Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Fr. Hurd Praised for Father F. F. Hurd Praised for Outstanding· Note.Tent~ Annivers_ary 1 ,:- Outstanding Service Senice as st. Joseph's Cathedral Rector II Of Bishop S Installatlon Cf As Cathedral Rector (Continued from Page 1) . complete high school has been es- . The completi?n of ten years of zealous activity as first st. Joseph's cathedral, Father; tablished, which has now one hun- B1sh~p of San Diego was ma1:ked Wednesday, February 5, His Excellency, the Most Rever- Hurd served an area of some five dred and ninety-five students; a I by His ~xc~llency, the Most Rey. qharles F. Buddy, D.D. end Bishop, in expressing apprc- square miles. In more fully devel- convent has been built and fur- qe!·emomes m honor of .t~e occas10n !~eluded a Solemn Pon- ciation for the services of the Very oping the school system in the nished; additional playground tlf1cal Mass of ~hanksg1vn~g, a recept10n for the clergy, and Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, newly ap- diocese, in coordinating education- space has been offere~ for your I a luncheon to which were invited [ Bishop's Address j pointed rector of St. Francis sem- al work and standardizing _te_xt- children; our commercial .college the clergy o! the diocese, the lay- In his address at the end of the I inary, told of Father Hurd's out- books together with the trammg has been enlarged and enJoys an I men and women of the Chancery Mass, the Most Reverend Bishop I standing achievements as redor of young men for the sacred enviable reputati?n amon_gst all staff, and others who had been in- said: "God forbid that I should r I of St. Joseph's cathedral during priesthood, your former beloved busi~ess _houses m the city, s:rumental. in the growth of the glory in the Cross of our Lord, the past seven years, a very diffi- r ctor Father Hurd, is now serv- lendmg library has been set up, diocese durmg the past decade. Jesus Christ," and noted that "to cult period of reconstruction, when ~g a~ area of more than 35,000 our Cathedral hall and kitchen has The Mass, a solemn Pontifical commemorate the work of ten the staff of priests at the Cathe- s uare miles. Therefore he has been enhanced with a modern Soda Votive Mass in honor of the Holy years can be done with modesty, dral was overtaxed to provide for bq n promoted to larger and Fountain for the convenience of Spirit, which was celebrated by especially when we reflect on the the spiritual necessities of ser- b!~ader fields which will claim an the faithful and all your children I the Most Reverend Bishop in St. work of the church for centuries." vicemen. his talents and energies." in the grammar and high schools. Joseph's cathedral at 10:30 o'clock "This joint commemoration by Father Hurd was appointed to Father Hurd will continue to The complete block between Third I Wednesda! morning, was attended the Bishop, priests and people ex- the cathedral shortly before the serve as a diocesan consultor, and and Fourth avenues now belongs by 167 priests, more than 300 re- presses the unity of the Church," new edifice was completed, and as diocesan superintendent of to the Cathedral, The present I li~ious, a~d large numbers of the he pointed out, saying that "Ten took over the exacting and respon- schools for which he will estab- house on the cor~er of Fourth and laity. Officers of the Mass i~clud- years ago you took me without sible task of arranging new ap- lish a central office, while being Ceda~ is now bemg reno:7~:ed for ed the Very_ Rev. Franklm F. knowing me, for better or worse. pointments and furnishing the th . additional classroom fac1ht1es for ,Hurd, archpnest; the Very Rev. You took me because Rome sent rector of e semmary. . church and sacristies. our high school. All of this has Wilbur Kirk, O.S.A., and the Rev. me, because you were united to While Father Hurd made many \ Writes Farewell been done and the only debt that Francis Dillon, deacons of honor; Rome. improvements in the church and In th e January 26 • 1946 • issue remains is forty-five thousand the Rev. John Purcell, deacon of , d" B 11 tin F th 'This cosmopolitan 1ocese where in the cathedral hall, he achieved of the ca th edral u e 'f a e~ dollars, thanks be to God for His the Mass; the Rev. Matthew the words of salvation have been even greater work in remodeling Hurd wrote th e following arewe graces and to you for your sup- Thompson, subdeacon, and the Rev. b ht t th i b f C th d 1 roug o e people n their own th h 1 · · t· message to mem ers O a e ra port. B. Francis Ross and the Rev. e sc oo ,-m maugura mg a com- languages reflects the unity and plete high school and commercial parish: Expresses Appreciation Thomas O'Toole, masters of cere- universality o! the Church. The "This is the last opportunity
course, and in acquiring additional pro,perty which now includes the entire block between Third and Fourth avenues and Beech and , Cedar streets. Praises Emergency Work His Excellency referred to Fath- er H:urd's emergency work which started at 4 a.m. when it was im- possible to obtain the services of reliable janitors. j "With this magnificent record," His Excellency concluded, "one might wonder why the change was I made. It was made precisely be- cause Father Hurd's extraordinary , ability and talents are needed for I the entire diocese. As rector of (Continued on Page 2) .. * ..
•t d "My heart goes out in gr-ab u e monies. to His Excellency the Mos Rever- t
tr 1 a Is
tribulations have
that we shall have of editing your b·ulletin. Hence, permit us to ad- dress a parting word to all of
uard of Honor
brought us closer together."
end Bishop, who has ever th e the inspiration for all that we honor to the Most Reverend Bish- een embers of the naval guar of
"the first Bishop of California ac- complished a lasting work when he gathered the masses of the peo- ple under the trees and there took the Lady of Refuge a.s their moth- er and petitioned the Holy See to ' · '.name her as patroness of the dio-1- "She has stood by us all these years. She will stay with you and '
beloved people who atte nd have accomplished and who has so op included Capt. J. P. Forsander, Joseph's cathedral. t ChC U . h "In looking back over our seven graciously lent a guiding hand a ' SNR; Lt. Comdr. Mic ael all times. Next my heart goes out R. Erard, USNR; Comdr. A. L. I years of residence amongst you we in gratitude to the priests who Lawler, MC, US~; Lt. Comdr. R.
can not refrain from giving thanks to God for the blessings He has
t M B
have assisted me in the wor this parish, so prompt an d f
om r.
M h I
T t
ic e 1•
bestowed on our work. The Cathe- vent in serving God and you; after Comdr. A. Bielski, ChC, USN; Lt.' cese.
dral has been rebuilt, and takes its place as one of the outstanding h ld church edifices of the West. A been ms rue_ mg your c I • s· t them _to the k_md is ers _w O t t h h
avde ' Brian D. Mahedy, ChC, USNR, and I Lt. Thomas Clayton, Che, USNR.
ren an
who have given of themselves_ so
from St. Francis me in life until the end," His Ex-
thoroughly as Spouses of Christ; seminary assisted in the sanctuary, cellency concluded. then to the devoted church work- R ti H Id ers-my secretary, our organist and the Franciscan choir from ecep on e San Luis Rey monastery sang the The reception for the clergy was and choir, ushers, ladies of th e Mass. held after the Mass at the home of Among the prelates present in the Most Reverend Bishop in Mis- the sanctuary were the Rt. Rev. sion Hills, from which all proceed- of Jesus a nd Mary, our generous Monsignors Cotter, McNamara, ed to the Don room of the El housekeepers a nd helpers in our F · t I T · · Hegarty, Cortez hotel for the luncheon. cafeteria and kitchen. May they orris a ' nvisonno, Hannon, serve the new rector as faithfully Wekenman, Drummy, Serving as toastmaster at the as they served me. Lynch, Power, and Ott. luncheon was the Very Rev. Pat- Archconfraternity, young women of the Legion of the Sacred Hearts
The sermon at the Mass was de- rick Dunne, who was chairman livered by the Rev. Father Augus- of the committee in charge of ar- tine, O.F.M., who outlined the his- rangements for the celebration. tory of the Catholic Church in Speakers included the Rt. Rev. California and emphasized the Msgr. John B. Cotter, who spoke growth of the Diocese of San Di- on "The Day," the Rt. Rev. Msgr. ego in the ten years since it was John Power, V. F., whose subject established and the Most Reverend was "Our Diocese, Past and Pres- Bishop named as its first head. ent," and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fran-
"Finally, I thank all of you for your continued generous support of the church and the works of charity. 'And now I commend you to God and to the word of His 1 grace who is aole to build up and 1 give the inheritance among all 1 the sanctified.' As you gather
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass may I claim a loving remembrance in "the world is still waiting for a Prophecy." 'round the Cathedral Altar for the your prayers for myself and the just peace to be written where it other priests who have ministered must be written, in the hearts of non gave the the to you that we may be found men. We are unafraid," he contin- priests of the diocese, and on their faithful unto the day of judg- ued, "because we are Christians, behalf presented to His Excellency ment." because Christ is our leader, and a purse which the Most Reverenr'I ---------------1 Father Augustine noted that cis C. Ott, who spoke on "A The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Owen Han- tribute for
because it has been proved that Bishop stated would be used in the peace can come only through the construction of the seminary chap- sacrifice of the Cross, and because el. The Very Rev. Franklin F. this same sacrifice is being cele- Hurd was spokesman for the Sis- brated on the Cathedral altar to- ters and children of the diocese, day."
and for them presented a spirit- ual bouquet to the Most Reverend Bishop. Mr. William Mahedy gave the tribute for the laity. His Excellency, the Most Rever- end Bishop, spoke in response to the toasts, and expressed his ap- preciation for all the tributes paid him, for the purse and for the spiritual bouquet. The Very Rev. Leo L. Davis and the Rev. Joseph V. Clarkin assist- ed Father Dunne with prepara- tions for the celebration.
Very Rev. Fra.nklin F. Burd
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