Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
I Sb
"Christ or Chaos" C
~ros~ for Service at Me.rcy Hospital I Receives Honor for 20 Years• Activity As Credit Manager
a,sn,l&M.W: ,:b&nJMld .,._ fQI' •9drat. .. ..u u ,_ 11111
'- Bntiab OMl "'- &.. ...,-,- 11111 Al-
...vlr&!lt;J n r' &AUDa; tN ~Md_..., 11111 -- -~t>P. and. addl4 U.."1apa1A,Z101Cl,-tolbt\1llftad-"l:ti:di:XDllll'1Ula-Brt.tillll &mpiqallllC-•-.ltll,,1111.1-U. caknotdle~:u1ed1'1a.- u... Tbat~--- .... "117, 11111 u,, .. h!Mnllau at La.Ir.•~..., UNM ~ta ..,,.._..r ~-.,11anpe~tKtl'-....,.. bf_.,... ~a1thtpae."""'r--'1tw&ai.-..a1,1pa1z1u.,_.. U.C~ladtl,al,;:.a.-.lll~b.akptaQlrau:st .,_lMl__Wllolll,~NCLlllillllO~to~IDlN' U.tUlqfe.bovtt L'\---=nc,...._..,,IPpam.Old.UIII.__ cat• ai u.. ptAC1t table ,.... tlM tad. 1kt Japaa naand .,.,_ RUU&!Jwlptna ~U1&&" U-Ulr9aad.aNlf,.._wllilil dtk! Hat ,t....,Na~t to fats«dlil urbanpot- llilt-- HIU. Md lt.aMa aa t.- t- th!- I.a ,-.. •Ill,( "a14 WarXo. 2 madita~ ~~a.Did•- .r,q-t wttll,MD '" ,_ .., nw-ts ta ..... tut !'pal.a-• ea..- ... 11, JoitalN ....,s Illy ....k • by U'Ollk U,,. af 1.11it •'-lo..._..? U tM're aa) ••W.... IJl;al ,olall 14 lllit fM"t Ulat F,- IJIIII<>... I• I..."' llir up .__I, ta Illa.It ,...lltllell If f"rilli-aJ llu.lldlaJ -lertals, .... to pro)t,<--t ,...,_ 1111• ..._ 11.u,..,.! \\loo ..-notk"1 fll• .\, Olrarle,-, >--. er itta.Uaf \Hoo la ""l"'"""bla for all tb.,ae'"""I.I"! TINI It daar t»t wlleli God and H1I 11.. •re Mt ulGe, truU. .. dllrlrdfd and l,llltnJ' btct,19 w ~•.ab. Tbt caa, not pnna , .. It a:11aat lrwoJlt PMn. holp to pnd.lldt lnJW1t!c11 and .u'-quent .i•v«y. Lit °"' Jl!l to our cou:ntry be a fer• nnt pra,-r •t Iba CID ot Ola Infant Slvt.>r I.II.It publle om~ our ....,,_laUV,. 1t IIM pe.ct conltl"l'r.c, fall down to ldora 11,.,. 1n Wbom U0M are tatlll.lte jlakl, Ille rod !bat heab, th,- power that aya, ti.. love bin,.._ tbat eadwet and It i-,11111t. Oelt- &"•l-, •llo to.1&7 npr...,t lntf•.,.ttd I.II peac,,• .,., btlnl put toamtsT,l)'t•t .• Ull71JJ"tbel:q' ..... thlCrllt,tn.lplN'dtokllnl lrnz1Mi, ti.tore ,.,. Clonlll CbDd and .,.~ H.!m u Lord alld God. ao-..orktutlltpMCteonfHtoa,;elllust-to~l..hat UM7.,.. flClld trill lMI alt...tlve---Cllrt.t, 01' lt la U.. IIJatory Of UM wodd I.II.It wttlociu.l Christ lhe111 cu be ,»"'4Urtll&"pean•eart11••• .wi.ou.tCllrilt UMere .. ~d-t'.111 hate •. • "1Ulout Ort.I. c::ran.i- tit-~· Now tba bwnan Ml-rtla_,..,.r .... , .. (1od~1tlovalll....-l,Jded. WMa•pol-.lnfllCtlonealfftltba bloldtlrll&a ef ....lvWll&i M "- akk and~. Hit.Nd Ill~ 1 vtr-a to UM --.-.n .. .• fl.lllotbatrfd u, 1 Sl
Mn. l!arie Barrett lfclta. -_ bu been awarded the croM "'Pro Eedeaia et Poo. ur,ce• f. r her aerrioes u credit~ cf )lt'ft'Y llof- pttaJ. aa. tc-r u..,.. =- ,...._...., .. ._ .........t ,.,_U.V&ttmza.,.lliaE:&ioll• .U.K.t~BDllopt,f =--Dwco- T!letcirmal~- U-ttU.-wmN ..... .,. u. Mee a-wad Bi.c,p ., • •t•tobaL!laOatlNdkttt. Mn. Mc,l,l.alia,,"a _...,_ t.J the boilpttal. .tClll9 J_,.,., lY.!5- wt... ._ .,... pla«d ill dl&zl"• of tM ..Ut--•a crt d It dlputment, IM:tDiSII • niorpnm.l1ca of tht cre41t 4epvtma;t and u.. S-1.1- run,Uon Of & IM"' cndlt en{- wt.Ja. WiLb Mr e&Ntul plaM!nl' and ~iiua-lll.lhtswxeed!11& yean, helped to cloar lhl boapltal ot a ddlt ot mor. lll&II. a muu,,n d<)lla.?L N<'!w tu Bm.ttt ot Jilerc-y at lha hoapltal utuid chuity lo poor patlenta ill Lb& &mount of i100,000
'nN Jn.c&n1&Uoa of J- Orbit .. a -11 ot Oh"ltit ..,.,._for ty l,t,atliln 11,_.., not ... t.-4. Wlln Oln,&t 1-dt lie -J' .. __,,~ that W11 di> IIOt wabr. in~ 110 tlalit Chl'ktl&alty dklat6"li p e&ll 1'<>ld nothblC ltll - It ,._ U,t l~I' et Oltholle Clllreh that m&II. mada tll U\41 """P and Ilk-« 111 dOI.Md wtUt. a dlptf wlddl God Hla8elf aatta. Ht II with 11,:bta wllldl • .tale 111&7 diNtfo7; &nd thne rtpta ar. t _....,_ ma lhl atat.. nor,_ polltlea.J tOD\a, bat UNJ an, frm:I God lht Commm Cfff,klr(lf -&ad t.11e ,tate. It k, tber'Pfo""• 1111e ...,_ duly 1>f J<"f',-lt la ........ t U,e God-st..... rtrbt. t,J - It fa(ttlt&I& tlwtr , ..... n~n:IM ....i. It prt>t""I u,,,,. acaia,,t ,...._,_L 0. IM P"rt Of Ult 1a41\ld-1 tlio-l"f la I.... dtrty lo Mlpp
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