News Scrapbook 1958-1961
S~o~ 3J.1 lcala (.;a Toured by 300 Some 300 pari:i,IKonera e>! Sacred Heart, Ocean Be11cll, head.-d by th<'lr pastor. R · R,v Mag,- Francis Dill"n, v1s1ted the 1'n1n,r,ity r,f S D1e,;o'a campu, Sunda ·. The tour was conducted by six memberA of t he AlcaJ& Guild and 12 students of thl! men's college under the .ti-- reclion of RPv. Wilham D Spain, administr11ttve ,, i c.a president. The un,,·ersity 1·,presenla• tive~ alsn hosted th, group for refreshmen t, in the Lark c a f e t e r i a. Th, tour wa.. closed with the i;rroup·s at- tendanc, a.t Ve• per s and B,•nediction of the BlessNI Sacrament m the Immac-u-
stuff gav~ a ll thi• talks and conducted the spiritual 11 :,.i•rdso,-. Thr. Rr.\·. ndrrw W. Ha nley, p tor of St. nn's, i !'teen at the left and the Rev. Fr. Bremner, rdreat master, i, at the e ·trcme right. (Photo by
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4/4 7
Jfrnry Oru·I) i" '£
PLANS DISPLAl'ED-Th., l\fo,t Rf',•erPttd Bishop, r lg hf, llbiplaJA s l«•kh of pla n• for llPlf athletlo i a.ellltl"" on the l'nlVrN Pioneers Four Season Cage Marks Th Univ r lty <>t S n Diego b k tball team cloaed lta 10 ,9. ~0 with 1!x cnns cuttve Bishop Tells Plans For Grid Stadium A football ata.clium, ;11wimming pool, c:Jub houM• and other athletic fa.cilitie3 will bP built at the University of San Diego, the Most Reverend Bishop announced last wc•k Construction will begin within a month, His E><,·rllcncy said, on a 51-a,-r• site imm~dlately Past of th<> pre~ent camp11R. \ He said hi, hop<>d th: that ft ran he expanded to acco,nmoda le 10 Ume11 that bmJdln~ 3 • will hal'e aix of• numb<>r, Hts Excellency saM The clubhou,e, 11tyled In Spanish RenR.t3sance in har- !icP~, on• large lls.sembly room, a lobby, 2i Bhowc,r~, two lod< 1 rooms, and quar- ters for v 1 s 1 t , n g teams, coaches, and professors. Its sltp ia R pla lt>at1 ovP1·looking the stadium. 'fhA ~wlmming pool, whil'h WJJI comply Wllh Amateur A thletir Union 3landard~, wJll measure 75 PY,. 40 foci The architect is .l eJ'Ome Arm$lrong of San Retnardino and San Dicg n Hts Exl'ellency pra'""d the Bonslel's for lheit· loyal sup- port of the university "-nd for their energetic- co-op<'tA- tion wilh university official,; in all proJects, athletic and otherwise. Assm'ing the B1sJrnp of the continuing support of the :Boosters Club, Louis DeF'alco, chai l'man of the boa rd of rti- 1 ector,, installed the follow- ing officer~ for 1960: Dr. Richard Luther, presid ent; Lawrence A. Sulltv11n, John Sulliv: Pre-Marriage P,!'.r!,:U,~tw.,. ers will hold a pre-marrJage conference from IO a.m. to 5 p.m. next Sunday ln More Hall on the University of San Diego campus. The Rev. George Vogt of Immaculate Conception Cath- olic Church Will speak on "The Marriage Ceremony" and "Marriage as a Voca- tion. " Dr. James Santell will discuss the physical aspects of marriage and will show movies following his lectur e. There will be no cha rge ex- cept for a noon luncheon. married San Diegans ov years old may attend. . • L:.,;;:.,,...i..,~~.L..~~~~....;...;....;_._...__.....,____;..;..._,.,.._ _ _ ._,..._,.,,,i,'--"-- O& ,..,.,r,,• fisnoRS-P~fot the group of 300 parlshJoners of Sacred Heart parl5h, Ocean Beach, '\lohlch toured the Uni,iorsity of San Diego's Alcala Park campus last Sunday are shown in front of Tho Immaculata With their past-Or, R t. Rev. ) l sgr. Francis Dillon, center. Rev. WillJam D. Spain, executive vice president of the College for Men, left, welcomed tho group to the -P fany in the ,-tsit tQ the CQJl:ege fo Men Ubr&J'j· donated books to the library , In auppo o ..Operation 10,000." _J . 7,j'l8t/lJc- ,J/J 60 I ea to u1 en Book Drive For Library The mne eourt.s of Catholic Daughters ot America In San Diego area are spon~oring a :book dri,·e :for the Unh·er- ~ity ot San Diego library and the project has been desig. nated "Operation 10,000." Openjng the drh·e, a b o o k tea will be held at 2 p.m. March :n in the c a m p u 11 ibrai:,. The Re,. Charles vllen lib ary director, will Week ' Fee tor the tea will include a 5igned bookpiatt> 101· placement in a book Mr·. Roy Fitzgerald is gen- eral chairman of the projecL Mrs. \\". B. 11urphy ls direct- ing ticket distribution a n d ?.trs. William J. Butler is handling the bookplate proj- ect. Other chainne.n include ~Ci Lewme Gorman, .Mmes. Ralph :'llulroy, Curtiz LPmz, ('ail Soares, Ct•orge Meul- heste aict L'arry D Hlc1 .l 3 c'c:ffiJAuNisM TAf.KS SET Four University o! San Diego Collegf' fo,· Woml'n ~l"niors will give speeches on communism at a fath- er and son communion breakfast prespnted to- morrow by th e Holy Name Society or St. Mar- tin's Catholic Church. '!'he peal{ers are Gene- vieve C o n d on, whose topic will be "What is Communism?": Claire Wh len, "'T'he 'l'actics of ('ommuni m," Domini Collin , "Disillusionment with cl)m munlsm :" and t¥.rtc ~ f~OJ< For tritrance To College The schl-duJ,. or entril,nce l'xaminatlon• for the Unlver- stty of a.n DiPgo'g Colll'ge for \ten wa! announced this WPek by Irving W. Parker, dean of admil!s1ons. 'Fre schedul~ applies to st~1dents who wish to enroll next ptember. Appoint- ments to take the tests may be made by call•ng CYpress 8-7711, Extension 46 or 4 7, Dean Pa,i.ker said. Testing time is about three, he said. The hedule. Saturday, Maich rn, 9 a .m.; Tbul'Sday, March 24, 2 p.m.; Thursdav. March 31, i p.m, We 0 , E\\ ATHLETIC F AClLITIES-Thls 1., a r chlte.ct' dra\1ing stadium, lower left, a thletle f•hlbhousc-, ~Wintming pool, and or athlet ic facilities soon to be constructed on the Univenlty other facilities, upper left, will I>.. built. The 61-ae,e site is of San Diego•, Alcala PBJ'k campu5, A .fi,000-sea.t fooball eit.5t of the. cantpllll and nortll of Linda, Vis ta Roe.rt. ~3/4o A ii. rs1ty \IIX 1ary 'Day at tl~e Races' 1 \ll' en Aggeler. "A Modern Marty1 " )Jr,. 9"-lhNo Athahte has ,U11~•!t'li1rmru1 !or the annual cltibt) daJ L 1.lie nces July g in Calien . 1.o be ,ponsorNI by iini\('rsily o{ San DiP"O Au. lliary, by 1hc prrsideni l,u·:;, Thoma~ W, h.c•Plill. A •r,a d1a irm,•11 for 1 ickl'ts ,qll .Mrs. John \\'ells, La Jo)Ja; JI.I) s. John \ .. \ \ atl'l·s, Claiqm o11\ an
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