News Scrapbook 1958-1961
UII , Ori. ll, rn. SAN D1190, CALIPORNIA
tana Stat r h USD, 31-
Improved Despite Loss ONALD A couple o! fullback Im- first half and to the 10 early beating Sat. ports from Pennsylvania, In the fourth period.
Sun., Oct. 5, 1958 © h7 $AN DIEGO CALIFORNIA FOOTBALL SCORES FAR WEST Montal)ll State 31 USD 6. Oregon State ¥, Ul;LA 0. California 34, Washington State 14. Palomar JC 49, Long Beach St. Frosh 12. 1 Pomona College 34, Cal Western 6. Oceanside • Carlsbad 13, Citrus JC7. MJDWEST oh 1 o State 12, Wash- ington 7. Bowling Green (Ohio) 25, Dayton 0. Wisconsin 50, Marquette D. Northwc tern 28, Stan- ford o, Michigan 12, .!'dlchi g a n State 12 (tlel. Pittsburgh 13, Minnesota 7. Indiana 13, West Virgin- la 12. Iowa 13, Air Force 13 (tie). SOUTHWE T Miami 14, Baylor 8. OklabOma State 43, Wlc-hita 12. Notre Dame 14. S !U 6. Oklahoma 6, Oregon 0 Vanderbilt 0, Alabama 0. A-M 12, Mi!-~ouri D. , Arkan~as 7. 2, Texas Tech 7. Tul , Arizona 0. Purrllfe 24, Rice O. New Mexico 44, Montana 16. EA!.T Na l!I. Boston U. 14. Dartmouth .13, Penn 12. Villanova 21, Boston C o l- iege 19. Delaw Corn Armv Prince ~.
urday n
6-2, USD takes a rest thls week a n d and has two weeks to pre.
Balhoa Sta• Dick Nawotczynskl,
dium coach Bob Mccutcheon 215-pound
bc~~ fr !j:~:ls
University of San Di- Rocco Perciavalle, II
i ego Pioneers showed mueh 195-pound
provided came out of the game with touch- two Injuries but both players 9.uartcrback should be ready for th• Mext
• * ITATlf?ICS •
ement over their past three of tile Bobcat
two games.
u 6.1
1S 1:10
":Montana State has a well- Gary Davies ot Con<'ordia, game. Halfbaek Vk •usa, roached ball cluh, good per- K n was rHective with pin- pohl has a st:IU knee a r:;t sonnel and outcharged us,'' a ·• · siring end C. G. Wal has l\lcGuWl\eon said. "However,1point pas es. He connected a separatl'd t rnum. l'm proud or our kids. We on sev~n ° 112 · , INDIVIDUAi. RUSHIN were caught off balance by Perc1avalle scored the llrst MONTANA STAT! rn VG YL that first quick toucl1down of touchdown from one. yard ~ut ?;'i~i~h hb... : ,. •.' 16 1 theirs but I think they tight- to cap a 37 ·)'.a rd drive wlule ~i,o;1~v!1~e. hb .:.. ,~ ii g ! U ened up in the second half." Nawotczynsk1 scored from Mol•n, hb ••. i .! 2;~ The Joss brought to an end the three. Halfback Joe Mol- R~:f,':;,d;,~ tb .. ·::.: 2 2 •1 .s the USD victor)• string that-en wrnt over !~om th e two E~~~~'.· .ib .::::::; 2g 1i 11 ·U had reached six games. This and ~eco nd st rmg quarter- g~;;,ui~.1~bhb • :::;·l u 1 o i d was the Bobcats' third vie- back George Lucas went over Nawotcnn,kl, • 1 2, o I J.s [ th th on a sneak Tola,, . .. •• so 165 lS tory of the campaign an d rom e ree uso ce VG VLJtt. Av. TD quite possibly will boost them in the big scoring second i~\:l:,.",bb .'. .:·: j , 'f g I to a higher rating than ninth quarter. .'l," :.:. 1 1~ f 1 'l h . ' . ''1 I h lib k W a S GH,nor~. fb •·•· l 1 1.0 place which they enjoyed Tom Gates, the ex-Hawal- O'Connor, oo .. ' 24 ' o o last week among t e nation s 1an " ar ne a ac , Kl••· hb • 3 l l·o top mall school teams. the top ground gainer ! or •• I : ·• 1~ 1 ,:~ Mccutcheon f<'lt the score the PionC'ers with 19 arils sorov•6 qb .... ia 2, 1 s J /~ was not Indicative of the in foul' c-arri!':; and tallied c'lfot~" · ... 11i J " · closeness ot the battle and their only touchdown from 1No1v1DUAL PASSI• the statistics bear him out. the thr<'<' with :.!8 seconds Jelt i.?.~~~N0 t, STATE ri'-Jlnti · However it did seem that in the game. Luco,, qb .... 1 o o .. .. o the Bob~ats let down some- USD threatened twice bC', 0 'fo~~), •b .• ·:·. • 1! l .. ·: ,l what after the fir t touch-\iore it finally scor d. The uso oo P< Int, td,, pct yd, ChoPmon, qb • 0 1 Q 8 do,"." within 3:01 of the first Pioneers drove to the Mon- g~~~~~r1,qqb : : lY :: .. penod. tana 16 at the end of the 10101 1 ........ 21 a 2 . , 11,
" .,,.
l14 •a1
1 3
1 0
1.3 100
the Pl• from
In the
thP cir1e
nil from the three In
EVENI NG TRIBUNE 1•'1 DIEGO, CALIFOltNI• Z Monday, Oct. 8, 19:\8 b-9 FOOBALL SCORES Far W&it 1 Ore-;on srote 1'-, UCLA o ~~1g: 0 ~1a re W~~hint~on~ S1o~~th $f.
Sout• t= •'1~~,l1'!.~f Stott• N '!:olino State 26. VlrglnlG 1• Geol'Qlo Tech 14, Tulane o Duke 1S. 1lllnois 13 Sourh Carolina 2'-, Geor111ia 1• Clemian I, Marvland 0 Louisiana State 20, 1-tcrdi,,..S1mm0.,, & sfcitf~~- 's,~:n!YJkt,oilat:_ !. er~!~~i~er Mfm~t;'_, ~,~in:oJi 0 &~ O, Shaw 6, St. Augustine o. Johnson c, Smith u, St. POtJl'S Va, o. Bolllngi AFB 20, Fort Belvoir 0. Vlr;lnio TKh. 21, William & Merv 15 Hom~ton 1nsti1ut1 2a, Oelawor• State , .. Livingston 21, Morristown 0. Claflin ?8~ Mo!""rls College l2. St~f;1r, Carolina College ,,, Morgan Florido Stote 21, Woke Tompa 19, Wes1ern Carolina 12, Davidson 8, The C!tadel ,. Sewonee AJ, MlllsaP& 0. Tusl<~ee 26, Fisk 6. m~:or,v., and HM'lry H, f:or!on New. 1,. i,~~!t~st 8 ',:,rffot'6~~r Winston-Solem T(;hrs. .Os.~ , 31, Elizc:beth City 1~.
Brown 3~ Carnegie
Frt:~tr11· Wos.tungton 20. ,ugr1 Sound. lt. M~~to 1~~,wuron 35, Claremont-Harvey Westerr1 Washlnoton 11, Whitworth 6. Pomono 3-4 California western 6. Idaho 20, Utah 0. CoJorodo $ta1e Un v 32, Brigtiom Young li. New Mulco .«. Mon1one1 16. Montor,a $tote 31, USO •· Son1o Bortxno 25, Fne-sno State 22.. Col Poly 55. Colle,ge Of Idaho o. Lewis-Clark 60, Southe-rn Ore;on l3 Colo S1a1e College .112, Adams Sfol1 U. Oregon Tech 31, Por11and Stott 21. Arizona Stote (FlogistoH) 28, Red.
B u c k-
nell 13.
SOUTH Auburn 30, Chatta
ga 8.
ssee 13, Mwl~ ippl
State.8. (Continued on h• lands l4. East Navv 2!, Boston u. • Dartmouth 3, Penn 12. Villanova 21, Boston <..ollege 1,. Delaware J5, Temple 14. Cornell 21, Horvord u. Army 26, Penn Stote o. Princeton -43, Columbia I. Brown 35, Vele 29. Carnegie- Teel'\ 1'9, Bucknell 13, I ~~~e<.:;r~. 1 Slippery Rock tn,~ 0 1 J: Vanderbilt o, Albomo o. Florido Stote 27, Woke i:orest ,, ,~'~'t,ef 2 tr,a~~rdln ~~~~b~?lr1~ 0 ft'wegffOrd H. ~:'JM~~~ (~~) 2i~~~~J~tts:~"'e~~el:·u. Simmon, 6 (Pa) u, Clarion (Pa} R~lget, 2,. Colgate 7. ~r~eie°n~ 31., ~~i:~~c!; & Jeffer• co~~Jiicut 55 , American Int. ie Middlebury J.I, Worcester Polv 1 J. Penn MIiitary lJ.. We,tern. Mor'/- lndicna (Pal To:;hrs 27, Edinboro fond 0. t Pa) Tech rs o. Butfolo U. 7, Cortlond ,. Rocnester 24, Hot>ort o. Lvcomlng ,H, St. Lawrenc.e ,. WIiiiams 46, Colby o. Coast Guord 2, Norw,ch o. Westminster (?o) 46, Wovnesburt; (PO) 0. Maine 26, Vermont 0 Tutt~ :2.C., Bates IA, Lofave11e 27, Mu!'\lenberg 14. John Carrol 1, Thiel 0. Mor011ian 30, Wilkes B m~:rnH~g:~e 11~t~l~J~r~';i! ~~flsTi~FJi~ Te h rt, O. ~imb 1 /~f'a 3 1A~f'}5a!~:r 2:~'[0~\ Hciven ~iYf:Ivi 11fe t~~~~';!.J 4 0. Not,onol Aggies 13, Drexel Tech I Rhode lslond 20, New Hampshin lS. SPrin;field JZ, NortheoStef"n 30. Shepord 33, Davis & Elkins 7. Ithaca 22, Brockport 8. Coost Guard Acodemv 12, Norwich 1. Hofstra :u, UP:solo 8. West Viroinia Tech 41, Liber!Y St. t . ,~slJ~~rncu°~no. -San Oi<90 Union Photo by Lo•II• A. Oodds an Diego 1n Balboa ~tadium last night. At left is Bob Keyes, USD halfbal'k. University o! fontana Stat one yard !or the hdown a ain t Jtie~ui:ri,tno 11. 8 _Jocksonvill1t Cola) 28, Mory'w'iltt (Ttnn) Eos1 Carolina 6, Catawba o. l • ~estern Michigan 30, Mor,hofl CWVa) Miss. SC>Uthern 2,c, Memohls Stote 12. Louisiana Tech 17, McNee!e o. Grambling 72, Poul Qulnn a. Montana Staters Crus -USO, 31-6 (Continued) with only 3:01 ,one In the terback George Lucas went rlr t period with fullback Roe- up the middle. Lucas' pass co Perclavalle, a 195-pound- for conversion failed. er lrom Lettsdale, Pa , plung- Montana's attack bogged Ing over 1rom Quar- down in the second hall fol ;ti:?c WU J es' pass lowing Its final touchdo~. i~ Aft r USD t g, , the _early minutes o! the third move in period thte play11 Ir 20, Jan · Ch pman's pun s p.irtlal- Tht> Bob Cats moved 65 ly blocked aod ball tell dead yards from the opening kick. on lJ · :l7. off of the second half with Davi a smoth • passing • awotczynski scoring for the (]ti' rterback from oncordia second time of the night from nn., fir d a ~yard aeriai th e th ree.. A Z7-yard pas~ to end Harvey Wi1rren and lrom Davies set up t he lhc tontanan i,yere on. the march. Halfback Bob Rudio USO 8. Perclavalle drove to linally got an extra point on he one of! right taekle and th e scoreboard with a perfect scored on the next play. placement. !'IO EEK BID . Actually, USD came to life • in the latter states. The Pio- The Plonee Jot a break neers went to the Montana f!;lnutes later e same pe- State 1D early in the fourth rrod when Dick Gard- quarter ore being turned nrr blocked a ontana Slat£> baek and inally tallied with punt and USD covered the 28 seconds left in the game as ba on the visitor~• 10. A!tcr a result o! 20 yard drive. lo &round on the first Tom Cati's former H pl two passes moved th£> waiian l\rar!J!Ei player t k a- to the M_ontana 3 lateral from Chapm~n° 0 an~ y missed a first down crashed through from th . ff y a yai,S . e SIX USD dr v , yard hne. An attempted pass o er Montana s 40 for extra point failed d th . to open th second period . I score ended 31-6 an e U~D qu~rterback D u an cl Montane Stole • . • . '11 1 ~31 0 Connors p4'ss, however, usD ....... ::::.:::.: o • • ,1-- 1 was Intercepted by Montana M-Mo-Porclcvolle, 1, olunoe (Pa.. lolled) h I n.. k S ,., , NowotcIYnskl, 1, olunoo (k;ck lailodl a wac am ...oore and the IM-Molen. 3, ,na run. (pa,s !Oiled I ,..,llwaukne ., ' Luco,, 1, ouartorback ,n..ic '(pos i,l,YJ. " .uyer. sped 55 fg(le I Northeast {Lo} 29~ Southwestern lou- isiono 8. (Lo) 12. Loulsior,a College, 13, Northweslttn Sout lr wesf Notte Oome 1 •, SMU , Ok lohoma 6, Oregon 0 Vanderbilt O, Alobamo 0 Te-xos A.M. \l, Missauri O TCU 12, Arkansas i Texos 1?, Texos T-ech 7. Tulsa J •• Arizona o. Purdue 2-4-, Ric.e o. Texas \2, Texas Tech 7. Texas A&M 12, Missouri O Texas Chrl:stlon 12, Arkonf(I! ,. Miami (Flo) U Baylor 8. THE SAN DIEGO umoN h6 0 l:iun.. Oct. :;, Hl'\8 SAN DIEGO, CALIF , MisslssiPPi 21, Trinity (Te>e) o. He-nderson 7, College of Oz.arks o. Arizona Stott (Tempe) 1,, West Tex- a, 13. Arkonsa1 Te<:h 13, Arkansas A&M 7, Arkansas State Tchrs U, Ouachita 7. 2 4'~ 1 s~l 0 Mr:P 9 h:n F. Austin •• Som Houston Staf~ 21, Sul ~oss 8. Texas A& I 22, Southwes't Texas o. Abilene Christion u, Texas We11ern 6. f!X~l~s~:s~:t C~i!if~o 6A&M 12. McMurry &J,. Texas Lutheran o. East Texo5 32,. Howard Pavne 12 A;;(l..w 2 /-AexJco Western 21, Pollhondle WYomfnq 15, Oe,nver 12. ldoho S1ofe 7, Western (Coto) Stole Cl. M~:;''rY_nster (Utah) 20, Colorado 26~d1l~Ki1a~o~nt:~stzrn (Colo.) Star, 0. Eastern Montono 23, Carroll (Mont.) 7, Roi:ky Mountain; The Marine Clif1'1 Recruit Depot relNRd its 41 . game basketball schedule yesterday which includes 12 college op- ponents. Lt. Don Lange, who played at :MCRD Jast season and was a star at tile Naval Academy, will be the pllyer-coach. Besides Lange, six other veterans will be back for an- other season. They include forwards Ed Cain, Jack Still- , well and John Dohrman, guards John Hannon and Don Smith and center Frank Al- len. This year's schedule! Nov. 11-CQronado Mecllonts, NO\/, 211- ~°lJ' A1reran. Nov. 29-Posodeno Cltv sfa1~:· 8~: 2~r c'a~r;.~fanN~~f~ OblSpO. ooe. 5-AI Lang Beach Cit-; Co~ 1~9e. Diec. 4-Twentv-Nlne Palms. C>ec:. 9:-At Fresno State. Dec. 12..lJ-rPoJnset- tia tournoment at Altec IYm -wllth Pep.. ~l~t}~nr Jcu ," ~e: 0 s~~•:: ~: 19-At Naval Trainlftll ~entl!"r. Dec. 20- Pasodtna Mirror Glaa. s~ 2 J~~ ~A? I 'ra~fiiJ 0 "A1r~!~~~ CB 1• '-Al Son Francisco Olympic ,_.,, San Francisco State. t PalOdtno Mlrrnr Gloze. Jan. 2._ LEWO. Jon. 27-At Comp ,.e,Ml.. ton. • 29-30-At Twont-;-Nlno Palms. ~irby Shoes In Los AngeJes. allfornlo Western. F,. ~Unl- O 1 ra,._ iol],~l°f"J,"°~ ~°.~ r-lnes. J=eb. 11-1:i.~ .... tournl!!!Y. Feb. 17-At Comtt • Ft-b. 19- Borstow. Feb. 21-NT • F . !~At Atl• ~~~~nJtat~f wide and the leore was 12-0 t 3;22 of the second quarter. 1-'lTMBl,J-: COSTLY The Pioneers had only hr!el po Ion of the football on th lckolf. A fumbll' handed th 91111 back lo Montana and In 10 plays the visitors hart moved 37 yards for the third core. Thia time hallback om olen went around end from the thre1,1. 'l'he extra point attempt lalled. Thu !core mounted to 24-0 when Chapman'.11 punt w a s bin ked and Montana took over on the USD 13. A pennl• ty again t U 'D put the ball on HSD'!ir 1 rrom where quar-
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