Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
i Thousand Sodalists Join to Honor B. V. M. More than 1,000 &Odnlists of Catholic schools of San Diego gathered in St. Joseph's cathedral l\tonday morning, ~mber 9, at 10:30 o'clock to assist at a Solemn Pontifical Hig-h M~honor -of_ the feast of the Jmmaculate Con- " Thousand Sodalisfs "'t.~~;. ., ... c,...,~, "''" • Rlg-h School and the Academy of ;•Join lo Honor B.V.M. ~1:u~;,!~·=~~~m!;~! AlPonllllcal Mass ;::.:·,..:-;::; :::.~ ... ':"'! (Contl11ut,d from Pqe l) ::rn:7th:'1;r!lut~IJ:;°:'~':: · '!~:-:::t ~~:;Y.~~i,,:d0 ~;!:: :u:~~ :;~r:;;;!r v::t~:: Md bl~w among womm and with the unlron,uor the mtm- ::n. Imrnaeulate Con•1::;~,.~• ~;t ~7:r 1:: fo~~t,.d!r:.,:;a1:~~o :i: •tood at attention in the M.nctu- 1 Vlrgln Mary, and to be ldentU1ed:•~t the conclusion of the Maa:i, ;:::!e~~~1~8:inu!t~:;: ::;• ;~u~!;;°;~/~~~~!~ R.-vere 11d Bi.hop np!UNd ht. ertnd Bbhop recited the Act ot plea.sun, "in the prhikft of bon• conwcrauon 'to the Immaculate l ortng the Immacui.te :Mother of Afothcr of God ~d the Pledge of Cod and of camna- down •peclal the Legion of Decency. !i:=d~: i:::e In you purity ot In hl.t~:;:. ~orllency U'JM 'Catty termed It an ''ln'l)lrint aftbt.. to "'Ju.t U )'OU lNI united U oner - the thl'Oill' O! IKldali.tla pth• ~~~~o:~1~:Ct: 0 ;o~r 1 !:1 ~::h!°!:~~e:i:~~::~~ ::~:: offered In thank11glvlng to Ood for
(Photo by Roielle) ,you can honor her In deed .. well II
l ·u In word," 111.t Excellency em- 1 f:£n~lc:E~:f:r'i~~= ~;~2:~~71f.t,~~ nd 0~ri:; Ph= wn, dur1n« the lfua ln• tlrl1 rtttted an aet of -ration to the lcludfld the Gloria from the ''M...
the Immaculate conception of the
(COntlnutd on Paa-e !!_
M"h0<>I~ """ ("f'lllettd 11pon the altar In St. ,o..,.ph•e eatbMI..I at th11 N>MttnUon of the Solto\ll t•onllllcal High !olah ttlcbrated by
of the Shepherd.,.. • Credo which Wftll Cregorlan with certain phuea r.~.~~1:°::n:~~:~: ·~~:!~ t cttanUn.r or the "lolap1ncaL• Offl~rsor the Mualncludfldthe
lmrna<:ulate Molher of GOd and renewed the pledge or the Leg-Ion of Decency.
THE SOUTHERN CROSS, FRIDAY, dECEMBER 13, 1946 .-------------------------.
ey Rev. Franklin F. fiurd, rec,. r of St. Joaeph'a Cathedral, arch- •lut; the Very Rev. Leo L. Ot.\'II, l~tO~eOfR:v~ :=~!,e::.:err~1 R., or the ffJl'lint.17 atart, du-I of honor: the Rev. Rlch.1td P. anid1, deacon; the Rev. Zygowtc:i:, C.R.• ,ub•dtacon: 1e Rev. B. Frantl• Rosa, the ev. T, Booth, maaters of ·re:mon!u. THE SAN DIEGO UNION: SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 194,
Mlld"lnJ', ~hkh epenod on 8tp1('mbcr 10. taujfbl t,y Donwlll:al Sl'lltl'll from TM,oma, Wa\b-
~t. llyarlnlb acadrm7 at S&II Jaelnto, ahow11 E,u.-ell,-ncy, tbe lU~t Keffn-nd Bbhop. Qne bnn- dl"Nl and twcnty~lll:bt •tudents atlcudlng- tlu!i abow, \\;Ji bo d....tlcat~ S p.m. toda_\· by Ht.
the Rei,·.
JO!lllph lltekt1,
lnlflan, att n
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