News Scrapbook 1958-1961
EVENING TltllUHE SAN DIIGO, CALl,ORNIA b 13 )londay, Oct. 6, 19118 •
(C;ontln from page B-7) losing this ~ne than we did winning our first two games," sald Mccutcheon. That the Pioneers, who ac- tually are playing only tbelr second season, look "better" won't dcaw much or an argu- ment from many of 1he 5,000 fans on hand In Balboa Sta- dium. The !act that the Bob- cats weren't too sharp In the last two quarter11 won't get you In any tights either, MSC started out as lf the Bobcats were going to chase the ·Pioneers oft the premises, going 37 yards to score the !lrst time they had the ball. Things didn't Improve no- ticeably f the locals In the second qu r, the boys from Bozrman going Into the end• zone> 1hrce times in clght min• utrs. The Bobcats pkked up their last srore lr1 the third qua1• L<'r. t:SD iinally made the srorrboard with 28 seconds k!l in the game. USD <'onilnuc>s to have quarterback troubles, none or the· QB's looking good <'aouith to kC'ep and yet earh having moments of brilliance, )!'nding hopes to the Plonccl' fol!OWPl'S. Sophomore Billi Bourque, normally the No., ~ quarter- back, had the best evening as far as paSSl"S were c·on• cerncd, hitting three of rlc-v- <'11 for 60 ards, Dliane 'Con• nor c-ompl<'lcd six of 10 at• tempts !Jut two o! the six wen, caught by the opposi- tion. Starter Ja11 Chapman had only one plct!on in six shots 'l'hl''Pioncc>rs get two weeks in which to lick thell' wounds. Thc>y are Idle untl'l Oct. 18 1 whcn tht>y will host Lewis and Clark Collc>ge in Balboa Sta• clium.
BOBCAT Rl,SH--Quarterback 'Jan Chapman of the University of San Diego is just about to be dumped for a six-vard loss by Roc('O Perciavallc of Mont amt State in their Saturday night game in I3alboa Sta-
dium. Coming up to help Rocco r~~k Ch.a~r.nan was teammate Clvde CICVC'laml (77). 1 he v1s1t111g Bob- c•als kepi theh· undefeated reeord with .:Jl-f! victory over PionC'en,, S!'Oring four touehdowns Ul f1rsl half.
USD Coach Consoled by 31-6 Score By MJ<;J, ZIKl!:S "We w,•re fortunate that 1l1P. ~core wasn't worsr/' said coach Bob Mccutcheon today wh<>n qurried on University of San Dl<>go's 31,6 loss to M o n t a n a State Saturday night. "Look at it this way," Mc- cutcheon added, "Montana is ranked ninth in the nation among the small schools. I was afraid the score would be worse. maybe something like 40,0. I'm real proud ot the way my kids came l)ack in that second half. - The Cougars collected lour touchdowns In the flrst half to lead, 24-0, at intermission. USD matched the Cougars, leach getting one touchdown, ln the sloppily played last two quartet's.
THE SAN DIEGO UNION ,1011 .. Od. o. 1!t;3 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA QUARTERBACK CLUB MEETS Coaches ,1 lll m~ke . . therr rl'port, on "eek<>nd foothall game- at thp week!~ luncheon meetini:- ol the Mondar Quarter- back Club at noon today in the Jubilee room at San Dif'go Cluh. The mret• ing, sponsorr.d by the Az. tee Cl.ib, is open to the public. Coache on the panel, which arso will answer questions ll'om fans, in• c l u de Paul Govemali, George Schutte. C'• Cutcheon. Jean ey) 1 and Harry derson.
a 18
Cal POIY 95, Colfege, Of tdallo O. Lewis--Ctark 60, SootAef''l=~,~~... u. 't,~l:~<1{~~ 0!~$ortktnd Slate 21. Arizona $tote (FlogstClft) 23, Red· 10 " d ' \4. MIDWEST Hou~ton s.,t. Clnc.inno11 tl.t Cl ~~~~«oi):f22:¾,a°~r t>bt1101 •. e1utttan :W, Oeflql"lce 0. Ken Wesleyan '2 0 1.: Fr,~• ~\~~~,:C,ttrn Southwuttrn. "ia ·-, Oklo Ui Kinyon 16, Otterbein I. F)ndlay 14. Jt ,hlanG 0 .Yorletta 1~ Mt. IJn;cr ~~ 1 t'~!~ r Ko~T :e1n~1 (Kan) 6, Oklohomo Sto!e .13,_WlcMlo 12. Toledo 13, u;,uLsvUte 7 r= fct/ir 27:l~r~Kt 16. t-lastlnos 31, Midland o.d (N bl 0 Peru (N~ 5', c.oncor ia. e . ~r~;:n' 12 ~~w~'~Jlral 12. OubOQUe 27, 1owo Luther 2.6. Buena Vista J,7, W,e-,tmor 7. SOu!l'lern m 32, we.slitrn Ill 31, Evt1n.s1tille n. Volpgraiso 8. HoPe 1', Nor..thern Mlcft 13. Mich T~ 35, ferrl!i 7. Alme 11, t(otomatoo 14 Hillsdale .U, Olivet O •. River Falls 25, Superior O. Indiana Sta,e 12, Belo,t O. st. Norbert 2:Q, Lora~ 18. Rw1 !!",n"en"'.:..,G! 12"r, .. Ue~delOtt"g 20, itthCWf (KanJ 1 Bemidi1 SO, St. Gc10,.,.,. 8 s O Mines 32, en. \/o1iev Cltv \NO} 20. Minot Huron CSO) d••~Wulnana 1 ·Moccie,1er 10 GustoVU'S A O ~• O • 1 \A North Dakota 8, a ... o a Wnler'LnN.b~~~~.:S'C:t'· t·Utl, • C~-•..,,o..-·,;..,nn1o. 3 a, Minneso g Dulutl"I .·die 0 ie-o 1 3 • h ~CJ!Of .. .,... -. ..... 12
10UTHWEST Ttch 7. 12, Ml5~our! 0. o.
24 R
;~:~el2, Je:i(a, lit&
Texas C:l'ir stion 12, Arkt:1n:K11 7. Miami !Fla) l41, Baylor I. u 1 ..,,..,,. oPl 21. ldnltY./Tex) ~- 0 H'.ncerwn 7, Colleo• Oum,, Arizona State n1mHJ 10, W~t Ttx· Arkan,us Tech 13, Arkan,a,- Arkansa, Stale Tchn 14, ouachllG 7, A.ustin 21 MID Coll111,1ie 6. Lamar Teen 35, Ste,:inffl F. Au,Un 6 ~ am Hcu,too Slot 21. Sul A.on 08. ,a, A& I 2.Z, SouthwNf 'Te,-.01 • •bllent cnr&sllc;n IA. 'flt')(CM Wfflern 6. Au1t1n 17. MIHIH'PPI Cfll:f~o•·A&M 12 North en• AJ, Ntw ,.,,.x MeMvrr, 6JlJeJCDS Lu,_tnrrcm ..,. • O A· M 7
1 "I think we looked better ln (Cont. on Page B,8, Col. 6) .
a~ 13
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I DI 52, s;Ol/x IFqlis(JoJ 7 ;µ, Sprtn9 ,ekl
from Page B• o, far, whlch ~peaks pretty sity or Knights nt their well for the teams in it. ,i.r1d day nl.;tllt onponrnl. ,
Id hQ 20 Utoh Cv~orodo•
• V
exrressed fear of this week's HOllPnl, La Jol 1 a. which he 1tyP "ls always u., ·vhen they
s1a11· Univ
r nv 17, Torko 13.
Okla l.t
st · eenaoicts 34 ' ffn~~ 1 oroc&o c011e-.e 7. ~fit~a~aYJe~t~ltle 19; Marv"Ville I.Mo} 7 ·
"~;: te,d.:o ,..., Mtintano 16. Montane Stall Jl, USO•· ~-~••~n~•a~B•~':.'.:""'.::''..'.:"~2:=S:_, :_F..:":.:'"°:.::_:_:
second straight gam
ating Santa Monica could he the No.
"We'll beat 'em " said N "They're tough, but we'll b
22 51 :•~11 _:::_·________
Pasadena, Sarah. prl' daughter. Friday nig day afternoon_
and hl.s wife, 1 team in the ali,mrncnt."
play us."
with a Marine Corps Recruit De).!ot 'em." came was re1,1<>sented by M. ·gt Mission Bav High tur- Cheescy Neu in tl,e absence Harry Anderson, of eoach Bull Trometter, whop, ep repre,ental.-, on
•·we have aood moral cr;ach gc,r,d team spOO." relate An- th e should he fairly tough from d "and I think we
.,:'>chutte expres.
respect is with the team in Hawaii. board, had higi1 praise for his new on. We're over the hump
for the Knights' next 'foe, San- Neil gave a report on Univer. un but ct being a new scl1-,c,J." THE SANDIEGD UNION Wed., Oct. 8, 1958 ® b7 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ONE-MINUTE SPORTS PAGE Clem Faces Belmont Rivals ComPiled ff"6m me Son DiHo Union'-' Wir• Sel"'Wicfl Clem will get the sternest test oi his eareer today when he packs top weight of 126 pounds in the mile and one,half $50.000-added. !anhattan Handicap at Belmont Park Clem, owned by )Irs. Adele L. Rand. became the little giant of American•racing when he upset Round Table three times last month. Others entered are Eddie clunidt, Oh Johnny, Warhead, Beau Diable, Pop Corn, Inside Traet, Third Brother, Ch•et and Ricci Tavi. * • * FOOTBALL - )!ls;s:is,iippl Southern topped the T:nited Press International small <'ollege football ratings for the third straight we e k. Class AAA baseball, the team goes up for sale. • • * ODDS A.,-o ENDS - A field of se,·en, going. The conference teams are 16-1 against outside teams Quer~ No Answer ByMELZIKES The quesrton ot sin Diego State College's meeting Uni- versity of San Diego in toot. ball came up at the Quarter- back Club luncheon at the San Diego Club yesterday, but it e EVENING TRIBUNE SAN Dl!GO, CALIFOltl'IA Y Tuesdity, Oct,' 7, 111~11 l THE SAN DIEGO UNION Wed,. Od. II, 1958 b9 SAN 011!00, CALIF. 0 Pioneers' Top End Lost For 4 Weeks ker. University ot ·•r believe he'll be ready out tanding end, for action in four weeks but to roisR the Lew. there i1 a p088ibility he will rk Colorado West• be out !or tti• season if this because of injuries does not heal properly," the In last Saturday's doctor added. tale College game, Meanwhile, five other Pi- oneers did nM suit up 1 o r • Ru:hard W. Luther, yesterday's offensive d r i I l. tealb p clan, said Walker They were Okles Rick 'No- ha ru ed lung tissue and vack and L Verrecchia, end a dama,td elavlcle. "It might Merle Reed d backs Bob be desc bed a~ a folding-In Keyes and :V~ Gausepohl. o! th~ ~t. an unu~ual in- The fre squad p 1 u s Jury, Dr. Luther said. several pl who did not tana It was leJmed yesterday. including Calumet Farm's Bards- town, appears set for the SZ0,000 added Princeton Handicap, feature of to- day's fall opening at Gar- den State Park in Camden, N. J. An American team captured the flve na- tion m o d e r n peatathlon tournament yesterdq in Bern, Switzerland, by win- ning the fifth and last event, the cross country race. The U.S. emerged the strong favorite to take the world championship at Aldershot, England . _ _ A mi3Under- standing over cross-country ski plans for the 1960 Olym- pic winter games at Squaw Valley, Calif.. was blamed yesterday for Stockholm re- ports that some Scandinav- ians were unhappy over the way things are going •.• World flyweight b o x I n g champion Pascual Perez of Argentina will defend h i s crown a g a i n s t Filipino Dommy Ursua in Manila, Nov. 29 .. _ Bobby Jones recommended the stand- ardization of golf b a 11 s throughout the world yes- terday in St. Andrews, Scotland on the eve ot the championship. Despite its 31-6 victorv o\·er the University of &ill Die- go, Montana State College dropped from ninth to 10th. Another USD foe, I d a h o State, is third ... Coach Earl IRed) Blalk of Army turned a cold shoulder on a proposed national :football conference so !ar as the Cadets are .concerned. Blaik said Army doesn't have the time or manpower to ·com- pete in sucla a conference with major independents ... North estern halfback ;\like St-0ek and Michigan State ce .Jim Chastain yesterday named the Big Ten's g heroes of ·the week. • BA EB - Milwaukee Braves' piiildent ,Jo II e p h Calmes ~-~·rto l'omment" ye~terday the report of a Cln newspaper that Birdie Tebbet,,, ex-Cin, cinnati Redlegs manager, will become Cairnes' ex- eetutive a~sistant ... The St. Louis Cardinals warned the Texas League that' un- less it approves a plan to place the Hoi..ston team into letter last ,i,ar will suit up and play Ufa Angeles City College In a 1Cheduled game at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Friday at 3 o'clock. Head coaeh Bob cCutch- eon aid that eit.lff!~~·· ot his assistant es will scout Lewis and ,&:lark when that club plays College ot Idaho at Caldwell, Idaho, Sat- urday night.
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