News Scrapbook 1958-1961

San iego Hera The nameplate. ' 'San D;cgo 'IPrald" was e~ , ,,, newspaper in San Diego. TheHerald is published r, iu1Jud,on Ames on May 6, 1851 t4693 Felton St., San Diego


4693 Fdton St., ,in Di go I li, Cnlif.

San Die.Jo, Califorr,a Frid } Octcber 9, ,1958' USO to Host Lewis & Clark Expedition ----o---- Pioneers Show Fight, Determination, Ability Against Montana Eleven last Sat

! THE SAN DIEGO UNION 12 (•I l'hUI • 01 I. II, llJj3 a SAN Dl • OO, U,Lll'OIINIA

Th San Diego Union's Gridiron Selections ,Jack ,\Jurphl' 610 W•'9 L·JJ Rolla \\'illhtm,; l'-OR!ol'nsus ,598 w..., L·Jl .598 W•S3 L-29 646 Flor;do___ UCLA- by 1 by I Ore;on O~n--- bY 6 bv 6 Cclifornio Col/{~ bv 13 bv 9 Washirgfon 'Noshing-ton - bv 20 _ Oregon St.

The Uni,-ersity of San Dirgo Pio- rwers Wl'H" pul to th,• "'h st" l.1~t Saturday ,-v«-nin • in Balbo;i Stadium, wh -re tlu·v we1<· daw,d by two top tl'ams of M ,n Ilol,ca ts, but , . 1 n,· throu h with J]yin rnlors lthou~h a hit tltt· wo I r th<" rratrhing. Th( n1 ~rd Picnur.s £011):!bt .tn up- hill batik from the st trt, ti , ·r onrr kttin'!' up, t,nt ;.is "hishrs whirh finally µaid-off. Montana talc kirk, d off, T:,nk Causrpol1! r ... turning tho l>all to his 20 yard line: lfr m h, d ovn n-n• ter for a year, then Rambkr Wright secured a yard at tal'klr. Pionnn held-no gain. Chapman punted to his 37, Caus•·pobl stopping a run• awny on th!' seven yard Jin,•. Chap- man dropprd the bohcat on thr onr yard lint. Dr-spik ruggi ·d Pi()rn «·r line rcsistence the Bohcat scon d at ldt tackk. The Mont na kickoff went ovrr the Pioneer goal. From the 20 yard line Gates slipp, d tlv01Jgh for two yards. Ch~pman lost thttt Gaus,·pohl gained three yards qn a pitch-out. Chapman punted to h yard line. A fresh team of Bobr.ius &ook over. Grappler Gardner ll'1lt Stonewall Garofano cut a cent 1111h to one yard. Montana p,·nali p Wri i:ht smothered a pass attem loss to the 42 yard line. A frll incomplete, th,·y puntr Pio• neer 20. Crash Key<, fans with a field run to his 4 ard line. Wright tunnded for thn-.-. Chapman gained one at left guard. Chapman pass incomp let~, hr punted to th,· Montana 5. A fresh t1·am o( Bobcat• were sent

i to , law-up the Pionc·r~. Causqmhl I In thr fin I nunul , of tl1t· ,"'" rufi,·lock,·d hy " Pio• l.tst rh,mr,· tu S<·m·,·. 'J'li,• h·1rd1m·as"d 11, ("f. Pionrrrs slanunnJ at r't•nt1'r :'Ind .Eholl, .From th,· l\fontal\n 12, K,·y,·, ut PallOl\ 1 V,·rn°rd1ia n11d Mill,·r hcuwd ri'(ht end - no gain. Ch:ipman pass th~ big Bobr3t line hark four yards. inco1opkh·. Chapu1an p.1.s1 fumhkd Sc:it Borqw· complct<"d a d,·(·cr,tiv1· and r<'covnn.l I y tlw l\nhr;,ts. Iliff p:i., to Slip C:itrs, who rac!'d to th,· 1'1,on and Mulli~an h Id Ill r,·nkr. Mont;ina 10 yard lirn·. On th,· third K,·yl's skinned a c t on th, 1 ·1 rlnwn, Chapman calkd a r,•ntt·r Mulligan butr:h,·rl'd t . 1 •,n tl11 ii 11 ;1nd the- Pion, t'r line sur~•·d 15 ya,d lin,·. Pion<'crs offsicl,·. Rusi ·.,r, l 1 , I t < :h,pman rhanw for Trilly hdd .~ Rol.Jr,it Cl'nt,·r altack ., ,.J I•,, pl. "'" npcalr·d and for no ain Pion,•, ,s offside. Sp,·cd tlw bi;. ilolJf .11 I , , ·, ,. away thn•;• Walhr cau!!ht th,· Jl<1i>c•:, t after " y:irds. Chapman '"', i, d for a third thn·e yard ,min. K,·yrs r , aslwd tiln,· to the unc foot liiw. Pionel'rs through to break up a latnal no pcn:ilized offside. From thr six yard gain. Montnna pass in,·om11li-1,·, th en line L:haprnan', pass iricomplt'tl', thl'n puntrd to the Pion,·,•r :{0 and rrtum,·d C.:h:1pman L1tcrakd LO G"tn, who slip- hy K,.y~s to his 47 :is th• first quarln P<'d through the hands of clawing cnd,·d. Bobcat, around !,·ft end for a touch- The pionN·rs kept up a Lrrrifir d,. clown. Try for ,·xlra point faill'd. fcnsc ag.1inst the onslaught of sup,•rior Scor<': Pionrers 6; Montana :~ I. odds, a11d the repeated scoring by thi> Pion,·,·rs of Univrrsity of San Di- Bobrats. Outstanding cffor.t was noted ,go will try to "Out-draw" the Pio- by Keyr·s, Bucky St,·uhrn, Walk,'.r, nef'rs of Oregon's Lewi, and Clark Yoa,t, Gau..·pohl, Miulfo(an, Wright, Collq(,· in Bal · m Saturday, Trilly ,1ccoun1ing for lom·s to th; October 18 M Bobcats of thn l': .111d four yards, Our assodatr, B ( M F Garofono, Catrs, Blair, Bill Barque, ball of thr Pl'l"H ) sugg{;t, 0 ?;; Cook, Cilmon· and W, Borqur. h lf · · · .L.. f h d l Iu the third quarkr thr Pionrrrs a -time activity ...,.., a al rr an wu.- l1 constant thrrat to thf smooth- son foothnll gam~ hr played, with running trams from Montana. C.ood USD studrnt, in h~t and topcoa ts• dcfrns,, work by Gray, Novack, as the fathers against a bunch of O'Connor Patten Baxter Clarke small uoys. Shvuld be l'ntrrtoining RCt'd and'Maichd.' ' 'I at that.

Rice ti~ 4



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,667 .W Gausepohl's 6. 0 Tops USD Ru Although he picked up -0nly five yards in the two qua s he played la t week, Vic Gausepohl still leads in rush ng and scoring .tor the University of San Diego after three games. I .593 19-1 ,70, !M .704· 20-,








Th University ot San Diego's Pioneers were ta.king It com- paratively easy on the football practice field this week as they enjoy a rest !rom. the grid wars this weekend. e idle weekend came at an opportune tlme for Coach Bob McCutcheon as he attempts to steer the Pioneers back Into their y to Montana State c O llege'a In the seMnd half, the visitors Bobcat • scoring to make it 31-0 in the i The etback marked the end third. The 5,000 fans saw USD of a s x-game winning streak battle all the way, with Tom - four year and lhe first Ga\es scoring from the thr-ee two games this season. for ihe Pioneers' lone touch- Despite the defeat, McCutch- down with 28 seconds left in eon felt the Pioneers showed th e game. Improvement over their first USD, however, th re atened two victory efforts. twice ,before gaining its score. "I'm proud of our kids," Mc- The PtDneers drove to the Mon- Cutcheon said. we were caught tana 16 at the end of the first off balance by that first quii;:k half, e.'\id they carried the ball touchdown of theirs but I think to the visitors' IO-yard line they tightened up in the sec• early in the fourth period. and half." Now Coach Mccutcheon and The Montanans hit for 8 his aids are slowly bringing the touchdown In three minutes of. Pioneers to their top form for the flrst quarter, then added l( h eir ~lseh With Lewis and three more in the second per- Clark in Balboa Slad1um Oc- iod for a 21-0 halftime lead. tober l8. The Pioneers baltled the viclo1y momentum. They were• ~lowed to ,it walk last Satu;day J as th,y dropped a 31-6 decision Bobcitts on fa!rl even terms

Gausepohl, a 5-9, 170-pound halfback from Long Beach, has picked up 148 yards for a 6.40 average and has scored two touchdovms. Gausepohl was unable to play in t h e second half last week against Montana State because oi a knee injury. C. G. Walker, USD's out• standing end who will miss several games because o! an injury, leads the pass receiv- ers with seven receptions for 92 yards. The Pioneers are idle this week but will meet Lev,.is and Clark, Oct. 18, at Balboa Sta- dium. USD FOOTBALL STATISTICS (Thrt• Gr;imH) OPP

USO 618 96 m ... 1& 21, 5 w 31 • • "" 189 16 519 lH 2 Al 36 6 2 ' • 39

Yards 90Jned r'-!nning .... 413 Yards lost runnin& •.••..• 104: Net yards runnin; ..•.....• 509 Posses attempted • •• . •• . •• 40 Posse!a. completed •• .••... • 151 ~JSi~erCeOt.ed':;:: 22 : Total net yor-ds . . . •..•• 7lB First downs running • .. .•• 33 F itSt downs forward . . . ••• 13 First downs penoltie, ••. .• .S Total first downs •• •• 51 Total .scrimmage ploys, .••. 193 Punts . . . . • . _ . .•• 12 Total ,,o,doge punts ..•• 420 Average length punts •• . • 35.G Punts bloci

Name TCB YG Net Av• TD Vic Gausopchl, HB .. 23 151 14& 6.AO 2 Tom Gates, Ha. 20 87 36 4.23 1 Sob Ke,es. HB 27 93 79 2.90 1 Avalon Wrfghtr FB 1' 69 69 4.30 I) Don Gilmore, FB 16 61 61 3.80 o Jan Chapmon, QB 21 75 38 l .SO 0 Duane O'Connor, QB S '8 22. <1.50 0 Al Kish 1 H6 _... 1 3 3 3.0 0 Joe Gray, HS . . 1 4 4 4.0 o Dove Cox, FB •. l 3 3 3,0 o SIU Bourque, QS . 12 2' 9 0.1 0 PASSING Name Aft Com Int Pct Yds Tel Jon Chapmon, fiaB 23 9 2 39.1 113 1 BIii Bourque, QB 12 3 1 25 60 0 Doon~ O'Connor, QB 11 A l 36.3 .ti O RECEIVING Nome Na. Yell. 11"0

C. G., E ..... 7 Tom Gate~, HB ••••..• 3 Joe Grey, HB •. , ..... l Dole Cobb, E ....... I Don Gilmore, FB -•··-· l Bob Keyes, HB .•• , •. 1 Wayne Bourgue, E •. . l PUNTING Jon Ch®mon QB • 12 Bill BoJJrque. QS •.•• 2 Trom Blocked 2 SC


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