News Scrapbook 1958-1961
b-3 ·:__~-~-- ~---~--~ -~~--
f~t £an Pitgo Union
•AN Dt • QO (AUFOlilNIA If at., Ort. 4. 19/1~
RATURJ)AV OCT. 4, 19.~8
Aerials Test Bobcats the locahtes have sharpened their air attack for that JS where the Staten; ha,·e been the weakest defensively. '.\l~C's opponents counted 218 yards by pas t' • The Bobcats made 145 yards through the ail. Tlte return o! Duane O'Connor to assi t Jan Chapman with the quarterbacking chores lhQuld help the Pioneer attack. hope to make hay through the air they'll have to impro~·e, The ::.tontana ground attack has Pioneer coaC'h Bob MeCutchPon working ov<'rtlme. but at the same time MSC head man Herb Agocs did a douhle-takP when he heard about USD piling up 499 yards against two foes, over 100 yards more than the Bobcats have collected. USD won't be able to make any mistakrs against the veteran MSC crew, such as it did (Cont.. on Page B-S, CoL :o Chapman, ln handling the bulk of the signal ealllng work .for the locals, ha hit eight of 17 aerial attempta for 105 yarda so it the Pioneers
5:111 P.M. Ki:"MA-f:'rot"lk G,l')ot."' KGB•Recnrd R:tvlew 6 P,M. KFM8-Re-cord Show KFSO-Monltnr KAAl3•lt"'n East KSOO•Oou~ ~o,t KSON•S.D. A.flf'r Dark KCRQ-Rnlr,h James KUOE"..Alon Waskul KGB•News 6:111 P.l\f. ~~:~~·~O:lt't:a1i~ 0 w 6:~0 P.M. t(,SMl!J-Solurdov at KGB•R,-cord RPvrew Chos.
y Ml':L ZIKE San Diego'
l'ioneera Beem a
KFMB·Moondlal KFSD-Monltor KAAB•Flrt,•de Re¥Ua. KSOO•Oon Brownrt.._, KSON-S.D. Afhn ...-, KCBQ-Jerry Wclklt KLJDE-Alon Waikfll'T KG8·FOOlball 9:S0 P,IJ. KFSD·Oone • 1/ine lO Plll, ost t<~ON-S.D A ~, DarK ~1, 0 n°e~1rix w~:~!1'" KGB·F001boll 10:30 P.M. KFMB·Moondlal II P.M. KFMB•Moond ~!;ii.~?,n.c,, KSDO·HI Fl vuo
the arr lanes tonight a they 1 nationally ranked .Montana at out ·tadlum, each or! two sht opponent Bop.-at11 have been well l(()Uted 1 o It lan't hard to !liW-• that
2 P.M KFMB•Football l 2:111 P.M. Revl•w KG 8•Record us !I P.M . KFM8·FOOlball KFSO•Monltor I Passes 6:45 P.M. KAAA·Soh Mclouohlln KSOO•Wall~ M•ad• l(IJnF-Geo,qe Hoyr,. KGB·Reeord Review 4 P.M T JomH and Farm KFSO·Nol. Honie To Fill Air 7 P 111. THE SAtl DIEGO UNION $QI RADIO, TV: SPORTS LOG Ba,eball-World ·$enc!. 8:43 a.m .. Channels 10 and 4 and KFSD. Foolball Air ]:"Ol"C'P Ac-ademy ,·s. Iowa, 11 15 am., KGB. UCLA vs. Oregon State, 11 ·15 am .. KFMB. SMU., ,. :-;"otre Dame, 11 50 am., KBAB. Cahlornia Y,. Wa:;hing- ton Stall', .2:45 p.m., Channel 10, 3 and 4 l'SD ,·s• .Montana State, 7 .53 p.m., KGB. • a 15 t, 19,iil • at., Ort. t•N DIEGO, C•LIFOR"r• 7:!10 P.llL 4:45 P.1'11. !(GB-Take Off Tlmt KFMB-Susoens• 7:l'il'i P.llf. KGB-Foolt,oll· U.S.0. vs. Monrana S1ott ll P.1\1. KFMB•Clty Ho,pllol r.,;SLJ·M011llor KRAA-F'irP.,!dP Rrvul"' ~~~g:J~~i"'~wo~;;~lb KSON·S.O AflM Uurk II P.!IJ. KFSD-Monltor KBAB~Len Eost KSO~•Wallv Mood, KCR -Oon Hower<, K<() -T.N T ~gR~~<:,fg[~e MHJ1r~f1~II I 15:111 r.!\1. KGB-GUI"'~, s1or KGB.-Rec.ard RtVltw 8:30 A.M. MJDNJGIIT J{FMB-Word• to Ltv"' lh KSDO•Co'lonto Collln• KUOE-All'ln Wl'l,kul l(C BQ-Jot:k vmc • nt .c. at., o.. t. THE SAN DIEGO ,UNION 10:111 L a 0 ' USD Fa es Bobcats Tonig (Continu~cl) fcg:l~;~:h;O 'nivcrsity of Mex•1arm. A good pass<'r who lik s1 · · · tu. run. he was a Junior CoJ. Pioneer coach Bob Mr• leg<' AII-Ame-rican wi1h Citrus Cutchlbelore the flrst. pet d eni:ledl956. ~hang The .COltl scoo1'1d a st cat coach Herb Agocs IS nott Augllltlne fumble th ;acte three changes-one quar \ •m a surpri H I I Sain ;l3 and Don Ball made d se. e 1as n • c Gene Schilling a the it 1he -three yards for the.mder, from left to right l Cutcli; tyl er. and Clyde Cleveland ulai· · Augus s defenslviuncts, from right to left g-ua1 ~• platoon, bulwarlltd by 1 i n e · Ve,cr backer Al Rioillan, tack], ~urpri~e is the starling pounj Robert Kimball and guarcmen( of Tom ;\,Tolc-n at P?~n · Louis Yandall, blanked th ;I! over Bob Rudio. Ra•1 hile. C;olt Fr lit lS JAi ALAI RESULTS 75) QB Chao:an ii& or O'Connor 165 ----------------·N•u kn Gcu~~r,phl 170 t F!ive points, 1lnalt1, quinlela U.80r · • ,.._ .,-_- Elolo c2, .............. ,.oo ,.oo St.N DI EGO, CALIFCl1lNI,. s.s:,_ DIOcl!llO, CALl~Ol!NII, .., t. 4, 1958 y CITY ROUNDUP Editorials Classified Ads lbt ian tlit!lO lniott Radio-TY Comics ATURliAY MOINING, OCT. 4, 1958 0 an Diego What's Doing In Old ioo mng margm. The wmners ha, 3 :88 the best ot it in a hard-tough s'll~l~';l'eo•r·u game, piling up 11 first down to six 1or the losers. 3 ·'° 5.00 . tl!:~;~ 1 ,Jf 1 . :::· ·:···.·:·:· l;;-t~izi~l"'c,·i doub·I••·. Aoor.•cla•.Al·b·•rdl w .. .. ~i:i_[·M_l!g~rde- t3) . . . . . . ~iblonc,l2) ..._. .. ······:.·:.· 3-Flv!' polnt.;,1n1Ju,11ulnlela21.46; ........... > 1.20 3.00 APc;trlc10 (5) 3.20 4-Fi\'e PGlnh, 5fn9lt1, quiniela t; r s i- 0- O I Mt, Miguel Oxnard .. ::::·::::·::::·o o scorlna-Touc:hdown: LI~ A th Mt. Mhiu~I 0 c.:.•m=•...:Cc:I,_,,:Pc,luc:n:e.•,c•>c:.·________ n ony ( JO oo· ~\ro 3.00 ............. 7.2~ S.60 16.20 ~gft~rn" cW M t88 0 ;";~: ~ln;;;·.:d:~,· qulolo~~OO C B r ver .. • . . 8.00 3.20 G'JF90•£ gfolo (3l A~o~~i()-~b1i?J1 '<&r··_·.. 7 .ti.BO SUN., OCT. 5, 1958-Part 111 &--Six PGints,. ,1nllflt'4Uinlela 11.M: .......... 12.00 1.0D i:18 7d~:br.•~~'.\o;'1n1-.11ulnlela 21.11, dallr ~Y~~?'"cs\31 J.oo Arrarte t ) •• •• :·: .._ A.~ IONAL GRID SCORES I Keot st, 14' Oho u., o. Ba dwtn Wailaci:-, 50; ,._,ew t-4aver, st.. n I Tufts, 74; Ba1es, DOI BALTIMORE, Oct. 3 UP1- ~~,;t'J~d1~1 m ···• · ····· 10 ·0D 3 .,o J.,o Tony Anthony using a mur t.o · ?:fg Archie McBride out of t h l0 00• rmg lJt the ninth round afte '-"° l:~ 1•~r ' derous left hand, knocket 2.eo - • • . • • ·.·:::. Gor_rj_fh...Q_(5L_ I-Five paint,, d ~~~h~°e:ZJ%~T~• ~~r__t_e-Mendi t t-Five points, SOIIT"lANO 14. LafaYe11e, 27; Muhlenberg,, 14. JOhn C_arrol, 1; Thiel, O. Carneg,e Te-ch. 19; Bucknell 13. 1,~e;ca;,d2l 3 ;aft!:ii;o~.)lkins, 1 • Moravian, JO; Wilkes 8 Western R~erve, 52; B~thany, 18. 'kot;~r~:~i~ki:,~c~rfe::~-· 8· Lehigh, U; Gettysburg. 1.i (ticJ. Bloo,:nsourg. 32; Mansfield, 6. Hamtltori, 34; RPI, 14 ~~f~~~. 1 ~Jf~!•v!~io;d0C~ 4 ~aven, 7. M1Jlersvllle, 6; Kl,ffltown o Nafional Aggiesr ll; Ore~e( Teet, s Si:iringf1eld, 32; Northeaot.te~n ,o• • King's ?oint, 27; C. W. PoSt,'o · Gi~f'd':', 13; Cape May {N.J ) Coast qulnlela : • • a.OD , 3.; Comr,ton H.=iir1 tKa11.). 16; Bethany Camp Pendleton, 12· Cal Po'·1 'Porn.) &. (K~~:,.~. Emporia 1 .. r. :;:s . .. .. ,, qulnlela (Flag J, 28; Redlands, U. Arr 5t 5• /~ j~~:r!,<~~n ~tf~edBe~hel (Kart.). 6 ffe). Manetta. "'~ Mt. Uoion, 9 Bowling Green (OhioJ, 25: ·oavlon, o. Kllns.!s Wesleyan. 27; Friends (Kan) o ~':,.,;10~~·1i:·• 6Tfe/'t,r:r'n~'r;: Okla. st:, ·1.-: Blvfflon, JA; Defiance, o. (Mo.) St., 12; Pittsburg CKan.), F 1n ~d~.~moc n a ts;.0~ 1 10 «) 3 00 280 fl 3'. 60 3: 20 · Alberdl fubi p>csi .. ·:. · .:.::::. · [3) oormg him tour times ea tie). , Frosh ,~;1:. ~~~::JF;• c,\5> Urlarle 12J La eme. 39; Calt~h 1a Pomooa, 34: Cal Western ·;,~ 1011111 20 3 · 20 lier tonight for a ' .. .'.•..10.20 f.oo '2tg knoc~out in the Baltimore Col technica Referee Benny Goldstel iao 3;~ wasted no time in signalin JI.BO, the 24-year.old Anthony 1ror 1.20, starlloht quln• New York City as the wir s.oo ner at 1:30 of the ninth rounc He waved the "that's all 3 • 0 , qufnlola ... . rn B.411 .. ::. s.oo t88 '· 20 ,.o t 60 1seum. .20: polo!> · 111 • ,. c·trus 7 LSO~ ti::~hi.J.~':s. I~ e Oc:ea iaon:~-!"t;_,1;, ··::::::::::: 1 1 .:;;~I~ • 0}"11• sl1191u, qulnlela () ............. t.40 f~;~I m ·: ·::···::·::·: 12-s1~ polots. Medea o. ,28; E"• Camino o. PAClf'IC COAST McntereY, 3d Vmtur• O. Wri~eJ:'f6r linfield (OrJ. 2 Whltmal1 (Wajh.}, 14. ~~!~W:c ~cir.~'. u. ~/g"lto~: !~~f~'llf~~dM, Anchio•Cazalls ·c,1 t:r tOff. 21, Wt\ tworth. 6. I Alma. 17; Ktlamazoo~ U. We,tel'n Wast, f:;~1: 1 ~::b t!i'r 1 :~~~a;1t ,1° }w:ft1!~~Te. 00 s~iti~i St. Vincent (Pa), l2; G,meva West Chester, 63; King's (Pa.t ~~~d~"e°;or~ 8 ~!i' N1 ei i~~1~yht sourn Gf.!ilford, 28; Bridgewater W1nston--Sale-m Tchr.s 32 City (N.C.), u ·• Bolling AfB »· F1. Belvoi No. Ci!rohna Col. U; Morg K.nO)!.V.1lle (Tenn.t' 6; Kent Virg1ma St.. u. 81uefield s Philander Smith, 26; Le-land Shaw, 6; St, Augustine. o J. C. Smith, 14• St. Paui's, ~~1:~e:e. t: 1n1:a~s, o. Columbii,, 25 Or.• 13 • r POST 20-6 CPL VICTORY Alert Hornets Co MIDWEST ll. Hou,,on, :J.i: C e Mo!lt1 Olllahoml St.. W,ch •a 12 e. 7. Toledo. 13 Lou " Xavier 1ot '22 _Mamf 10 ),. a. Mu!Klnt1um, JJ. Dtnison, 15. Central MJch oan, ;u Cai::>1tal, 15; H1r m, o. Ohio We$ley19n, U. Akron. O Case, l. wavne lMIC.1'1.), J (ti~). Coe, 1';; Carleton. 0. 1 M"oJ;~~d 1~m~t t Valley City IN D.J, 20 Mtnot~ 1. Dickinson (N.D ), 13. Wahtc·on Science Southern Tchrs. {S.O.), U Yank'on, 7. Pr napla, 3-1~ Central By BRENT BECKE'lT Llncolft Hloh School COITffP League football game last night in Balboa Stadium. Tackle Melvin R o g a 1:1 blocked a Point Loma pun1 to set up Ll,ncoln's first touchdown In the second quarter. After recovering the J>_Unt on the Pointers' "T-)1lra line, the Horneti scored 1n several plunges fullback Kern Carson 1inall) driving across lrom the one The Hornets scored agair in the same period, line, n~~v~~l~S:.~" tN.C.}, 2a; M 0r r is town .,.~morr & Hfflrv, 28; Carson Newman, Virginia Tech, '27; Wflliam & Mary 15 (ie~~~f~tlle (A1a ), 28; Mary v (1 I e (KY. , 27; Wash. & Lee, 8, Oav,dson,. 8; "rhe Citadel, 6. Presby1enari, lS; Wofford, 1 •. Tampa, _19, Wstrn. Carolina, 12". E. Carolina., 6· C~f•wba, O. 82t:id Al.rborn,_ 01v1sion, 12; Ft~ Lee 1 (I M!sslss1ppi 7t Trinity {Te,:,) o. Mis~. Southern 24; Memohts St.• 22. Louisiana Tech. 17; McNeese O. Gramblm~, 2; Raul Quinn, a Nor~h_east CL- t, 29 Stnw-,airla., 8. lou1srana C.,1 ~; Ulhwst f La., 12. .$t)UTHWEST Tulsa. J•: Arizona, O. .s. * * * STATISTICS ,... ........... •. Fi Rrs ow-n• Pu a1 t d l't. L. LINJ ~-¥:;~:~: f f~~t-~ion " Butler, 4 St O Pauw, 14• Ftanktln 13 E WasMm 1 ••orr MPOt a 26 s 1 •...• t:I •··.•..•..47 •••••·••··Ii ......... 4 I . f- · 4 · Joseph•s (Ind'• o Pa Poos ~~mt,• Passes mo ed lftd1a,v Sf,. 1• EsrlMm, 7 Passes complefed lntercePttcl 1 K St ...., , '' Wablsh. IJ .., • '3l'i Omaha. 6 • o b-; a,v-rs•·····::~~==::::J .......o..Su.M ................. _i Jt~~v,::a 'l:uiu, it J 1SNeb.), o. Henderson (Ark.)., 7; Col Ariz, SI. Hempe), 16; W Ark. St. Tchr5., 1 •; OUa Ark. Tech. 11, Arkan,-a Lamar Tech, 35; SttOh Sam H01Jston SI , 21; S Texas A&I 22: Sthwut T ~e~'rJ~; f,~rl~\~~.• t!St 't • McMurry, 63; Tex. E. Texas St., l2; H I' !lr'la fRock I~ m ), .,whcaton, 67; (Pa.) TC, r,, Ediboro Nortnc-l'n (?a.) l2 Ill Ill., 2-4: Estr" T~~do_ana lJ_ Btitralo, 7· Cortland, 6 Roe ester, 2'4, Hobart, ·o. Lvcomln;, AT, St. Lawrence f w II/ams,~; Colbv, o • Co.111-t Goard 12· Nol"Wlch D we1tminster,' 46/ wavnesbUr;: It. Mam~. 26, Viermont, o. · levan!. Ill W (Wis./• 25, Carroll Cl'ucaao Foe, Ill.I, i&. , a. ir< ver lllln, 30; Concordia o ~f Lal tr~., 6, 111. O. llfmo1s Col., 1A , a. , enn am Payne, 12. ROCKY MOUNTAIN ldllhO St.• 7: Western Colortiido St., O. (M~~rr: .S~ontana, 26; ROCk'II Mountain Estrn. Montana1 23; Carroll tMonl l 7 Westminster
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