News Scrapbook 1958-1961
":1//~ tt~,v DAY OF ORDINATION NEAR t? -
San Diego in June
7~ZL§'i~;{lA) x_ On Science · B.> DAXH<:L D}'4'Y, C, On the locnl sc, nP ½. 9'p(,fi-,~or at th University o! !:',,n llat;o, Dr. Albert D. \Vaacl, who; f11air- man o! the Mntheml)tirs and Na- tural Sdcn divisions tho t, hru; been honored by the Brlti h I11kr• planetary Society, Th ""'" ty will publish his tr,•ali~t, •·c,r1,,tal El,mcnt~, Traj ctory ~,mulatlon, an,l Pr diction for Ea, th l'atd- lites" in its bi ..monthly j01u nal . Dr wa~"I, a g1·n!luate t,{ Stllllfot,t, taught al that school and t ~. nla Clara before coming hl're. Here at Saints everyor,e (who is interested, any,,.ay) i• fX<'il d bout the Science Fair. Those t'Jlh11J1to1.,. who nre chost·n to •o I to th Greater S n Dl<·go ~,-..-n Fair will v,e with slud<·nts fn,m all fiver the c-ounty f(Jr award.. I~'lRI year Sainlsmen captur,-d two award• In the citv fAlr, a . e<·oml I and a third ln Ph\·sic. . The m,,. t coveted honor is the ... wt..q1~takt·'I, I " hi< h sends the wtnn~r ha< k F.ast to the Nalional ~, ient J.'a11·, rx::~e:a::lil:~e ;x;o1<·r VII M• g,ven good evidence that rr, fr rs , , not a dMger lo pa<·<' flight. The satellite, wh ch has t,u-n orl,1t• ing four monthq, hn~ only f"f'f'l"'•l t red one small met('()r hit, "nd ~ince that occuncd durin.., t taun<·h pha..e of the fli~ht ,t "' uspected that it w a. a 0 fal alarm.." The inform11hon w~ gh,aned Crom o,·er 300 mil <>f taped information transm1tt,-d •lur- ing the first two month~ n! <>rbit- ing! . . . Next winler and «prinr ir Edmund Hillary will (')1mlli1,~ nrotmd the Himalaylt.~ in an ,or.. i:ani=le =owman." Sir Edmund, who !NI the team which climht>d Mt. Everest, will al•o h<, d,,ing re- arf'h on the capabilitif":-= r,t n1f'Jl. at high altitudt>s. The exl'f'{liti<>n. sponsored by the publisher., o! tlw! World Book En,·~·dop,- Doct r New Prac ce The University of San Diego will be host for the 1960 National Speech Tournament. At the same time the National Student Con, gress will m et in the beiu:iful San Diego City and County build- ing . The dates will be Tuesd:iy through Friday, Jun~ 21-24. Mon- day will be arrival day. The usual events will be held: Deb,·te. Boys' Extemp, Girls' Ex- temp , Original Oratory, and Dra- mati lnterpr ration. Each student may elect to enter a second event other than th e on m wh;ch he qualified. Any FL member who won a state championship in one of the above events or 6rst place in any NFL district' tournament in which ten schools competed in his event will be eligible to enter the nation- .ti tournament. Ineligible Students who receive an .. A .. rating, a "Superior" or similar designation also accorc.lec.l to oth- ers do NOT qualify for entry Ill the national tournament. This rule was enacted by the Execu' iv ' Council in February , 1957, but th effective date wa .· postp:rneJ to 1960. Eligibility had to be cut back somewhere to keep the tournament withm its presrcibed limits and this seemed to be the justillabl ut to make. I nelig1bl also will be students who exceed BOT!-! of th follow ing· (a) 6ve tournaments ; (h) 40 dec1 ion debates or contests. In each case the NFL c.listrict tourna - ment and the official state c.l,stnct. sectional and 6nal tournaments need not be counted. Any senes of three or more rounds at the same time ,rnd pla e is counted as a tournament. Any speaking event in which students January 1960 are ranked or graded is a contest. Legislative assemblies and s tudent congress are not included in eith~r category. All contests and debates. not just the one in which the s tu- dent xpects to nter th e national tournament mu st be counted. Fail- ure to report the s peaking for cred it points does not alter th(> fact tha t the competi tion took place. Pals c rtillcation su bjects both the individuals and the chapter to disciplinary a tion. s at in the National Stu- dent Congress will he assigned to a District for each 500 members and degr es its chapters have on record in the national office. That is 500, not 500 or fra tion ther of. The llrst sea t will be in the Sen- c1te, any additional seats in the I louse of Representatives. Sixty seats are reserved for th Con- gr ss, so a ll who ar I cted a nd reg1st r promptly s hould be ac- cepted. No Alternates There arc no a ltern ates in either tournament or c ngr ss. If the qualified contestant or th el cted congressman for any reason what- soever do s not en t r th ev nt there wi ll be no one taking hi s plac . N ith r ca n a c.lebater who c.l1d not win 6rst place substitute for a team member unable to at- I nd. Tournament anctioned This national m eting ha s be n snnctioned by the Contest a nd Ac- tivities Committee of the National Assoc1atiorr o f Secondary Schools for the pMticipation o f 275 stu - dents exclusive of thos r sidi ng in the tournam nt state. Califor- nia. 3 tudent Congress On At72-A Catholic .Priest tateo ere- 1 vltcd to make a retreat here by the fost Charle Buddy, Catholic bishop of San Diego. • "I dl of the Club , Gilllllan,' OliVCJj/t 0 Will Speak Here y oss 3'/]. o Profes or Named to Post Prof. Philip N. Na.cozy, chalrman 01 th~ Department of Languages at the Uni- vers!ty of San DI go's College for Men. has been appointed chairman o! the San Diego branch of the American As• aoclation of Teachers of French. .Nacozy, who ha.a been on the USD faculty since 1954, ls a graduate of the Uni• verslty of California and did his graduate work at UCLA, Mont re a 1 University, .a.nd Bylbos University ln Lebanon, Tho appo tment waa an• om1ced by Prof. James W. Glennen of • ·orth Dakota 'University. Glennen I:-. na• t!onal chairman of JCATF. The JQoal chapter ha.a 30 m lltJ:I. U ' I Sid Gillman, coach of the Lo Angele· Charg~rs in U1e newly formPd AmPt Iran Footha 11 LPaguP, and J or- dan Olivar, Yale foot ball roarh, will he principal prakers al dif!errnt lQcal gathPr!ngs this wrrk, Gillman will addregs the Vniversity o! San D I e go Boosters Club tomorrow night al 11 dinner to be held ln the University's Lark Ca!eteria following a so- cial hour scheduled !or 6:30 o'clock. Glllman, coach o! the Los Angeles Rams tor ! I v e Dr. :-1axlne Murphy Gun- p! nned th<> decor around a derson. a soclate prote or of !:it. Patrick's Day motif, New psychology at the University memh('rs \\111 hr. introduced or San Diego College tor MPn, by ;\Ir~. Daniel Kerr, presl- wlll be uest speaker at the dent. meeting of the university's The guild has Initiated a Ah;ala Guild at 8 p.m. tomor- program whereby member ow In • fore Hall on t!le cam- wlll bl" ho tesses for the uni- pu~. , r ·lty' Sunday afternoon l\1rs. F nc1s E. Wllson, campus o~n houses and hospitality chairman, h a student--oondurtPd tours. I yrars, was dismissed !rom that posl last winter fol• lowing a disastrous s..ason. HP wa• hired shortly tht're- after to coach thr Chargers. Ohvar will address t h e Yale Club of San Diego Fri• day night at 1hP University Club, 1333 7th Ave. The Yale dinner will start at 7:;,o o'clock following a CQckt.iil hour. Olivar has b~en Yale's head coach since 1952, hls learns winning 46 games, Joslng 25 and tying four, He formerly coached at Villa- nova and Loyola o! Los An• geles. frfn~fs ~ffffc{ad For Double Bill University 01 San Dlego·s baseball Pioneers play double- header at Whittler College to- morrow afternoon, the first game tarting at 1. SophomorP Terry Lorenz and freshman Tom Goddard, both right handers, are sched- uled to pitch for the Pioneers. Lorenz was 6-1 for USO last year. ------- SID GILLlllAN Guest Of U D Group JORDAN OLIVAR To Report To Alumni asrrG@nfed $5;000 By Foundation The l'nivei ity of S a n Dlrgo College for )fen hu been named to re<·eive a $5,000 matching grant from the C.I.T. Foundation, a char. ltablt> arm of the C.I.T. Fi- nancial Corp. The Most Rev. Char\eq 1". Buddy, bishop of Lhe S a n Diego Catholic DiocPse and president o! the universit>, said the money will be used lo buy sci<'ntlflr equipment. a I d the grant ls exprrt<'d to be match d by an equal amount from local bu~ino> .· .ource., It snid thr grnnt onP ol l'i awarded in thP counh·~, is In t'ncourage and J'f'ward ln titu tions which rt'centl) h a , e altainPd !1111 a,•crPdlf a tion. Bishop Buddy, rxpressir.g gratitude for thP grant, saic( it is primarily a rerognltion of the high acaci,•mic stand: dard. of the ,·oJJege'. faculty. The foundation announce- ment from New York xfioheerU,ne X lests Whittier Thi.' Uni\.Prsity of San Dl- Pgo baseball tram travrls lo Whittier Coll<'g<' for two gam
YOUNG /RISH DA CERS HAVE BUSY SCHEDULE Diego today. Saturday the youngsters clan e of 0. K. Ingram Ship, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Sunday they will make their annual visit to Nazareth House. In foreground are Kevin 0'),,Ja. honey, 7. and Terri Shea, 6. Others are Tim Shea, \Viii be at 12; Patrick hea, 11; Eilish Hooper, 10; Maura Hogan, 10; Therese Littlefield, 10; Kathleen Little- field, 8; Joe Hogan, 9; Paula Littlefield, 10. The dancers have choreographed a "Fairies and Lepre- chaun Reel" for five girls and a boy. --~-~~--------------==--------"---
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