Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948




. Inaugural JldclreSS

ssist with the In· but have l ontribution annual- st two years this 1fcd to new ri!quet Room

1 • They not on ) • h

EDWARD P. BUDDY, M. D. Dr. Leighton, (?fficers,.)f~ro~:1::t~~ the ::.t. Loui!-l ).kd1cnl Socic . , It is ju--t one hundr<'d and et~fs years ago tomi,:ht 1 :~dt i\~ 0 b~~nmni,: )1ed1cal Society 7 l836 at early It "aQ. on January ' .:.tttution wns candlelight that the conI ted The adopted . a nd t ~c1~vcd doctor first prc.::i Q Farrar There ~,·ere Bernard They met m • twenty 'lemJe;~d Elm street•. The hall at ~~tmgs were often brief be· ensumg f the cold and discomfort edol cau_se o . e;. l am honor thc1r mcctmg p\ac - I these p10- indced to. be a (:,ucc1.:i\ oLouil;, The neer medical men o - . d a,;, i\lu1;1trious doctors whot sh\:~drcd presidents the~se "~,~~e arhie,·~me!1t.:: nnd ten yenrs 1 h to the .::c1C'nhfic have meantu:oc::~umtv and to our world, to o . d d n irispiration and Society, are m ~e e~ulntion l wi.:h most worthy ~ou mY keen apprerta- t? expresh toh h ho11or ronfcrr<'d up- tion for \ e b;g your p1 r.:idm~ offir< r on me, O • • 1t rftrrie.:: ~rrn l' for the .c~~i!'g year to r~-.rnt unrrr- rC'F-pon~1bil~1d t?u:.. a~d bmdn1~ oh- f ,r~lizr \\t\1 clrmnnd heah~~: 1~c 1 invitr vour _whok- thr b ,~anre heart~d suppoh tn of your C"ouneilor::-. I s.oltcit the e p arh mcln idunl tnf'lll- vour officer.:-Soa!ldt ~· 1t i~ with hmmhtY her of the cic ·. that I assume thi, office. . th vear'c;: honzon Air.cad~ upon imln the Borich· are vital issurs r?n~ FoJmoo::t amon~ nhnd t~e tchoemfi';;;i~~i Health Bill tese1s - . H Ith Bill to be lar:re~rhm~ A ca Id 1 ,·e ,ts mcer- n_nd ~def1un~ind~ .. o~nd ;1~nrts ~f tho~e tion m t _c t know the need. nnd best quahfitc,.elop it. The ph'_'sicia_n tramed to d • 1 - natch· 1denh· has been long an m n Annual Meeting of the •Present~ aMt tdb~nl Society January S, St. I.,ou1s e 1c ' 1946. t~m d1.:.tur·l~ h rt d Yalur

I )! f ng eac year

augura - ce 1. made a ~nnnrt ly. During l ic a contribution has_ electric heaters m



installed this year· A "Public Relations Day': ~ccting . held annually, thus e::ta?hl:-hmg r\ \~tionship with the pt~bhc_, t;Houg various women's orgnmznhon,. Award of Merit One of the outstandin~_ events of r was the conferring of t~e ~!aitor )!erit of the !"t. Louis )!ed1- c:-al Society for s.cientifir accomphsh- ment upon Dr. Joseph Erl~nger. The first award was conferred in ~927 on -h~ Evarts A Graham and his a.::<:i.o- riates: Dr. Glover R. Copher Av.·:;d in l935, Dr. William W Graves in 1939. Dr. )lax A. Gold- stein in 1941 and Dr Leo Loeb m 1942. I "i-.h to expre,;:~ my deep appreei~t,on to )fo,, Patton, ~ur efficient ~ecretary and a.:.~oriate, or h ki d help and under,tandmg ol m~ical problemi; pa~t and pres: t She hns saved me mnny hour-.. inve-;tignhon by her firm ~rac:p of the Society's affa1r,. To our cffiriC'nl officer:- and rounr~l. I a nin thank you for your ~plend1d coo~ration in bearing my burdens. As my last official duty l no~· rlbo\ - h. t ·c gavel and s,m liver this. 1s or~ ·t, to the ;incty- of exeeubve aut r°;(,; St Louis )lcdi- ninthSoPrest1de~ro Edwa;d P. B\lddy. cal etc Y, · • b pleao::- ·May your administration r a " ant one. FltmAY, 'f'EBRl.:.\llY 1, 1946 In clo--ing Dr. Warren H . Cole Dr. Sherwood Moore D Edward Doisy received the

Honau W, Loeb, Ledure The First Lreturc or the Hanau \\·. Loeb LC'cture~hip, which is spon~ored by Alpha Pi Chapter or Phi Delta Epsilon, \\·ill be dcli,·ercd bv Dr. Edward A. Daisy, rcecnt ·Nobel Lnurratr, and Professor or Biochem- istry and Dirrctor of the Depnrtment at St. Louis Vni,·crsitr School of ~ledi<'inc. This leelurc will take place on \Yednesday, January 9, 1946, 8:45 p.m. at, the Auditorium of tht" St. Louis Cni,·crsity School of Law, 3645 Lindell Boulevard. Dr. Doi,,· will spcnk on Vitamin l{. He will .be in- troduced by Dr. P. A. haffcr, Dean and Professor of Biochemistry at \Yashington Uni,·crsity School or Medicine. Dr. Daisy has been the recipient of many honorary awards, including election into mcmbC'rship of the Xational Academy of Science. ln I 935, he recei,·ed the Gold :\lcdal Award of the St. Louis i\lcdical Society for his work on the Estrogcnic Hormones. Rcc:-emlv Dr. Doisv wa~ awarded the 1943 · Nobel Prize in :\(cdicine for his work on Vitamin K. A dinner in honor of Dr. Dois,· will be held at the Coronado Hotci pre- ceding the lecture. Rcscn·ations mn~· be made by contacting the Office of the St. Louis Cni,·crsity chool of Medicine. The lecture is free to the public. Council on Medical Service and Pul>lic Relation5 of JI. M. JI. Action On Dills

fl. R. 4717, i\lr. Rankin's bill f the creation of a Department of Med cine and Surgery in the Vetera Administratio,l, passed the House ar is now being con!?:idered by the F nance Committee or the Senate. still carries a provision making it pe missible for the administrator of th Veterans Administration to emplo osteopath$. Efforts were made in th House to have that section deleted bu failed. \Ye are informed that no plans hav been made as yet for holding hear ings on either S. 1318, Pepper's J\la 'ternity and Child Welfare bill o• S. 1606, Wagner-Murray Sickness In- surance Bill. The ~eterans Administration has announced another group of hospitals to be built, comprising 13,422 beds to be made arnilable by June, 1948. In a previous bulletin we announced the authorization for 15,726 beds which ate to be a,·ailable by June, 1946. The Fecond group will be Jocated as fol- lows: New JJospitals Authorized and the Adjacent l\IMical Centers: Birmingham, Ala. CGM&S) 500 (U. of Al3. School of Medi<-ine) Wllo Rock. A,k. (GM&.~) 500 (U. of Ark. Se.hool of Medicine) Tnlh hassoc. Fla. (GM&S) 200 Fort Wayne. Tnd. (C:\f&S) 200 Grand Rnpiilii. Mich. (GM&S) _ 200 Ann Arhor. I\lieh. (TB) 500 (r. of l\li<'h. &-hool of Medicine) ~aginaw, l\fichignn ((1).[&._~) 200 Tu!)('lo. MiRCt. (Gl\f&S) 200 St. Loui8. l\lo. (~P) _ -· 500 (Wa...<.h. U. School of ~fodidne, St. Louis U. School of 1\ledicine) Southern i\lisrouri ()lP) .... 1,000 Poplar Bluff, l\lo. (G;\1&$) 200 Grand bland, Neb. (GM&S) 20) Mctropolit3n, N. \'. (OM&S) _ 1,000 (Includes 250 beds previou~ly auth- orUcd, fund;;; appropriated)

S. 191, Hill-Burton Hospital Con- strm;tion Bill passed the &nate Tues- day, December I 1. No outright opposition to the bill was expressed at any time through its discussion on the floor. Senator i\lurray offered seven amendments which, in his opin- ion, would have improved the bill, but only one or them was accepted. By this amendment, a few more health centers may be authoribcd than were provided for in the bill. It will now be referred to the House.

(Columbia U. $chool of Medidne, Xcv.• York C. School of Medicine, Cornell U. School of Medicine, New York•Medicnl Collcp:c, Long Island College or )fcdiC'ine) 8yrnc11~c, N. Y. (~P) .. . (Syracu~ U. 8rhool of Medicine) Durham, N. C. (GM&S)


_ _·- 500

COfltinued on poge 184



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