News Scrapbook 1958-1961

~DAd C[\ffl)jZ TO OPEN BOO DRIVE A b k: drive for the Univ1•1 ity of San Diego library sponsored by nine court o! the Catholic Daughters o! America wlll be launched at 2 p.m. March T( with a book tf'a in the library. The Rev, Charle • Dol- len, library director, w!ll review four books on the t h e me "The Christ o! Holy Week" at th tea. frs. Roy Fitzgerald CDA vice state regent, i~ genl'ral c-hairman ot the dnve d . ignated "Opera- tion 10,000." Committee c h a 11· men rr•pt·e en1lng San Diego c o u n t y court include Mmes. W. B. Murphy William J. Butlel', J\lllto~ Han ·en, Ralph Mulro.·, C u r t I . Lentz, Carl Soa1·e , Larry D. Hieb and !\Ii Lewlne Gor- man.

·or~.«Jft \¾{r(ffd School's Building Fund Mary Loni e Hick<>Y, solo dramati t, wlll be p1 escntcd by the alumnae a~sociatlon of the AcadPmy of Our Lady of Pea<"' in II bl'nefil program M rch 21. The pr... t ntatlon will bf' gl\ en ii MoL'e Hall on Lhc l'l!Jnpt s of the Uni 61ty of • an Diego h1>glnnlng at 8::io p.m. l'l'my' hulldln und.

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f~11tra11t•f' e tttiil students plnnnln/it . 01 ~ next fall at Univ,•rHitv ()f Sa I DI ' C .., n ego s ollegC' for Mc·11 wilt ht> gi"' 11 nlnt> times duri11n- <'omlng monlhs, IJ'\·Jng w" 1'arkei', admlsslon~· de a · liald today. n, ~pplkants may tnnke np. Pomtm,'llt. to tnkc th,• threl'- hoLu· te.·t by calJJng th 1_ Yer.sJty, P;1rkcr Haid. c UJl 0

Pill tte, right in middle. Jackie Albdgh1, rrom rlght 111 [r(Jnt, Chet Kehn, third from left uie 011i,:, bat bo,· on left. 1\\'0 of on teams won national title. 'lllcr and orro,,' L


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is Names Ca~ er a Iler batting against their hard-throwing coach. Morro\\ neHr hjt ea y roll- ers to hi. lnf1eld In pre- gamP drill,. l'ither. He I lfled thl' ball to his irflelde and sent rr<'aming liners to the OU t!le)der . se c of humor has b en part aT'd parcel o[ Ion ow, coachm charac-

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. /JfJJ/a P'rofessor Invited ToSpeak 5/~1/1:,0 lf. ;I., IC 7\(u, I ) Gld c.J, o uc1a1e p1 of< 01• ol P'~ C'I olog-i a I/JI" UJ1t\ cr•tl or a"\ DIC' o Collc.;c l 01 l l p~.i.; ~1·1 11 1br or t ,e A cela C.u Ju oJ t " ll r 11 c ,11 of s;, n JJ l l L e · Bo, :-Mn I d the r m<'cting aL · p.m., ;11011 da). at 'lore Hall o the t:J11 ,c l Campu . tlll't p,· at a lunchC'on meet, ing g1\en rn the home of .Mr • Paul \·csco tor the purpose ot planning the general meet mg. Spec al mphasis was given to a rotat!ni; systc•m whereb? \lcala Guild mem, hers w 11 he ho~tc~~e,; on the t lliVl'I' llY Campus e\CI')' Sut, day afte1·noo11 \I hei th" Um- ,·,.1·,1t,· hold open lwu,,, to im it<'d gl'uups. t udents will conduct 1uu1-s of all the build IJoaL·d mcn'bC'1 s hart

'irtf GI Lf'JX£f:J HERE TONIGHT Sid Gillman, coach of he Los Angeles Char.!lers, will speak to member1- of the University of San Di- ego Boosters Club tonight at Lark Cafeteria on cam- pus. Social acri\•itie · will start at 6:30 o'clock. Gillman, former coach of the Los Angeles Rams, will guide the Chargers in the initial season of the American Profes,ion- al Football League.

ter) tic . It never ,, as more e, dent than one day in the 1940 s when the Ca, er "ere playing 111 1 uc•son. With the ball game tied up Morrow became the target of a Tuc- son heckler. Then San Di• ego exploded for several runs in the eighth inning to tak1c a commanding lead .. As the runs poured ac-ross the plate a beamir g Mor- row turned to the stands and houted, "Yon Jokers had b tter cal, the tuc on Fire Department to put us ot1t:" The heckler was si- len~C'd.

WINNER - Mayo Loi- zeaux, who was named best adress at Pasadena Playhouse, will appe r in I scenes from ShakesP1t,are plays wit.h Richard (Ji-ay ton:iorro:" at 8 p.m. at the University of San Diego.

ego Roman performan e campus by a chanting h) mn · ri and a pr

tiv" of lreland s culture

e eamp inc:lud~d

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Perfo t h e rish Dancers of San Diego, a group of cl;tildnm whose aim i to pre e U1e songs nd dance o! Ireland. The hildren, In :natl\'e Ir i sn ress, presented jigs and eels to the accompaniment 1 hornpipe . B shop Bu dy -gra,ntecl all 1ocesan Catholics a di pen. at!on from the Lenten fast, ntmg CathOlICs to eat at all meals during the iead, lies made to aid 1anu..


Padres Clout Pioneers, 16-9 (Cnntlnned1 Ro enbaum al~ Will work League ••. Infielder Billy rhanc-P. nt getting b O t h of against the Solon". Hunter, who announced hi~ . . SHORT HOPS - El mer · 1r b thl'm," Metko-ich ~atd. "Hank Emmon,. the PCL umpire retirement om . aseball Green berg, has told R a l p h who ha,i been assigned to thl' recently. has been in touch Kiner Padre ~eneral man-:Padre training base, wa a with Padre officials. Toronto agPrl that thP \\'hit.- Sox want Dorsey High School contem- 1 of the International League both or them to play rPgu. porary ot Bulor_d m L.A. Only wouldn't meet Billy's asking 26, Emmons 15 tht> PCL's . lar I~ " vounaest arbiter. He has pnce, reportedly S11,000, , • Robinson and catcher Bob tour 0 years experience, 1 he ~nftelder Mike Her~hberger Wh1t"orth were excu ·ed to. la~t in the Northwest 1s hobbled by & pulled leg day to attend sprvices in San • • * muscle ... Catcher Les DtPgo for Bob Thorpe, former ~J~. 28 • , •,hi~i .. ~_;g• •~ '/obJ :'llo~ will have his achi_n:;:- PCL pitcher who "as electro- ~f,:',.~~... 5 2 1 o Mcrit,'J,.,b : g 1} ~~tt~s., l ! 1 thinks Detroit is the team to . 'd t Holidav If I oo o ss '1 '2 w a t ch in the American t1on acct en . Cox. c· 1 • J 1 f g \ \ i League. With the exception o! pitch- L,,~l~~~r,b J l O 0 Ornno,on,p 1 0 0 0 er. the Padres used only play- E:~s~?,7·P l i g g•sua'1t~~:/ 1 o 4 N? er who are here for tryouts ~~•h;f , o o o J. wntrs.1b 2 2 11 11~a1nst USO The regulars 0 ' ·• 1 • 0 • ';,:/:l'J~~Jm i3 J,' d wcr-en't missec1 as the young- t~~/.,. g & g ~ters rapped 17 hits off three Tolots 11 , 11 , Total, * 16 11 11 Pio_ne~r pitcher:ll ~nd the col- ~~:,:ttf;1Q~:it~ ~e;r~~tton in 3rd; Jeg1an, were gmlty of five uso ............ '°' ... ...,_ , erTors. son Dittt • 1H 306 otK-1' Short~top .T I m Fiorenia bu~,?:t~P..!Cln~i~~;sfi 0 1A:'l~PP00e~t rapped a 4()0.foot home run ~tl; ~f~rrs~; 1 ku~~~J:~Me~Proti~ pt and two singles !or USD. .s~e:.-eori:'.or-Q:cil Ch k L d t•r,; SF-A Podh1plan and Glen Ch1 01>rnon'rGoddoro ~-Ammon, ond w; •- t• mann. -2:51.

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p~~tfrs rlc~ Cal Tech Nine Tom Goddard a freshman ri hthander irom St. Augus- tine, will pitch :lor the Uni-- versify or San Diego todayl vhen 1t faces Cal Tech in a baseball game at ]\{ o r row Field. The game will start at 3. Pioneer coach :.\1ike Mor- row has assigned sophomore erry Lorenz, another right• hander. to take the mound· to- morrow against Cal Western! on the same diamond. 1



Us6 F~~~; 1~ , Cal Tech The University Qt an '.Diego varsity bMeball tearn f!t to Mike Morrow field ter plav• ing its last seven games on the road and meeui Cal Tech at 3 this Friday afternoon. Coach J.fike Morrow announc- ed that he would start fresh- man pitcher T o m Goddard against Cal Tech. The Pioneers meet Cal West- ern Unlve1·sity at 2 p.rrt this Saturday at Morrow Field. Sophomore Terry Lorenz will start against the W <'sterners. USD met Cal Tech ln a dou- ble-header last season &t Pa, a- dena and split, :winning the first game, 11-7, and losln_g: \he second game, 8-7 USD Jost Its mE:eting Monday "1th the !';an Di · Padres, 16-9. S ond baseman Jim Florenza hit a three-run home run and two •ingles and paced the Pioneer attack.

IN 'OTH.FJLLO' ROLE-,;.Richard Gray, British a<'tor, will 1.<>am with Mayo Loiuaux In a presentation of Shake11pearean selectlon11 In the College for Women theater at 8 p.m. this Tuesday, Mar,•h 15. He is pletured in the role of "Othello.'' • • • • • • Sltakesp••are J•rogra1n Two Will Perform In College Tlreater "Caviare t.o t.he General," a Shakespeareitn program star- ring British actor Richard Gray and Pasad na Award winner Mayo Loizea.ux, will be presented at the University of San Diego at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, in the College for Women theater. The show fealUres selections from " y V," Ot.l\11110," ''Hamlet," and "Richard III" and is performep on a compa.ra• tively bare stage by only two players. "It is not a mere book-in•hand dramaliz..tion, with stools, lectern, glallsea of water and rustle of pe;ges," says. Gray, who double • as director, "but a concert,.--style quartet of characterization in basic costume and lnJ!.}

Gillman, Olivar ~,l¼R?a~ly~~ffot. ball coaches will be In San Di, ego this week :lor separate speaking engagements. Sid Gillman, coach of the pro Los Angeles Chargers, will speak to the University of San Diego Boosters tomor-1 row night at the University's Lark Cafeteria at 6:30. Jor- dan Olivar, head coach at Yale l,niversity, will talk to the Yale Club Friday night at the University Club, 1333 7th Ave., at 7:30.

:.Iember · of the Univer- sity of San Diego Boosters Club will hear Sid Gillman as the featured speaker at their meeting tonight in the Arts and cience Building at USD at 7:30. Gillman, former Los An• geles Rams mentor, will be h e a d coach of the L.A. Chargers when they take part In the new American Football League next tall. .\-laster of ceremonies will be ob Sexton, the new athletic coodinator at USO. The dinner is open to the pubhc. Re ·ervatlons can be made hy callmg CY 8-7711, either extension 48 or 49. -f'R, 1/31/U :;J~tl /_£_0 Momage -StL'.idy Set


'if;~~f H; s i¥y-flo,;r«e For Baseball Action

S£ t: !~~~u~d?o~: Joseph ¥ctffct~1et by of the Academy of Our Lady Alumnae president, Miss Mar- This program was sponsored Michael Gleason o! Mission '£L wTi ~:ne~~ Cl'lline Whelan, and Mrs.

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ft'rence n DI- rs old m to J1all

J\11ss Mary Louise Hi<'key, na• of Peace.








Beach acted as co·chairrnen

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Proceeds here in 1882 by the Sisters for this cultural affair,

Diego University.

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