News Scrapbook 1958-1961
20-THE TIDINGS-Los Anpl~s
lub Tops Poll Again If UNIT • D P'R • sl IN'flllfA110NAL Mi. 111 lpp1 Southern, scored i1pon last weekend for the 1lrst lime th1 ~~son, again topped th, United Press IntPrnation- al mall cones • football rat- Inga today with 18 first-place vol and 2111 points. r; t Texu Stat, replaced Ohio Unlveralty In second pl11c with two first-place votes and 179 points. 'The board of small college coach,., which rates the team WePkly based lta ballots on 11ames played throu&h Satur- day. Each coach selects 10 t am• In the order he ranks th m and point, are distrlbut. ed on a 0-9-&7-6-5-4-.1-2-1 ba- sis for v o t e I from !irst through loth place. 8ever.t Ch • qe • There were a number ot change • In the top 10 with K nt tate and Bowling Green two Ohio achoob with 3..0 rec- ords, and Central Michigan (4-0) moving Into the select iroup. Thf'y replaced Oh Io Uni\ rslty, Lehigh (P'a.J and Miami {Ohlol. ldnho Statl' (20-9) remained third with two first•P lace vol s and 155 points. Connect- ir-ut advanced from eighth to lourth with three first-place votl!8 and 139 points while Chnttanoo11a slipped fr o m fourth to fifth with two tint- place votr and 136 points. Kent State was sixth with a fir t-place vote and 114 points, Bowling Green was seventh with three first-place votes and 81 points. Butler (Ind.) advanced from loth to eighth with a !lrst-place vote and 75 po nt . Cl'ntral Mlchl&an was ninth with two first • place vote ,nd &I point~ and Mon- tana. State WU 10th wlth 59 points. Cal P. Twvellth Ohio uruvenlty, w h I eh drop~d a 1 -6 decision to Kent State Saturday, was 11th wltb a first-place vote and 54 point.•. Cal Poly of san Luis Obi po, Miami (OhioJ, Dela- ware, Lehigh (Pal, '.Middle 'fennessee State. Iowa State Teachers, Florida A & M, Northeutem IOkla.), Mem- phis State and Wittenberg games, San DiPgo U.'s gnd- der.s were abruptly brought back to earth by Montana S1 ate 31-6 Sat urctay before 7300 tans at Balhoa Stadium in the Bordl'r City. The powerful Rocky Moun- t.1in indPpendPnt pounded to a 31·0 thini qua11er le;o.d tw>- forP letting up. San P1ego lost lour or its hest pla)ers via lnjuriPS tndurl ttg Y'c 1:11.u, sPJ'.)(lhl, l'X-St. Anthon) 's High nalfhack. C 4 ® Fri., Od . IO, J~.;~ • 541f DIEGO, CUIFORNIA Itself do Tom dlrectNI 'hi!! t.eam• mat~ to a 20-19 wtn over RyrM'U"E' anf, at -.,.,...,·,. c•lO~P. Wll'I vot,,d "l'la Pl' of th!'I 'i'Mlr" by the Qnnge- ffif'R, . F',rldie Ander• pl;,x multiple Uing, look !or o unbeaten the • ·tck lnjnrl'd hh1 foot out hPrn :'llethodist ...'·ttnrcla.~', hut he'• @KJ:W:Ct.P-d IH stnrt nonethPIP919. Jlp'~ •:ot rl' naml'' • ·o. l hoy w,lh s :\.2 xard IIVf'nce for :i-~ l'fl rriP . !:'oph na,h Rffl !',fack, who .•eorp(I ;\'olrP Dl\m,.·.s initial 1 ouchrlm\ ns in both tile l n- dio.n:t and 8'>uthPrn Metbi,di"t hattll'•, ha,; R'lllneo 61 rrl" l n ~Ix smas:hP~ ( 6.11. Ml cU iruarrl Al 1c.. ng"ayJ El!uYPr •pPllrh<>ads thp Jris:h d~ae ,..;th 16 ta(kl,,,, be another "far w~ll Eame" t,,.. call:!e so far there· g no prov!• ~ion tor futur~ Army-Trish contest.~. * * * The , 'otrP Darn<>-SouthPrn f..thildi<::t SP,JP'I appafPntly ha!!. reachP.d thr point of no rpfurn, too. with the Irish winning Pight of 10 gamP~ playPd against the pass-happy . Texans. * * * Alter snatching six s1raight Notrt Da1m", :r.-portf'dl a onP pninl favorlt", lf!lldll I"• my In thl! glamr,roug gtid PriP• 24-7-4. Thi~ v.11l The llnlversily of San Dl- rgo junior varsity opens its first football 11£'ason today when it faces the tough Los Angell's City Coll<'ge Cubs at Marine> Co r_p s Rrc-rutt De- pot's !Iall Fltfd J{kkoH ls ·clwdulrd tor 3 p.m . In an effol"t to b 1!J • man P Io n n ,·oad1es L• li a Frank Mu,·phy wt '>ilrslly t;Ophomo WOil its OpC'11<'1' Franc-I ·co City Colll'ge, 15-0, bul lost last W<'<'k 10 Stockton Colleg(>, 31-0. In lr,lal of• * thr(>f> garnl' , Gau e- all Pioneer ball Aft"r IOWII., Pitt anrl Purrlu<- ttpplna. But II the Knirhts hollld prPVilil 4,-.rlt"row, {hefl F'1ghting rrl•h can Jt1reet ~11 ~hout na- 1•~ Jrrirl elory for '58.!l>ack , lck Pietrl) Loyola bas- ;,ohl !Paris C'RITi<>n eoes (6.4 av!'ragel and two touc-h- • !i•hlng and Ianats thP ones down1t. After R bye th q '"~ck- that got away, probably Pnd, LPwJ and Clark College b~ a11url!ng to CtiMlll!:llls • ·ell romes nPxt !or Coa<'h Bob .1c• Edward~ (lfSC), nt Car- mPl"S Fllll Parsons (USCl and * * Bill V!€ ,3 ~nrhf'rl !ft. t.n O•tr-oit ?.6 1 C1u•nt1 Ad.;11bain1a M11t~ ( NP-W Ortf"lllna) e ~I 8 Part IV-FRI., OC:T. 1 SAN DIEGO HERALD Colorado Mountaineer Feud Here" Sat. USDPioneers Ambushed lewis & P,bark Expedition 33-0, last Saturday The greatest help the RAC a goal-bound runner on the uSD rea,.he L.A • 1n ure o Ian Go on ,JJ~ksnn (broken 13akcrsfield ,rnrl Ea l Angeles, t11 o of the coun- wrist), will miss the ,,ame. ti') ls mosL powerful junior! Carrying the hall f~r Bak- l ollegc footliall teams, clash rr ,field will be its rnJ7 ,JC ton[sht, 8 p.m., hl'lorc an cx. 1 All-,\mcnca • fullback . na peeled crowd of 10,00D fans Jaclrnon, ' Y at East Los Angeles Sladi- The game will he a J\lctro- Utrl. JJOlJtan Conference opener o, 1 the: Im 1$ flf ,, i..:- fur both team•. 4 ) Q • n c!SuJ,.1,g ll'EliK·liNO JC SCHEOUL£ -· ;ind •Hi-6 , 1Ltories O\'l'I" Game, Toni1h1 Colorado's :.'lfcsa and Okla- B B•kcr,rirld •t Eo,1 Lo• Anoeles, Lono , , , each at L. .A. Harbor, LACC at u ol ,1oma !i Camr,·on. Bakers- ~-!".,,or,ooc,,Frosh (3 P.m.), Fullerton ., j ]d · 1· 1 • "'" r,y, rus .,, San1a Ana, Rlvcrsld<' 1e lS a h 1g 1t fa,·onle to :, ~•n BcrnardillO (Oron~e Show Slo, wm Ba t L.A. ha tripped um • Game Tomorrow 'l'aft, lU-0, and Pa:;3rlcna CC L A 1 ~•"•>i, 1•1 El Comlna, S•nt• Mon• 28-G. ' ~1· G4,,nd:~ Hi~ 9 h~ 1 pi 1 ~~~1~ 19 v:$·p~~~~ 11 ~1 Two a]tcrnale East L Rescd• High, San Jose JC •t Ventura fi r,t-st1·1·11g halfliacks I' .A. f;;~:, \~• A~tii'o~~ ~i"~;~"f."n cJ1!~0 \.Oger Fro<:h 8t O,c.imsldo, Ea$tcrn Arltona at 'vlll ·1~n1 (d" 1 t 1' k ) Palo Verde, Frtp;no CC at Taft Se"uo,·o a S IS OCa Cc nee at Hantotk, RecQioy 01 ~orlervliic ' dc1i'~n~i~;~ Sfart 8 p.m, u1,lcss othE:i·w/sc 5 SAT.,OCT.11, 1958-Part II Bakersfield Knocks Qyr,..... East L.A., 7-0 In a rugged defensive bat- tle, pocked by numerous penalties on both sides, Ba• kersfield's top-rankecl junior college football team defeats ed East Los Angeles, 7-0, last night at East L.A. Sta- dium befo1•e 9000 fans. The Renegades scored ea:lY in the third period, dnvmg 62 yards with Half- back Cecil Manning going the last 11 yards around right end. Powerful Riverside erupt- ing for 20 points in the sec- ond period, roared on un- beaten over San Bernardino 39-0. L.A. Harbor's .Jim Lud~ wick ran for three touch- downs to boost his season total to seven TDs, but Long Beach nonetheless won 52- ' Undefeated Sant a Ana routed Citrus, 40-12. LACC, 18; San Diego Frosh, O LACC ...... , . 0 6 12 0-18 S.D. Frosh ... ,0 0 0 0- O LACC: TD-Zeicheck (4 plunge), Armstrong 28, pass, Connerly), Womack (25 run). Bakersfield, 7; Rast L.A., O Bakersfield ..... O O 7 0-7 E~st L.A........ 0 0 O 0-0 Bakersfield - 'rD: Manning (11-yd. run/. PAT: Renwick. Smit.a Ana, 40; Cit1·11s, 12 Citrus ....... 0 12 O 0-12 San~a Ana .... 20 8 6 6-40 C1trufl-TD: Robbins, 2. Santa Ana-TD: Rivas, 2; At- kins, 2; Gallagher, Gaiters. PAT: Atkins, 2; Rivas (pass from Trumbo). l,ong Beach, 52; L.A. llru·bor, 27 Long Beach .. 13 14 13 12-52 L.A. Harbor . , 6 8 7 6-27 Long Beach- TD: Vergara (18, run); CaRage (7, pass Mc- Donald/; Miller, 2 (3 1 runs)· Griffin, 2 Cl, I runs); Byers, i (27, 3 runs), PAT: Vergara 3- Glasscock. ' ' L.A. Harbor-TD: Ludwick, 3 (], 1, 12 runs); Cobb (3, runl. PAT: Lewis (pass Sorenson); ~loss. lllverNl Grid Scores LOCAL Florida, 21; UCLA, i 4 ~:f;stl:,~. sa;J 0 Ji:.~r i·.l,roi~· o. SOUTHLAND Red!ands, 52; Caltech, o. MC~~sl~~~·39~0;Sa~it9~~na~11no, o. Long BMch, 52; L.A. Harbor, 21, PACIFIC COAST Sant1t Rosa, 36; Oekland, 12, I~:ree~:e14:5'Ne~~d~x;: 16 • EAST St~~~sbu~;e'iifa.)~pfihr?.ch;s., '9; MIDWEST HuUngs (Neb.}, 26; Nebraska Wnl 4. (Ja 1 rl.)~Bts (Ken.) Sr... 21; Southwesf~rn Saker (Kan.), H; Friends (Kin) 7 {o~f~~r.w;fern {Okla.}, 1111; SouthWesttrrt St,.! (Minn.), 20; McAlester, o. (M~_r;"- 9 Sj~~e 7 (Mo,} St., 39; Sprinifleld SOUTH LSU, 41; Miami, 0. Wofford, 18; lhe Cftede,I, &. Chattanooga, 26, Austin P@ay o Middle Trnnessee. l.C; Estrn, 'tc:Y.,. o. ROCK\'" MOUNTAIN S1. Col., ~7; Panhandle A&M Oe,wer, 29i Montana, o. e. Coaches Al Lewis.of Cal Western and Tom We J. bawn ot lift. Migu~l High will join the regular panel at the weekly meeting of the Monday Quarterback Club tomorrow noon at San Diego Club. coaches' p a n e I at the luncheon, sponS"ored b~• the A z; t e c Club. and reporting on weekend games and next weekend's contests will be Paul Governali, San Di• ego State; Bob JlkCutch- eon, University at ~i- ego; Jean (Cheesey) eil, Marine CorpS ~crll1t De- pot, and George ~hutte, San Diego Junior College. Also on t)1e THE SAN DIEGO UNION a24 @ lion., Oet. U, .J938 SAIi DIIGO, CAl.ll'Ott"IA GRID COACHES TO 'TELL ALL' ATQB CLUB LUNCHEON TODAY Reports of weekend games and forecasts will be given to football fans at the weekly luncheon meeting o! the .Monday Quarterback Club at noon today at S4n Diego Club. • The public is Im-lted to the luncheon, sponsored by the Aztec Club. Jack Murphy, sports editor of The San Diego Union. will be toastmaster. On the coaches' panel v.1II be Paul Governall. San Diego State: Bob Mccutcheon, University of San Diego; Jean (C~eesey) Nell, Marine Corps Reeruit Depot; Al Lewi . Cal Western; George Schutte, San Diego Junior College and Tom Welbaum, .Mt. Miguel High. High Schoo«$ :mall: ~h~r~mv°,~la'·12. J" .t£~'3s 0 ti~ ~~~'J-v~°,_ 0 · f~~fb% ,t' d~:t°or~o~l1 0. ,weetwoter 33, Mount M°lguel 7 }scondldo 27, El Cajon 6 1 r•ci~?•t~ 0 ~. '· • .oronooo 14, ~ceon,ide 13 i~•c~~l'i'i 1 lFJiv'il,~' ov'"" 14 · Srowle-y 25, Calexico O Holtville 74, Yuma JI/ o, /i~rc,• Florido 21, UCLA "· Los Angfes CC 18 USO Frosh o Senta Ana JC 40, Citrus JC "· Calif. A_99les 1'.t. Nevodo 2 Lii• 41 0,~,~m"l~~Po 21. Hawall o. Wofford 11, citadel ;, 1 0 · ~okslino, 16, Nebraska we,1evan ,. oo er (kan.) 14, Friends 7 Chottan00$lo 26, Austin Paa 0 y o Savannah St. 22. Florldo -"Norrrial 20, F0 r. Hays St. 21, Southwestern Kansas o enver 22, Montono o. Santo Rosa JC 36, Oakland JC a lt.1 TMmos. {Minn.) 20. McAIIStrr Drop Opener University of San 01·ego's freshman gridclers absorbed an 18-0 loss at the hands of the Los Angeles City College u s yesterday afternoon on the Marine Corps Recruit De. C b was t e first freshman game in USD's short history. Jim Brown, Ralph Conerly pot's Hall Field. It h notched Jim Womack and touchdowns for the Cubs, who (Okla.) 14, -eastern were claiminj! thPir /;('COnd vic- 10~1~'.~•ft"'n Sum th r<'P gamPs in torv · • · · Al'Y • • SD A o O O • O 12 · ·L· 4 0-18 TO's-Brown, on~rly,Airr!;-~Ck."orfng; 1u~l:d~~
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