News Scrapbook 1958-1961


THI SOUTHERN CROSS, THUIS9A-Y, PH I\JAIIIY 12, 1959 Busy Weekend US o· . Fact Three Tougfi Tests For the 15th time this sea- for two seasons and has aver- son, th.e Unlverslty of San aged belter than 16 points Diego basketball team will In- through 19 games this season. crease its mileage on the road Fresno Stale ,has met and I defeated two or three op• Barbara thls Th.ureday ntght, ponenla alao 11sted on USD'a February J 2. 1 1958-19150 sche~ule. FreaM de- The Westmont game will be feated Pepperdme, 69-59, m lts the tiret In a two-g,i,me road first game, and defeated the trip that will continue on tough San Diego Marines, Friday night when the Pio- 62-55, In Ile fourth game and neera play their 16th away picked up one of Its three game of the see.son age.inst losses from Chapman College, Fresno s ta le College. on 58-51. Fresno has won lll Saturday night, Coach Les games. Harvey's off-and-on offense U.SD Jost its first meeting will be on display locally ot the season with Pasadena 11.galnat Peeadcna College at College, 98-70, Pa.sadena. will Mission Bay High Gymnasium. start Chuck Balley (6-5), Ron USD lost an earlier me!ltlng Bauer (6-7), Jim Davi, (6-3), wlth Westmont, 60-1111, here and Jerry Testel" (5·8) Roger Is winless 1n t,hree start.!! Bloomquist ( 6-3) in 1t11 local against the Santa Barbara. Iapp-.arance Saturday night. club, In meeting Fresno Stale '.rhe Pioneer~ lost their Hth Friday night, USD will engai;-e game ot the year la~t Fliday one or the top sma.11 college n I g ht to the San Diego clubs on the west coast. 1''resno Marines, 88-61, and then won State center; lts attack around their, fourth gamt> or the sea- 6-9 center ary Alcorn, lhe :'Ion Saturday night, defeating Bulldogs' candidate tor All- Laverne College, 96•76. USD Amel'ican honol's. Alcorn has defeated Laverne, 91-64, in an avcrai:rcd 18.4 point.~ a g-ame earlier meeting. • • • 1JN"IVF.MI1Y OF IAN 1111\GO n/\RRM'll/\Ll, STANl)INGS l Etrhtf'r:n Ga.mes) Tt•:AM WC)n Lo!l.t FGA FGM Pd. FTA FT!\f. l"ci. Rt"h•A"f• Tr-Aw,-. uao 4 ]4 J191 •~l 4U 327 211 6U 6fi2, 36,2 I 197-66,> Opponent., i • f 123! 500 • 5.3 109 2!3 63.0 782-13.7 H7B-i6.6 \IAMl: G J\'GA }7ti:v 1 ,1?rY: 1 Jo·'l'A J•''f'IU Pd. Rtb-Avr TP•A'VI" Kf"n LPnll\1-, « 18 .2~1 121 4.R2 f)'7 50 7 • ,li tl:i-5.1 292-lfl.2 Bob!!, g --~ Hi 213 98 4f3.1 68 •'II) fl8.2 131•7.3 243-13.6 fo.d Ba.ra.n, t 1 • 1A4 70 42..1 37 24 64.9 66-4.'7 (,lVOO naker, t ·-- l~ Dfl f>2 3H.2 :u; 24 '18.f> 6!) 4.3 !28- R.b ~I Padr'•kl, g 18 90 36 40 0 ?.O 10 10 0 JR-2.J R2• • 6 John l-tPbfl'llQ 1 r ~-- 18 97 30 30,8 ':'.A 16 61.r, r,u.:ta '78· 4.2 Tom MR.this, ~·-- 10 91 33 3!L1 16 7 43.7 9.2 54--1.1.l 56- 4.6 Ari. Wic&l, c _ 2 27 l I 40.7 7 3 42.11 23-tU'i 25-12.h Ron Roth r >O 41! 13 32.o 13 7 53,8 30-3.6 33- u Brian Roth, ! _ ·-- 5 16 31.2 8 lj 62.6 20•4.0 15• 3.0 Bob .Keyn, g ____ 2 6 2 33.3 2 2 100. 6-3,0 8- 4.O Merl• R•e•. r ---- 2 , L 20.0 0 0 oo.o lj-2., 2- 1.0 C'lrne Oi•a,on, g --·-· I 3 0 00.0 0 0 00.0 3·3.0 0·00 0 Jim O'Neil, c l I O 1)0,0 I U 00.0 Q-0.0 0--00.0 Ray :Yo.. t, • . _ l 2 0 (10.0 :I O 00.0 i•<.O 0-00.0 RI.SUIJJ'S Dtc, 2-USJ), #Jj San Olrga Nav"J Fil1t1Uon, !ii). Dec. 6-USD, 54; Hlola. COllflt.«', (J!J. Dre. B-USJ), 58; S1tn Uh~ro N~vMl •r•ra.lnln( Ct.ntcr, 63. Dec. l0-USD, 31, Loyola. Ullh~oily. 70. when It travels north lo meet Westmont College In Santa

BASKETBALL SCORES SA.TURDAY COLLEGE! WEST r"t~r s,t, lta:-:l?i'~~~'rF 5 t 58 lifornYa PolY CSLO) 73, sonta Bal"~ baro 55. t~~~t?31fr~aJe~l~:,:r:t1/9. %'~r~r 1 0L.~t~~~e6Sf6 ~maha 60. Ir Force A.cademv 7), Ookoia 57

PASADENA HERE TOMORROW le-- L gue Goal Of Aztecs



MOl'IM- Oiego State 6 University

Reven n MCRD Clash

Son Diego 96, La- verne- 76. Cal Western 76, Col Baptist 54. San Oie'ilo Junior CoUese 75, Los An- geles Harbor 46. Sen Diego Stott- Frosh 6-4, Miramar 61. 29 Palm! 76, Comp Pendleton 69. Montana -491 Colorado State U. 43. ~~t; 1 t~ 0 fJ. s3~~~h~rf1Jefn~s11~ '5. California 82, Sootnern California 55. ldono 911 UCLA 87. LOYOIO fl.A. I ~. Son Jose State •L St. Mary's 6.t, San Francisco 63. Wn~~,1~ 0 lt 1 leri~Jr~i~~";,,~e if: Son Francisco Sfate 80, Col Aggiu 53. Por'ffond u. 56, Montono Stat" 50. Chico State 02, Nevada 59 Colitornio Poly (San LUi5 ObiSP0) 73, UC ot Santa Borboro 55 Col Tech 52, Pomona 49 Santo Clor(J 8',. PePQerdln~ 69. Fri,sna State 6..f, Lo Ch Stott 52. Whittler 64, Ctoremon d JS. S ht-1-n Methodl"t n, _ Alobrcsko J9 VonclerblU 72, LouJsio"ho Stott S7 Kt-ntucky 97, Mississippi n. Richmond 92, Furman 79. Ohio stote 78, Wisconsin 72 Penr, State 81, Svracuse n Baldwin Wolloce 96, St. Vincent 83 Miami {Ohio) 72, Dovton ,68 LaSalle 83, Seton Hall 6? "St. Anslems 77, New Homoshirl! 41 Lafayette 80, R•Jtg~i-:5 68 Nodhwestern 88, Illinois 79 Duquesne 73, Villanovo 61 Western Ken ucW'V 94, Armv 73 Purdue 85, ·~~~~!late Bl Marquette t-iicogo 60 Minneapolis 109, Philodelphla fl7. USD Crushes Laverne, 96-7 6 Spe-ciol IQ 1~ Sa11 o,e:,o umo11 LA \'ERNE, F'eh. i The t.:ni\·er iff f San Diego ba,c,. ketball quad, paced by fi\'e play who hit i'l d uble iig- ur ~cored 66 point~ i11 the sccoJ1d hall lo OYl!rpower La. verne Collf'ge. 96-1'6, here to- nigh... Thi ,, a. l e fourth , ictorv in IS star for the Pioneers tlu f'asQD. LaVon Baker, who colle cd 21 points. and Ker Lesli with headed the Pionerr parade. Art w_·c;al adere vski vrth 1- nd Boij aine~ with l,t aidaq the use. Bob \ "he lPr ami AJ. Bu~ cy of La\ 1 te caeh canned 24 Air Force 7S, South Louisvllle S1 KoO$OI Utah 86, Wyoming s, Cenver 101, Br 9hom Texas weslcvori 9 an 82 T eicos A.& AA 65, 8oyJ Auburn 15.. North Corti North Cor State 19 Sootn: olino 65 fo~~eJ~.'ij~~ t 1 o Georgetown 1ol.1 .19'. Penn 75, Brown 67 Nebratka Nes1eyan 58 Amher 6l. Coast Guora Princeton 78, Yol@ 63 Dartmouth '95, Columbia ,&5 NBA "Boston 124, New York 11&.

The San Diego State Aztecs will endeavor to regain leader- ,t.:;,•~\~~.~~;;"P 5f."'d "'°" 0 - ship of th_e Californi_a Collegiate Athletic Association this ~n~~~••: 9 n b~,i~~~~':''ti 5,~. week but first they will entertain Pasadena College in a non- n Dt•~o Jc 7_5, L. \ Harbo 90 '6. league contest tomorrow night in Aztec Gym. •~v~f. 9 ~\1~t~•~~~h t:,"!uramor 61, While the A4l:tecs were !os• --------------- ~~7l'o~~-,~~~·no st 5.1. lng a non-league game to waltzed past LaVerne College, m~~ndl(, 0 tia:~ 0r1:•·¥:;~ilr.,o~~d 78 · • Marine Corps Recruit Depot, 96-76; Cal Wc>st\ffn cut down ewls & Clark 71. CoI1eo• ot ldoha 68. 73-69 Saturday night Fresno Cal Baptist, 76~54, and Camp ~f,,g~nfi·s62~~s'c:W~e~tCc;1i(irn1~· 5f ' k • f' t • J · Pendlcto won 29 Pal umboldt St, 70 Gon,aoa 65. State too oye1 lrS pace In n over ms, oslern Oreoon 'i,. Southern orenn 10. the CCAA by routing Long 76-69. ~:i~•rarene Redtand• 11. 1 Coupli>d ~ith a 70-65 Friday and Ken Leslie 20 to lead the g3_ Francisca s1. • ca111ornla "'"" •• night triumph over Sant a USO triumph while Norris !~~•gr St. Colle;~ 6S, CotocodO West. Barbara, the victory over Greenwood's 23 tallies Jed the• usT Long Beach boosted Fresno Westerners. The Pioneers .~A·'s~~ :r t!~i~:. ~h. to a 5-1 conference record have three games this week osolle 83, ~,ton Hall•• ' , . . afayette eo, RvfSJtrs 68 The Aztecs are 4-1. agamst Westmont College at . Anolems 77, N~w Homoshtro ,,. 8anta Barbara Th d t artmouth 95,!imbla ss. SANTA BARBARA NEXT ' urs ay, a eorpetown ,o HP. NLihOm 70. " . . , Fresno State Friday and with ~ 1 ,a!n ht fl Following tomorrow nights Pa~adena College at Mission mherst 61. coo Acadenw 16. b ttl •'th p cl th A , "quesne 73, VIII . a e \\ 1 asa ena, e z. Bay High School Saturday. rlnceton 78, Yale • . tees wl)l visit Santa Barbara Cal Western travels to Pasa- g~ 9 0 °J: 1 A 0 ~~n~i~ ~~neva ~,. Friday night and Cal Poly of d t d 1 C CNV 66, Sf. Francis IN.Y l ~3. , ena O ay O meet al Tech ornelt 67, Harvard 63 San LUIS Ohklpo Satu rd ay, at 5 p.m. The teams both have .1!w"JFn4 NJ,;h,5.?nb,;-;~n~otfan S6. b Oth cc engagements. defeated Pomona rovldence 71, Rhod• Island 59. ~1CRD ris~ J • 7~4 record .in · t~n~}~ 1 ~ii~ ~~a~>'1it'JJ'f,}~·1n-;tl'!r ,,., a road game With th.e Barstow! MCRD 173 b F p T S.D. Slat• J'V p T ~~x:~'¥'.9ch 68 79,Lji~~~ ~t·akln, 61. Marines tomorrow night, then ~, 1 m~,11 ; l ~g k~'!,'gr 1 t n ~~e 0 ~t 6 AA~~~~h~;t~t 1~·. face~ Kirby Shoes of Los .jl.n- Allen 8 , 1 20 Wot•r, 8 2 1 11 t. eonoventuro 9:J, Nlogora 79. I . h . nd Smlth • 3 2 11 Mulder 2 t 3 5 SOUTH ge es ,Ul t e Opemtlg ITlll Caln 7 I 2 15 Neat -< I O O ake Forest 56, Morvtand 53. the four-day Vegas tour, i 00 1 3 ! ovr 78, ~qst0!1 Calle!oec72 ·o T f 1 :n l1 I 7 T lol es Vlrgm1a 96, Ho Y ross ,.. . nament \Vedne day. 0 0 3 • • 31 7 1 H 9 ~estern Kentucky st.,,. Arm• 11. d . J ,• St~r~ttjt* score-MCRD 36,, SCIIII Ditto anderbllt 72, Lou1S.ia't'la St. 57. _The Aztec , ~spite p aymg Free "throws ml,sed'-MCRO , 61 _ entuckv 97, Mis,!"~% 72. without the services of 6-5 Ed Gibb,, StittweII 2, Allen 3. San OfegaR~';\':;"'t"odrcitln.f"s',m~ 7 south carottno 65, Davidson who has been de- 510 ' 0 13 > - Waters 2 • DohertY. . eorge Was111ngton 87, Wtlttam & Mo, 5 6 2 16 Notre oome 76, ion ls u, 59.. 18 points to pace the State ~&,"lr:;~ nd l g a ~~•,t:~y ! ti 1 i ~~~•:i~ 1t1. 8 %,Kfg,t%J~·,9 Of.fensl·,·e but the effort '"as Jah~san 6 1 5 13 Tec~holdt 3 3 a 9 Homlln• 11, Sf. Marv'• (1\1\inn.1 "· v ..,. Lewis -II o 2 a Whe01on 7?, Southern Illinois,,. offset by the balanced MCRD Fmd~ J Uo 1f Totals 102 10 S4 ~r~~?:~oH •• ~ilnt 52. attack which found all f i Ve Halftime score _ Cal west•rn O Cal E,'onsvil'o ~• 1 Valoara;,o u. M. starters hitting at least 11 Bapti, t 27 · , J!i~~1ra ~Y"M ~i,i;i',c~ur;r 73 ' points. Center Frank Allen led 2P PALMS (7iJ F p TCAM PEN C.~J p p T ~~~7,;J· 6cire~~"'jr 1 ~arshall 85 lover• the way with 20 points Mcloory 10 o 2 20 Scribner 1 l 3 3 Hmol, • Wortllv "' 3 " II Peterson ,i1 2 1 10 Bradlev 71. Otake- ~o. . Fe~h 9 5 A 23 Corrigan l O o 2 Bl1tlf-'r 17, Boll St_ 67. ID'IGHT BREEZE , Wilson 2 5 5 9 Bugn;azet 4 4 1 12 Mi!Hkln 100 Ldk• ForNI 9T•· Manns ; 1 0 9 Wyatt 4 0 1 8 SOUTHWES . San Diego Junior College Cumberlcnd 2 O l A ~~1:~~an l t f 1'J mc"o"\~$ U: ~~~g;,.,7~loverfome ran its Metropolitan Confer- Zlttlnts 1 1 J J Arizona st. u. 85, Arizona 62. k 6 3 'th 7~ 46 Total! 3l 141' 76 Totals 27 lS 16 69 ITexos Scwtnern 105 Joe so" 8'. ence mar to · Wl a ;J· Holflimo score-Cam Pen 43, 21 Palms Houston e~ Oklaho~ Qt• U, 63 conquest of Los Angeles Har· 36 · I~~•,t&Rk~ 5 sl°y r JZ bor Saturday night following MIRAMAR


1-foo'l'tr 60, c~iYaH v~f,:~L k~ric~~9~'1f.otJ ~.~l. Mission BO'r' s•. Crowford ~o. lt1c!~J1~~ii~!, '8r 'grif \t He-I Ix 47, Mission 40 sweetwcter '4, E 100 45, Mor Vh1to 47, Cor dQ. 46. Oceon~ide ts.. Corl 48. i°o7t~;F:~~•.o ~;h:~~;io 36. Brow!u· '3, Jmper1cl <17 COLLEGE ~on,i~~'\ 0eir~1r 0of P°o~t s\.Au~~ :~. Callfotnla 60, UCLA 58 Nozorene 61. west Colo. 6 , Coiorodo College 56 \\,~tiJ~o sg,°Jr~ ~f.rbara M Ptooerd int: 71, San Jon State 69 (ovtt• th 5(j~· Frar,clsco Stofe 65. Cal Agvies 57.

Of'e, 6-UfiO, 1H; LRvcrm• Collel1,.;>, t.14. De('. 17-USD, 55: Wca~monl Collrre. 60, D~c. 19-U~D, 10; San J•"ernaudo, 7:-t. Dec. 23-USh, fJ8; San Dtcro Atr 1·orl'r, lf9. Orr. 30-USD, 13; l;;,n l}lt.go Ni:..val Air St.11-tlon, 14. 1:~. ~rl'Jfo. 4 ~!; c::~r. 1~';:;1~•;:~•;·,. 8" Ja.n.. l&-TJ6'O. 70, :ruadcna. C0lleJf!, ~- Jan. 1'1-USD, 157· Pr-pp..rdlnt> Collr-rot, -11. Jan, 30-USD, 77; '"B. F. St.1 .68. Jan 31 USO. 61; ChLpman, II~. Feb, 6-USD. 61; ~,CRl), SS, FPb. 7-tJF;D, OOt Le. Vtrne,_.,7;.:fo:.'....Jc.-,__ __

untlc 1decl as 8 re••lacement. ~~i:::1s,~1:f61_inte,'1, 52 t' Lovola (1..0'5 AngelH) erry lulder Clara -45.





may tep nto th brea h or ter"•~~~ r~,;~1~

The Vi C t Ori CS did th e Ducel Knights little good, however, *r~:;:hun b ? l f since league-leading Bakers• ~°11~/lme 2 /c\.5r!!JJ.1ramar 29, s Ia I e field knocked off Harbor, 59. Frosh 28. 52, Friday and followed it L.A. HorboG i4~ T San 01••• J7/! P l with a 70-67 triumph over Los k~~~tk• l 1~ ~!),~f~ 1 j b 11 Angeles Valley Saturda:y for ggfi1~ay g l 1l r%~,;'.~ • 1,~' a perfect 9-0 league figure. camobell 1 1 2 3w.Johnson o o 1 The Knights play at Valley ~glE°o:\ t 1) [i~e'l~mes 8 f !\ O O 1 0 Total$ 2, 6 t, 64

/atcrs may be ~i 6 ,tTni~ 0 ~ 7 82~~~°ii~«::,g~•s1at1 13, Oregon 73, Oreqon Stote &B. I North Dokola 70, Au9u,1ana iO (' t r post ,vith I' <" n (!

; 8 ETBALL RESULTS [TPioneGers LaTun~h --~~--~-------, .. ·wo- ame np l 7 0 ~et1ysburg !7, Fronklln & Morshall

Jorward Ray \' 1 h 'f I t th I tN O

?"~~:u~~!e,u Har-

)lernlf' Rl'Vllk manning t 11 e

~"o'Z.~r~f.'i~Y~'t 6859

t r\\ard lot J, \ a:

bor s2

j~~~~~J!n7!·, .Pr~g!~n~i 3· Moine 714, Mcs'klchu!efts 6?. 5~~uN'J:. 1 ,'hfJSterti 15 corne1· 1:i. Pltl,bu " J HalY Cro.. ~i!i~~I 4.70 w~:tteot ~t!n 8 ~a~:R~a 7 l9. Ouke so. ~1·:~~?;oT~hB~~~ono~e:~es~ 6:3. r St. D =

r 'tj

I _,

17nent may re .. , ~ 1 arMo~ IG 5

The ex

io) 81

St. jo!'"ePh's (Pa,) SO, Pennsylvania }l,


Merrimack 72, Cieri< U, 68. Yale ,s. Brown •'· vcrsit y of San· Diego's ~~~ 01 t~la'tnu,,e,clsr,s. . 79. Tehrs. 71. ' New Hoven play their nth road Morylond SL 80, Lincoln (Po.} .58. /nigh ti opposinl( Navv 68, Penn sr. 58. out Caroltno 18, Colawba 76. Wutern Corolltio 82, High Point 62, I r~. T!1~~a1ol-1. Morr $-Harvey Bl, neers play F'resn Johns Hoo-k ins 90, Towson Tchrs. 66. Jocksonvlll& (Alo.) 'resno. aturday F S Chottonooga 63, South College. The Pion~ Ito Westmon1, 6 I earlier meeting · · Ton1orro\v nig)

<·ehc a p. rtlal te t tonight oarrm luce the Alie ·,; ha\ e I i I t I e 1,me to r1>bui!d bt'.!01·c return-

l l 1 /1 g l ~I


Friday Long Beach Satur- day if} two conference games lnvolvm the three teams now



lng to l'C'A

II l on aga!nSl St Ja-.oh 82. Seton Hall b,,

a.Holmes o 1 i2 n , 6 Totals 14 18 16 46 Total• Hottlime score _ an Diego 37 , L.A. 7


~dnla Barb< ra Fl'ltlay on the

d l

t 6 3

Sh ·

armg secon p ace a

· :

uucho ourt A non-confer- Centtnarv 12, Oklahoma c,ry , • <'rte~ rng· gr.ment \\Ith P11sa- fgft~r'i·,1i',·n~.', 01 afwesrsrn 1111na;, 67. dcna Co on th!' ,\ztec floor Monrano sto•• 6a,.,~cr:t1ond u. ,a. TUI' day \\ Iii be ::;tale's llrst •__ D_•_nv_e_r_9_5._A_k_r_on_9_1 ---= ~t ,rt wllh

Adeloh la 78, Fo,r,.eld 76.

In o!her _Saturday mght Hir~f /~rows missed L.A. Harbor- games mvolvmg area teams, shetdrq~e. Gatlin 2, comobett, Nelson. University of San Diego t~"H.°i;l;~t B. HGdi';;,e,[,1_ 2 • E. Johnson 5 •

s ·

71 w t b

points f 1" I "'h honors. USO~,., 'G F p T Lavorll •

St l h


(~:> F p T 9" 6 3 24 O O I 0 1 Z: 2 : • 0 ..C 8 O 2 1 2 3 3 2. 9 o o l o 30 16 21 70

Nichol~n~~.s H:~cfYucoiini a,,~" ury · Kno~lfllh! 120, Allen 10~.

~~~~~.~2b~fo~ar:•N 49 Villonovo 57, Conislus • 8. St. Mlchael'! {Vt.) t,S, Vermont !2. i~r~~n(~f.'i 6~ 6 H~t~rsJi~~ ~~chrs. 52 · Davis &Qlklns 116, Gle-nville 91. Adelphf 7! Falrfidd 76. b~~~~~u.~ 2 i1 t'o"!S'

Bake Mo E$ ~le'l 1 Lesll!!- Rebello Boran Totals. Poderwski

9 3 " 2 1 v\'tleeler I O' ;t H NO'IICU ·~ l~ 4 II '- 20 Pott~r 6 3 l 15 McIntire o 0 2 o Bordona 3 J 3 9 Moore 38 10 20 U Totals ~~~;in

Lange :ares 30r Marines Defeat D

will be hoine to Pr\,

MPanwhlle. J\lCRl> t~ roll. Jn to h1g;~1y ucce slul sea, on Powerlul l'1rby Shoes broke an eight-game winning i; reak for the \!urines on 'Ju d,ty o[ th! week with an 11 l• IOl tl'iumph in two over- times. :-.1t RD returned to the wln11mg column Thur ·day and a;:11in 1 t night by defeating C ti We lem and C'niversity or San Picgo. re pectively, for

T\~:fnt 2 ·Hlll 48, Troy CA/o.J Tchrs. 43. Rollins 77, Er~i


Holftime s.ure:

lJ, USO Jtt.

SAN Dt~CO, CALIFO~Nl.l Thttr•.• F'('b. 12, Hl/i9

eowlln9 Green J7, Toledo 68. t

s1~ Francis (Pa,)

1- USD to Pia

ri~'\~n~v~~t~r· 72;


EVENfNG TRIBUNE ~AN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 1- Tues., Feb. 10, 1959 • b 5

Williams 85, U H~verford 62 U lnus 55 1~~~ 1 iiit 0 !:f1c;!t;6, ._ Drexel Tech 97~ Swarthmore 69. (NY) 66.


?inrs. 66 .

Texas Chrlst,on 80, Te1:as A&M 61.

Three Games ree games ,this week, but only one will be here. The Pioneers oppose Pasadena College Saturday night at :Mission.Bay High. Thursday night they will take on Westmont College at Santa Barbara, seeking re- venge for a previous lo~s. The following evening will see USD going against powerful Fresno State at 'Fr e s no, Games at Chico State Feb. 19 and 20 w:ill conclude the Pi- oneers' schedule. cagers w· la:i

Don Lange scor d 30 points 11 pre,ent 26•4 eason record. last night in the J oint Loma Tht- .\l~nnes ha,e a veteran Iligh gym to help .\larine q\llntet ll'd hy plarer-coach l'orps Recruit Depof race to Don Lange (6-51, 1.-rank Allen ~n 88-ol baskPtball, 1ct or y 16 61 and Lott Cihh~ 16-31. O\'er Urnvnsity of San Diego < ,tbt) !;~Ored 22 points and Thr. Leatherneck had no L,t11~ 20 it1 1C'RD's previous 1.-ouble after forging a 44-26 , 1ctory over the Aztecs this ha IFri ml' advantage. i; r ,t. on Aztec· guard Ha I Bob 1ai!l<', '"" ill"'h for Brown hnd 14, Blake N e a I thf' c·ollegians with 19 point~. and Da\·1d on 12 each and l"his \\, MCRD s 26th v1c- ll rnlc f'1nlay 11 against the Jory ag II st r defeat· l,P.ithcrneeks. use m> Wc:al

THE SAN DIEGO UNION a 16 ® Wed., Feb. 11, 1959 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Westmont f irsf Of Thr e·f For

Saker Leiltt Yost Mn·n• Pdrw-::1d Boran Reb!!IIO

Special to The Son Oien Unio" SANTA BARBARA .F'cb. 12 - A t a 11 Westmortti College leam with no starlcr ui,der 6-3 lorded it over UniV1!1·sity 01 San Diego's ba.skethdl! team here tonight, 85-71. . It was Westmont's second v~ctory of the season over the Pioneers. Paul Heinrichs, a 6-7 ce;, Jed the Santa Barbarans with 27 points. Ron Mulder a 6-7 forward from Helix High Sc~ool in La Mesa, added 15 pomts and 6-4 Jerry Gorton 20. Bob Maines• looping jump shots accounted for 21. points for USD. f USO ()I)

I THE UN DIEGO UNION Prtl,.~b. 13, 1959 ilillllCSl!!GO. CALIF, O b 11 BASKETBALL SCOR



FEBRUARY 9 , 1959 K f TBAil RE LJ LTS ~~~- ~-==:r.:~--""".'".:----::~ v.,!if caiiec:1:Jf,,-10. tl'.'=..o.;.~~}~J."i!,~~ 0 6.3,; "· West

'Notstmont Coilooe 85, u Klrt,v Shoes 15, MCRO 12 Houston 11. LOYOia ILq.) Montana Sfot, 67, Regis Wl"leaton 10,, Beloit ~s. L'\l'~ ~lwl14! 53, Hartford , ~ortt, WJ.Sf Vkolnia 70 (

Ohio , lafe Llfe up et last I Works, 73-62, lor its 11 rs t loss ot the year, takes on

The University of San Di- ego basketball squad travels to Santa Barbara tomorrow night to meet, Westmont Col- ,------------- Jege in the first of t hr e e games this week. College at Mission Bay gym San 01..,0 n.s~ln~;.~~~-L Saturday. · ~~!~~!\fi~sfif~ Jl~Y 44. USD lost an earlier meeting / Rancho Itel snow. with Westmont 60-55 in San Ciairemont '7, Cl'liflorcl 37. Diego and is Y.;inless 'in three ~~v~hs~~v5~?1~"Jl1:u!f· 32. starts against the Santa Bar- rin 1l'1'!'0':ii~" 6~~F~lrb:riok 35. ~ara club. ~~.:Oun9auYt~~ 6 J 0 f~1~~ 1 ~Ji~·• .c,. Ken Leslie, the only senior FRESHMEN on the USD club, has contin- st~,n .~.1"" 0 Slate Frosh 5T, MCRD All, ued to make a strong bid for Hancock 71. USC Frosh 62. another mention on the Cath- son Diego f~keLEfi~ Pasadena Col- olic All-America basketball lel1=A 79 sfate 87, santa Borbara 7,i. team wit': ~is 16.2-g!3-~& av- ~f."~~nc~• 6 fh~;t';;:hH~1i 5!1. erage. lnd1v1dual statistics: P,ttsburgh 75, Carnegie Tech 65. NAME TP SMU 54, Bavlor so. G- FGM FTA FTM Pct Avg- Missouri 51, Oklahoma Stofe «. oo ot Ju11a¥ ••d., The Pioneers move on to Fresno State Friday and re- tum home to battle Pasadena ----"-,---------,+-

week by California Electricl _ _ ,..,____ _


· ~- t{~~n~ I• Vfrgfnio Milltar/:'t • Holy s ,.,. Furman 64. al &3. Western Kentuck.v 89 Ta ~ho~tcn C~lege 11: Sy~~~ 5~ 7 5 3 _ Jing 75, Wake For

Convair Eagles ln municipal oreson st. 72. wa,hlngJon SI. 51, k , St. Marv's (Colil,l 6-1. USF 63. has etball s Clty League to- collfornla Poly (SLOl 73, Santa Bar- night at 6:50 nt Balboa Park M~";;; ;~·. San 01 .. 0 state 6 9. gym, Utah St. 87, New Mexico 72. Calewo •Which now ls nly Colorado Mine• IS, Omaha 60. two gam'es behind the lead- ~,~°F 9 ~c~ 0 A~~~~t 1s. soutll Dakafa 57. 29 Palms 76, Comp Pendleton 49. el'll, take!f the co1,1rt at ~30 g~tw8:ii::~•f61.'nt 0 f 00 ptbt 5 ,. against Old Town Tamale. Montana ;9J colorodo st. o. "3. The schedule: b~~v~i,81. 'ii!i~h~mAv~';/l%.... At llafiaa ru~ G'"' Son Dlego State J=ro!h 6-', Miramar 41. \I t/ lJg1e~h(tuv').t C~~lnh,:cimv•u~°ril: s,. !4. 1.~rv "',. San. of ego Ctut (Balboa), wes1ern washln;Jon 86, Pu;et Sound 78. A~tro,.$Q1tlllte!o \IS. Sparlcs (Metro). ' Fresno City CoUe~e 7&, Porterville &.-'. At 7:55 Weber'! Market vs. fLWU L.ewls & Clark 71, Cotle'i.le of Idaho 61. ftlh Perl( Baptist vs. lit 8ap. t~v,,~~nf~·.\~'s~e?~e~neacC:nflrnl!· 55, ~r t.JO--Callfornla Eleclrl Worlc.s vs Humboldt St. 10 7 Gonzaga 65. 01 At T,~·~-J~r~ 0 ~ep~~· e 1• ~~.'Yk·ohr J1t~ ~-•~~~,e~c5,,~u:~d~ ~-esion ,o. ;~~tl:rrct"gf Baptist vs. Claire- 7f~• Ar fioover Mith Gl'm San Francisco St. 8tl,. Colltornla Aggie! Al 6:4~-Chrl,t Lufhtran VI. AJtro- 53. Rock1ttet (WOIT\tn). Colorado St. Colleot 65., Colorado WHt• at~ 1 '{~~m~~f.~ Ansiels n. Block and ern 61. East I•' Ive Unlver. lty of an Dieio cagns hit In double i1' l~~1'::~s.5h. figures Saturday night to lead Lc,alle SJ, s.ton Half 6'. ~,cifayene •~ Rutger, 68. the Pioneer~ to a 96-76 victory l'ioJ.:\~Sm',f •c~tt%~~"l~~hlro 61 · over UlVPrne on the losers' G•orgetown (D.C.) 79, Fordham 70. court. Lavon Baker led USO J~~~n;l t~.e~b1r' 57 · With 21 points. ~m,~r,S~.'}i,c~f~n~~grf,.Mademy 56, '!'he f>i nMrs t 11· b Princeton ,a, Yale 63. o ,. , , ra mg Y cotoo•• !5 eulfalo !3. 3830 11t halfllmP, came back Carnegie tech. 12, y,enevo fg. lo score 66 points In the sec- ~~::.~116l1 5 ~.;,~~~a ~

South Wake Forest 56, Maryland 53. Navy 7B, Boston College 72. ~::fe':ti}~h~u~~Y HS~~Y9~,'~m'$· n. Vanderbilt 72, Louisiana St. 57. ~fc'ti%~ 9 /.i. ~Ls:~~W~~. 12 • , North Carolina St. 72, Soutt'I Caroll~ 65. Gearge Wa.shlngfon 87, WIiiiam &.: Mor, Aigl.lrn 9S, Georgia 69. Kentucky Wesleyan 111, Florickl 'Soufh. Mffs~556?PP1 St. S2, Tennes5e-e .t5.. Georgia Tech. 77, Tulane 67. Flor!do St. 61, Loyola (La.) 60. l\b~¾~61~1l~~fdJ 0g9:1' Lee 5'. Midwesf 1fhdi~it e,~~ '¢Jfs';;i£~s1n'~. Baldwin Wallace 96, St. Vincent ll. Mlamr (Ohio) 72, Dayton 68. Iowa &9~ Minnesota 65. Purdue 85, M!chlgol"I St. 81. Morquette llO, Lotola f'II.I 69. ~g~):vR1~it 7 ~an~!s,~~ 59 • . Kansas St. 70_. Colorado~!, Hom11ne 71, ::::.t. Mary-'1 Minn.) &&. Whectoo 7', Southern lit nol!- 7'. Chicago U. 66, K tnoJ Polnl 52. Clnclnnatl 1!,0, Temple to. Evon!ville ti;"~ Volparolso U. 64. ~~~rra <91exMe~P~,c•Jl~R 73 • IOWd St, 61. Missouri 53. Bot'f~:f. Green 8&, Marshall as (OVtr•

<;.tofs Bl, American lnlernation-

G F p T WEl1MONT (85) ..c 2 s lo Wilson 0 4 16 Mulder 7 l 1~ 3 3 t 9 H~lnrfci)$ 10 7 2 27 4 Q J 8 Lien O 2 o 2 1~;!' 21 Skelton 2 o 1 -,• 0 11 5 Gorton 9 2 2 20 2 Greene 1 2 2 6 McC~~ 2 2 6 And • n 0 Kr~ l o ._ Wray o 1 0 31! IT l n T- 1 !14 171& Bl score-Westmont 43, San DI~ f PT r

Leslie Boker Reed Wlcol Maine, I Pad'r'skl Rebello •

Totals Halftime eso JJ,

~:Ct 6 7l 0 fi~~/'s 4

T~~~i 1

Bcktr, c- Leslie, g Maines, g Boron, f Baker, c f-'1.,drs~I, 511 Rebello, f Mathis, g Turpin, c Wfcol, C R. Rotll, f B. Both, f Keyesr g Reed, f Glt!'Oson, g O'Neil; c Yoost, c

15 52 3S 24 68.5 128-8.5- 18 121 67 so H.6 292-16.2 18 99 66 -45 68.2 2.43-13.5 14 70 37 24 454.9 162.11.5 lS 52 3S 2.f 61.5 l2M.5 18 36 20 10 50.0 t·4.6 ~g 1: 1 f ~tf 7 ~J} 1 ~ ~;:: ~t2~s 1 ~ ~1 2 ~

George Was.hJneton 66, Maryland M_ Boston u. &7, Connecticut 55. North Carolina Sta1e eo Ouke 72 S1. Mary's 63, Colle9e· of Pacific J.7 Chapman 69, Col Poly (Pomona) San JDse State 69, San Francisco -49. so.·

R~~~l:yn~ 1 8~1r 0 lt~ if~ Mllllkln 100, Lake Forest 94.

Pclomo/~~~c'!a~s'fuLeLfs~E 1 i 'i 1 i I iu ?tU b~u/5't"Yas~'Rl!~?J. J~ 5'. i l i i l:o tt:g Jc50~ Bernardino 68, Ml, San l g 1 g 88:8 ~:8•~- ~;o;:: 1 c~~, i~: 1 o 2 o oo.o 0--00.0

O fl 'I 1

,_,....._.. "• T ch'icOsi~ 62, Nev Arizona St u. 85, Houston ~t Oldanom Texas A&M 65, Bov Texa, Sovlhern 105,;ison 83. ty U. 63. t~x~!n~h~i~tfo~66. Tbas Tech. s,. 62.

Monterey Peninsula 64, Menlo $.C - -- ......:___:


i l1

Provlden~ 'f1, RI\Oc:le lsla11C1 .s,. G IF p ,- Ren,'$e!Off 71 {achafer 61. 9 4 3 2'4 St. Fronds (Po. 54! Westmlnsfar D Genvsburg '8, eh gh 36. .J

USO {")

Lawern. 17•>


Wheef1r -4 Nonlc1ro

alnes v:_.,1 f • ll Jiu•- • i t4J ~0;',r~•;!x!,I:...!:Tc~c:,'.h~,:_7.:,:9,:.,:J!!Oh::.::,:n:,s.:,H:,:°"::;:::kl::,:n.:,•.,:6.:,1·:,.._~_ ==='=-~~--------=,,... :,-"1• , f 2 ;.~i~!:'' 2 I~ a •rw1kl J ij McIntire 1 2 •~:no l ¥'-'ord,~na t t ! Tola!• II 10 20 '6 \9:1a1, JO 16 21 76 Halfttffll ICOrli Lavern• X, USO lQ.

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