News Scrapbook 1958-1961
USO VS. WESTERN City's 1st College RivaJ y To Open San Diego collegi11te ha~- elubs w vlnd up regular ketball history will be madi: n t toni·g t, h11wever. tonight when th1> Cnlver11i~ b hav.e acer rd bids 11} or San Diego and Califor the Cal ly (Po na I Invlt- Western Unlver11itv dash ational u t Feb. 26 8 o'clock 1n th Mission and 7'. High School gym. Sophomor., Jim F'lemlng, . The meting vttn muk. the USO's high acorin~ guard, first bet,qeen two $afi Diego . 11 h thr ""rtltnlty college ms. It so ,·on- w1 ave ano op...,._ sidered forl'run f a pes- lo Mt a J;rH~on I lnd1v~ual sible se es that ind S;in Sl·orjng rPc ord agatnst C;I Diego te jolnlhg In rom- W1>~lPrn. HP now has a total petltion-,.wlth tonlaht's oppon- of .198 po111t~. 2:l • by of Ken enh I..eslle'll all-time mark of 421. Both co11ch Bob KloppP.n• The l1SO starting lineup h1>rg or Cal WI' tern 11nd wlll irll'ludr Hu s C1 avens, coach LP~ Harvey of U Tl 6-2, ,rnd Ari Wiral, 6-4, at bave lin1>uJ1s composed of roiwarr!s; John Harper, 6-4. promising undergrad~ 'I' h P at l'enler a1,d Fleming, 5-11 WrstPrners will ~t t OnP .<1nd Bob MainPs, 6-2, a freshman ahd fouT sopho- guarcfi-1. morpq_ T,JSD will field a lquad J{loppl'nherg'R atartlng !Ive c·onsisting of one !re hrnan, will bP Joe Trr.>aster, 6-2%, three sophomores and one nd Norris GrePnwond, 6-2, senior. •t forwa1ds; Harvey Hall, The PlonPrr~ ha\'" a 10,l ft.5, center and Barry Cun- season reco1 d whi111 the West- nlngharn, 5-11, and Giro Ta- erners &rP 10-17 ovPrall. Both kahashi, 5-R 1 i, at guard~.
0 Two More In L . Area
Marines Rout USD, 82-63
Pionee'm7To f'~~e _Toughest '59 Foe Weli rested and in the best physical shape of the rear fol- lowing last week's open dale, the Univer:;.ity o! an Diego undertakes what undoubtedly will be its toughest opponent of the ~ea. on Saturday night at Balboa • tadium when it iaces ::\lontana State College. However. Oregon, current- ly Washi~gton' s chief, rival fgfJf\.~~'!'•~~f~ed Passino J: ,~ for tile "' estern berth In the Posse, hod lnterteP1rd 5 I Ro e BO\\·J, was put at only T~~~n1~: 1 o~~ rd ~ufr.v 1'60 1226 even mon .v against '\"asJdng• ~!~!: d~~~s,po~~;~ine . • ff ton State in the rundown o! srrst downs from Penolties 3 6 \~/i~eonsin, whkh srized a ~i1';;1be:or°dO ;~n~; pun 1 tie for the Big Teu lead bJ ~~~;:•~•~•n~ 1~.~ oun1s to keep rolling with a Yictory ~g.,~Jo'wr/~' 1, o,·er }llinoi . Co-leader North- western was a more mode~t Total points the v!ctory trail at :'.\fichigan t~:Chn"1~· Jt;!, hb 010 , six-point faYorite to 1·egain RUV/:'i:"~•c; whipping week, wa. :'.\'orthwe~tern l?~t ~~~~•r 10 ~,r a 10-pomt cho11·e Totcl number ot fumbl•s . t':~~Ul~~o?,,~t•t .... :... :::: 2i ·:: ,. .::· • 151 ::: • s~ al~ ~-2 Jr2 3 J! 25 18 rn 8 • 1 1_, t the host role in the Cotton fn~ 1 ~°r:.t £7n~\blb ·:: : ? ii i Bowl, is a -point farnrite gg~~!'Je, Js'//i, 1 hb-<>b ::: : 1 1 J i over Texa ... C Jstian. e~:~c~~lg,JI~. fbhb i ! g Texas is one of the four re- PUNTING No. Yds. Av,. ma1n1ng major unbeaten. un- Chopr_-non, Jon. qb 11 649 Ja..2 tied team s. A Jll Ong the Gobml, Jim, 1 SCORING s 17$ 37.6 others , national leader Svra- Grav, Jar. hb T~• PA[S T:h cw;e is a 36-point 13\'0rite Boker, Levon, e 2 1 l• C l l . d Wll lioms, Chuck, fb .. •.. 2 o 2 over o gate. t 11r -ranked wot Cal Western, I PionersOpen 1 H~p Rivalry Wh could bN·ome one of 1he m-o t healthy rivalries In town (arts tonight in Mii,- 1lon Bay High gym at 8. At that timP Cal WPstern University and University of San Diego me<>t In bRskPthal! for the flnt tim<>, A hR eha)J mPl'ling I~ sch<'d- uled in thi pring so lhP pos- i.1hility' or Jootball In the fall is ,cry likely. Bui, ba<'k to tonight'~ clash, th" ltint hl"tween two San Di- Pg'D <'OllPgiatP hRs k Pt ha 11 IPami;. anr! thP windup of the rP~ular s P s s o n for both teams. WestrrnE"r ~ • MCRD Cagers ollect 82-63 Nod Over USD BASKETBALL SCORES C~LLEG • ~~R?i1foouw. JJFrosh 7;, JCR~lcnds !9, Col W•·ter '1. Palo Verde 611. Ouon,;Jd.Carlsbod -'9. San Jo,e srate 69, USF 64 · (ovtrtimeJ. 1 1~to~IO An3: 51 Scmt(;I Barbaro JC 45, Sohta Barbaro f '~J.Sci T.l, R IVorskl• 57 • Occ1dentol 105. Caltech 7i Whitworth. Wa1h. 75, Seattl~ P.aclfic 69. t • o y Cross u, Botton u. 76. CrelOhtCh f.· Omat1<1 45 Ttxas 79, exes MM 62. t~~~~s;t~•~l~e~s si~~.!~rs -49. Provldonct Rhed,. Island 40. SMU 15, Rll58 ~~~~cr.e 1 T, •t, p L~~;~) ~e.,, Or- i.ans Jt, Trnntsse 51.- Georqla Teen 55. oJ:~"~i v~fa ~fhmcnd SJ. w, I QI') l.,r,,&v 7l Oavkl GP p T f D 2 2 • i 3 II 2 0 I 1 •• • 1 10> H11° THE SAN DIEGO UNWI THE SAN DIEGO UNION Q) Sun.. Feh. '.!I, l!lHO SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNI~ G...,,.. J. Weste rn Whips Pioneers, 64-49 B~· BILL HOLLOHAX Cal \\ c• tern t nl;·ersity's cager~ last night parlayed, enacious dcfen,r and back-board c-ontrol t 1 deal tlw Lill· ,·ersJ!Y of :can D,e::;o a 64-49 defeat in the lrst meeting of two San Diego collegiate teams at Mission Bay High School before 87:i fans. - - Barry Cunningham Ji r o hit with apo\'1er to rouse the Takahashi and A t Johnson Pioneer oJlense. spear-head d 'l \\'c ·terners Cal We t~rn gr,11Jbe the defense t h a t complett"ly lead for gnod oa a hook shot bottled up the Pioneers' at- by freshman Joe Trea$!er, tack. Takahashi held USD's a 6-2'~ foward, after 15 tnln- Jim Flemtng to four points- utes of pa . Western left 'the one ot liis lowest totals of the floor at nalf111ne "1th a 33-30 season, lead. Cunningham, in addition to _In the second perifAJ. t h e his fine defen.,i-r. play, was Western defense r o s e to the evening's hi"h scorer with greater heights as 1t -com- 18 points. Johnwn contributed pletely bottleo up the Pto• 14. neert·. The Point Lorrt_ans Tl l'!ll ·er ii of s n Die"o l,eld lJSD to a er~ J 9 pomts 1 1 e ' 5 r"' o,·er the 20-nu.flute span. bro•• e out top aft: th e_ irS t The stout. clef<'nsive play minute as ·uph?mar~ took its toll a~ Cal Western center, J _Harl?er :lit th e Jost Treaste,· and Chet Lewis net with a JUmp shot. Cun- . th f 1 1 ningham hcq put the West- via e ou rou e. erners ahead, with a lay. Col w.. ,ern J'~ P T uso < • t> n and a charit) tos . [~~! 1 cr i X With Johnson and Cunning- Johmon l j j 1: ham contributing the scoring B 2 1 1B Wical, A h h ,., l d Greenw'd 1 O o 2 Cor•110 pune . t V\ CS enCl'S uppe Fugale l 2 2 I Podrwsk'l their l~ad to ~13 midway of ~~ 1 1 i ! ~-~~lit c G F PT I I 2 0 0 -4 2 D 5 4 _. l 1 9 3 3 1 9 1 0 2 2 1 l O O O 1 0 1715 lB • 9 lay-ii~ o! the ni::;ht and then JO~olt1im • store: Col Wo,1orn ~J. USO tile firgt point Fle- period. At · t h ing ~ank !Jia lirs a•~•'• i g f~,'.,, t1 2(f 11 '4 Toto ls r ' -Soa Olooo Union $toff Photo RE'ADY FOR WESfERNERS . aturday night when the Pioneers op- pose Cal Westem at. 1b:;ion Bay gym- na ium. This is th ir fir t mce.ting. •
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