Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

IDAY, DECE BER 20, 9 6 At Dedication of School - ....... ....--. ......





(Continued from Page 1) 1 Their two children, Robert Em- Ing and legal profession. Because melt and J. Barrett, attended St. of Mr. Ic ahon's health, the tam- Augustine's high school, • an Di- lly mo,·ed to Callfornl where, ego, and the Je uit university of after a prolonged rest, he became Santa Clara, Santa Clara, Califor- trust officer and legal adviser of nla. Robert McMahon entered the the Southern Trust and Commerce Society of JesUB, was ordained to bank, now the Bank of America, the priesthood, and at present is and that position he held until the ' a professor on the stat! o! Santa time of his death. Clara university, after serving Helped Build Church during the war as a Navy chap- The McMahons took a prom!- lain. J, Barrett McMahon, who did nent part in the building of St. postgraduate work at the Jesuit Vincent's church, San Diego, and I university of San Francisco, died gave edlficatlon to the parlshlon- May 11, 1938. He is survived by era by their piety and generosity. his wife, Louise, and a daughter, Mr. McMahon died, fortified by / Marie Louise, who is now a junior the sacraments of the Church, in at the Convent of the Sacred Heart San Diego, January 19, 1925. in Menlo Park, California.

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t r "'t BArnardlne church and dt>an of ,,, • · . b • at i--a.n Bernardino county, are i;h0\\ n a 0~t' the (•oncluslon of cel'emonlP". heh! In . a1 nardlno last Sunday when }Its ExcellenC') c·ated the recently-completed Holy Rosa rochlal school. pas or o

The \"1•n· Re\', Peter F. Lynch, Y.F.. pu tor of St. .nuil'ls de Sales ('hurt'h, Riverside, an~ J),•nn of Riverside county, the R('\', Thomas l\Jatthc,,s, pastor of Ilol~ Rosary church, San Ueruardlno, His Exccllcm•y, the • l~t Reve~.e~,d Bishop, and the Yer.r Jtt'\', John owt•r, ..,

THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1946 Four Priests of Diocese Elevated by Pontiff to Rank of Domestic Prelate

Fathers Hannon, Ott, Lynch, Power Given ' Title of Monsignor Four priests of the Diocese of San Diego have been ele- vated to the rank of Domes- tic Prelate with the title of ! Rig-ht Reverend Monsignor, according to word received from Pope Pius XII by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, The new monsignors are the Very Rev. Owen Hannon, V.F., I pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church, and dean of the clergy of San Diego county, th 1 Very Rev, Francis C. Ott, pastor of Blessed Sacrament church, both in San Diego, and the Very Re\', John Power, V.F., pastor of St. Bernardine's church, San Bernar- dino and dean of the clergy of San Bernardino county, and the Very Rev. Peter F. Lynch, V.F., pastor o! St. Francis de Sales church, Riverside, and dean of the clergy of Riverside county. No date has been set for the for- mal investiture of the monsignors, pending the arrival from His Holi- ness the Pope of the official docu- ments confirming their appoint- ments, according to the Most Rev- erend Bishop. I These new appointments bring to 10 the number of Domestic Pre- ' lates In the Diocese of San Diego. 1 The others are: Rt. Rev. Msgr. John B. Cotter, V.G., pastor of St. John's church, San Diego, Cali- fornia; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. :.\tcXamara, chancellor, and pastor, Our Lady of Angels church, San !Diego, California; Rt. Rev. Msgr. !John M. Hegarty, pastor of St. , George's church, Ontario, Califor- nia; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Laurence For- I ristal, pastor of St. Agnes church, San Diego, California; Rt. Rev. Msgr. F. A. Wekenman, chaplain of Little Flower Haven, La Mesa, California; and Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jos- eph N. Trivisonno, pastor of St. Charles Borromeo church, San Di- ego, California. Kative of Ireland Monsignor Hannon, son of Hugh and Mary Daxlne Hannon. was Continued on Page 2)


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Rt. Re\'. Owen Hannon

Rt. Rev. Francis C. Ott

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