Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948



Hero Of Franklin Wins Highest Honor

SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1946 Bishop Buddy Sponsors New Book Club for Children ~EW YORK (NC)-Bishop Charles F. Buddy of San Diego has accepted the post of honorary chairman of the advisory committee of a new book club for Catholic children just formed here, it has been announced by the America I Press. To be known as the Catholic Children's Book Club, Ithe new or,g-anization is under the auspices of the America Press, which publishes America -------------

and The Catholic Mind, and will serve children from 9 to 16 years old. The aim of the club, the Ameri- ca Press announced, is "to help Catholic parents and teachers pro- vide books, selected by Catholic experts, that will interest and en- tertain their growing children, stimulate their mental growth, and inculcate fine ideals, thus cor- recting over-interest in radio, film and comic-book narrative by in- troducing the children to the world of ideas and creating an early love of reading." Each month a book will be selec- ted for each of three groups:

Msgr. J. M. Wolfe, Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools, Dubu- que; the Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.P., national organizer of the Sodality of Our Lady; the Rev. Roy J. De- ferrari, of the Catholic University; Sister M. Madaleva, president of St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind.; Richard James Hurley, presi• dent of the Catholic Library Asso• ciation; Eugene P. Willging and Leonard N. \Volf, co-editors of "Best Sellers," University of Scranton; and Phillips Temple, li• brarian of Georgetown University. The Rev. Joseph Carroll, S.J., business manager of the America Press, is director of the Catholic

Group A boys and girls, 9 to ll; Children's Book Club, and the Rev. Group B, boys, 12 to 16; and Group William J. Gibbous, S.J., associate C, girls, 12 to 16. Among other members of the editor of America is Executive club's advisory committee are Secretary.

Lleut. Comdr. Joseph T. O'Oallahan, (ChC) USNR, heroic Chaplain ol the USS Franklin, as he ap- peared when greeted by the Most R~v. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., during a visit In San Diego. Father O'Callaban ls the :fll'st U. S. Chaplain to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.


' The Most Reverend Bishop surrounded by a. Guard of Bo.nor, on the O<'casion of the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 1n San Bernardino. Solemn Pontifical l\Iass -was celebrated in the Church of Our Lady of GUJldalupe on Sunday, December 16.

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