Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

SAINT JOSEPH'S CATHEDRAl BULLETIN Sunday, January Twenl:y-Sixl:h, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Seven

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-+- This is !he last opportunity that we shall have of editing your bu 11 et in. Hence, p ermit us to address a parting word to all of the beloved people who attend Saint Joseph's Cathedral. In looking back over our seven years of residence amongst you we can not refrain from giving thanks to God for the blessings He has bestowed on our work. The Cathedral has been rebuilt, and takes its place as one of the out– standing church edifices of the West. A complete high school has been es- tablished, which has now one hundred ninety-five students; a c o n v en t has furnished; additional playground space has been offered for your children; our commercial college has been enlarged and enjoys an envi– able reputation amongst all business been built and room facili:ties for our high school. All of this has been done and the only debt that remains is forty-five thousand dollars, thanks be to God for His graces and to you for your support. M:v heart goes out in gratitude to His Excellency the Most R e v e r e n d Bishop, who has ever been the inspir– ation for all that we have accomplish– E-d , and who has so graciously lent a guiding hand at all times. Next my heart goes out in gratitude to the priests who have assisted me in the work of this parish, so prompt and fer– vent in serving God and you; after them to the kind S i s t e r s who have been instructing y o u r children a n d who have given of themselves so thor– oughly as Spouses of Christ; then to the devoted church workers-my sec– retary, our organist and choir, ushers, ladies of the Archconfratermty, young women of the Legion of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, our gener– ous housekeepers and helpers in our cafeteria and kitchen, May thev serve

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houses in the city. A lending library has been set up; our Cathedral hall and kitchen h a s been enhanced w i t h a modern Soda Fountain for the conven ience of the f a i t h f u 1 and all you children i n the gr a m m a r and hig schools. The complete block betwee Third and Fourth Streets now belong to the Cathedral. The present house o the corner of Fourth and Cedar is no being renovated for additional class-•'--------------------------------JJ...______________________________



Bishop Buddy Celebrates 10th Year · in S.D. "The prospects are very bright please God, for the years ahead ir{ the d10cese," the Most Rev. Charles F. Budd)'. said yesterday at a lun~heon rn celebration of his 10th a~mve_rsary as bishop of the Cath- ,''O~r first years were a struggle » the b1_shop remarked. "At one ti~e the diocese was $2,000,000 in debt Today not a church on the <:oast has the generous donations of St Joseph's cathedral." · PRIESTS LAUDED thThe bishop lauded the work of d" e more than 150 priests of .the iocese a nd the 26 secretaries of I the ch~ncellery_ "One of the bright spots m the diocese " he said ... the progress of religion. It is ' d;! not to .one J?an, but to the work of every r~l!gious in the diocese." d. AlJ but six of the priests of the ~o~seca~sembled in the Don room fo th

the new rector as faithfully a:; tr.ey served me. Finally I thank all of you f- r your continued generous s u p p o r t of the church and the works of charity. "And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace who is able to build up and give the inheritance among all the sanctified.'' As you gather 'round the Cathedral Altar for the Holy Sa– crifice of the Mass may I claim a lov– ing remembrance in your prayers for myself and the other priests who have ministered to you t h a t we m a y be found faithful unto the day of judg– ment.

SEMINARY TO BE BUILT Father: Ott pointed out that one of the aims of the diocese is to ex– tend the religious -education pro– gram no"." being given experi– mentally m San Diego schools H added that_ in order for the dio.ces! to .tram its clergy from amono– natll1vbe so11s, a Catholic seminary WI e built here. To ~elp the seminary project re priests of the diocese, through he Rt. Rev. Msgr. Owen Hannon presented to Bishop Buddy a check tor $;1,225 to be spent on the sem– mary ~ construction. The bishop in acceptmg the money, announced it would be used for the seminary's Other speakers at the luncheon were the Very Rev. Franklin F ~urd. _who presented the tribute of i atholic children and sisters- WilJ,.. am P._ ~ahedy, who express~d the appreciation of the laity and th Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M c' t e spoke on "The D . w· o ter, who The Ve R ay . e Celebrate!' , ry ev. Patrick Dunn was master of ceremonies The luncheon was preceded b solemn . pontifical mass of thaiiks': ~~:~ }n t~t. Joseph's ca'thedral at prie~t Thee~ H,urd acted as a'rch 1 d · ay s events also in c u e? a reception for the cler t the bishop's Mission Hills honfi a sanctuary and · chapel. MASS CELEBRATED

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J /Z,a,n/c,[,t,,t J. Jl,l{/{,d ohc diocese of San Diego.

Dear Judge Dockweiler: Let me offer sincere congrat– ulations for your courageous stand in the Day-Durocher divorce con– test. Indeed we can be thankful that a Judge of the Supreme Court challenges the utter flaunting of even pagan respect tor the law. This entire picture reflects a low moral tone and a lack of ethical social standards. Your own statement is a lone but articulate voice in the wilder– ness of unbelief and shameless be– havior. This thing of pouncing on the poor and the middle brackets and glossing over the crimes of the wealthy has for many decades disgraced the courts of our land, Your decision to vacate the di– vorce of these principals has achieved far-reaching good.


Bishop Receives Praise for Stand On Divorce Case Numerous non-Catholics have written to His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, to com– mend the Bishop's stand on the Laraine Day - Leo Durocher di• vorce, as contained in his letter to Judge George A. Dockweiler who handled the case. The text of the Most Reverend Bishop's letter, which received wide publicity in daily newspapers, is as follows:

I Praying the Holy Spirit to con– tinue to enfold you with an abun- 1 danc~ of wisdom and prudence, I remam Respectfully yours, Charles F. Buddy, D.D. Bishop of San Diego,

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