Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

Head of Catholic Diocese Ob~erves Anniversary Day

: SOUTHERN CROSS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1947 ·Eminent Jurist Confirms Bishop's

"It purposely hides the fact, as I our Ambassador to Spain has stated, that Franco kept open the Mediterranean Sea so that the Al- lies could invade Africa, that he gave free transit through Spain to thousands of volunteers for ser- vice with our armed forces; that he freed hundreds of American aviators forced to land in Spain, and returned to the United States all secret equipment from planes grounded in Spanish territory. The. White Paper omits to say that he blacklisted Spanish firms doing business with the Axis, but per- mitted the sale of American pro- paganda magazines, that he grant- ed the United States control of all passenger traffic by sea and air between Spain and Morocco, and arranged for the escape to Spain of numbers of Jews from Nazi ter- ritory; that he assisted our secret service in obtaining information about German troop movements in France; that he expelled the Ger- man consulate staff at Tangier, but authorized the use of Barce- lona as a free port of -entry for our supplies for France, and gave , transit and landing rights in Spain for American airlines and army planes. Vital Omissions "Entirely ignoring that fact that Ritler wrote to Mussolini as early as Dece~ber 31, 1940, stating 'Spain ••• refuses to collaborate with the Axis Powers' • • • the White Book fails to say that while Russia still remained on friendly terms with Japan, giving the Jap- anese control of the weather sta- tion on Kamchatka Peninsula, so that they might harass American . forces in Alaska, Francisco Franco, now condemned by the Bible- burners and God-haters of Moscow and their representatives in Amer- I !ca, broke off relations with Japan to help America and the Allies. "When you remember that, for the conquest of• the world, Gib- raltar must first be secured, you can understand who is most anx- ious to destroy Spain. These sub- sidized writers and radio slander- ers, while lauding Stalin, the worst murderer the world has known, ancient or modern, would have you believe that Franco is some sort of cruel despot, as they shriek their cries for revenge against the man who restored order to Spain

Christmas Statement Throughout the United States one authority after another has seconded the declaration ma de by the Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego in both his Christmas broad- casts in reference to the United Nations and the Spanish question. The latest pronouncement comes from the Hon. Clare Gerald Fen- erty, Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Pennsylvania, who lashed at the United Nations for its subservience to Russia in its attacks on Spain, and urged an in- ' vestigation of the Department ot State in an address before 2,000 persons meeting under the aus- / pices of t~e Catholic Women's club of Syracuse, N. Y. In his address, Judge Fenerty said: "There fortunately seems now to be a growing determination in the State Department and other of- fices of the government into which . Communists have penetrated in a desire to destroy America from : withi~. If such a policy ~esuits in/ 1 ex~~smg to the light of public : op1mon the innumerable reports- , hidden in government piegonholes in Washington- on Communistic · activities in the various nations of ,· Europe and in this country it will have served a most patri~tic and useful purpose. For twelve years the State Department has been infested with anti-God and anti-American Communists. ~he "Free Election." in Pola~d You can see their hand in the fact that our government urges Russia to hold a free election in Poland and, at the same time, con- tributes millions of dollars to the Red Russian puppet government in Warsaw to assist the Communist aliens in holding an unfree elec- tion. You can see it as well in the carefully prepared so-called 'White Paper on Spain' which is an at- tempt to blacken the 'spanish peo- ple and to undermine their govern- ment. "To the shame of our govern- ment, it must be said that the 'White Paper' is as black a tissue of lies and half-truths as has ever been issued in an effort to deceive the public. Washington to investigate

• Bishop Charles F . Buddy intones preface of ~olemn pontifical mass of in St. Joseph's cathedral which mar ked 10th anniversary of San Diego diocese. Left to right: Rev. Matthew J. Thompson, the Rev. John Purcell, the Very Rev. Franklin F. llurd, Bishop Buddy and the Very Rev. Wilbur R. Kirk. thanksgiving

/after the murderous Red minority I which, by violence, seized t he gov- ernment and called itself a repub- lic, had demolished 20,000 churches, murdered 11 bishops, 11,000 priests an nuns and half a mililon of the "W hence comes this accusation that Spain is the one menace to

Shown Collection

Generosity of Diocese In 1946 Peter's Pence

Returns from the 1946 P eter's Pence collection in the Diocese of d San Diego, serve as a record _of outstanding generosity from the people I laity. of the diocese and as a t estin,oniaJ of their filial affection for the Vicar of Christ , their earnest desire to participate in his gigantic pro-

gram of relief. I Following is a list of contributions to the collection by parishes: man being knows that the only Ohurrh City Amt danger t ld St. Joseph's Cathedral..........................San Diego ............................$1000.00 ° wor peace today is· Our Lady of the Sacred HearL..........San Diego ............................ 500.00 the murderous dictator of the St. J ohn's ..............................................San Diego ............................ 458.00 Kremlin? These accusations come St. B.ernardine's ..................................San ·B~rnardino .................. 455.00 1 from men like Trygve Lie who St. D1dacus ............................................San Diego ............................ 402.50 owes his f" f ' Sacred Heart ........................................Coronado .............................. 379.00 t rve year of ice as Secre- Sacred Heart ........................................Redlands .............................: 378.00 ary of the United Nations Or- St. Francis de Sales............................Rivers~de .............................. 375.00 ganization to the Moscow dele- Sacred He~rt ........................................San D.1ego ............................ 370.00 gates. He expresses his fear ot St. Georges ..........................................Ontario .................................. 347.82 F h . St. Vincent's ........................................San Diego ..........'.................. 346.00 , ranco w en, m reality, the .only Holy Rosary ..........................................San Bernardino .................. 325.00 man of whom the world is fearful St. Brig!d's, ...•........................................Pacifi~ Beach ...................... 320.00 is the man with whom Mr. Lie se- St. Patrick s ..........................................San Diego ............................ 303.09 cretly conferr d • th . St. Charles ............................................San Diego ............................ 260.00 t 1 e m e Kremlm San Salvador's ......................................Colton .................................... 246.50 no ong before he called on the St. Mary, Star of the Sea....................Oc~anside ............................ 240.90 General Assembly of the United St. Agnes ..............................................Pomt Loma .......................... 234.50 Nations to investigate Sp · St. Mary's ..............................................National City ...................... 210.00 "The ac t· am. Blessed Sacrament' ..............................San Diego ............................ 205.00 f cusa ion comes as Well Immaculate Col'l.ception ......................San Diego ............................ 191.47 rom Oscar Lange, a m an who Holy F amily ........................................San Diego ............................ 186.00 coming here t o America on St. Joan of Arc....................................Victorville ............................ 180.00 Rockefeller f ellowsh·p 1 St. John of the Cross..........................Lemon Grove ...................... 175.00 America, th t h 1 ' ~o oved St. Edward's ........................................Corona .................................. 172.34 ·t a e repudiated his Our Lady of Angels............................San Diego ............................ 171.10 ci /zenship to become a Quisling St. Mary's ···········:···························El Cajon ._............................... 163.00 emissary of the Red Czar and sell Our Lady of Sohtude..........................Pal~ Sprmgs ...................... 163.00 his soul to the Soviet that he once St. Thomas ............................................Arlmgt on .............................. 160.00 despised If th St. Rose of Lima..................................Chula Vista .......................... 160.00 · ese Franco h aters St. Martin's ..........................................La Mesa ................................ 156.00 be sincere in seeking to ferret out Our Lady of Perpetual Help..............Indio :···.--····························154.83 friends of Hitler, let them look in- Our Lady of Guadalupe......................San Diego ............................ 153.82 tg the Security C . 1 St. Anne's ...........................................San Diego ............................ 151.50 U ·t d N t· ounci of the St. Joseph's .....................(C~~tl~~·~d··:;1;:;: ·;-)························ 144.00 jM:~o~ov, :~~~:,~~e:e~!~e!~t:'.;.


To Attend Installation Of Bishop Willinger His Excellency, the Most Rev- er end Bishop of San Diego, ac- companied by Rt. R ev. Msgr. John B. Cotter, Vicar General, and the Very Rev. Francis Dillion, rec- tor of St. Joseph's cathedral, will attend the installation ceremonies in Fresno on Thursday, February 27, of the Most Rev. Aloysius J . I Willinger, CSSR, DD, as Coadjutor of Monterey-Fresno.

101 d g esture-warmly clasped the 1 h~n~ of Von R ibbentrop, a t the l srgnmg of the pact bet ween the blood-brothers, Stalin and Hitler to plot the launching of the war'. There are more peace, unity, pro- gress and happiness in Spain to- day th an in the Security Council of the United Nations Organiza- tion."

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