Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

I TWOFOLD BROADCAST His Excellency, the Most I Rev. Charles F. Buddy, I D:D., Bishop of San Diego, I will broadcast his Christ- I mas Message to the people I of the diocese over two dif- ferent stations this year. I On Friday, December 20 I I he will speak over statio~ I KFSD (600 at I I 10 :00 a.m. On the follow- I ing Monday, December 23 he will deliver the talk ove; station KSDJ (1170 Kilo- I cycles) at 1 :45 p.m. I


OFFICl~L ORGAN OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1946 Bishop Will Dedicate r Bishop Will Dedic~le Three New Parochial lhre·eNew Parochial Schools in Diocese Schools in Diocese New parochial schools in San (Continued from Page 1) .Jacinto, Arlington and San Ber- urday afternoon, December 14, at nardino will be formally dedicated 4 o'clock, according to the Rev. within the next 10 days by His Thomas Krolicki, pastor. A one- Excellency, the Most Reverend floor stucco building of Mexican Bishop. architecture, tile school has four St. Hyacinth academy in San double classrooms and will accom- .Jacinto, St. Thomas school in Ar- modate approximately 200 stu- lington, and Holy Rosary school in dents. Present enrollment is about San Bernardino have been com- 150 students in the first six grades, pleted or are expected to be com- taught by three Franciscan Sis- pleted within the immediate fu- ters from Philadelphia. Next year, ture, and will be dedicated on De- Father Krolicki states, he hopes to cember 13, 14 and 15, respectively. have all eight primary grades in Designed in Spanish, Mexican operation. and Italian mission style to con- Begun last year, construction of form to the architecture of the the building was delayed by num- . parish churches, the schools are erous shortages, but it was com- all of fireproof construction, are pleted by September, 1946, when wired for radio and public address \ classes were begun. Plans for the systems, and are excellent ex- building were drawn by Father amples of advanced school design. Krolicki who was in charge of con• Academy in San, Jacinto structlon and personally did much On Friday afternoon, December of the actual labor on the build! 13, at 3 o'clock, His Excellency ing. will dedicate St. Hyacinth academy School In San 'Bernardino

December, 1946 There seems to be a run on education. ln ~an Francisco alone, with the 2000 in the -Cniwr~itv. and the 1000 in the high school, we arc eclucari11g 3000. Acid San ta Clara, Bellarminc, and the two Loyolas, and the total comes to 6572 young men this year being trained by California Jesuits. And sometimes things happen that make it all seem ver) much worth "·hile. In a crucial night game lor instance, down at San Diego, Loyola High, led by big Al Pollard, upset San Diego H igh, rated last year number one in the nation. I n thanksgiving, the team ga,·e up a steak banquet which had been arranged for after midnight, voted instead to last and receive Holy Com- mu nion on their return to Loyola. It did your heart good, the blackrobes said, to see the lads pour into the Loyola chapel in the wee hours and walk u p to the altar rail.

in San Jacinto. The one-floor, stuc- co building of Spanish architec- ture has a ti"le roof and a tower. Begun last October, the four-room structure was completed in March and is now in operation with 128 students in eight grades, taught by four Dominican nuns from Ta- coma, Washington. According to the Rev. .Joseph Mackey, pastor of St. Anthony parish, San .Jacinto, statues of St. Dominic and St. Hyacinth in kneel- ing posture, being prepared of cer- amico by the Dominican nuns in Adrian, Michigan, apparently will I not be ready for the dedication, I contrary to earlier expectations. Father Mackey also reports that I St. Hyacinth academy has its own I school bus which brings children to the school from nearby Hemet, and that the old church has been remodeled to serve as a cafeteria for the pupils. Arlington School St. Thomas parochial school in Arlington will be dedicated Sat- (Continued on Page 2)

At 2 p.m. Sunday, December 15, Holy Rosary school in San Ber- nardino will be dedicated by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop. The 260 students already enrolled in the first seven grades j which will be taught in the new school will begin classes qn the \ first Monday in January. They will be instructed by four Domin- ican Sisters from Houston, Texas. .Next school year, according to th~ Rev. Thomas Matthews, pastor, there will be six Sisters teaching the entire eight grades. Of Italian mission architecture to harmonize with the church and rectory, the new two-story rein- forced concrete, fireproof struc- ture has a tile roof, asphalt tile floors, and acoustic tile ceilings. There are eight extra-large class- ; rooms, an office ror the Sisters, and a book room. Student capac- : ity of the school is 400. Beo-un in .June, construction of , ., the building was delayed when the < window sashes were broken by ac- l cident during delivery. The build- ] ing is almost completed now and Father Matthews hopes to h~ve it entirely finished by the day ·of dedication. The inscription on the corner• stone of the bullding reads "Dedi- cated to the honor and glory of God· through Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary."

Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., celebrat- ing tenth anniversary as Bishop of San Diego.

BISHOP BUDDY This month, l\Iost R ev. Charles F. Buddy cele- brates his tenth anniver ary as first bishop of San Diego. , ve're not much at tatistic , so we would not wam to say right out that San Diego is the fastest growing diocese on the Coast. But ju t look at the figures: Catholic population: J.19.000, a again t 80,000 when His Excellency took oyer. ,\ ncl to meet tbi, growing need: 35 new parishe , 36 new chapels. and 3 ne,v high schools. ,-\ncl we ha ,·c Fr. Da, id ::\Ic:\stocker's ,rnrcl for it that "these figures do not adequately e.\prn~ ~he good accomp!i.1hed. Jndomita/Jle of will where God's glorv is concf'rnl'Cl, he has accomplished wonclprs. Besides an increaSf' in numbers, .he has imbued his subjats with an esprit de corps diffz- cult to describe. TT' hpre before they held their heads. they now walh erect, jJroud in the c01ruic- tion of belonging to the true Faith."


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