Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948



MarriageVows I To Be Renewed AtMass'Sunday Couples of Diocese Will Participate in Nation-Wide Rites Thousands of Catholic coup- les in the San Diego diocese will join their voices with those of millions of other couples thl'Oughout the nation next Sunday, March 16, when they renew their marriage promises in ceremonies to be conducted at all Masses throughout the diocese. The couples, at'the direction of the Most Reverend Bishop, will be asked to again pledge their belief in the sacramental character of the union between husband and wife. In his letter of instruction to the pastors of the diocese, His Ex- cellency wrote: "At all Masses next Sunday, after instruction on . the sanctity and Indissolubility of marriage, kindly request husbands and wives to stand and pledge anew the promises made on their wedding day," and directed that I the ceremony be concluded with a prayer to the Holy Family. (This prayer is contained in the Official colwnn on page 5 of this issue of The Southern Cross.) "This timely and significant ceremony will stress the stability of the Catholic home," His Excel- lency wrote, pointing out that "In renewing their marriage vows, Catholics fearlessly proclaim their 1 steadfast adherence to the sublime · character of Matrimony.'' Many other dioceses throughout the nation held their public renew- al of marriage promises Wednes- day e ·.ening, March 12, to coincide with the conclusion of the National Catholic Conference on Family Life held in Chicago, but the ob- servance was scheduled for Sun- day in the San Diego_diocese to permit the participation of more couples than would have been able to attend an evening service. The Rev. Edward A. Johnson, editor of The Southern Cross, has been appointed Diocesan Director of the Family Life Bureau to as- sist the clergy in making avail- able literature bearing on Catho- lic family life and to coordinate a program of study clubs and cells, which wi]] be formed by the pas- tors at the direction of the Most Reverend Bishop, to reemphasize the elements or chaste wedlock.

Faith of Early Pioneers Emphasized by Bishop On National Broadcast The faith of the early pioneers was the subject of a radio address on a nation-wide hookup by His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego, broadcast yesterday noon in conjunction with the Cavalcade Celebration at Cal- exico in which the Most Reverend Ordinary participated. His Excel- lency made the address at a ban- quet at which he was the Caval- cade committee's guest of honor, together with Governor Earl War- ren of California and Governor A. V. Aldrete, Sr., of Lower Cali- fornia. "Faith was the basis of the 1 courage of the early pioneers who braved the wilds and blazed the trails of civilization," His Excel- lency emphasized, pointing out that "the pioneers recognized the Almighty Creator Whom they saw and respected in the great works of nature," and that "faith in Jesus Christ guided them over the rough ways and gave them daunt- less ·courage." FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1947 Marriage Vows Are Renewed by Couples · Throughout Diocese At the direction or the Most 1 Reverend Bishop, numerous Cath- olic married couples throughout the Diocese of. San Diego renewed s their marriage vows in ceremonies 1 conducted at all Masses celebrated t throughout the diocese last Sun- - day. At the ceremonies, the cou- e pies publicly proclaimed their be- " lief in the sacramental character i of the institution of Christian mar- riage, and concluded with the 'I prayer to the Holy Family. The rites followed instruction on s "the sanctity and indissolubility of s marriage" as directed in the Most '' Reverend Bishop's pastoral letter ,c calling for the observance through- t out the diocese, 1 "This timely and significant l ceremony will stress the stability 1 of the Catholic home-challenge and rebuke the evil forces that at- tempt to wreck it," His Excel- lency's letter stated, continuing that "In 1·enewing their marriage vows, Catholics fearlessly proclaim their steadfast adherence to the sublime character of matrimony, elevated to the dignity of a Sacra- ment, enfolded and safeguarded ' with an abundance of Divine Grace by Our Lord Jesus Christ.'' Form Study Clubs Also included in the Most Rev- erend Bishop's letter were instruc- , tions to the pastors to organize study clubs or cells "to reempha- size the elements of chaste wed- lock." To assist pastors to pro- mote wholesome Catholic family y life in the diocese, the Rev. Ed- h. ward A. Johnson, editor of The :i Southern Cross, was appointed diocesan director of the Family Life Bureau.


Patrick, to commemorate the twenty-fifth anni- versary of the paris'h. The Rev. John J. Sullivan, OSA, left, and the Rev. Vincent J. McGarvey, OSA, assist Father Burns with his pastoral duties.

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, shown in inset with the Rev. John F. Burns, OSA, pastor of St. Patrick's parish, San Diego, will celebrate a Solemn Pontifical Mass in St. Patrick's church, above, o,n Monday, March 17, the feast of St.

Pontiff Congratulated in Cablegram from Bishop His Excellency, the Most Rev- erend·Bishop of San Diego, sent a cablegram of congratulations to His Holiness Pope Pius XII on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of his coronation. The message from San Diego ex- pressed the filial homage of the priests and people of the diocese with a promise of a renewal of their fervent prayers for the Sov- ereign Pontiff. Triduum to St. Joseph Slated for Cathedral A triduwn in preparation for the

Boundary Commission Named for New Parish A commission of five priests, to serve under the chairmanship of the Rev. Joseph P. O'Leary, pas- tor of St. Francis church, Vista, has been named by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, to es- tablish the boundary lines of the new parish recently organized at Fallbrook, California, according to word released by the Chancery of- fice.


The in churches throughout the diocese : were similar to many held through- out the nation as the faithful of s other dioceses joined their voices , with those of the more than 1,700 couples, most of them married at least 25 years, who publicly re- newed their marriage promises in the Holy Name cathedral in Chi- cago as the climax of the annual convention of the National Cath- olic Conference on Family Life, which attracted more than 5,000 delegates. ceremonies conducted

Other members of the commis- feast of St. Joseph will open in St. sion named to serve with Father Joseph's cathedral on St. Patrick's O'Leary are the Very Rev. Ed- day, March 17. The sermon at the mund Austin, OFM, Mission San evening devotions will be preached Luis Rey de Francia, the Rev. by the Rev. Harry Mitchell. Julian Girardot, OFM, Mission San On St. Joseph's day, March 19, Antonio de Pala, the Rev. Daniel there will be a family Communion J. Ryan, St. Mary, Star of the at all the Masses and in the eve- Sea parish, Oceanside, and the ning the closing sermon will be on Rev. Michael J. Cooney, St. Pe- 1"A Happy Death." ter's parish, Fallbrook.

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