Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

Saturday, ::\Iarch 9, 19-10

. ·. Theriae,

i\I. of St. Louis Pi ep ra-

Out-of-town p ople an.-ndine: the tu· neral included: r='-. Edward ~- Budd,· Edward O'Connell Budd}• Ii-~~; Benr and Jean Buddy, ~t. Lou\_; ~iss Ann Elizabet!1 Danduran~ of St _fary',; Collee:e • otre D me_, Dr and .lrs. Thomas E. Horner, :\Ir·s Ella ~t. Peter, . Irs. Thoma 1 ~lcGurk, '.\lr. and • Irs. James Fa_nel, and . lr-. )larie Farrell. A1ch1son, Kas.; :\Ir:. ,,•ntred "'ard: Lawrenc~, Kas.: '.\Ir. and ~rs. Frederick G_am~ei, Hiawatha, Ka .: John and Dand • e . ter, Amazonia; '.\Irs. James ShortJe a_nd :\Ir and :\Irs W. F. Bannon. Kan~as Cit~·; :\Ir•. Leo Drexelius. o B~~falo, . y . Ir and '.\lrs. :\Iaunce O Keefe of· .At~hi.-0~1: :\frs. Charles '.\IcKeh·f of Atchison; :\[r'. \\'illia~ :i1essel ot Ka~~ sas City. and :\lrs. \\'tlltam St. Petet" of nenn•r. -------


Semfoar), [lie Rii:-ht Re\·.

t. Lou! , )lo.

Ianin \'eth, 0 .. B., bbot of -:t. Benedict',, Abbey, Atchi· ~on Ka .\.bbot . Iartin'~ chap!, ins wer<' the Yen· Re,. )L J O Farr ll, r,:,ctor of the ·Immaculate Conception . tl,edral of Lea.en" orth, and the Re,. \ •. D Delaue~ of Excelsior f;ring~. The Right Rev. :\[s_r, Jame,, P. Eltad), \'.G., Pro. pos., assi,nell by th Re, .. .\.ugustine F. :\le. ·em of '.\Io- buh· anhY, Charles .A. Semrad and \\'. P. Snooks. Interment took place in :\fount OliYet Cemetery. '.\lost Rev. Bishop Le Blond conducting the services at the e:rave. Besides the five children who were with her when the end came, there were t,vo other children who preceded her in death, Sister 11ary Loretto, who died in 1922. and :\1iss Helen Buddy, who died last fall. The deceased is also smTived by a brother, James R. Farrell, 502 South Eleventh street, and six grandchildren. John A. ;\IcGee of this city, Dr. Thomas Horner of Atchi· son. Kas., and Dr. Thomas :\IcGurk of t. Louis are cousins.

rs. Cecile Dandurant Laid to Rest Wednesday carry the cross like Christ, death is not to be feared. but welcomed, for death is a portal to Heaven. In paying a tribute to the deceased, he said: "I have never known any- The funeral of ::vi:rs. Cecile Agnes one who exemplified more truly this Dandurant, widow of the late Dr. teaching of the doctrine of Christ Louis J. Dandurant. who died Satur- than the deceased. All her life she day morning March 2 took place lived keeping the Commandments of , ' . ' , God; through all her sickness she '' ednesday m~rnmg from St. Jos~~h s I carried her cross, which led her to Cathedral, with Solemn Pontifical the Cross of Christ, never complain- Mass of Requiem offered by the Most I ing or grumbling, but clinging close Rev. C. F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of to her ~eart the cross that led her . to etermty. San Diego and brother of the de- "There is no reason to grieve for ceased. her. She had all her life prayed for Mrs. Dandurant, who resided at 424 a peaceful death, and the Angel of South inth street her childhood God came peacefully to her." ' In comforting the bereaved ones, home, had been ill about four years. the Bishop referred to the sword of She was the daughter of the late C. A. grief that pierced their hearts, and and Annie (Farrell) Buddy ~nd was sympathized with them, saying they born in St. Joseph fifty-three years should accept their cross as she ac-

Bishop Buddy Celebrates Mass Assisting Bishop Buddy on the Very Rev. M. J. O'Farrell, rector of the ~athedral of the Immaculate Conception, Leaven· worth, Kan., prysbyter assistens; the Rev Leo Ruggle, pastor of the Ca- thedral and the Rev. Denis O'Duignan, St. Mary's Orphanage, ~eacons of honor· the Rev. Daniel O Donoghue, San Diego, deacon of the Mass; th~ Rev. Michael O'Rourke, su~-deacon, the Rev. Charles Nowland, first mas- ter of ceremonies, and the Rev. Ken- neth Stack, San Diego, second master of ceremonies. Among the prelates within_ the sanctuary were the Most Rev. Bishop Le Blond, who preached the .sermon and gave the parting absolutwn; the Right Rev. Msgr. Henry F. Niemann, the Right Rev. James P. Brady, P.Ap., Vicar General of the Diocese; the Right Rev. Stephen Schappler, Abbot of St. Benedict's Monastery, Concep- tion, Mo.; Benedictine mo:iks from Conception Abbey, the Right Rev. Msgr. John M. Hega~ty, Vicar Gen~ral of the San Diego D10cese; the Right Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Forr1stal, Chan· cellor of the San Diego Diocese, and, the Very Rev. John B. Cotter of San Diego, member of ~!shop Buddy's Administrative Council. The Children of Mary Choir, ~nder the direction of Miss Agatha Pfeiffer, sang the Requiem. Bishop Le Blond Gi\-cs Sermon aml Parting Ab,;olution At the close of the Mass, Bishop Le Blond spoke from the throne. "There is no time when man feels the need of God as when he is in trouble; he yearns for some higher source w_here he can go to seek relief," he said. Speaking of death, the Bishop ex- plained that death came into the world through the sin of man, and told briefly why Jesus Christ c~me into the world-to redeem ma_nkind. He referred to the consolatl~m of those who believe in God. Chnst ~y His death conquered death, he said, and our life became a preparation for a life of happiness; for those who the altar were

cepted hers, and make her their model and follow in the footsteps of Christ. Picturing Christ bearing His sor- row, he spoke of His agony bath ed in the sweat of blood, begging His eter- nal Father to let this chalice pass I from Him: "Father, not my will, but Thine be done." I Following the discourse, Bishop Le Blond gave the parting a bsolution. The pallbearers were Kieran Mc-, Kenny, Joseph E. Corby, John J. Mc- '1 Guire, John J. Goodrich, Richard\ Keller, James Scanlan, E. A. Zerbst and Michael Lawler of Kansas City. Many P rayers Offered for Deceased Numerous were the prayers offered for the deceased. On Tuesday after- noon the Children of Mary met at the home and recited the Rosary, led by Bishop Buddy. St. Ann's Altar So-

ciety offered the Rosary Tuesday eve- ning at 7:30 o'clock and members of the Cathedral Parish at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Dandurant was an active member of the Children of Mary, hav- ing served as vice-president and councilor of the organization. She :.\IRS. CJ.:;CILE BUDDY D_\NDURANT was a member of the board of direc- tors of St. Joseph's Hospital Guild I and the alumnae organizations of the ago. She received her early educa- Convent of the Sacred Heart and St. tion at the local Convent of the Sa- Mary's College. She posssessed great I\ cred Heart and later attended St. executive ability and was often chair• I Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind., man of successful affairs of a char- from which institution she graduated. itable nature. I She was married to Dr. Louis J. Mrs. Dandurant was known and Dandurant, a popular physician and loved by a wide circle of friends. Her surgeon of this city, at St. Joseph's home was the scene of many social Cathedral by the late Bishop Maurice events and she always was the ideal F. Burke in the year 1910. hostess. She and her daughter, Ann Eliza- Surviving the deceased are her beth, a child then 2 years of age, mi- daughter, Miss Ann Elizabeth, at raculously escaped death the night of home, a case worker for the Stat e Aug. 1, 1920, in a tragic accident Social Security Commission; two which resulted in the drowning of her brothers, Dr. Edward P. Buddy of St . husband, Doctor Dandurant, and their Louis and Bishop Buddy of San 7-year-old son, Louis, Jr. At the time Diego, and two sisters, Mrs. Daniel

When the news spread of the death of Mrs. Dandurant numerous tele- grams of condolence poured in from several states, members of the Hier- archy joining numerous friends of the family in extending sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Among the mes- ,..._g.,,. .r<><>aiv~ were telegram~ .f~o"[Jf Archbishop Amleto -Cicogi:-am o ·washington, D. c., Apostoli_c Dele- gate to the United States; Sister M. :Madeleva, president of St. Mary's Col- ege Notre Dame, Ind., a noted poet and a classmate of the sister of the deceased, and from people known in Church and civic affairs. \ Cathedral Filled to Capacity The tolling of the Cathedral bells announced the arrival of the funeral cortege. The church was filled with I all classes and ranks of people, who I had come to pay tribute to Mrs. Dandurant, a prominent member of the Cathedral Parish and well known throughout the city. Among th~se attending the requiem were the Sis- ters of Charity from St. Mary C?l- lege, Leavenworth; Benedic~ine Sis- ters from Atchison, the SIBters _of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Sis- ters of St. Francis, Sisters of St. Benedict, students of ~e Convent of the Sacred Heart, pupils of the_ ca- thedral School, relatives and ~riends from adjacent cities. The d10cesan priests and Christian Brothers occu- pied the pews nearest the sanctuary.


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