Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

BROOKLY • 11, AYS PEACE TAB E IS A SPECTAC E Bishop Buddy Declares Russia Has Wrecked Atlantic Charter San D e o, Cal., g t to the peace conference mu t sooner or later Ncome to ltze that they are faced wit m th -Christ, or chaos," B harl F Buddy of San DI ed a cond r d o broadc th ft fev. da m u fr gl 0 he "p eudo-diploma " have " ultlfi d tr themselves and become pectacle te before the world," barrtn Ch ~: from their conference table • t The mystery of the lncarn Uon, Bishop Buddy said, points up the : jdignity of man and his po on of certain inalienable ri hts. He added: "It is therefore the duty of t~ go\·emments to respect the God- given rights o! men, to facllitate g their free exercise and to protect la them against enslavement. Lnws e bind the citizen only when they are s in accordance with right reason and ft. hence, with the eternal law of God" c 'The Soviet dictator~ and their 8 satellite puppets," the Bishop con- tlnued, "have made the rest of the ~o:ldc:!u::1!a~:t~~~e~ i~~~o~:~:) For 18 months, he tated, . ju t as they have designs on this country, When, in 1935, their long- , plotted anarchy broke loose in Spain and the Communists raised their fists in ~alute, the trail of arson and rapine reached from Cadiz to Madrid. "The frightful and unspeakable conditions that followed Conununls- l tic control reacted In a national up- rising with Franco at its head, which dealt Stalin and his agitators their flrst and only decisive defeat In Europe. From that day to this the Communist International has plotted revenge on Spain." Citing declarations in which both the late President Roosevelt and the Prime Minister Winston to I General Franco for his neutrality, the Bishop asked: "Why, in the de- i liberations at Lake Success, were these documents suppressed? "Is there any evidence that points to the feet that Franco sent agita- tors to this country to stir up dis- content, to halt production of criti- cal building materials, and to pro- ject violence into labor strikes? IWho wreckc-d the Atlantic Charter, 1Franco or Stalin?" he asked. In calling upon all men to nour- ish the spirit of Christian love in their hearts, the prelate said: "A nation is merely an aggregate o! mllllons of human hearts. If the e hearts are hc-althy and normal, ca- pable or esteem and understanding 1 for others, the nation will be happy and flourishing. If, on the other hand, the hearts quiver with ani- mosity and shout recriminations toward one another, there 1s no round •tlon on which to build peace I or progr ,~. Hate be •s ba former Churchill expressed gratitude

UARY 3, 1947

7 T~eological Conference Set for Priests of Diocese On Tuesday, February 4, a the- ological conference for prie ts of the entire diocese will be held in an Diego, according to th an- nouncement of the fast Reverend Bishop. Members of the clergy from all four counties of the dio- cese will meet in the Cathedral hall for the conference which will be followed by a day of recollec- tion in St. Jo eph's cathedral, scheduled to start on the e\•enlnl:' of February 4 and conclude F b· ruary 5. The retreat master for these spiritual e. ercises will be an- nounced later,

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Our Lacly of Guadalupe <'hureh, San Bernnr- cllno, wa~ the c-ene of ft Sol!'ntn Pontlfkal High J\la,;; in honor or Our Lad\' of tinad - lupe on Sunday morning, O.•cemher l". Aftt>r the 1\1 ,s a mngnirkent gold <·ro1,n set \\llh

prt"c!ous stone-. K <•ellt>ncy, the

olernnlY hle-.sed by His

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o! the state. But let it be clearly 1 Generos,·ty o·-f Santa Claus noted that they have exercised this• . the power or the catholic Church that Santa Claus was generous to them when they receive and in per~ecuting her leaders 2nd I the benefits of 56 donations totalling $2,576.11 received . people, who always champion th e during- the past week by The Southern Cross Relief Fund for cause or liberty.'' , . . . ii Bishop Buddy also termed as •·re- tarvrng Cluldren. The total amount m the fund to date 1 grettable" the fact that "only Rus- including this weeks receipts is $37,1,15.45. 1 • l sia's side o! the Spanish issue has Contributions from 27 parishes, 16 individual donations, four • been presented" at the U.N. sessions. . 1 He declared: "Stalin and his Com- memorial gifts, and contributions from three groups of Sisters, three munist cohorts had de.igns on Spain missions, and three institutions completed the list of receipts. 'J violence only where they have sue- 1 temporarily in suppressing The starving children of the war-torn countries will feel c ceeded ,



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cir-------------- --------------, Greetings from Chinese Cardinal [Reprinted below is the tran.~lution of n letter written in Latin receil'ed duri11,q the past !('eek by His E:.ucllency the J\fost Reverend Bishop from His E'minence Cardinal Tien, China's jir.~t Cardinal. L118t year Cardinal Tien tll'ice visited the Most Rev- errnd Bi.~hop in San Dir!{o.] THE CARDINAL'S RESIDENCE, PEITANG, PEIPING, CHINA November 27, 1946 Your Excellency: \Vith the coming Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and the New Year, I heartily congratulate You, Your Reverend Co· workers and the faithful, wishing all of You the choicest of gifts and praying that the coming year be to You one of joy and peace! The opportunity presenting itself, I thank Your Excellency for all the favors You have bestowed upon me and the Mis- sions. We pray always, that God may reward Your goodness most abundantly by bestowing upon You His heavenly graces. \Vith the ending of the second World \Var, the conditions of the Chinese people have changed. The well-known and mod- ern youth have discarded the old morality, and desire a new one. For this reason the political parties and the Government do their utmost to disseminate their ideas through schools and books. These circumstances being well observed, I have founded In Peiping major and minor metropolitan seminaries and the Institute of St. Thomas. Through the metropolitan seminaries the native clergy are well educated; the St. Thomas Institute, keeping in mind the scientifically minded and up-to-date men, publish apologetical and ascetical books. These two are of the greatest necessity, but they also involve difficulties, Pray, I beseech You, that God perfects them. At the present time there is great confusion In Northern China. The Communists pervert the minds of men; persecute the Catholic Church. Many missionaries, deprived of all of their possessions and slandered, have been driven out; some killed and other incarcerated. Chapels and missionary homes have been taken over or destroyed. Let us pray, I beg of You, that God restore His peace as soon as possible. Finally, again and again, I thank Your Excellency most cordially. Never shall I forget Your kindness shown to me in San Diego. Your generosity impressed me most highly. We always pray, that God may protect and keep You in peace. God bless also your Reverend Clergy and faithful, especially mem- bers of Your household staff, who have done much for me. In the love of the Infant Jesus I remain Most grateful to Your Excellency, t TH. CARDINAL TIEN •

These donations will be forwarded to His Holiness, Pope Pius . XII, for the purchase of food for the starving children throughout • the world and clothing for thP. '1.1.'.B.r-needv. j Fr. Michael J. O'Farrell Buried; Was Desert Hot Springs Pastor (Continued from Page 1) I Ward, D.D., for play, but their investigations only Leavenworth. the Diocese of tended to substantiate the original He served as chaplain of st. who were familiar wi er ized a new parish at BBl!ehor, O'Farrell's physical condition-he Kans., where he built the Sacred had suffered from a pulmon~y i Heart church and rectory. He condition and a lung lesion which served at Sacred Heart parish, required hospitalization last May Leavenworth, ar.d was appointed -state that the exertion of trying rector of the Immaculate Concep- to back out of the sand rut may tion cathedral in that city where, have been too much for his heart.) from 1930 to 194 2, he served as Dentist Completes Identification Diocesan Director of the Propaga• 'While it was impossible to recog- tion of the Faith, President of Im• nize the charred remains found in maculata high school, and Dio- the smouldering car, Father cesan Director of Cemeteries. Hs O'Farrell's belt buckle and watch later served as pastor of St. Rose were found. To make the identifi- of Lima church in Kansas City, cation positive, the )lost Reverend and when his health began to fail Bishop requeRted Doctor \Varring- he was made chaplain at St. Fran• ton, a Riverside dentist, with eta hospital, Topeka. In 1942, at the in,,tatlon of the body. Accompanied by the Rt. Rev. Most Reverend Bishop, Father Msgr. Peter Lynch of Riverside, O'Farrell came to San Diego to and with the aid of X-rays and regain his health. His first assign• records, Doctor Warrington made ment was to fill a vacancy at a thorough dental exam· ation of Sacred Heart church, Brawley, the body and reported to the Most after which he was nam~d to or- Reverend Bishop that the remains ganize a new church on the out• were, without doubt, those of I skirts of Riverside, where he built Father O'Farrell. Sacred Heart church and rectory, on the day of his death, Father Failing health forced him to the O'Farrell had notified a resident I hospital, and upon his recovery he was sent to Crestline where he or- of Twenty-nine Palms, 1\Ir. Daniel Grogan, who was seriously ill, that ganized another parish, and the he would be out to see him. While Church of St. Frances Xavier Ca• Father O'Farrell was on his way to Twenty-nine Palms, :Mr. ~rogan has been transferred to a hospital in Long Beach, so he was not at home when the priest arrived, and O'Farrell to the hospital, and on it was evidently while Father what appeared to be his rec~very, O'Farrell was returning to Desert he was assigned to organize .a Hot Springs that his car had parish in Desert Hot Springs, hJ.S skidded from the road. I last assignment. ~ative of Ireland Father O'Farrell's zeal knew no Father O'Farrell, the son of bounds. Even in failing health he Michael and Johanna McCarthy wrote to the Most Reverend Bish• O'Farrell, was born February 7, •op requesting that a new parish 1891, in Effin, Kilmallock, Lim- 1 be formed at Smoky Tree ranch, erick County, Ireland, and was to include Cathedral City as a educated in the last of his birth, mission. As a result, His Excel- where he attended St. Patrick's lency had appointed a committee college, Carlow, and at Kenrick of neighboring pastors to investi• seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. On gate the spiritual needs of the ter• June 2, 1917, he was ordained atl ritory. The letters naming the st. Benedict's college, Atchison, commission were delivered on the Kans., . by the Most Rev. John I day of Father O'Farrell's death. . . a whom Father O'Farrell had had an appointment, to make a study erws ln Brawley of d en t a I appliances in the brini was dedicated on the Sunday that saint was canonized in Rome. After spending a year in Crest- line. illness again sent Father theories that the priest's death was caused by an explosion which wa:, concomitant with the fire, or that he was overcome by fumes and unable to leave the car. Vincent"s orphanage in Leaven• worth, as assistant at Holy Trin• ity church, Paola, Kans., at St, Michael's church, Wheaton, Kans., d St B , id' church Axtell (Those an · ng s • 'th F th Kans., in 1919. In 1920 he organ•

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