News Scrapbook 1958-1961
THE SAN DIEGO UNION'S 1958 GRIDIRON LOG AIR FORCE ACADEMY f5 fo~~oit I~ U Colorado $tpte •••• . . 6 o 18---al Slanford 0 2~Utoh N I --OT O!i:lahOn'IQ Sfaft N 1-ol Oertve-r COLORADO U. IN O\ANA 1l Kansas s101e , • • 31 O Notre Dame •••• , • 11 31 Kansas • • ft 13 Virginie •. . . . 12 65 Arizona • , • 12 13 Iowa . ....... , 3~ 0 11-<1I Iowa Stale 8 18-al Ohio Slate £ lt:Z~?;~~~o N 2t::~~~~so~~hlo) NAVY ,_. Wll!!om & Mory ..•. 0 l~ ~~~h~~onu. · ·.:.' .:.:: ,i o 11--0t Tulane o 2S--Ot Pennsvlvanla N 1-Notrt Dome u~Y~tnte-xlco N 29....-Qt CQlol"Odo I~: rt/~~ourf I ~fc~rci1g;~at~ 1 ~::i?:o,=00~~. Slcodemy N n-at Purdue 26 N lS-ot Geo WoshlnglOl'I N 29-Armv I N 8~Marvland 6' 62 N Elll:ASICA u ALAIAMA 3 Loufslana .:a1a11& 0 Vandl!'rbilt 29 Furman o t&-ot T,ri..,.-uee o 2i- IL CIPITRO ............ ,, ........... 1 V •~~-~:::::'.::.: \ 1~ 1 'browley ,s 8 li=~tor%J.!;~~i~~ N 1-at Mh:hl;on N 1-ol Mlnnnoto N IS-Ohlo Slate N 22-Notre Oame O 18-01 Svrocose o 2S-ot Colorado N 1-MJ,:~ourl N 8--ot Kon!>cn N H Pillc.l)urq~ N 22--~t Oklohomo N B----at Georola Tecl'I N »~•-mohls Sta1e N 29- -Auburn ,1 26 '5 " 3l IOWA HATE il • 0 . " • 55 ARIZONA ·.::: :.: • 6 Nehrasko ...... , • 0 Kansas . ........ , 8 ~r 1~fts~un ~'rf~~o~~Kota N lS--ot KonlOS $tote N 21~, son Jose Stole 53 KANS,O.S O Texo1 Christion .. ... .. ,i g g;;rlr°o~oStot_e_: ::::::::: lt 7 Jowo $tote •• ... •.. o 8 18-Oklohomo N ~r I k~~~os Stote N 1-Nebrosko N 15-at O~lahomo Sta1e N 22-ot Missouri "/ Utah Stole 0 IOwtl Stale o Tulsa 11 Colorado 6 " ]A •• .. .. 65 • O Jt,....o1 New Medco 2 f=W~~t 0 TexM N 1-<:it Texo, Te,;:h N 1S--al lexcu We"terl'I N '22-ArllOl'IO State )9- ARIZON._ STATE 1: ~Jaii 16 we,t Texas 6 Hardin-Simmons O lt-Son Jose Stote, 0 2S--ol DeirDtl t .~::cr:i'~~t~r~&M N 21---- T b7 1', 111GB CAL.IPOR,.IA. • , • • I MINORITY GROUP' CITED Field Blamed For lnju u . ontl1111rdl the country. H we piny up to nent fot· our bov Lo~ An• our potential, we can win on Diego Fr h club r vo . 1 bu• any g iven nl ht. Pl, ylng well end. It' b n 11 12 53 72 Wet.tern Olvlsfon GREEN BAY PACKERS r!'building 11 " for u .:1,tmdny night v.t•re job thl · season since tive or i:aod t,·amc ol mind Clt!,eland Jones. Hot>by An• our six top men from la~t of vlc tonr. rnd derson. Art Buchanan. Doug yea r either dropped out or have a i:ood llnton, • cal PNtlr and Pat school or tran.sierred . We got n It Our rn tdn Sheu. Thr. olticlatmg had a jgood work last weekend out or thP outcome of quarterback Di ck I m,•r Hoover th· Santa Monica game but and end Pat Briggs. E~hbach t,lg hN1ri,1g 011 " 2n ChlC:Ot'IO Bears 13 n~trolt 17 Baltlmorf! o 19 nt Wa~hlnr,ton () 111--Phf!adrlohfa N 1 ot Aqlflmon N 9 ot Chlcoao B~ors N 1i1i LOI Angaff!S N ,,_Si'!,, Frn'"'cl5CO N 17 ot Detroit D 7-or San rrandsco 50 CHICAGO BEARS ;U C.rll,,.fl f5t'IY lo" Anr11!l"!I'. n ,( nf San Fro,..,.J.. ca ,., N ? C'!t Los Arreles ,., N ll_,-r,..,_"\ ['\,iy ic: N 1~ ~"'l'lmnr,. gri_~f ~ij~~b 1 ,~rnh -rt,rr:..,,,o Cards D 14_,, Ottrolt 111 ,~ Raltfmor1 'ion rront::lo:co • 0 19 13 r, ' 38 •, •, .• 14 .... ,......... 13 ...... 24 t1 ouhlt' m y bf! irtol}ping ,John Auam -..ra. fl t rl, wl h rd r1.1n h the ullkiatlng did not co t Jean (Chl'e~ey) ·I'll, 85 10 ,1 r lrom his (uJlha ck po lthm u the gume. rine Corps Recruit Depot - In When the Depot defeated Ha- AUBURN , • .,. ,,, , , , , , , •, Sl I o hr nd hoth rl1tht 1l Tenne'isee 30 Chatf0r\0090 I Ktnlucky o 11-=-01 Georgia Tedi ~~or{/6rit N I-al Miss. State N ~t Georgia N 'Noke Fore-s.t N -ot Aloborno 51 !AYLOR 12 AfkCl1'1SQ5 Hardin-Simmons • H ,\I L<'wi,, Cal Western n(! I ft b d d . , , 6 our !1> to River ide, ZT-lS, ""e wail U., 27-0. thl' Marines had l nlverslty of h d the big edge In st ti tks the edge in rushing, 266 yards hut somr mistakes <'OSt w to 50 : in passipg. 107 to 97, l't u, I' ..i ~b.,.""'6. 8.l'""!!Ai:tA 2~ S."., nr!go St. S ,n Oil' o ba<'kflelrl t•on r h 1 ""-l • t1,.r • r,.sr" i:::t1Jht ';lnte ' .A J. ?If .,, nd la L•·wl the SD op. hea vlly Nin.. of our 11 uni y ult.,, er are freshmen. l' llrt• and first downs , 17-10. A let• n 1 • - "l 7c;.. ,.., Lr-.,.'1 P.r1ch ~t, ,: ..."' s=:r...-.-,~,--, St. {)PO' ter from ·tales g- o o rl .Ma rines the isl a nds 1-pt t"lccfrll'n • 11f r ... r A.1gle.1 ,_ ... t N N o gum•· an
the Depot played a game. The Hawaii are next, on Saturday. n • PLEAS£ PAY • N 21 Col Poly 76 IDO 0 I a pi1t-'1' nETROIT LIONS \; ';;~~t~ 0 R~v .::;:;:,::: f~ ,~~~oft~~1:: ..... , . . 42 0 2!i-CII Los Anol!l1"1: N 2--ot ~nn Fraf'lcfsco • • 7 & Mioml (Flo,) •• •••••• H 1 DuKe _ __ •• ••• 1:2 O 11-ot Texas Tech 2 t1r••nx:1MChristion N t-Te)(OS N 22--at Soutl'lern Methodist N 29--Rkt bPst 1·0l!Pge ON WAY OLJT 35 'll'UTH CAROLINA Ith t e Welbaum-That was a very good SwertwatPr lligh tea m that beat u ·. 33-7. Sweetwat<>r haltback Mlke FogPJ~ong is about the best there Is arou nd and Wayne Se,1cr of ·weet- water is a aood thrower An- other good Metro L ea g u e I passer is Steve Thurlow of Es- " f Duke .. ...... . G VIRGINIA th country in M, D nlcJ , who h I hoy ;_. ,\r,~;qla • • · .'• ."•.'•.'. ',~ ~; ~!~k~$0n. • ... • ;; H you t an' t 1. tch 'em n Nar"1 Ca,.-olfno 21=~t"~~~~lond N A-F'11rmn11 N , i:: ,..\f(r... lnlt1 N '" - N. Carnlino St. N 11--Woke ForPo;:t 6 ,_. ~ . rorollr,n ., .. .. !Hot.. ' ·· ?< FLORID,_ ST,O.TI! !I i~~:J~ . T~ ••• :: : : 1f i~k/~e,t .:::::::." I! 13 Ge-orolo ...... 28 5:Z 7 yar
N 9-'Jt Cff"VC!:IOl'ld N l.i. -~.,,, Fraf'lrt,:,,::r, N ?1-C:hlcog,i Bears N 77-n.r,,pn Rny 0 7-New York 56 1rr eight coming in , get 'em going ~l ,,.V!_.J&n,Tn;,.J:ch .: : •. 12 ''-Af 85 have averu •ed : O g mr~. It . a out. Vonderbllt. l"I 11,,1 "' 41 ,_ \f'-).1 31 1hr 11_,.1,,•,.r•i, NH_,.. c: ...,,•., Carollno, r ... r.,.11"" BOSTOII COLLlaCi! That's th e way th cy ('Ol- ut d Y art rnoon at t h e Jon le .Sat- lnotball game here be- al \\ es ter n a n d l ' nlversity of California, Al Lewis, Cal Westprn ('Oach, e~plalned to t h e Mond<1y tiu«rterback Club yesterday that there was u ml ·under landing O\er ! lected adml tween River ·ide. on hand when Ian. started .So the ~ellers picked up a Jew admls~ion~ the game and, still \)ear- Ing down. nailed s o e they left t h e more ac premi. e after the final arriving. the gam 's and tic ket tarting time, e!Jers weren't m with tart• and the Ml Sc,onton 14 Svrocuw 19 Villonawo 8 I-COP N a-oertoft N • , 0 ,o d5 Sl'IIJTHERN CALIFORNIA .,, f"' .. !'"'".. ~t • ti 19 o• ;\-'ict,laar- •• .... ,., 1 P. 1 Mth Caronna • .• .• It 0 f')rf"QM •·••·, :2$ " ,. r,-1u... r.,la n 2'i-ot Wo•h. 18-VirCJinia Te-ch ,.. 2~1 TerineHee N 1-TomPO N 7--ot Mlamt (Fial N 12-ct Florido N 22.. Marvland. 57 ••••• . •• 2, • 21 ;~.rmr~~~-, • w l1 Iv r < , Walker, Hob r: y , rib jcondido. Hh _________ _ vtc j N 15-Bo.1ron u. N 22--cit Ck-mson o .-Ho/v Cross II 2@ Monachu~lts t~t~n~is,~r;~o l25-at Holy Cros.!I N 1-WJlliom-Mary ,~rr~~~t~n Col N .:2--at Connecticut 71 l I rul t,, 111, h1tl!hac Guu ,•pohl, knee Tot• lo to .:'.I n n L n t te may hnvr lh y mu t BOS.TON UNIVEA'SilTY • 1o1 boy • .•• • 2B ... .. . 30 1 •ttl do½n nnrl work If th y ½ant lo win t}le r•· t or thi• BC 2t'I Qhln 5,,.,,_, ?i ,, Y,tt.,~1-fl.,'";1'0N 1 • 1:.n" Iii JA,.,fr"" nom!' ~!.,...,r.1rf t,._, n 1"'- G111o,...~to Tech i..l ~-,..+ Tl''ICt"~ N 11:-Ti,yr,o: A.t."-~ M 1 o:-_..,t /u•.,.ansa!. to.I "l't i.,..,..,J.,r N ".'9'-Te~os Christion ~'> l'I ,._ ... • • 27 ig JO*~ St. 54 wny. J n Ch p l t1 1.mrted1 ,r- MISIION Ill\' k~·or~~ma.,:.-::... :... I sin oi.oa, B•- n~o~Ve~a JOiia. . • o n I still. 0 , .. •• • 19 1( '"l"'neu,1 .. 7 ,, C:t,:,"'""'l'ri r"I 1 •-UCt.A ,, 2c:-,-.t n~P'"'On St. M l-C'orP"IOO'\ "' t"'lhfn C:+'Jtt 1111_.,..t ,..,.,,tt, .. rn Cal. ,c:--r"'r'"""r"''., S6 N 27-ot Wo1;hl.,gton S1. 11.1 13 Lo Jona o 17 8 1:=k, N 7-ot Hellx (lr11rgr '< hutt , San D1 go I Junior Colle - Though y,e I JC, !S.8, BRIGHAM YOUNG f: Gf~~no State :.::: : 6 Colorado Stole .... .. 32 a COP 26 g~~ 1 o¼h°"T~~s N I-ct Utah Stole N I-New Mexico Ji, t lo Monie JoY,toi,a II - !I j~~a!~':?d~trc~· It wa our '"""t1on 11rterward · th.,1 we could hc1ve won. Ou,· p •r c •nt toughf!I' lhan I a xt oppmlf'nt I E,1 t ngele , \\hkh lost, 7-0, to .fl kPr rt Id. the M trnpolllan !..f?ag11 I 200 yrar, l..oA I t f'<'k S.,.l'lNFORO 57 - 13 ,. 7 '"""'""· j:>lr,. Sf. ., '" '1!\ MT. EMPIR• o tmPeriol 12 Son M lguel . o Rancho ~el caml>O 8lt:g; t6~~~~ovr 12 MT. Ml(;UEL 6 o,mord . . . WA(M''fGTON STATE . ......... . ,1,11 c:tr,,-f,.rcf ?ll r,.1t1,-tlw,1prt1rn 14 f"-,llfnrnlo 'l ...,..,r•~....,"-='.-.rn ''vo<:"ilri,.,tnn n 1<1:. All"' c,.r.-t n 2'i-r,f fll"'LA t,,i 111_.-.+ nr,_.,,..., ,c:_ri............ C:.t N 11~-ot Collfornlo ,., ,_ c,..,••k""" Cof. N tJ •..• • .• . '" ••••.• , 12 N 1 S--at Denver N 22-Wyomln; 57 r,,-pnnn '" ' • . ,.. ,, n "' 2c:---nt """"'t-""rn Cal. .,, i - dllf"U\ N fl-<1"'1"""'"' St. .... ·~- ...t ('f"I!') I n g gun . No 1 Junior r.ol!Pf!e lt'an'..'..1..:.'.ln~===========:-- BROWN ~~~~mbia .. . :.. : ·:::::·: J 8 7 1 o 33 ,~~t~l;rJ 110 N 12-Wo~hlngton 35 .,, ,, c,i; 0 Oortmooth •• 20 Vista' .. 0 - 29 SYr"'n~,;!~C.E .... 24----ot yellx l~c;a;oss~'ii~t. Hellit N 14-Escondldo. Hell~ ~1 El Caion, Gllles-:mJ;_ 13 33 OCEANSIDI! 7 Orang, ,~th~:n1:r~~~nia I-at Princeton 90 8-f'ld0n 1A l-lnlv rr05s .. .••.. . ,~ N N I-Cornell N 15-ot Harvard N 21-ea1;01e 57 (°O"'""l"II l"'I 1a-i,,.i...,..,,c,kr, n 'i-"+- opn" f:tote 1-P;thh"r"'h M 7_ ,.,t ~,.rton U "'1,:;;_c-,.,......._. N n-at West Vlrglnlo 92 'T'l:=MPLE' q l"\,:ol..,Wt"lrP '11 '-,\U}'> 1 e"bt"'Q n , R-.nt l.ofnvi-tt, n 2' -nt c:"'.r"'"'•"n N ,_ ... f Pnffr'llo "' . _r,,,,..,..... 1, N tlf_('::_. • tv<:.burg N 11-Hofstro 32 TENNESSEE n ,6,nli11rn •• ,• 1 j ;.:!~;0;~' 0 !;f'ch.' ·.·.· n ,~-A•a""rnri 11 , .._t:10,..:rif" <:t. N 1_,._,..,,, Cnrnlfna "" ._,..1...,+•.....,.,..... o N' 111.:_Ujulo:dnpl "'.,.,_.,.....,,,..1,., N 19-at Vonderbllt . , ••• • , 0 7 Escondido 13 Coronado o 17- -at Mor Vista 8 ~~_:g; i:~1 1rt~~k N 7-Vlsla N 14-ot Son Olegutto 27 . , .19 86 RAMONA ~1 Al .. ::::::::: • .. .. • . .. . • 1 ~ Follbrook 3 • oeo:ert HI. O 17-Rancho del Campo o 2•--at San M •011e1 160 2J~'tbrJ~~J~~ Webb N U-ot Armv-Now ' • 1A5 0 32 RJ-n~-T.~~.,,o~~.hCM':P.o_ 0 . • 6 47 20 B~AWLEY lA C">ochelln 12 Ch11la Vista 12 Holtville n 74-Blvthe O 11--nt linl1ville N 7-at Cnlexlco N 14-EI Centro 20 1f~et"~f Centro · " 1 0 WISCONSIN .. 17~1E~°r::'~a ,., ...... O O 31-at University High N 6-ot Armv•Novv JovveM 53 0 SAN MIGUEL ACADEMY ;;f {~~),;"thern l~ b 2 18~ort'.~~~nHpl~~~ rd 13 8 }j:!, 0 ifa~ lto,r MU. Aca N 7-ot Armv•Novy 19 '"' AAl"'lm1 Purdue n H1 -lnv-,,, n 2..--at c:1 11 ~,.,,,r..,,,ette 32 6 ('I..,,.., CINCINIIATI U i~l~ft~ : ~.::::·:·:·:: 1? 1 13 Houston ••••.• ••. •••• l_.' °'tt11f'- 9 1-t1t 1'"Tc:hl1'1'11'l St A-f,,.1,.r+i.,,u,...tern N fJ CALEXICO 61 1-1 2tt Holtville ... ,. .. .. 0 8 Palm Si:irlnq~ ........ , 20 2~ ~an Dlegulto . , , ...... 1? J 17~f'° 1~~1tvllle · ·• ···' · · 25 o 2-4-ot vrsto <119 TEV'4< r.&M N 1~t'lt llllMI, N 2:2-Mfnnesoto 14 Xavier ,. 8 T~XO"i T!ch. ._.,..,,.._ton . . , . , . H , , •, •• , , , ,•• ~o .. ........... 11 •. , . ........ 10 tot oil 7 O IB-at COP 0 25-0klahoma St. N 1-ot Nor1h Tuos N 8-Tulsa }tJ_t:_yr(~~He !ii CLEMSON o 23--0t So. Calirornio N 1-Woke Forest N 8-at Ga. Tech N I S-ot N.C. State N 2'2-Boston Col. N 29-Furm'ln 1~ PEPPER DINE ,, ,.,1 ..c;ro11rl 6 1 Nevc,ct-, 1j WV()MING 0 Son Dle-t:10 Stat~ Ln"' Angeles State 19 Whfttl"f" n 1rt....t,1 ?i:>dlartfs n 2i;....c1"11 Polv Pomonl"f "-I N 15-U Son Diego 1, UCI_A J,,lf'lv rr"l,;5 ,, 1,,.,f..,l"'l!~ota n MTrt,l"on St-,•~ <"\ Hl-\N,-5f Virginia ,.. 2~Prr,,,v II.I , -~ c:..,rr-,...,..,. "-I ll-1'- 1 ?trfl nor,.,,. "I i'--"'t l'Jet..r-,..,.,.a N 27-Pe<1n State PITTSBURGH • . n n '2'-At Rovlnr. J6 t-Ark;nn ... ns. r-.i JI-At 0:::-'.-,11. N ,~At Pice. N 19-At Te)(OS, lJ K"11n<:os 17 z; St. }~r'a.!;1'esentra , .• 1A N-'lntana II{ f"Jflll'lVE>r ?II Qre.,on St n 1111._nt Co1nrl"'rt,, St. n 21;,_r,•p,w Mexico N 1-lttrh N P:-at I/tat, St. N tc--ot Air- ~nrce- N 22-at Brf;Mm Young N 14-ot S!vtht Q 5, ST Bch. 6 . 6 , ... 13 1--t'lt Lona P...,ch Stole MISSISSIPPI 17 Mtmphls Stote , ...... ~~~~k~Texos) :::.::: ,~;~din-SlmmollS" . . ... O 25--ot Arkor,sas N 1--ot Lo•J!slono State N 8-Ho11sfon N i~t Te:inesstt N 29-Ml~slsslp~i State CARLSBAD 25 ' Avlotion HI CMonh J c-,r:11strono •. . ft Vista n 17-San Dfegurto n 1.t-01 oc:eon•lclf" 0 11-'lt Mor Vista , Jf Q j 32 I iii ~t.g~n!~ollna :;::::::: • ~!Z!~~?1t · · · ·..··.. 76 TEXAS CHRISTIAN l""'!'J. Kt"'lo:oo: n , .•• , , ........ . n 1T n 27 ... 27 ,, Ark.l'"n5:""i Tech. •. •. . . . Te"n<: Tpr:h. n llL_.6.t - • .,,." AA,M, .., '-"t"'.,..,.... "' .__.....r,.nette. "',.,._ .... ,.., .. 1,,1 ""'-A • f"ll,-o OJ ?0--At SViU·. . . • . • . . 'JoC; HOLY CROSS 0 Pitf!.burqh Svrccme o lJJ.-nt oort~rnou1h O 2~qost 7 n •• ... . 17 ...... 13 0 71 . . . . . . . . ' 50 i~r°Fgf1irook V~LE 22 4 ••••• , Cnnrectlcur , . ,. 2s 2~ ~~~~bin.:::::::::::::~;: 7 Rra£~~L~ VISTA .. g ;:=~~r;;;! N 1-f"lrirtmn11th N ~-Pel'lnsvlvanla N lC:-Prl.,cll'lfM N 22-ot Harvard 12 43 19 E! Centro •. 19 COLGATE 2~aB&';f!~e College MISSISSIPPI STATE '!l-1~~- Mrq 11 pf·••·•••••• 14 0 Cornell tl . . ...•.. T,.)(J,,.E~~~ TEC~---··· 1I U o 25-Son Oleqo O :11-Sweetwatt"r ~lorldo S6 ,,i; 1 ~ / 1_. HOtJ'iTON ...... : •: 2~ 30 20:18-i~:~,:~at:,,•os,,oStlea't'•"""" N 7-El Coion. Glflpsr,le Fld. N H-Gros~rnt>'lt. Aztec FJd, 2 2~\ l,~1:.Y o IB--ot Princeton 1t!t0I !vf:~i~ N 27--af Brown 6 n Pu,gePrR,INCE_:~.~..... •• 2!1, 3; ?;',:"O;exas St.'.. ::•:::.".',~ ;J ~~~un~~l~onrci .. :::;::::: 1~; ,,rJ,;[_5~',,vlor-. .. ......... 26 JA Ctricinnatl •.. 1 39 T"'xa, JJ.'-M ,~?,h~i'~hom • Stof~·, l::!f 1 ~lsotfsc,fgpf N' i~t Nr,rfh Ti-vos t:t. I 'i 21-ot MTar,f (Florida) N 29-Texas Tech l\7 •.••••..• 11 . • • . . . . . 1 ,... 1c;. ,. 0 25-Alabomo ,5.tu[~E~i~:~cle N l9~t Mlssrssippi 37 -Esc:ondldo 54 N .21 g ;~t 0 'cg~~eH t:~6~:':'~rd "'.t N 1'--"'t Yale ...,.. N 22-Dcrtmouth NFL Eastern Division CLEVELAND DROWNS A.MiFttes . •.••. , ,s •• O CORONADO 0 Loguno Beach ........ 20 14 Oce-:inc;(dc • . .••.•.•• 13 0 17-ot E!tcondldo o 2 • -Mor VI !'to n 31 -nt rorl ..bcd N 7-Fallhrc-ok " ~;::~k~~~~n;, 31\ ,.., ;a N 29 At Ho ton 1: ~A~~ 5 ~a 0 i 9 ~ord!I':::: .0 19- Pllt 50 - us . PACIFIC s, COLLEGE OF MISSOURI ·: 59 2-1 California 3' Ari1. State I lt 20 8 Vanderbilt ........... 12 63 20 TULANE 501 H~~n • : ... : lf ;;:_~~~ln Tech.·;;;::.:. n . ....... .,, · ......... 19 IDAHO ~de°x~os A&M ·····:·:~ , .......... rf ,~~~ii~nor,state"· .. 31 O '25--ot Notre Dome N 1-lllll"ois N S-ot Ohio Stotip, N 1 ~t Nnrthwestern I) 129 Nebras'k.~RDU~ ........ o ,4 J:l.,rida. v~r~gu1to' 2 ri 1~t'n~Tnn!tfng O 2S-ot Morquet1e N 1-at Bos1on Col N 8-Son Jo~e ~_!; 0 to. 5 Jfl!re N 27-ct Fresno St. 79 21 Droke .:n Brigham Young . 6 Air Farce Accdemv O 13-Nrominv o 25-at Utah State N 1-Montona N a-Utah 15--<>t New Mexico COLORAC>O ST,O.TE 0 Oregon . ........... 21 • ·:·::::::: 1 ~ g ~t:~O:g 0 ~1Jl~te 8 N 1-Netiros".o lt Sovthern Methodist . 32 24 Rice • :ft'Jh 0 uri 14 ,! n",~N~~!~i:il ,... .,'-~t K"1r•l'l'I. ,... 3,_T,....,..,... T,-ch. CRAl'l"ORO 0 Wo re I N I-Colorado N IL...('r•lahn1"110 N 22-Kons~s ~~nt~~gusf!ne .. ·:::: .. 0 U-nf La Jolla 0 ,~-K~ar"Y, Rolhoa Storflum 1 int"ol,,, Balboa Stod. PJ;.,P\L;;~~o. ~{'I/boa 27 ~0-Mlsslon BOY, LO Jolt!_ 1' l2 SI EL CAJON Fontana 19 6 Escondido . ........ , 27 () 17-ot He/Ix o :n- -('It Sweetwoti-r O 31-Grossmont Glllts1>le N 7-Chriln Vic.ta. GIiiespi"" N H-Rlver!tlde Remona GIii. N ll-Mt. Miguel, Gllle,ole 67. o :io- 'I .... "-I t..t 7_,-1 ..... .,M'I.. , -::_,.., "ar,df!rbllt. _. - H "-! .,'!-LSU. 1 66 N 22-lndlana NEW YORK GIANTS 58 JI 2 • 2~ .t2 •. , , 78 H .1' 0 16 30 MONT,O.NA '9 RICE 2 u UCLA ll~I.N~I~....... . ~? 3: TULS,O. O Hordln-Simmons. 27 Ar..consos. 3 • Arizona 24 Oklohomo St. 0 18-0ra\ t~u~,J~dQ 18 1~ w:~fT)ing . 15 16 New Mexico 27 0 0 6 . :::::·:·: . .. . .••. . Slate ....... . • . .• . . . • . . . VISU • 20 ~met c.a:~ 0 sdrln9s. o 17-.cit Frillbrook 0 24-Co~lco 0 31--San Dlegufto N 7--<1t Oceanside N 14-Coronodo N 21-at Mor Vista 35 ,J 44 n Pl•rdL•e •.• 29 2 • Arkansas 3.> lJ Ouk! 13 Ohio Stote o 18-ot Mlnnesora O 25-Michigon Stole t-at Purdue N B-ot Michigan N 15-Wl5Consin N 22-Northwestern N . • . ..... .. • , 19 O Denver o 1B-U1oh Slate O 1S-8riqham Yoong N 1-CQlorodo State N 8-ldaho N 15-Montona Sfote . o O 18--ot Southern Mett:lodlst O 25-Texos N 25-Army N 1$--Texas A&M N 22-Texos Christion N 1~-ot Baylor • 21-at Colorodo 27-at Oenver ot m60 N 27-U. San Oleiao -- - '° 42«1 52~ "' ,a ST 85 C 6
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