:'.~ 1'f;~,.B,~~~•. •3-7), • 1 Kansas CilY, lh 3:J Blcdson, J,inr • r• I ulirn, It Jlluk, It I.ork, , 1111ll1 r, • ~s Sundfor,. qh lla,h, hh llihler, hh Whalund, bb ,\dams, hb Uurrls, lb s1t,inh,•rg, hb berrirk, hh 26 • haha, t ~7 lllillj'r, hh :!JI J\11•d1J1a, I! 29 Bro1111, ,: o Mdnlosb, t: :11 G~n•all'es. e 2, ' Ioli, r . __ i 8(i Collins, 87 O'Har;i, r 33 Lauman, e P ~- 18 -~ 34 Dorowski. fb Eddie :35 DcSanlis, fb , Coach Jon Christopher has con- • tinued his defcnsiYe stressed drills MIA!'t!I, l'r>1h. I --------------:!~er~~~s~~~~.:.f;~r~•e1. - (AP) F'la. 3 • 2 ! : : 1 l\'itli:irn,, I .\l<'K111tiP, " .fordu11, e )klnlo h, Crodon~ r \~hlht1lre, qh llE.\D COAT C,~TCIIER 2 this past week. Today he'll start Johns, rangy, hard-running so'Jho• ll Gilham, e his rebaular elel'en with the ex- more, made a spectacular debut ceplion of Jack Shaha who'll re- as Miami's new quartcrback Fri- 20 Step 1ens, J place Brazil. Shaha started last day night by personally engineer- 22 R, Peterson, hb .. ··- 100 000 000-1 week for tackle Dennis DeCarli ,ng three touchdowns in a 29-12 24 Sloan, hb I hi I o 1 IAPl-.-\lter Extra Points COLUMBUS, Ohio A-Grounder out for Javier in 1th. s-srruc• out tor smith in th. c-Slruck out 1or sadttki in 1tn. 76 Holt, t 77 Simas, 12 13 TOTAL POINTS __ 47 years on the engineering facul- ty, Robert :1-!ciklejohn still main- tains his contact with Ohio State h d I tt an · e ermg I mas. He now has a new F'ootball coach Woody Hayes has jokingly designated him as 'man to culch his coal when llav • I assis e Univers.ty, • t d · Ill INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCES 81 Remington, e 82 Uhtoff, e 83 Hietala, e 84 S. Silno, e ¥ Roberts, e ljf Barker, c 8't Waters, c 93 Whitmi !1:i Sousn. qb 97 Fcekt•s, qh 88 J. n w on, t \luorrhou , ST. Loui s EUREKA I 26 Giunit111, hb victory over North Carolina, AV SAN FRANCtsco · · 010 100 oo,-l who is back in action. YL YG TC aA~Ks, • E-S•decki. PO-A-st. Louis 2 • ,10; San rranclsco ?.7•7; DP-Cepeda and Pagan; Johns filled the vacant quat'ler. 28 Littleton, [b Most of lhe Wildcat running al- s 1 56 2 11 ince retiring in 1952, he has Hop""r 11.0 •1.6 ·r...:R 10 • . , _ . H.11.'liDALt; RO 18 Walling, hb Thc,moson 5 6 2 o 2.• Sodttkl, Javier and wh;te, Grammas and tack 1s expected lo be carried by /back Friday mght by personally 3l Buda, hb 15 - 7 .s ~ 1 ~•.;_:/.~~!~;. ~;!~~!' F°r:~c~!!'•1101 _fullback Jerry Hansen and half- engineering three touchdowns in 33 Vasquez, hb ..1· ..,p O· Muzio job_,Nprlon " JI Weed 0 llraill, g are a 29-12 victory over North Caroli- 35 I. Peterson, hb 19 21 back Jerry Wallings. They •B-Amalfitano, Davenoor1, F, Alou. KLAMATH FALLS ~'.'..~~J:,;./ Ii. I .'l!J E. Love,. fb ' 8 s ~~ns~~mj 0~~ 1• nd ' ten Little Four na. among the top YL ° g Av tie uc,cs, YG TC • •• %1 , bb !2 Jloh .lobn on, " !l l'rls, , ? I tachmln, :!S K~ha, I Thirteen powerful run by Johns 10 White, fh ~ained 114 )'ards. He com,ilete<, '1 Aeillo, hb so rushers and Hansen has scored 5 , both of Ferndale's touchdowns. r ., bb 6 3 ii ! 13 'l sal•• J a.s 1ader.i, L 3 f, ·'. 0 ~•:ne,. .,, 0 ,_ 1, 1 ,.o lcoli. secory, crawlord. r 1 s.~ 11RP P.y r,.e.i1irr 0.0 c;:,m JMCS, 5,.r1--d-l ••~.,,,1, for parti:illy disrn'; lam •II 1 : 2 !!1;~c 'Ii flrl'nul,t,. qh •i: ,,, llf(f'11•, hh 1 { : ~f-a·1while, \\'ilnur will ,l8rt a 'hree of six pos es for 33 yards 1n : : }":i:11in:,~~n~~ [~: rJ":ln,~ p~rformance bf ,1._ o ,,.,.,i,l-:( 21 o sr\ 1 s11ffr-red a c1m w11!rh WP- 10,., .. n,..ttrO. I ....,. Allen to ·ct ": • . . U-V.. ~"-IVI, 2 ,o 2 A • 0=-'." ,ii Pollock, ,, Ch "l Oh " .,, O tls JlU110r vars11y openc, ,ore 40,2;2 tans. I fi I 11.110. vack 111 o ron '' n I
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