Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


(Following is the text of a letter r eceived from the Secre- tary of State of His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, by His Excel- lency, the Most R everend Bishop, thanking him for the San Diego diocese's contribution to the 1946 Peter's P,ence fimd, and transmitting the Apostolic B enediction to His E xcellency, the priests and the faithful of the diocese.)

Shrine Bears Little R~semblance to Original Quonset Hut



Vatican City, February 7, 1947

Your Excellency: It is my happy duty at the command of His Holiness Pope Pius XII to inform Your Excellency of 'the receipt of the most generous donation, as Peter's Pence for the year 1946, from the Diocese of San Diego, which you so very thoughtfully forwarded to Vatican City through the ki;i-<1ness of the Apostolic Delegate. The Pontiff ever grateful for this annual donation, so gen- erously and so lovingly made by Your Excellency, your priests and flock, bids me convey to His beloved children under _your spiritual care, the expression of His paternal gratitude and of His particular appreciation of the admirable spirit of filial attachment and devotion to Christ's Vicar which was the in- spiring motive of this noble gesture. In these days when the post-war problems are so numerous and varied, as His Holiness extends His paternal assistance to the poor suffering and needy victims of war-your generous aid is particularly timely and it consoles the heart of the Chief Shepherd to feel that in this vast work of Christian charity you are His valid, constant and bountiful cooperators. In token of His abiding gratitude and benevolence the Holy Father most cordially bestows on Your Excellency, your zealous priests and ever faithful people, His special paternal Apostolic Blessing, praying that to all of you in the Diocese of San Diego, it may be the source of copious divine graces and favors. Once again availing myself of this happy occasion, I very gladly renew to Your 'Excellency, my sentiments of esteem ~nd consideration, and with every good wish, I remain, Very devotedly yours in Christ, (s) J. B. MONTINI, Subst. His Excellency,


Newest church of the San Diego Catholic Diocese, St. Jude's Shrine, bears faint resemblance-the arched roof-to the quonset hut from which it was constructed. It is only shrine to St. Jude in Southern California.

People of Saint Patrick's Parish S f T Lauded by Bishop e OffiOrrOW C 1 · . [ The Rt Rev. Msgr. Owen Hannon ongratu ations to the people of Fill be formally invested at solemn St. Patrick's parish for the splen- ceremonies at 3 p. m. tomorrow in did work accomplish~d during the St. Joseph's Cathedral, Third Ave. 'Investiture Rite

Dedication Rites Of New Church Set for Apri I

The Most Rev. CHARLES F. BUDDY, D.D., Bishop of San Diego, SAN DIEGO, Cal.


. and Beech St., by the Most Rev. Probably the first church in Sar 25 years of th e parishes hiS t ory, Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., Bishop I pie~o County built from 'such a uti~ was expressed in the sermon de- pf the San Diego Diocese. · 1tarian s!.ructu~e as ii quonset ~ut ii livered by His Excellency, the , Attendants to Msgr. Hannon, who St. Jude s Shrine, at Thirty-eightl . ·was elevated to the office last De- St. and Boston Ave. Dedication cere• MoS t Revere nd Bishop at th e Sol- \:ember will'be the Rev. Fr. Joseph n:ionies ~re set. fo~ April. It is th_E emn Pontifical Mass celebrated Clarkin'. and the Rev. Fr. Malachy first _shrme built m Southern Call- last Monday March 17 at 10:30 p 'Sullivan. fornia for the "Patron of hopeles: ' ' Th R F w·1b K' k a d and desperate cases" st Jude Thad, a.m. marking the 25th anniversary ~h $ eFv. Lr.k D1 ur ir . 11 i deus ' · f th • h .• e nev. r. u e eignan w1 e • . • 0 e pans • Deacons of Honor to Bishop Buddy. ';['he shrme is the ho1;1se_ of wor- The Very Rev. Thomas B. Aus- Benediction of the Blessed Sac~a- • sh1p for the. 1600 parishioners, a tin OSA of Holly d v· p ment will be celebrated by Monsig- fourth of whom are Spanish-speak, . ' . ' wo? • icar ro- Aor Hannon, with the Rev. Fr. mg. The 40x80-foot building can ac, vmcial of the Augustian Order also Harry Mitchel serving as Deacon co~~odate 400. It resembles the spoke. Serving as assistant priest and the Rev. Fr. WiUiam Clavin, ongmal quonset hut only in its in- . . Sub-deacon. The Rev. Fr. Henry ) verted half-moon shape. was the, Very Rev. Francis Dillon, Keane will be Master of Cere- The exterior of the building fa rector of St. Joseph's cathedral. monies. painted to match the inside and hai The Rev. Malachy O'Sullivan- and The choir of Our Ladi of the a stucco false front of Mission-type the Rev. Luke Deignan acted as Sacred Heart Parish will sing. at architecture. the public investure ceremonies, Four confessionals are equipped deacons of honor to the Most Rev- after which the new Prelate will :vith _small green lights which are erend Bishop. The Rev. John Pur- ,entertain the clergy at a dinner ipummated -when_ booths are .occu- cell served as deacon of the Mass in Sacred Heart Parish Hall. pied. The latter 1s the mvent10n of A native of Ballygar Galway the Rev. Father Joseph di Cristina, and the Rev. Clarence Mann, OFM, 'Ireland, Monsignor Ha~non wa~ priest. . . . served as sub-deacon. Masters of ordained June 18, 1922, in Maynooth in~~n!~P~~da~o~l~1ti~ h~!-rflie! Ceremonies were the Rev. B. ,College, County K\ldare, Sirelhand, · · . ° F • R by the Most Rev. Michael hee an, sn:mlar ~o that 1~ Balboa Park, soon ranc1s oss, the Rev. Harry E. b.D., for the Diocese of Elphin, Ire- w1l~ be m workmg order above the Mitchell and·the Rev. Mr. Edward ~and He was appointed Vicar choir loft, located on a balcony over . . F · f s D' ego County and the entrance to the building A new Kokozska. The seminarians from I orane o anlt i . 1938 d 1 1 · · • · . • . . Diocesan Consu or m , an a so e ectnc organ also is m the choir St. Francis seminary, El CaJon, ~s President of the Theological Con- loft. acted as minor officers for the ·ferences for his l)eanery. .

A check for the share of the YLI Golden Jubi~ee Scbolarshi~ fund allotted to Heffernan Lnstitute No. 76, San Diego, for the diocese of San Diego, was presented to His Excellency, the Most Rev~r- end Bishop last week by District Deputy Dorothea Stewart. _Miss Stewart was accompanied by Evangeline Mentle, left, ~res1_dent of the local institute, and Esther Thelen of Glendale, mstitute deputy to Heffernan.


New Saini Mary's Church, El Centro, Dedicated March 15 EL CENTRO-The marble altar in the new St. Mary's church was consecrated Saturday morning, March 15, by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, who dedi- cated the church that afternoon at which time Stations of the Cross were erected. Priests of Imperial Valley and the Rev. William J. 1 Maring, SJ, representing the Very Rev. Francis Dillon, rector of St. Joseph's cathedral, attended the consecration services. In the after- ' noon at the dedication ceremonies , the Most Reverend Bishop was at- tended by local priests.

8unday, March 16, at 10 :30 a.m. Solemn High Mass was celeprated by the pastor, the Rev. Dennis , Barry, who was assisted by local priests. The sermon was preached by His Excellency, the Most Rev- erend Bishop. After the church ceremonies, a luncheon was served in the parish hall by the ladies of the parish. The Very Rev. Henry Keane, Dean of Imperial County, served as toastmaster, The new church replaces its pre- decessor which was damaged be- yond repair by an earthquake in 1940, and is built in neo-Mission style with its graceful tower soar- ing 64 feet and crowned by a gold cross on a blue-tiled dome. There are four full-length leaded stained glass windows, and the altar, a ,fine example of classic design, and 1 I the altar rail are of marble.

Mass. Members of all St. Patrick's parish societies were represented. Adding to the gay celebration of St. Patrick's parish were 1,700 people who attended the jubilee ball at Pacific Square which began at 9 p.m. Jan Garber and his orchestra played for the evening's entertain- ment. A dinner in honor of St. Pat- rick was held at the San Diego hotel under the sponsorship of the Eire Society. Molly Morse, popu- lar radio personality was mistress of ceremonies at the affair. A half hour radio program fea- tm-ing the singing of Kathryn Mulligan, soprano, and Patrick En- right, tenor, was heard over sta- 1 tion KFMB from 8 :30 to 9 o'clock.

On Saturday, March 29, at 8 a.m. the Most Reverend Bishop will consecrate the marble altar at Sacred Heart churoh, Ocean Beach, San Diego, and on Sunday, March 30, at 8 :30 a.m. the new Sacred Heart church will be dedi- cated. The dedication of the new St. Jude's church will take place on ' Sunday, April 20, at 10 a.m., and \ on Thursday, April 24, at 7 :30 J a.m. His Excellency will consecrate 1 the new altar in the chapel of Our 1 Lady of Peace academy. l j

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